path: root/pgo_tools/generate_pgo_profile.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pgo_tools/generate_pgo_profile.py')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgo_tools/generate_pgo_profile.py b/pgo_tools/generate_pgo_profile.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e966ad42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgo_tools/generate_pgo_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Generates a PGO profile for LLVM.
+**This script is meant to be run from inside of the chroot.**
+Note that this script has a few (perhaps surprising) side-effects:
+1. The first time this is run in a chroot, it will pack up your existing llvm
+ and save it as a binpkg.
+2. This script clobbers your llvm installation. If the script is run to
+ completion, your old installation will be restored. If it does not, it may
+ not be.
+import argparse
+import dataclasses
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, List, Optional
+import pgo_tools
+# This script runs `quickpkg` on LLVM. This file saves the version of LLVM that
+# was quickpkg'ed.
+SAVED_LLVM_BINPKG_STAMP = Path("/tmp/generate_pgo_profile_old_llvm.txt")
+# Triple to build with when not trying to get backend coverage.
+HOST_TRIPLE = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+# List of triples we want coverage for.
+ "x86_64-cros-linux-gnu",
+ "armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabihf",
+ "aarch64-cros-linux-gnu",
+# Set of all of the cross-* libraries we need.
+ f"cross-{triple}/{package}"
+ for triple in IMPORTANT_TRIPLES
+ if triple != HOST_TRIPLE
+ for package in ("glibc", "libcxx", "llvm-libunwind", "linux-headers")
+def ensure_llvm_binpkg_exists() -> bool:
+ """Verifies that we have an LLVM binpkg to fall back on.
+ Returns:
+ True if this function actually created a binpkg, false if one already
+ existed.
+ """
+ pkg = Path(SAVED_LLVM_BINPKG_STAMP.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
+ # Double-check this, since this package is considered a cache artifact
+ # by portage. Ergo, it can _technically_ be GC'ed at any time.
+ if pkg.exists():
+ return False
+ pkg = pgo_tools.quickpkg_llvm()
+ SAVED_LLVM_BINPKG_STAMP.write_text(str(pkg), encoding="utf-8")
+ return True
+def restore_llvm_binpkg():
+ """Installs the binpkg created by ensure_llvm_binpkg_exists."""
+ logging.info("Restoring non-PGO'ed LLVM installation")
+ pkg = Path(SAVED_LLVM_BINPKG_STAMP.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
+ assert (
+ pkg.exists()
+ ), f"Non-PGO'ed binpkg at {pkg} does not exist. Can't restore"
+ pgo_tools.run(pgo_tools.generate_quickpkg_restoration_command(pkg))
+def find_missing_cross_libs() -> FrozenSet[str]:
+ """Returns cross-* libraries that need to be installed for workloads."""
+ equery_result = pgo_tools.run(
+ ["equery", "l", "--format=$cp", "cross-*/*"],
+ check=False,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ )
+ # If no matching package is found, equery will exit with code 3.
+ if equery_result.returncode == 3:
+ equery_result.check_returncode()
+ has_packages = {x.strip() for x in equery_result.stdout.splitlines()}
+ return ALL_NEEDED_CROSS_LIBS - has_packages
+def ensure_cross_libs_are_installed():
+ """Ensures that we have cross-* libs for all `IMPORTANT_TRIPLES`."""
+ missing_packages = find_missing_cross_libs()
+ if not missing_packages:
+ logging.info("All cross-compiler libraries are already installed")
+ return
+ missing_packages = sorted(missing_packages)
+ logging.info("Installing cross-compiler libs: %s", missing_packages)
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ ["sudo", "emerge", "-j", "-G"] + missing_packages,
+ )
+def emerge_pgo_generate_llvm():
+ """Emerges a sys-devel/llvm with PGO instrumentation enabled."""
+ force_use = (
+ "llvm_pgo_generate -llvm_pgo_use"
+ # Turn ThinLTO off, since doing so results in way faster builds.
+ # This is assumed to be OK, since:
+ # - ThinLTO should have no significant impact on where Clang puts
+ # instrprof counters.
+ # - In practice, both "PGO generated with ThinLTO enabled," and "PGO
+ # generated without ThinLTO enabled," were benchmarked, and the
+ # performance difference between the two was in the noise.
+ " -thinlto"
+ # Turn ccache off, since if there are valid ccache artifacts from prior
+ # runs of this script, ccache will lead to us not getting profdata from
+ # those.
