AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
37 hoursFix netlink_connector bit shift in netmask ipv6 (#696)upstream-masterBjörn Wennmann
2024-04-10Update to C++17 (#560)Matthew Russell
2024-03-22fix compiler error: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined (#650)brenkem
2024-01-25Disables blank issue. (#618)Rui Graça
2024-01-23Adds issue template to github (#613)Rui Graça
2024-01-19Reapply netlink retries (#591)Geoff Phillips
2023-12-20E2E: Invent support for E2E Profile 05. (#589)brenkem
2023-12-11Fixed Windows CI builds (#586)Gonçalo Almeida
2023-11-29Updated CI to include windows builds (#583)Gonçalo Almeida
2023-11-29vSomeIP-Lib 3.4.10 (#582)Diogo Pedrosa
2023-11-10Add gtest to Fetch content #550 (#551)Patryk Gawroński
2023-11-10Documentation update (#558)Mao Sltr
2023-11-07Fix availability handler sending false on offer (#510)doschropa
2023-11-06Allow service_discovery to continue without random_device (#479)Matthew Russell
2023-10-23Fix IPv6 SD (#462)Julius G
2023-10-23vsomeip 3.4.9-r1 (#529)Diogo Pedrosa
2023-10-02Add support for QNX 7.1 (#447)James Choi
2023-09-11removed class ipv3_option_impl and class ipv6_option_impl (message_impl.hpp)...ziyangfu
2023-09-08deleted unused param _use_exclusive_proxy (#478)Reyders Morales
2023-07-07changed cmake_minimum_required to 3.13 which supports target_link_options (#488)Reyders Morales
2023-06-26do not instantiate a non existent type for boost < 1.66.0 (#470)Sebastian Bergt
2023-06-19typo in application.hpp (#471)Reyders Morales
2023-06-14Correction of interface description comments (#464)xuxuxuxuxu
2023-06-05vsomeip 3.3.8Diogo Pedrosa
2023-06-05vsomeip 3.3.7 (#457)Diogo Pedrosa
2023-06-05vsomeip 3.3.6 (#455)Diogo Pedrosa
2023-06-02vsomeip (#454)Diogo Pedrosa
2023-05-25Remove redundant ostream manipulators (#444)fietzero
2023-05-25isolate boost (#451)Paul Dodzweit
2023-04-14Fix format specifier in memory_log_timer_cbk (#429)Florian Frank
2023-03-20Update load_balancing_option_impl.cpp (#423)Jimmy-drod
2023-03-14Fix typo in application_impl.cpp (#419)Ikko Eltociear Ashimine
2023-03-13Merge pull request #416 from COVESA/update_3.3.0Diogo Pedrosa
2023-03-10vsomeip 3.3.0Diogo Pedrosa
2023-03-03fix Android.bp error (#413)BarleyXu
2023-03-03Fix timestamp format of log message (#411)Florian Frank
2023-03-03vsomeip (#414)Diogo Pedrosa
2022-09-22Merge pull request #356 from fynnwilliam/masterlutzbichler
2022-06-25Use reference to prevent copyingfynnwilliam
2022-06-25Compatibility with older versions is not requiredfynnwilliam
2022-03-15Merge pull request #140 from janbernloehr/masterlutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #320 from alexlarsson/fix-big-endianlutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #318 from alexlarsson/boost-176-supportlutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #316 from LccGitHub/tc8-devlutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #314 from doschropa/add-support-for-broadcast-messageslutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #312 from doschropa/fix-interface-specific-errorslutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #300 from ims0/fix-issue-263lutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #288 from 007herelsp/masterlutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #283 from phiwer/dev/retry_netlinklutzbichler
2022-03-15Merge pull request #274 from phiwer/dev/update_paths_to_vendorlutzbichler