path: root/tests/make_summary.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/make_summary.py')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/make_summary.py b/tests/make_summary.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b55559c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/make_summary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+"""Given a regtest result tree, prints an HTML summary to a file.
+See HTML skeleton in tests/regtest.html.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+<tfoot style="font-weight: bold; text-align: right">
+ <td>
+ %(name)s
+ </td>
+ <!-- input params -->
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <!-- RAPPOR params -->
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <!-- MAP params -->
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <!-- Result metrics -->
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>%(mean_fpr)s</td>
+ <td>%(mean_fnr)s</td>
+ <td>%(mean_tv)s</td>
+ <td>%(mean_am)s</td>
+ <td>%(mean_time)s</td>
+# Navigation and links to plot.
+DETAILS = """\
+<p style="text-align: right">
+ <a href="#top">Up</a>
+<a id="%(anchor)s"></a>
+<p style="text-align: center">
+ <img src="%(instance_dir)s/dist.png"/>
+<a href="%(instance_dir)s">%(name)s files</a>
+def FormatFloat(x, percent):
+ """Formats a floating-point number."""
+ if percent:
+ return '{:.1f}%'.format(x * 100.0)
+ else:
+ return '{:.3f}'.format(x)
+def FormatMeanWithSem(m_std_error, percent=False):
+ """Formats an estimate with standard error."""
+ if m_std_error is None:
+ return ''
+ m, std_error = m_std_error
+ if std_error is None:
+ return FormatFloat(m, percent)
+ else:
+ return '{}&plusmn;{}'.format(
+ FormatFloat(m, percent),
+ FormatFloat(std_error, percent))
+def Mean(l):
+ """Computes the mean (average) for a list of numbers."""
+ if l:
+ return float(sum(l)) / len(l)
+ else:
+ return None
+def SampleVar(l):
+ """Computes the sample variance for a list of numbers."""
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ mean = Mean(l)
+ var = sum([(x - mean) ** 2 for x in l]) / (len(l) - 1)
+ return var
+ else:
+ return None
+def StandardErrorEstimate(l):
+ """Returns the standard error estimate for a list of numbers.
+ For a singleton the standard error is assumed to be 10% of its value.
+ """
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ return (SampleVar(l) / len(l)) ** .5
+ elif l:
+ return l[0] / 10.0
+ else:
+ return None
+def MeanOfMeans(dict_of_lists):
+ """Returns the average of averages with the standard error of the estimate.
+ """
+ means = [Mean(dict_of_lists[key]) for key in dict_of_lists
+ if dict_of_lists[key]]
+ if means:
+ # Compute variances of the estimate for each sublist.
+ se = [StandardErrorEstimate(dict_of_lists[key]) ** 2 for key
+ in dict_of_lists if dict_of_lists[key]]
+ return (Mean(means), # Mean over all sublists
+ sum(se) ** .5 / len(se)) # Standard deviation of the mean
+ else:
+ return None
+def ParseSpecFile(spec_filename):
+ """Parses the spec (parameters) file.
+ Returns:
+ An integer and a string. The integer is the number of bogus candidates
+ and the string is parameters in the HTML format.
+ """
+ with open(spec_filename) as s:
+ spec_row = s.readline().split()
+ # Second to last column is 'num_additional' -- the number of bogus
+ # candidates added
+ num_additional = int(spec_row[-2])
+ spec_in_html = ' '.join('<td>%s</td>' % cell for cell in spec_row[1:])
+ return num_additional, spec_in_html
+def ExtractTime(log_filename):
+ """Extracts the elapsed time information from the log file.
+ Returns:
+ Elapsed time (in seconds) or None in case of failure.
+ """
+ if os.path.isfile(log_filename):
+ with open(log_filename) as log:
+ log_str = log.read()
+ # Matching a line output by analyze.R.
+ match = re.search(r'Inference took ([0-9.]+) seconds', log_str)
+ if match:
+ return float(match.group(1))
+ return None
+def ParseMetrics(metrics_file, log_file, num_additional):
+ """Processes the metrics file.
+ Args:
+ metrics_file: name of the metrics file
+ log_file: name of the log.txt file
+ num_additional: A number of bogus candidates added to the candidate list.
