path: root/docs/build_meta.rst
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+Build System Support
+What is it?
+Python packaging has come `a long way <https://bernat.tech/posts/pep-517-518/>`_.
+The traditional ``setuptools`` way of packaging Python modules
+uses a ``setup()`` function within the ``setup.py`` script. Commands such as
+``python setup.py bdist`` or ``python setup.py bdist_wheel`` generate a
+distribution bundle and ``python setup.py install`` installs the distribution.
+This interface makes it difficult to choose other packaging tools without an
+overhaul. Because ``setup.py`` scripts allowed for arbitrary execution, it
+proved difficult to provide a reliable user experience across environments
+and history.
+`PEP 517 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/>`_ therefore came to
+rescue and specified a new standard to
+package and distribute Python modules. Under PEP 517:
+ a ``pyproject.toml`` file is used to specify what program to use
+ for generating distribution.
+ Then, two functions provided by the program, ``build_wheel(directory: str)``
+ and ``build_sdist(directory: str)`` create the distribution bundle at the
+ specified ``directory``. The program is free to use its own configuration
+ script or extend the ``.toml`` file.
+ Lastly, ``pip install *.whl`` or ``pip install *.tar.gz`` does the actual
+ installation. If ``*.whl`` is available, ``pip`` will go ahead and copy
+ the files into ``site-packages`` directory. If not, ``pip`` will look at
+ ``pyproject.toml`` and decide what program to use to 'build from source'
+ (the default is ``setuptools``)
+With this standard, switching between packaging tools becomes a lot easier. ``build_meta``
+implements ``setuptools``' build system support.
+How to use it?
+Starting with a package that you want to distribute. You will need your source
+scripts, a ``pyproject.toml`` file and a ``setup.cfg`` file::
+ ~/meowpkg/
+ pyproject.toml
+ setup.cfg
+ meowpkg/__init__.py
+The pyproject.toml file is required to specify the build system (i.e. what is
+being used to package your scripts and install from source). To use it with
+setuptools, the content would be::
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+The ``setuptools`` package implements the ``build_sdist``
+command and the ``wheel`` package implements the ``build_wheel``
+command; the latter is a dependency of the former
+exposed via :pep:`517` hooks.
+Use ``setuptools``' :ref:`declarative config <declarative config>` to
+specify the package information::
+ [metadata]
+ name = meowpkg
+ version = 0.0.1
+ description = a package that meows
+ [options]
+ packages = find:
+.. _building:
+Now generate the distribution. To build the package, use
+`PyPA build <https://pypa-build.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_::
+ $ pip install -q build
+ $ python -m build
+And now it's done! The ``.whl`` file and ``.tar.gz`` can then be distributed
+and installed::
+ dist/
+ meowpkg-0.0.1.whl
+ meowpkg-0.0.1.tar.gz
+ $ pip install dist/meowpkg-0.0.1.whl
+ $ pip install dist/meowpkg-0.0.1.tar.gz
+Dynamic build dependencies and other ``build_meta`` tweaks
+With the changes introduced by :pep:`517` and :pep:`518`, the
+``setup_requires`` configuration field was made deprecated in ``setup.cfg`` and
+``setup.py``, in favour of directly listing build dependencies in the
+``requires`` field of the ``build-system`` table of ``pyproject.toml``.
+This approach has a series of advantages and gives package managers and
+installers the ability to inspect in advance the build requirements and
+perform a series of optimisations.
+However some package authors might still need to dynamically inspect the final
+users machine before deciding these requirements. One way of doing that, as
+specified by :pep:`517`, is to "tweak" ``setuptools.build_meta`` by using a
+:pep:`in-tree backend <517#in-tree-build-backends>`.
+.. tip:: Before implementing a *in-tree* backend, have a look on
+ :pep:`PEP 508 <508#environment-markers>`. Most of the times, dependencies
+ with **environment markers** are enough to differentiate operating systems
+ and platforms.
+If you add the following configuration to your ``pyprojec.toml``:
+.. code-block:: toml
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "backend"
+ backend-path = ["_custom_build"]
+then you should be able to implement a thin wrapper around ``build_meta`` in
+the ``_custom_build/backend.py`` file, as shown in the following example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from setuptools import build_meta as _orig
+ prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel = _orig.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel
+ build_wheel = _orig.build_wheel
+ build_sdist = _orig.build_sdist
+ def get_requires_for_build_wheel(self, config_settings=None):
+ return _orig.get_requires_for_build_wheel(config_settings) + [...]
+ def get_requires_for_build_sdist(self, config_settings=None):
+ return _orig.get_requires_for_build_sdist(config_settings) + [...]
+Note that you can override any of the functions specified in :pep:`PEP 517
+<517#build-backend-interface>`, not only the ones responsible for gathering
+.. important:: Make sure your backend script is included in the :doc:`source
+ distribution </userguide/distribution>`, otherwise the build will fail.
+ This can be done by using a SCM_/VCS_ plugin (like :pypi:`setuptools-scm`
+ and :pypi:`setuptools-svn`), or by correctly setting up :ref:`MANIFEST.in
+ <manifest>`.
+ If this is the first time you are using a customised backend, please have a
+ look on the generated ``.tar.gz`` and ``.whl``.
+ On POSIX systems that can be done with ``tar -tf dist/*.tar.gz``
+ and ``unzip -l dist/*.whl``.
+ On Windows systems you can rename the ``.whl`` to ``.zip`` to be able to
+ inspect it on the file explorer, and use the same ``tar`` command in a
+ command prompt (alternativelly there are GUI programs like `7-zip`_ that
+ handle ``.tar.gz``).
+ In general the backend script should be present in the ``.tar.gz`` (so the
+ project can be build from the source) but not in the ``.whl`` (otherwise the
+ backend script would end up being distributed alongside your package).
+ See ":doc:`/userguide/package_discovery`" for more details about package
+ files.
+.. _SCM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_configuration_management
+.. _VCS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control
+.. _7-zip: https://www.7-zip.org