path: root/peripheral/libmraa/docs/
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diff --git a/peripheral/libmraa/docs/ b/peripheral/libmraa/docs/
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-libmraa Internals {#internals}
-For building see @ref building. This will describe the general internal build
-of libmraa and will be useful to developers who'd like to understand more of
-how libmraa works or who'd like to add additional platforms. The internals will
-deal with the C API as that is the low level API which libmraa is built around.
-Note that C++ is simply a header only wrapper of the C API.
-libmraa has the philosophy that the board mapping is what we typically use in
-the API with the execption of i2c/spi bus numbering as they are typically not
-labelled on boards and so we use the kernel numbering scheme. Whilst this can
-confuse some, it's typically not an issue as platforms rarely expose more than
-one of these for user use and so when this is the case, libmraa will always use
-the bus in the pinmapper. For example edison uses i2c #6 but since there is
-only one, libmraa will try to be helpful and everything is treated as 6 when
-doing a mraa_i2c_init(). The _raw functions will override the pinmapper and can
-be accessed without a valid board configuration. This can be helpful either in
-development of platform configurations for mraa or when modifying kernels
-etc... Internally the mechanism is used heavily.
-In libmraa, all code is split into 7 modules, src/{i2c, spi, gpio, uart, pwm,
-aio and common}. These should be fairly self explanatory in goals/purpose but a
-few work in different ways. Public APIs are stored in api/ and internal headers
-are in include/
-### Logging ###
-Logging is now done purely in syslog(). Note that on platforms running systemd
-journald will intercept syslog(3) calls and log to the journal instead. You can
-set the log mask by using mraa_set_log_level(). Doing a DEBUG build of libmraa
-will also cause the DEBUG macro to be defined which will cause the syslog mask
-to be unset.
-### Contexts ###
-libmraa uses contexts to store all information, this context cannot be accessed
-by the user and so it's layout can and may be changed without warning to users.
-If an init() function fails it will return NULL and further calls with this
-context will lead to undefined behaviour.
-### Pinmapper ###
-The mraa_board_t is defined in mraa/common.h. It's a mostly static structure
-initialised during mraa_init(). The pinmap file in
-src/{arch}/{manufacturer}_{boardname}_{revision}.c then fills this array. It's
-also where platform hooks can be defined, functions that will be run at various
-'hook' points in the code.
-The mraa_pininfo_t structure needs to be set for the board pincount (set in a
-macro in the platform configuration header. Every pin will have a
-mraa_pincapabilities_t which will define what it can do. The doxygen
-documentation explains how this works but it's essentially a bitfield which
-needs to be set for every capability the pin can have. Gpios can have multiple
-muxes which will be set at the gpio init before it can be toggled.
-### i2c ###
-I2c from userspace in GNU/Linux is handled by character devices handled by the
-kernel driver i2c-dev. For more details the i2c/dev-interface documentation
-file in the kernel is the place to go.
-In libmraa, we re-use part of a library - libi2c from RoadNarrows -
-i2c/smbus.c. This library simply makes it easier for us to handle the error
-conditions that can arrise when writing on i2c buses. Essentially the API is
-fairly simple consisting of writes & reads.
-Careful - on alot of platforms i2cdetect will often crash. To findi your i2c
-addresses please look at your sensor's datasheet! If using i2cdetect most
-platforms do not support SMBus quick write so use the '-r' flag.
-### spi ###
-Mraa deals exclusively with spidev, so when we say bus we really mean bus +
-chip select from spidev. Spi(0) could lead to spidev5.1 and Spi(1) to
-spidev5.2. Typically on a micro using a random gpio as a chip select works
-well, and on some platforms if one is careful with threads this can work well
-with mraa. However when a kernel module shares the same bus as spidev (but on a
-different CS) this behaviour is *very* dangerous. Platforms such as Galileo
-Gen2 & Edison + Arduino breakout board work this way. Mraa will not help you in
-using a non hardware chip select, do so at your own peril!
-### gpio ###
-GPIO is probably the most complicated and odd module in libmraa. It is based on
-the gpiolib kernel driver framework which uses sysfs. There is a lot of good
-documentation in gpio/sysfs.txt in the kernel docs.
