path: root/pkg/legacy/rpm.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/legacy/rpm.bzl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/legacy/rpm.bzl b/pkg/legacy/rpm.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3211bbd..0000000
--- a/pkg/legacy/rpm.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Rules to create RPM archives.
-NOTE: this module is deprecated in favor of pkg/rpm_pfg.bzl. For more
-information on the `pkg_filegroup` framework it uses, see pkg/mappings.bzl.
-pkg_rpm() depends on the existence of an rpmbuild toolchain. Many users will
-find to convenient to use the one provided with their system. To enable that
-toolchain add the following stanza to WORKSPACE:
- # Find rpmbuild if it exists.
- load("@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_configure.bzl", "find_system_rpmbuild")
- find_system_rpmbuild(name="rules_pkg_rpmbuild")
-rpm_filetype = [".rpm"]
-spec_filetype = [".spec"]
-def _pkg_rpm_impl(ctx):
- """Implements to pkg_rpm rule."""
- files = []
- tools = []
- args = ["--name=" + ctx.label.name]
- if ctx.attr.debug:
- args += ["--debug"]
- if ctx.attr.rpmbuild_path:
- args += ["--rpmbuild=" + ctx.attr.rpmbuild_path]
- # buildifier: disable=print
- print("rpmbuild_path is deprecated. See the README for instructions on how" +
- " to migrate to toolchains")
- else:
- toolchain = ctx.toolchains["@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_toolchain_type"].rpmbuild
- if not toolchain.valid:
- fail("The rpmbuild_toolchain is not properly configured: " +
- toolchain.name)
- if toolchain.path:
- args += ["--rpmbuild=" + toolchain.path]
- else:
- executable_files = toolchain.label[DefaultInfo].files_to_run
- tools.append(executable_files)
- args.append("--rpmbuild=%s" % executable_files.executable.path)
- # Version can be specified by a file or inlined.
- if ctx.attr.version_file:
- if ctx.attr.version:
- fail("Both version and version_file attributes were specified")
- args += ["--version=@" + ctx.file.version_file.path]
- files += [ctx.file.version_file]
- elif ctx.attr.version:
- args += ["--version=" + ctx.attr.version]
- # Release can be specified by a file or inlined.
- if ctx.attr.release_file:
- if ctx.attr.release:
- fail("Both release and release_file attributes were specified")
- args += ["--release=@" + ctx.file.release_file.path]
- files += [ctx.file.release_file]
- elif ctx.attr.release:
- args += ["--release=" + ctx.attr.release]
- # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH can be specified by a file or inlined.
- if ctx.attr.source_date_epoch_file:
- if ctx.attr.source_date_epoch:
- fail("Both source_date_epoch and source_date_epoch_file attributes were specified")
- args += ["--source_date_epoch=@" + ctx.file.source_date_epoch_file.path]
- files += [ctx.file.source_date_epoch_file]
- elif ctx.attr.source_date_epoch != None:
- args += ["--source_date_epoch=" + str(ctx.attr.source_date_epoch)]
- if ctx.attr.architecture:
- args += ["--arch=" + ctx.attr.architecture]
- if not ctx.attr.spec_file:
- fail("spec_file was not specified")
- # Expand the spec file template.
- spec_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s.spec" % ctx.label.name)
- # Create the default substitutions based on the data files.
- substitutions = {}
- for data_file in ctx.files.data:
- key = "{%s}" % data_file.basename
- substitutions[key] = data_file.path
- ctx.actions.expand_template(
- template = ctx.file.spec_file,
- output = spec_file,
- substitutions = substitutions,
- )
- args += ["--spec_file=" + spec_file.path]
- files += [spec_file]
- args += ["--out_file=" + ctx.outputs.rpm.path]
- # Add data files.
- if ctx.file.changelog:
- files += [ctx.file.changelog]
- args += [ctx.file.changelog.path]
- files += ctx.files.data
- for f in ctx.files.data:
- args += [f.path]
- # Call the generator script.
