path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-23Revert "Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.2' into main"Yifan Hong
2023-08-04List maven artifacts in MODULE.bazel to avoid rules_jvm_external pin warning ...Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-08-02Bump bazel dep and add docstring dedenting test cases (#170)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-08-02Enable render_main_repo_name by default with starlark_doc_extract (#168)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-08-01In Markdown table cells, apply HTML escaping only to code blocks, and apply i...Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-07-24Use native starlark_doc_extract rule for doc extraction if it is availableAlexandre Rostovtsev
2023-07-18Do not HTML-escape and use Markdown inline code for defaults (#161)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-07-13Move the markdown renderer from Bazel repo into Stardoc repo (#162)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-05-24Add missing license blurb (#157)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-05-19Ensure all tests use loadable .bzl modules (#155)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-05-16Test Bzlmod support in CI (#152)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-05-04Add support for Bzlmod (#141)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-03-13Add license rules (#150)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2022-07-26Fix <angle bracket> escaping in more places (#133)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2022-07-14Update bazel and rules_pkg (#130)Keith Smiley
2022-04-27Switch to cfg = "exec" to fix buildifier failure (#129)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2022-03-07Fix the generated links to things with CamelCase names (#124)Brian Silverman
2022-02-10Fix linter warnings with new buildifier version. (#122)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2022-02-09Add docstring to a build_setting rule (#116)aiuto
2021-11-10Trivial: remove trailing whitespace - makes linters unhappy (#114)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2021-10-04Include the module's docstring in the header (#100)Alex Eagle
2021-09-30Update templates for macro returns and deprecations (#75)Samuel Giddins
2021-05-12Update repository name to match documentation (#102)Max Vorobev
2021-04-22Update binaries. (#97)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2020-12-01Add buildifier overrides to make test inputs compatible (#80)c-parsons
2020-11-30Bump version of io_bazel. (#79)Ivo List
2020-09-16Correct formatting when no parameters. (#60)Thomas Van Lenten
2020-07-31Fix compilation of Stardoc, broken by Bazel 3.4 (#56)Laurent Le Brun
2020-05-20Modify HTML table templates to be GFM-friendly (#55)Xùdōng Yáng
2020-04-06Use `id` attribute for anchors instead of obsolete `name` attribute (#51)pbatg
2020-01-29Left-align markdown attribute tables. (#45)Tiago Quelhas
2020-01-07Use ctx.workspace_name instead of ctx.label_workspace (#44)c-parsons
2019-10-21update markdown_tables to fix table links (#35)c-parsons
2019-10-10Rename all golden.txt testdata files to golden.md (#15)c-parsons
2019-10-09Update io_bazel dependency, jars, and tests (#13)c-parsons
2019-09-24Add stardoc rule documentation to docs/ (#7)c-parsons
2019-09-19run newest version of buildifier on BUILD files (#242)c-parsons
2019-09-11Change default output templates to pure_markdown (#240)c-parsons
2019-09-09update dependency on @io_bazel and update binaries (#239)c-parsons
2019-08-30Use ctx.label.workspace_name to retrieve current target workspace (#234)c-parsons
2019-08-30Update release jars and introduce e2e tests (#230)c-parsons
2019-08-07Update rule.vm to document the providers that a rule attribute requires (#219)kendalllaneee
2019-07-26Add Aspect Templates to Stardoc Rule (#214)kendalllaneee
2019-07-25Accept input templates into Stardoc ruleblossommojekwu
2019-07-18Update stardoc binary jars to HEAD io_bazelc-parsons
2019-07-03Generate markdown output by piping the stardoc proto output through the rende...kendalllaneee
2019-06-14Create proto format flag on Stardoc to output raw form of protos. (#191)blossommojekwu
2019-03-19Pass --workspace_name to Stardoc (#176)c-parsons
2019-02-07Update dependency on Bazel (#152)Laurent Le Brun
2018-11-26update stardoc.bzl to use flag semantics instead of positional arguments (#126)c-parsons