-The main issue is that gpios on hobbyist boards typically come with a number of
-muxers or level shifters and are often mapped in crazy ways. libmraa's goal is
-to make the label on your board match the API :) We hope that pleases you.
-Because boards are very different we use alot of platform hooks (@ref hooks) to
-make the initialisation work on all platforms. The hope is that simple
-platforms with no level shifters or expanders will work with just the pinmap
-GPIOs are typically interfaced via sysfs because that's easier for us but we
-can also work with fast gpio. This is typically preffered to do mmap gpio
-access. This is however trickier and typically relies on lots of platform
-hooks. By default we support hitting /dev/mem or another device at specific
-addresses to toggle gpios which is how mmap access works on some boards.
-Note that in Linux gpios are numbered from ARCH_NR_GPIOS down. This means that
-if ARCH_NR_GPIOS is changed, the gpio numbering will change. In 3.18+ the
-default changed from 256 to 512, sadly the value cannot be viewed from
-userspace so we rely on the kernel version to extrapolate the likely value.
-### uart ###
-libmraa does not support UART/serial as there are many good libraries that do
-this already. In the future we may wrap or use one. However the class exists to
-set the pinmapper correctly for uart to work on some platforms.
-### pwm ###
-Internally everything with PWM in mraa is in microseconds because that's what
-the linux kernel uses and is probably all the granularity we'll ever
-need/achieve with the kind of hardware we're targetting. Board configuration
-pwm max/min values are always set in microseconds.
-### aio ###
-AIO pins are numbered after GPIO pins. This means that on Arduino style boards
-pin 14 is A0. Typically mraa will only support an ADC if a platform ships with
-one and has a good kernel module for it. Extra i2c/spi ADCs can be supported
-via something like UPM but are unlikely to receive support in mraa at the moment.
-Note that giving mraa_aio_init(0) will literally query the pinmapper for
-board->gpio_count + 0 so you must place your aio pins after gpio_count. This is
-the default behaviour but can of course be overriden by advance function
-pointers. Whilst maybe not the sanest of defaults, most of the hobbyist boards
-we deal with follow a naming pattern similar to Arduino or have no ADC so for
-now we have considered this sensible.
-### Initialisation ###
-mraa_init() needs to be called in order to initialise the platform files or
-'pinmap'. Because calling this is tedious libmraa uses a C constructor to run
-mraa_init on library load. This means that it is not possible to stop this
-running and all function calls like mraa_set_log_level() will not work during
-mraa_init(). This feature is supported by most sane compilers and libcs but you
-can turn off CTORS in uclibc, though I've yet to find a configuration with
-someone doing that. mraa_init() can be called multiple times if you feel like
-being 'safe'.
-In the SWIG modules mraa_init() is called during the %init stage of the module
-loading. This is simply to avoid mraa_init() running 'too' early, though I've
-never seen an issue in running it in a CTOR.
-### SWIG ###
-At the time when libmraa was created (still the case?) the only - working -
-API/wrapper generation tool that supported nodejs was SWIG. For more general
-information on SWIG please see the SWIG documentation.
-The src/{javascript, python} & src/mraa.i folders contain all the files for the
-SWIG generation. The C++ headers in api/mraa/ are given as input sources to
-SWIG. SWIG modules do not link to libmraa (although maybe that would be a good
-Typemaps are used heavily to map uint8_t* pointers to bytearrays and
-node_buffers. These are native python & node.js types that represent uint8_t
-data the best and are very well supported in both languages. Argument
-conversions and memory allocations are performed so the performance of using
-these functions compared to the C/C++ equivalent will likely be a little lower,
-however it is much more natural than using carrays.i typemap library.
-### NPM ###
-mraa is published on NPM, there is a target to prebuild a mraa src tarball that
-can be built with node-gyp. The way this works is to use the mraa_LIB_SRCS
-array to generate a binding.gyp file from the skeleton binding.gyp.cmake in
-src/javascript. Because we don't expect most NPM users to have SWIG we
-precompile the src/mraajsJAVASCRIPT_wrap.cxx. The src/version.c is already
-known since this is a static tarball so we write that too. These files are
-placed not in a build/ directory but in the main mraa directory. You can then
-tar the directory up and send it to NPM. This is done automatically on every
-commit by our automated build system.