AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-24Added release notes from v1.3.0 release.upstream-masterKate Ward
2023-08-18Noted Issue #57 info.Kate Ward
2023-08-18Fixed logic to removed unnecessary return.Kate Ward
2023-08-18Added test to ensure 'set -o pipefail' doesn't break shFlags.Kate Ward
2023-08-18Fixed shellcheck errors.Kate Ward
2023-08-18Updated shunit2 to lates.Kate Ward
2023-08-18Updated versions to latest.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Test with Ubuntu Trusty as well.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Removed FLAGS_ARGC harder.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Removed FLAGS_ARGC harder.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Renamed to CHANGES-1.3.md.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Reformatted.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Reformatted.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Reformatted.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Fixed a couple of potential set -e stragglers.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Fixed #50. FLAGS_ARGC is no longer exported. Started 1.4.0pre series.Kate Ward
2020-04-13Pulled from upstream.Kate Ward
2020-04-12Fixed handling of deleted files.Kate Ward
2020-04-12Fixed more set -e issues.Kate Ward
2020-04-12Fixed bug that allowed bad commit to succeed.Kate Ward
2020-04-12Fixed shellcheck errors.Kate Ward
2020-04-12Fixed more set -e errors.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Removed unused variable.Kate Ward
2020-04-11More set -e fixes.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Fixes to th_showOutput().Kate Ward
2020-04-11Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kward/shflagsKate Ward
2020-04-11Enabled "set -e" by default.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Modernized the testGetoptStandard function.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Modernized the testGetoptStandard function.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Pulled from upstream.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kward/shflagsKate Ward
2020-04-11Removed unused TH_MY_NAME variable.Kate Ward
2020-04-11Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kward/shflagsKate Ward
2020-04-11Pulled from upstream.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixed minor shell nit.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fix warning for shells that aren't passing.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Added testing of mksh.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Replaced tabs with spaces.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Trying to figure out where the test_runner is failing.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Don't test 16.04 twice.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Try testing with multiple linux distros.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixed shellcheck errors.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Run with multiple linux distros.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixes to hooks.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixes to hooks.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixes to hooks.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Fixed 'set -e' errors.Kate Ward
2020-04-10Setup repo hooks.Kate Ward
2020-04-09Removed line limit restrictions.Kate Ward
2020-04-09Refactored logging code and fixed some 'set -e' issues.Kate Ward