+ " -wrapper_ccache"
+ )
+ use = (os.environ.get("USE", "") + " " + force_use).strip()
+ # Use FEATURES=ccache since it's not much of a CPU time penalty, and if a
+ # user runs this script repeatedly, they'll appreciate it. :)
+ force_features = "ccache"
+ features = (os.environ.get("FEATURES", "") + " " + force_features).strip()
+ logging.info("Building LLVM with USE=%s", shlex.quote(use))
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ [
+ "sudo",
+ f"FEATURES={features}",
+ f"USE={use}",
+ "emerge",
+ "sys-devel/llvm",
+ ]
+ )
+def build_profiling_env(profile_dir: Path) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ profile_pattern = str(profile_dir / "profile-%m.profraw")
+ return {
+ "LLVM_PROFILE_FILE": profile_pattern,
+ }
+def ensure_clang_invocations_generate_profiles(clang_bin: str, tmpdir: Path):
+ """Raises an exception if clang doesn't generate profraw files.
+ Args:
+ clang_bin: the path to a clang binary.
+ tmpdir: a place where this function can put temporary files.
+ """
+ tmpdir = tmpdir / "ensure_profiles_generated"
+ tmpdir.mkdir(parents=True)
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ [clang_bin, "--help"],
+ extra_env=build_profiling_env(tmpdir),
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ is_empty = next(tmpdir.iterdir(), None) is None
+ if is_empty:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The clang binary at {clang_bin} generated no profile"
+ )
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+def write_unified_cmake_file(
+ into_dir: Path, absl_subdir: Path, gtest_subdir: Path
+ (into_dir / "CMakeLists.txt").write_text(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
+ project(generate_pgo)
+ add_subdirectory({gtest_subdir})
+ add_subdirectory({absl_subdir})"""
+ ),
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+def fetch_workloads_into(target_dir: Path):
+ """Fetches PGO generation workloads into `target_dir`."""
+ # The workload here is absl and gtest. The reasoning behind that selection
+ # was essentially a mix of:
+ # - absl is reasonably-written and self-contained
+ # - gtest is needed if tests are to be built; in order to have absl do much
+ # of any linking, gtest is necessary.
+ #
+ # Use the version of absl that's bundled with ChromeOS at the time of
+ # writing.
+ target_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+ def fetch_and_extract(gs_url: str, into_dir: Path):
+ tgz_full = target_dir / os.path.basename(gs_url)
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ [
+ "gsutil",
+ "cp",
+ gs_url,
+ tgz_full,
+ ],
+ )
+ into_dir.mkdir()
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ ["tar", "xaf", tgz_full],
+ cwd=into_dir,
+ )
+ absl_dir = target_dir / "absl"
+ fetch_and_extract(
+ gs_url="gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/"
+ "abseil-cpp-a86bb8a97e38bc1361289a786410c0eb5824099c.tar.bz2",
+ into_dir=absl_dir,
+ )
+ gtest_dir = target_dir / "gtest"
+ fetch_and_extract(
+ gs_url="gs://chromeos-mirror/gentoo/distfiles/"
+ "gtest-1b18723e874b256c1e39378c6774a90701d70f7a.tar.gz",
+ into_dir=gtest_dir,
+ )
+ unpacked_absl_dir = read_exactly_one_dirent(absl_dir)
+ unpacked_gtest_dir = read_exactly_one_dirent(gtest_dir)
+ write_unified_cmake_file(
+ into_dir=target_dir,
+ absl_subdir=unpacked_absl_dir.relative_to(target_dir),
+ gtest_subdir=unpacked_gtest_dir.relative_to(target_dir),
+ )
+class WorkloadRunner:
+ """Runs benchmark workloads."""
+ profraw_dir: Path
+ target_dir: Path
+ out_dir: Path
+ def run(
+ self,
+ triple: str,
+ extra_cflags: Optional[str] = None,
+ sysroot: Optional[str] = None,
+ ):
+ logging.info(
+ "Running workload for triple %s, extra cflags %r",
+ triple,
+ extra_cflags,
+ )
+ if self.out_dir.exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(self.out_dir)
+ self.out_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+ clang = triple + "-clang"
+ profiling_env = build_profiling_env(self.profraw_dir)
+ if sysroot:
+ profiling_env["SYSROOT"] = sysroot
+ cmake_command: pgo_tools.Command = [
+ "cmake",
+ "-G",
+ "Ninja",
+ "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo",
+ f"-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={clang}",
+ f"-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={clang}++",
+ ]
+ if extra_cflags:
+ cmake_command += (
+ f"-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS={extra_cflags}",
+ f"-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS={extra_cflags}",
+ )
+ cmake_command.append(self.target_dir)
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ cmake_command,
+ extra_env=profiling_env,
+ cwd=self.out_dir,
+ )
+ pgo_tools.run(
+ ["ninja", "-v", "all"],
+ extra_env=profiling_env,
+ cwd=self.out_dir,
+ )
+def read_exactly_one_dirent(directory: Path) -> Path:
+ """Returns the single Path under the given directory. Raises otherwise."""
+ ents = directory.iterdir()
+ ent = next(ents, None)
+ if ent is not None:
+ if next(ents, None) is None:
+ return ent
+ raise ValueError(f"Expected exactly one entry under {directory}")
+def run_workloads(target_dir: Path) -> Path:
+ """Runs all of our workloads in target_dir.
