diff options
authorJason Macnak <natsu@google.com>2024-04-26 15:54:09 -0700
committerJason Macnak <natsu@google.com>2024-04-29 08:49:10 -0700
commit24e20f84e120777ea16d8b26737ace0a989363fc (patch)
parente8475e055062bc0e5804bc6af8f48ca636777520 (diff)
Update vkMapMemory to not hold lock when calling into enc
... as this can lead to a deadlock with the following sequence: Time1: guest-thread-1: vkDestroyBuffer() called Time2: VkEncoder grabs seqno 1 Time3: guest-thread-2: vkMapMemory() called Time4: ResourceTracker::on_vkMapMemory() locks mLock for using `info_VkDeviceMemory` Time5: ResourceTracker::on_vkMapMemory() calls enc->vkGetBlobGOOGLE() Time6: VkEncoder grabs seqno 2 Time7: VkEncoder sends the vkGetBlobGOOGLE with seqno 2 via ASG to host Time8: VkEncoder waits for the `VkResult` from the host via `stream->read()` Time9: guest-thread-1: VkEncoder calls sResourceTracker->destroyMapping() ->mapHandles_VkBuffer((VkBuffer*)&buffer); which calls ResourceTracker::unregister_VkBuffer() ResourceTracker::unregister_VkBuffer() tries to locks mLock to erase the buffer's info struct from `info_VkBuffer` !!! DEADLOCKED HERE !!! guest-thread-1 is stuck waiting on mLock (currently locked by guest-thread-2) before it would `stream->flush();` to finishing sending the vkDestroyBuffer() command to the host and potentially ping its corresponding host-render-thread-1. guest-thread-2 stuck waiting on the result from host-render-thread-2 but host-render-thread-2 won't progress until host-render-thread-1 finishes seqno 1 which needs guest-thread-1 to finish sending/pinging. Bug: b/337101904 Test: GfxstreamEnd2EndTests Test: gfxbench's aztec ruins x5 in a row Change-Id: I6053d31636c477abf6632c9308bcffda96402397
2 files changed, 99 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTests.cpp b/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTests.cpp
index e3c52a52..5ff9ce9a 100644
--- a/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTests.cpp
+++ b/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTests.cpp
@@ -869,6 +869,71 @@ TEST_P(GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTest, DescriptorUpdateTemplateWithWrapping) {
+TEST_P(GfxstreamEnd2EndVkTest, MultiThreadedVkMapMemory) {
+ auto [instance, physicalDevice, device, queue, queueFamilyIndex] =
+ VK_ASSERT(SetUpTypicalVkTestEnvironment());
+ static constexpr const vkhpp::DeviceSize kSize = 1024;
+ const vkhpp::BufferCreateInfo bufferCreateInfo = {
+ .size = kSize,
+ .usage = vkhpp::BufferUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc,
+ };
+ auto buffer = device->createBufferUnique(bufferCreateInfo).value;
+ vkhpp::MemoryRequirements bufferMemoryRequirements{};
+ device->getBufferMemoryRequirements(*buffer, &bufferMemoryRequirements);
+ const uint32_t bufferMemoryIndex = GetMemoryType(
+ physicalDevice, bufferMemoryRequirements,
+ vkhpp::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible | vkhpp::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent);
+ if (bufferMemoryIndex == -1) {
+ GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping test due to no memory type with HOST_VISIBLE | HOST_COHERENT.";
+ }
+ std::vector<std::thread> threads;
+ std::atomic_int threadsReady{0};
+ constexpr const int kNumThreads = 2;
+ for (int t = 0; t < kNumThreads; t++) {
+ threads.emplace_back([&, this]() {
+ // Perform some work to ensure host RenderThread started.