+ Returns a pair:
+ - A dictionary of metrics (some can be []).
+ - An HTML-formatted portion of the report row.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isfile(metrics_file):
+ metrics_row_str = ['', '', '', '', '', '']
+ metrics_row_dict = {}
+ else:
+ with open(metrics_file) as m:
+ m.readline()
+ metrics_row = m.readline().split(',')
+ (num_actual, num_rappor, num_false_pos, num_false_neg, total_variation,
+ allocated_mass) = metrics_row
+ num_actual = int(num_actual)
+ num_rappor = int(num_rappor)
+ num_false_pos = int(num_false_pos)
+ num_false_neg = int(num_false_neg)
+ total_variation = float(total_variation)
+ allocated_mass = float(allocated_mass)
+ # e.g. if there are 20 additional candidates added, and 1 false positive,
+ # the false positive rate is 5%.
+ fp_rate = float(num_false_pos) / num_additional if num_additional else 0
+ # e.g. if there are 100 strings in the true input, and 80 strings
+ # detected by RAPPOR, then we have 20 false negatives, and a false
+ # negative rate of 20%.
+ fn_rate = float(num_false_neg) / num_actual
+ metrics_row_str = [
+ str(num_actual),
+ str(num_rappor),
+ '%.1f%% (%d)' % (fp_rate * 100, num_false_pos) if num_additional
+ else '',
+ '%.1f%% (%d)' % (fn_rate * 100, num_false_neg),
+ '%.3f' % total_variation,
+ '%.3f' % allocated_mass,
+ ]
+ metrics_row_dict = {
+ 'tv': [total_variation],
+ 'fpr': [fp_rate] if num_additional else [],
+ 'fnr': [fn_rate],
+ 'am': [allocated_mass],
+ }
+ elapsed_time = ExtractTime(log_file)
+ if elapsed_time is not None:
+ metrics_row_str = metrics_row_str + ['%.2f' % elapsed_time]
+ metrics_row_dict['time'] = [elapsed_time]
+ # return metrics formatted as HTML table entries
+ return (metrics_row_dict,
+ ' '.join('<td>%s</td>' % cell for cell in metrics_row_str))
+def FormatCell1(test_case, test_instance, metrics_file, log_file, plot_file,
+ link_to_plots):
+ """Outputs an HTML table entry for the first cell of the row.
+ The row is filled if the metrics file exist. The first cell contains a link
+ that for short tables points to a plot file inline, for large tables to an
+ external file.
+ If the metrics file is missing, the link points to the log file (if one
+ exists)
+ """
+ relpath_report = '{}/{}_report'.format(test_case, test_instance)
+ if os.path.isfile(metrics_file):
+ external_file = plot_file
+ if link_to_plots:
+ link = '#{}_{}'.format(test_case, test_instance) # anchor
+ else:
+ link = os.path.join(relpath_report, 'dist.png')
+ else: # no results likely due to an error, puts a link to the log file
+ external_file = log_file
+ link = os.path.join(relpath_report, 'log.txt')
+ if os.path.isfile(external_file):
+ return '<td><a href="{}">{}</a></td>'.format(link, test_case)
+ else: # if no file to link to
+ return '<td>{}</td>'.format(test_case)
+def FormatSummaryRow(metrics_lists):
+ """Outputs an HTML-formatted summary row."""
+ means_with_sem = {} # SEM - standard error of the mean
+ for key in metrics_lists:
+ means_with_sem[key] = MeanOfMeans(metrics_lists[key])
+ # If none of the lists is longer than one element, drop the SEM component.
+ if means_with_sem[key] and max([len(l) for l in metrics_lists[key]]) < 2:
+ means_with_sem[key] = [means_with_sem[key][0], None]
+ summary = {
+ 'name': 'Means',
+ 'mean_fpr': FormatMeanWithSem(means_with_sem['fpr'], percent=True),
+ 'mean_fnr': FormatMeanWithSem(means_with_sem['fnr'], percent=True),
+ 'mean_tv': FormatMeanWithSem(means_with_sem['tv'], percent=True),
+ 'mean_am': FormatMeanWithSem(means_with_sem['am'], percent=True),
+ 'mean_time': FormatMeanWithSem(means_with_sem['time']),
+ }
+ return SUMMARY_ROW % summary
+def FormatPlots(base_dir, test_instances):
+ """Outputs HTML-formatted plots."""
