path: root/stlport/type_traits
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Diffstat (limited to 'stlport/type_traits')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 810 deletions
diff --git a/stlport/type_traits b/stlport/type_traits
deleted file mode 100644
index 94bab0c..0000000
--- a/stlport/type_traits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- Time-stamp: <08/07/20 19:10:15 ptr>
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008
- * Petr Ovtchenkov
- *
- * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
- *
- * Derived from original <misc/type_traits.h> of 'complement' project
- * [http://complement.sourceforge.net]
- * to make it close to JTC1/SC22/WG21 C++ 0x working draft
- * [http://www.open-std.org/Jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2521.pdf]
- */
-# include <stl/_prolog.h>
-#include <stl/_cstddef.h> // for std::size_t
-// libstdc++ v3, timestamp 20050519 (3.4.4) has __type_traits,
-// libstdc++ v3, timestamp 20060306 (3.4.6) has __type_traits,
-// while libstdc++ v3, 20050921 (4.0.2) not; use libstdc++ instead
-// # if defined(STLPORT) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)) /* !defined(__GLIBCXX__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)) */
-namespace detail {
-struct __select_types
- typedef char __t1;
- struct __t2
- {
- char __two[2];
- };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct __instance :
- public __select_types
- private:
- template <class _Up>
- static __t1 __test(_Up(*)[1]);
- template <class>
- static __t2 __test(...);
- public:
- static const bool __value;
- static const bool __value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == sizeof(__select_types::__t1);
-template <class _Tp>
-const bool __instance<_Tp>::__value = sizeof(__instance<_Tp>::__test<_Tp>(0)) == sizeof(__select_types::__t1);
-template <class T>
-struct __uoc_aux : // union or class
- public __select_types
- private:
- template <class _Up>
- static __t1 __test( int _Up::* );
- template <class>
- static __t2 __test(...);
- public:
- static const bool __value;
- static const bool __value = sizeof(__test<T>(0)) == sizeof(__select_types::__t1);
-template <class T>
-const bool __uoc_aux<T>::__value = sizeof(__uoc_aux<T>::__test<T>(0)) == sizeof(__select_types::__t1);
-template <class T>
-class __empty
-{ };
-template <class T, bool B>
-class __inheritance_aux
-template <class T>
-class __inheritance_aux<T,true> :
- public T
- public:
- virtual ~__inheritance_aux()
- { }
-#if 0
-template <class T, bool B>
-struct __virtual_aux
- public:
- static const bool __value;
- static const bool __value = B ? (sizeof(__inheritance_aux<T,B>) == sizeof(T)) : false;
-template <class T, bool B>
-const bool __virtual_aux<T,B>::__value = B ? (sizeof(__inheritance_aux<T,B>) == sizeof(T)) : false;
-} // namespace detail
-template <class _Tp, _Tp __v>
-struct integral_constant
- static const _Tp value = __v;
- // enum { value = __v }; ?
- typedef _Tp value_type;
- typedef integral_constant<_Tp, __v> type;
-typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
-typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
-namespace detail {
-template <typename _Tp>
-struct __is_union_or_class :
- public integral_constant<bool, __uoc_aux<_Tp>::__value>
-{ };
-#if 0
-template<typename _Tp>
-struct __is_vtbl : // has virtual table?
- public integral_constant<bool, __virtual_aux<_Tp,__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value >::__value>
-{ };
-template <typename _Tp>
-struct __is_vtbl : // has virtual table?