+ auto buffer2 = device->createBufferUnique(bufferCreateInfo).value;
+ ASSERT_THAT(buffer2, IsValidHandle());
+ ++threadsReady;
+ while (threadsReady.load() != kNumThreads) {
+ }
+ constexpr const int kNumIterations = 100;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumIterations; i++) {
+ auto buffer3 = device->createBufferUnique(bufferCreateInfo).value;
+ ASSERT_THAT(buffer3, IsValidHandle());
+ const vkhpp::MemoryAllocateInfo buffer3MemoryAllocateInfo = {
+ .allocationSize = bufferMemoryRequirements.size,
+ .memoryTypeIndex = bufferMemoryIndex,
+ };
+ auto buffer3Memory = device->allocateMemoryUnique(buffer3MemoryAllocateInfo).value;
+ ASSERT_THAT(buffer3Memory, IsValidHandle());
+ ASSERT_THAT(device->bindBufferMemory(*buffer3, *buffer3Memory, 0), IsVkSuccess());
+ void* mapped = nullptr;
+ ASSERT_THAT(device->mapMemory(*buffer3Memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE,
+ vkhpp::MemoryMapFlags{}, &mapped),
+ IsVkSuccess());
+ ASSERT_THAT(mapped, NotNull());
+ device->unmapMemory(*buffer3Memory);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ for (auto& thread : threads) {
+ thread.join();
+ }
std::vector<TestParams> GenerateTestCases() {
std::vector<TestParams> cases = {TestParams{
.with_gl = false,
diff --git a/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index dcbef3c8..164ddc35 100644
--- a/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -3936,68 +3936,73 @@ VkResult ResourceTracker::on_vkMapMemory(void* context, VkResult host_result, Vk
VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size, VkMemoryMapFlags, void** ppData) {
if (host_result != VK_SUCCESS) {
- ALOGE("%s: Host failed to map\n", __func__);
+ ALOGE("%s: Host failed to map", __func__);
return host_result;
AutoLock<RecursiveLock> lock(mLock);
- auto it = info_VkDeviceMemory.find(memory);
- if (it == info_VkDeviceMemory.end()) {
- ALOGE("%s: Could not find this device memory\n", __func__);
+ auto deviceMemoryInfoIt = info_VkDeviceMemory.find(memory);
+ if (deviceMemoryInfoIt == info_VkDeviceMemory.end()) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Failed to find VkDeviceMemory.", __func__);
+ auto& deviceMemoryInfo = deviceMemoryInfoIt->second;
- auto& info = it->second;
- if (info.blobId && !info.coherentMemory && !mCaps.params[kParamCreateGuestHandle]) {
+ if (deviceMemoryInfo.blobId && !deviceMemoryInfo.coherentMemory &&
+ !mCaps.params[kParamCreateGuestHandle]) {
+ // NOTE: must not hold lock while calling into the encoder.
+ lock.unlock();
VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
- VirtGpuResourceMappingPtr mapping;
- VirtGpuDevice* instance = VirtGpuDevice::getInstance();
- uint64_t offset;
- uint8_t* ptr;
+ VkResult vkResult = enc->vkGetBlobGOOGLE(device, memory, /*doLock*/ false);
+ if (vkResult != VK_SUCCESS) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Failed to vkGetBlobGOOGLE().", __func__);
+ return vkResult;
+ }
+ lock.lock();
- VkResult vkResult = enc->vkGetBlobGOOGLE(device, memory, false);
- if (vkResult != VK_SUCCESS) return vkResult;
+ // NOTE: deviceMemoryInfoIt potentially invalidated but deviceMemoryInfo still okay.
struct VirtGpuCreateBlob createBlob = {};
createBlob.blobMem = kBlobMemHost3d;
createBlob.flags = kBlobFlagMappable;
- createBlob.blobId = info.blobId;
- createBlob.size = info.coherentMemorySize;
+ createBlob.blobId = deviceMemoryInfo.blobId;
+ createBlob.size = deviceMemoryInfo.coherentMemorySize;
- auto blob = instance->createBlob(createBlob);
+ auto blob = VirtGpuDevice::getInstance()->createBlob(createBlob);
if (!blob) return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY;
- mapping = blob->createMapping();
+ VirtGpuResourceMappingPtr mapping = blob->createMapping();
if (!mapping) return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY;
auto coherentMemory =
std::make_shared<CoherentMemory>(mapping, createBlob.size, device, memory);
- coherentMemory->subAllocate(info.allocationSize, &ptr, offset);
+ uint8_t* ptr;
+ uint64_t offset;
+ coherentMemory->subAllocate(deviceMemoryInfo.allocationSize, &ptr, offset);
- info.coherentMemoryOffset = offset;
- info.coherentMemory = coherentMemory;
- info.ptr = ptr;
+ deviceMemoryInfo.coherentMemoryOffset = offset;
+ deviceMemoryInfo.coherentMemory = coherentMemory;
+ deviceMemoryInfo.ptr = ptr;
- if (!info.ptr) {
- ALOGE("%s: ptr null\n", __func__);
+ if (!deviceMemoryInfo.ptr) {
+ ALOGE("%s: VkDeviceMemory has nullptr.", __func__);
- if (size != VK_WHOLE_SIZE && (info.ptr + offset + size > info.ptr + info.allocationSize)) {
+ if (size != VK_WHOLE_SIZE && (deviceMemoryInfo.ptr + offset + size >
+ deviceMemoryInfo.ptr + deviceMemoryInfo.allocationSize)) {
"%s: size is too big. alloc size 0x%llx while we wanted offset 0x%llx size 0x%llx "
- "total 0x%llx\n",
- __func__, (unsigned long long)info.allocationSize, (unsigned long long)offset,
- (unsigned long long)size, (unsigned long long)offset);
+ "total 0x%llx",
+ __func__, (unsigned long long)deviceMemoryInfo.allocationSize,
+ (unsigned long long)offset, (unsigned long long)size, (unsigned long long)offset);
- *ppData = info.ptr + offset;
+ *ppData = deviceMemoryInfo.ptr + offset;
return host_result;