+ result = ''
+ for instance in test_instances:
+ # A test instance is identified by the test name and the test run.
+ test_case, test_instance, _ = instance.split(' ')
+ instance_dir = test_case + '/' + test_instance + '_report'
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_dir, instance_dir, 'dist.png')):
+ result += DETAILS % {'anchor': test_case + '_' + test_instance,
+ 'name': '{} (instance {})'.format(test_case,
+ test_instance),
+ 'instance_dir': instance_dir}
+ return result
+def main(argv):
+ base_dir = argv[1]
+ output_file = open(argv[2], 'w')
+ # This file has the test case names, in the order that they should be
+ # displayed.
+ instances_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'test-instances.txt')
+ if not os.path.isfile(instances_file):
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is missing'.format(instances_file))
+ with open(instances_file) as f:
+ test_instances = [line.strip() for line in f]
+ # Metrics are assembled into a dictionary of dictionaries. The top-level
+ # key is the metric name ('tv', 'fpr', etc.), the second level key is
+ # the test case. These keys reference a list of floats, which can be empty.
+ metrics = {
+ 'tv': {}, # total_variation for all test cases
+ 'fpr': {}, # dictionary of false positive rates
+ 'fnr': {}, # dictionary of false negative rates
+ 'am': {}, # dictionary of total allocated masses
+ 'time': {}, # dictionary of total elapsed time measurements
+ }
+ # If there are too many tests, the plots are not included in the results
+ # file. Instead, rows' names are links to the corresponding .png files.
+ include_plots = len(test_instances) < 20
+ instances_succeeded = 0
+ instances_failed = 0
+ instances_running = 0
+ for instance in test_instances:
+ # A test instance is idenfied by the test name and the test run.
+ test_case, test_instance, _ = instance.split(' ')
+ spec_file = os.path.join(base_dir, test_case, 'spec.txt')
+ if not os.path.isfile(spec_file):
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is missing'.format(spec_file))
+ num_additional, spec_html = ParseSpecFile(spec_file)
+ metrics_html = '' # will be filled in later on, if metrics exist
+ report_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, test_case, test_instance + '_report')
+ metrics_file = os.path.join(report_dir, 'metrics.csv')
+ log_file = os.path.join(report_dir, 'log.txt')
+ plot_file = os.path.join(report_dir, 'dist.png')
+ cell1_html = FormatCell1(test_case, test_instance, metrics_file, log_file,
+ plot_file, include_plots)
+ # ParseMetrics outputs an HTML table row and also updates lists
+ metrics_dict, metrics_html = ParseMetrics(metrics_file, log_file,
+ num_additional)
+ # Update the metrics structure. Initialize dictionaries if necessary.
+ for m in metrics:
+ if m in metrics_dict:
+ if not test_case in metrics[m]:
+ metrics[m][test_case] = metrics_dict[m]
+ else:
+ metrics[m][test_case] += metrics_dict[m]
+ print >>output_file, '<tr>{}{}{}</tr>'.format(cell1_html,
+ spec_html, metrics_html)
+ # Update counters
+ if 'tv' in metrics_dict:
+ instances_succeeded += 1
+ else:
+ if 'time' in metrics_dict:
+ instances_failed += 1
+ else:
+ if os.path.isfile(log_file):
+ instances_running += 1
+ print >>output_file, FormatSummaryRow(metrics)
+ print >>output_file, '</tbody>'
+ print >>output_file, '</table>'
+ print >>output_file, '<p style="padding-bottom: 3em"></p>' # vertical space
+ # Plot links.
+ if include_plots:
+ print >>output_file, FormatPlots(base_dir, test_instances)
+ else:
+ print >>output_file, ('<p>Too many tests to include plots. '
+ 'Click links within rows for details.</p>')
+ print ('Instances'
+ ' succeeded: {} failed: {} running: {} total: {}'.
+ format(instances_succeeded, instances_failed, instances_running,
+ len(test_instances)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ main(sys.argv)
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: %s' % e
+ sys.exit(1)