+ Args:
+ target_dir: a directory that already had `fetch_workloads_into` called
+ on it.
+ Returns:
+ A directory in which profraw files from running the workloads are
+ saved.
+ """
+ profraw_dir = target_dir / "profiles"
+ profraw_dir.mkdir()
+ out_dir = target_dir / "out"
+ runner = WorkloadRunner(
+ profraw_dir=profraw_dir,
+ target_dir=target_dir,
+ out_dir=out_dir,
+ )
+ # Run the workload once per triple.
+ for triple in IMPORTANT_TRIPLES:
+ runner.run(
+ triple, sysroot=None if triple == HOST_TRIPLE else f"/usr/{triple}"
+ )
+ # Add a run of ThinLTO, so any ThinLTO-specific lld bits get exercised.
+ # Also, since CrOS uses -Os often, exercise that.
+ runner.run(HOST_TRIPLE, extra_cflags="-flto=thin -Os")
+ return profraw_dir
+def convert_profraw_to_pgo_profile(profraw_dir: Path) -> Path:
+ """Creates a PGO profile from the profraw profiles in profraw_dir."""
+ output = profraw_dir / "merged.prof"
+ profile_files = list(profraw_dir.glob("profile-*profraw"))
+ if not profile_files:
+ raise ValueError("No profraw files generated?")
+ logging.info(
+ "Creating a PGO profile from %d profraw files", len(profile_files)
+ )
+ generate_command = [
+ "llvm-profdata",
+ "merge",
+ "--instr",
+ f"--output={output}",
+ ]
+ pgo_tools.run(generate_command + profile_files)
+ return output
+def main(argv: List[str]):
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format=">> %(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: "
+ "%(message)s",
+ level=logging.DEBUG,
+ )
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--output",
+ required=True,
+ type=Path,
+ help="Where to put the PGO profile",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--use-old-binpkg",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="""
+ This script saves your initial LLVM installation as a binpkg, so it may
+ restore that installation later in the build. Passing --use-old-binpkg
+ allows this script to use a binpkg from a prior invocation of this
+ script.
+ """,
+ )
+ opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ pgo_tools.exit_if_not_in_chroot()
+ output = opts.output
+ llvm_binpkg_is_fresh = ensure_llvm_binpkg_exists()
+ if not llvm_binpkg_is_fresh and not opts.use_old_binpkg:
+ sys.exit(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ A LLVM binpkg packed by a previous run of this script is
+ available. If you intend this run to be another attempt at the
+ previous run, please pass --use-old-binpkg (so the old LLVM
+ binpkg is used as our 'baseline'). If you don't, please remove
+ the file referring to it at {SAVED_LLVM_BINPKG_STAMP}.
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ logging.info("Ensuring `cross-` libraries are installed")
+ ensure_cross_libs_are_installed()
+ tempdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="generate_llvm_pgo_profile_"))
+ try:
+ workloads_path = tempdir / "workloads"
+ logging.info("Fetching workloads")
+ fetch_workloads_into(workloads_path)
+ # If our binpkg is not fresh, we may be operating with a weird LLVM
+ # (e.g., a PGO'ed one ;) ). Ensure we always start with that binpkg as
+ # our baseline.
+ if not llvm_binpkg_is_fresh:
+ restore_llvm_binpkg()
+ logging.info("Building PGO instrumented LLVM")
+ emerge_pgo_generate_llvm()
+ logging.info("Ensuring instrumented compilers generate profiles")
+ for triple in IMPORTANT_TRIPLES:
+ ensure_clang_invocations_generate_profiles(
+ triple + "-clang", tempdir
+ )
+ logging.info("Running workloads")
+ profraw_dir = run_workloads(workloads_path)
+ # This is a subtle but critical step. The LLVM we're currently working
+ # with was built by the LLVM represented _by our binpkg_, which may be
+ # a radically different version of LLVM than what was installed (e.g.,
+ # it could be from our bootstrap SDK, which could be many months old).
+ #
+ # If our current LLVM's llvm-profdata is used to interpret the profraw
+ # files:
+ # 1. The profile generated will be for our new version of clang, and
+ # may therefore be too new for the older version that we still have
+ # to support.
+ # 2. There may be silent incompatibilities, as the stability guarantees
+ # of profraw files are not immediately apparent.
+ logging.info("Restoring LLVM's binpkg")
+ restore_llvm_binpkg()
+ pgo_profile = convert_profraw_to_pgo_profile(profraw_dir)
+ shutil.copyfile(pgo_profile, output)
+ except:
+ # Leave the tempdir, as it might help people debug.
+ logging.info("NOTE: Tempdir will remain at %s", tempdir)
+ raise
+ logging.info("Removing now-obsolete tempdir")
+ shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
+ logging.info("PGO profile is available at %s.", output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])