- ctx.actions.run(
- mnemonic = "MakeRpm",
- executable = ctx.executable._make_rpm,
- use_default_shell_env = True,
- arguments = args,
- inputs = files,
- outputs = [ctx.outputs.rpm],
- env = {
- "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
- "LC_CTYPE": "UTF-8",
- "PYTHONUTF8": "1",
- },
- tools = tools,
- )
- # Link the RPM to the expected output name.
- ctx.actions.symlink(
- output = ctx.outputs.out,
- target_file = ctx.outputs.rpm,
- )
- # Link the RPM to the RPM-recommended output name if possible.
- if "rpm_nvra" in dir(ctx.outputs):
- ctx.actions.symlink(
- output = ctx.outputs.rpm_nvra,
- target_file = ctx.outputs.rpm,
- )
-def _pkg_rpm_outputs(version, release):
- outputs = {
- "out": "%{name}.rpm",
- "rpm": "%{name}-%{architecture}.rpm",
- }
- # The "rpm_nvra" output follows the recommended package naming convention of
- # Name-Version-Release.Arch.rpm
- # See http://ftp.rpm.org/max-rpm/ch-rpm-file-format.html
- if version and release:
- outputs["rpm_nvra"] = "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{architecture}.rpm"
- return outputs
-# Define the rule.
-pkg_rpm = rule(
- doc = "Legacy version",
- attrs = {
- "spec_file": attr.label(
- mandatory = True,
- allow_single_file = spec_filetype,
- ),
- "architecture": attr.string(default = "all"),
- "version_file": attr.label(
- allow_single_file = True,
- ),
- "version": attr.string(),
- "changelog": attr.label(
- allow_single_file = True,
- ),
- "data": attr.label_list(
- mandatory = True,
- allow_files = True,
- ),
- "release_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
- "release": attr.string(),
- "source_date_epoch_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
- "source_date_epoch": attr.int(),
- "debug": attr.bool(default = False),
- # Implicit dependencies.
- "rpmbuild_path": attr.string(), # deprecated
- "_make_rpm": attr.label(
- default = Label("//pkg:make_rpm"),
- cfg = "exec",
- executable = True,
- allow_files = True,
- ),
- },
- executable = False,
- outputs = _pkg_rpm_outputs,
- implementation = _pkg_rpm_impl,
- toolchains = ["@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_toolchain_type"],
-# buildifier: disable=no-effect
-"""Creates an RPM format package from the data files.
-This runs rpmbuild (and requires it to be installed beforehand) to generate
-an RPM package based on the spec_file and data attributes.
-Two outputs are guaranteed to be produced: "%{name}.rpm", and
-"%{name}-%{architecture}.rpm". If the "version" and "release" arguments are
-non-empty, a third output will be produced, following the RPM-recommended
-N-V-R.A format (Name-Version-Release.Architecture.rpm). Note that due to
-the fact that rule implementations cannot access the contents of files,
-the "version_file" and "release_file" arguments will not create an output
-using N-V-R.A format.
- spec_file: The RPM spec file to use. If the version or version_file
- attributes are provided, the Version in the spec will be overwritten,
- and likewise behaviour with release and release_file. Any Sources listed
- in the spec file must be provided as data dependencies.
- The base names of data dependencies can be replaced with the actual location
- using "{basename}" syntax.
- version: The version of the package to generate. This will overwrite any
- Version provided in the spec file. Only specify one of version and
- version_file.
- version_file: A file containing the version of the package to generate. This
- will overwrite any Version provided in the spec file. Only specify one of
- version and version_file.
- release: The release of the package to generate. This will overwrite any
- release provided in the spec file. Only specify one of release and
- release_file.
- release_file: A file containing the release of the package to generate. This
- will overwrite any release provided in the spec file. Only specify one of
- release and release_file.
- changelog: A changelog file to include. This will not be written to the spec
- file, which should only list changes to the packaging, not the software itself.
- source_date_epoch: Value to export as SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to facilitate reproducible
- timestamps. Implicitly sets the `%clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch` in the
- subordinate call to `rpmbuild` to facilitate more consistent in-RPM file
- timestamps.
- source_date_epoch_file: File containing the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH value. Sets
- `%clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch` like with "source_date_epoch".
- data: List all files to be included in the package here.