diff options
2 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fest-swing/BUILD b/fest-swing/BUILD
index 03017b29..86bb65db 100644
--- a/fest-swing/BUILD
+++ b/fest-swing/BUILD
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ iml_module(
srcs = ["src/main/java"],
iml_files = ["fest-swing.iml"],
javacopts = ["-XepAllErrorsAsWarnings"],
+ lint_baseline = "lint_baseline.xml",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
exports = ["//tools/swing-testing/fest-swing/lib:fest-reflect-2.0-SNAPSHOT"],
# do not sort: must match IML order
diff --git a/fest-swing/lint_baseline.xml b/fest-swing/lint_baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d774bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fest-swing/lint_baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="6" by="lint 8.3.0-alpha14" type="baseline" client="" dependencies="true" name="" variant="all" version="8.3.0-alpha14">
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(&quot;%s[value=%d]&quot;, getClass().getName(), value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/data/"
+ line="66"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;%s should be between [0] and [%d] (inclusive)&quot;, itemIndex(index), itemCount - 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="51"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(format, index, itemCount - 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="53"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;Value &lt;%d> should be between <[%d, %d]>&quot;, value, min, max);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="182"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(&quot;value of %s to be equal to %d&quot;, format(progressBar), expected);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="52"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;The number of times to %s should be greater than zero, but was &lt;%d>&quot;, action, times);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="191"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;Value &lt;%d> is not within the JSlider bounds of <%d> and <%d>&quot;, value, min, max);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="165"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;The number of times to %s should be greater than zero, but was &lt;%d>&quot;, action, times);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="159"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(format, tabbedPane.getClass().getName(), quote(tabbedPane.getName()),"
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/format/"
+ line="44"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;The tab %d is not visible&quot;, index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="109"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(format, index, max);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="123"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;Expecting cell [%d, %d] to be editable&quot;, row, column);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="49"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;%s &lt;%d> should be between <0> and <%d>&quot;, indexName, index, itemCount - 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="143"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(format, table.getClass().getName(), quote(table.getName()), table.getRowCount(),"
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/format/"
+ line="41"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;Item index &lt;%d> should be between <0> and <%d>&quot;, index, itemCount - 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="99"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(format, index, formatOriginOf(indexLocation), format(textBox));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="261"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;Unable to get location for index &lt;%d> in %s&quot;, index, format(textBox));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="283"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(format, start, end, actualStart, actualEnd);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="350"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(format, tree.getClass().getName(), quote(tree.getName()), tree.getSelectionCount(),"
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/format/"
+ line="58"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" String msg = String.format(&quot;The given row &lt;%d> should be between <0> and <%d>&quot;, row, rowCount);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="114"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return concat(String.format(&quot;%s[button=%s, times=%d]&quot;, getClass().getName(), button.toString(), times));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/core/"
+ line="126"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(&quot;[row=%d, column=%d]&quot;, row, column);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/data/"
+ line="118"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(&quot;%s[values=%s, column=%d]&quot;, getClass().getName(), format(values), column);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/data/"
+ line="185"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="DefaultLocale"
+ message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead"
+ errorLine1=" return String.format(&quot;%s[column=%d]&quot;, getClass().getName(), column);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/data/"
+ line="117"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="NoOp"
+ message="This call result is unused: isFile"
+ errorLine1=" assertThat(file).isFile();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/keystroke/"
+ line="148"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="VisibleForTests"
+ message="This method should only be accessed from tests or within private scope"
+ errorLine1=" location.checkIndexInBounds(tabbedPane, index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="152"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="VisibleForTests"
+ message="This method should only be accessed from tests or within private scope"
+ errorLine1=" location.checkIndexInBounds(tabbedPane, index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/org/fest/swing/driver/"
+ line="190"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+</issues> \ No newline at end of file