- public integral_constant<bool, __is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value ? (sizeof(__inheritance_aux<_Tp,__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value>) == sizeof(_Tp)) : false >
-{ };
-} // namespace detail
-#define __SPEC_(C,T,B) \
-template <> \
-struct C<T> : \
- public integral_constant<bool, B> \
-{ }
-#define __CV_SPEC(C,T,B) \
-__SPEC_(C,T,B); \
-__SPEC_(C,const T,B); \
-__SPEC_(C,volatile T,B); \
-__SPEC_(C,const volatile T,B)
-#define __SPEC_1(C,T,B) \
-template <class _Tp> \
-struct C<T> : \
- public integral_constant<bool, B> \
-{ }
-#define __CV_SPEC_1(C,T,B) \
-__SPEC_1(C,T,B); \
-__SPEC_1(C,T const,B); \
-__SPEC_1(C,T volatile,B); \
-__SPEC_1(C,T const volatile,B)
-#define __SPEC_2(C,T,B) \
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2> \
-struct C<T> : \
- public integral_constant<bool, B> \
-{ }
-#define __CV_SPEC_2(C,T,B) \
-__SPEC_2(C,T,B); \
-__SPEC_2(C,T const,B); \
-__SPEC_2(C,T volatile,B); \
-__SPEC_2(C,T const volatile,B)
-// [4.5.1] primary type categories:
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_void :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <>
-struct is_void<void> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_integral :
- public false_type
-{ };
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,signed char,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,unsigned char,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,unsigned short,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,unsigned int,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,unsigned long,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,long long,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_integral,unsigned long long,true);
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_floating_point :
- public false_type
-{ };
-__CV_SPEC(is_floating_point,long double,true);
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_array :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp, std::size_t _Sz>
-struct is_array<_Tp[_Sz]> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_array<_Tp[]> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_pointer :
- public false_type
-{ };
-__CV_SPEC_1(is_pointer,_Tp *,true);
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_lvalue_reference :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_lvalue_reference<_Tp&> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_rvalue_reference :
- public false_type
-{ };
-// template <class _Tp>
-// struct is_rvalue_reference<_Tp&&> :
-// public true_type
-// { };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_reference :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_reference<_Tp&> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_function :
- public integral_constant<bool, !(detail::__instance<_Tp>::__value
- || detail::__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value
- || is_reference<_Tp>::value
- || is_void<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_member_object_pointer :
- public false_type
-{ };
-// _SPEC_FULL2(is_member_object_pointer, _Tp1 _Tp2::*,!is_function<_Tp1>::value);
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_object_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::*> :
- public integral_constant<bool, !is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_object_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* const> :
- public integral_constant<bool, !is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_object_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* volatile> :
- public integral_constant<bool, !is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_object_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* const volatile> :
- public integral_constant<bool, !is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_member_function_pointer :
- public false_type
-{ };
-// _SPEC_FULL2(is_member_function_pointer,_Tp1 _Tp2::*,is_function<_Tp1>::value);
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_function_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::*> :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_function_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* const> :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_function_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* volatile> :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_member_function_pointer<_Tp1 _Tp2::* const volatile> :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_function<_Tp1>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_member_pointer :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_member_object_pointer<_Tp>::value || is_member_function_pointer<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-// 4.5.2 composite type categories
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_arithmetic :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_integral<_Tp>::value || is_floating_point<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_fundamental :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_arithmetic<_Tp>::value || is_void<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-// [4.5.1] primary type categories (continued):
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_enum :
- public integral_constant<bool, !(is_fundamental<_Tp>::value
- || is_array<_Tp>::value
- || is_pointer<_Tp>::value
- || is_reference<_Tp>::value
- || is_member_pointer<_Tp>::value
- || is_function<_Tp>::value
- || detail::__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value) >
-{ };
-template <class T>
-struct is_union
-{ };
-template <class T>
-struct is_class
-{ };
-// is_function (above)
-// 4.5.2 composite type categories (continued)
-// is_arithmetic (above)
-// is_fundamental (above)
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_object :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_arithmetic<_Tp>::value ||
- is_array<_Tp>::value ||
- is_pointer<_Tp>::value ||
- is_member_pointer<_Tp>::value ||
- detail::__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_scalar :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_arithmetic<_Tp>::value
- || is_enum<_Tp>::value
- || is_pointer<_Tp>::value
- || is_member_pointer<_Tp>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_compound :
- public integral_constant<bool, !is_fundamental<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-// is_member_pointer
-// 4.5.3 type properties:
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_const :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_const<_Tp const> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_volatile :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_volatile<_Tp volatile> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-// 4.7.3 array modifications:
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_extent
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp, std::size_t _Sz>
-struct remove_extent<_Tp[_Sz]>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_extent<_Tp[]>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_all_extents
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp, std::size_t _Size>
-struct remove_all_extents<_Tp[_Size]>
- typedef typename remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type type;
-template<typename _Tp>
-struct remove_all_extents<_Tp[]>
- typedef typename remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type type;
-// 4.5.3 type properties (continued):
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_trivial :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_void<_Tp>::value
- || is_scalar<typename remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_standard_layout :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_void<_Tp>::value
- || is_scalar<typename remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type>::value)>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_pod :
- public integral_constant<bool, (is_void<_Tp>::value
- || is_scalar<typename remove_all_extents<_Tp>::type>::value)>
-{ };
-template<typename _Tp>
-struct is_empty
- : public integral_constant<bool, (detail::__is_union_or_class<_Tp>::value
- && (sizeof(detail::__empty<_Tp>) == sizeof(_Tp)))>
-{ };
-// is_polimorphic
-// is_abstract
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_trivial_constructor :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_trivial_copy :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_trivial_assign :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_trivial_destructor :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_nothrow_constructor :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_nothrow_copy :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_nothrow_assign :
- public integral_constant<bool, is_pod<_Tp>::value>
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct has_virtual_destructor :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_signed :
- public false_type
-{ };
-__CV_SPEC(is_signed,signed char,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_signed,long long,true);
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_unsigned :
- public false_type
-{ };
-__CV_SPEC(is_unsigned,unsigned char,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_unsigned,unsigned short,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_unsigned,unsigned int,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_unsigned,unsigned long,true);
-__CV_SPEC(is_unsigned,unsigned long long,true);
-// alignment_of
-// rank
-// extent
-// 4.6 type relations:
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct is_same :
- public false_type
-{ };
-template <class _Tp>
-struct is_same<_Tp, _Tp> :
- public true_type
-{ };
-// is_base_of
-// is_convertible
-// 4.7.1 const-volatile modifications
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_const
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_const<_Tp const>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_volatile
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_volatile<_Tp volatile>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_cv
- typedef typename remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_const
- typedef _Tp const type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_volatile
- typedef _Tp volatile type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_cv
- typedef typename add_const<typename add_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type type;
-// 4.7.2 reference modifications:
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_reference
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_reference<_Tp&>
- typedef _Tp type;
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
-// This shouldn't be in tr1 but was added here anyways since the existing remove_reference is in
-// tr1.
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_reference<_Tp&&>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_reference
- typedef _Tp& type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_reference<_Tp&>
- typedef _Tp& type;
-// 4.7.3 array modifications (see above)
-// 4.7.4 pointer modifications:
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_pointer
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_pointer<_Tp *>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_pointer<_Tp * const>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_pointer<_Tp * volatile>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct remove_pointer<_Tp * const volatile>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <class _Tp>
-struct add_pointer
- typedef typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type * type;
-// 20.5.7 other transformations:
-// template <std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align> struct aligned_storage;
-// template <std::size_t Len, class... Types> struct aligned_union;
-namespace detail {
-template <bool,class _U>
-struct _decay_aux2
- typedef typename remove_cv<_U>::type type;
-template <class _U>
-struct _decay_aux2<true,_U>
- typedef typename add_pointer<_U>::type type;
-template <bool, class _U>
-struct _decay_aux1
- typedef typename _decay_aux2<is_function<_U>::value,_U>::type type;
-template <class _U>
-struct _decay_aux1<true,_U>
- typedef typename remove_extent<_U>::type* type;
-} // namespace detail
-template <class _Tp>
-class decay
- private:
- typedef typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type _U;
- public:
- typedef typename detail::_decay_aux1<is_array<_U>::value,_U>::type type;
-template <bool, class _Tp = void>
-struct enable_if
-template <class _Tp>
-struct enable_if<true,_Tp>
- typedef _Tp type;
-template <bool, class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct conditional
- typedef _Tp2 type;
-template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
-struct conditional<true,_Tp1,_Tp2>
- typedef _Tp1 type;
-// template <class... _Tp> struct common_type;
-#undef __CV_SPEC
-#undef __SPEC_
-#undef __CV_SPEC_1
-#undef __SPEC_1
-#undef __CV_SPEC_2
-#undef __SPEC_2
-// # else // __GLIBCXX__ && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !STLPORT
-// # include <tr1/type_traits>
-// # endif
-# include <stl/_epilog.h>
-#endif // __STLP_TYPE_TRAITS