path: root/bin/decode_assoc.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/decode_assoc.R')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/decode_assoc.R b/bin/decode_assoc.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58e35f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/decode_assoc.R
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Command line tool to decode multidimensional reports. It's a simple wrapper
+# around functions in association.R.
+# Command line parsing. Do this first before loading libraries to catch errors
+# quickly. Loading libraries in R is slow.
+# Display an error string and quit.
+UsageError <- function(...) {
+ cat(sprintf(...))
+ cat('\n')
+ quit(status = 1)
+option_list <- list(
+ make_option(
+ "--metric-name", dest="metric_name", default="",
+ help="Name of the metric; metrics contain variables (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--reports", default="",
+ help="CSV file with reports; each variable is a column (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--schema", default="",
+ help="CSV file with variable types and metadata (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--params-dir", dest="params_dir", default="",
+ help="Directory where parameter CSV files are stored (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--var1", default="",
+ help="Name of first variable (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--var2", default="",
+ help="Name of second variable (required)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--map1", default="",
+ help="Path to map file, if var1 is a string"),
+ make_option(
+ "--map2", default="",
+ help="Path to map file, if var2 is a string"),
+ make_option(
+ "--output-dir", dest="output_dir", default=".",
+ help="Output directory (default .)"),
+ make_option(
+ "--create-bool-map", dest="create_bool_map", default=FALSE,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Hack to use string RAPPOR to analyze boolean variables."),
+ make_option(
+ "--remove-bad-rows", dest="remove_bad_rows", default=FALSE,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Whether we should remove rows where any value is missing (by
+ default, the program aborts with an error)"),
+ # Options that speed it up
+ make_option(
+ "--reports-sample-size", dest="reports_sample_size", default=-1,
+ help="Only analyze a random sample of this size. This is for
+ limiting the execution time at the expense of accuracy."),
+ make_option(
+ "--num-cores", dest="num_cores", default=1,
+ help="Number of cores for mclapply to use. Speeds up the parts
+ of the computation proportional to the number of reports,
+ EXCEPT the EM step, which can be sped up by native code."),
+ make_option(
+ "--max-em-iters", dest="max_em_iters", default=1000,
+ help="Maximum number of EM iterations"),
+ make_option(
+ "--em-executable", dest="em_executable", default="",
+ help="Shell out to this executable for an accelerated implementation
+ of EM."),
+ make_option(
+ "--tmp-dir", dest="tmp_dir", default="/tmp",
+ help="Use this tmp dir to communicate with the EM executable")
+ParseOptions <- function() {
+ # NOTE: This API is bad; if you add positional_arguments, the return value
+ # changes!
+ parser <- OptionParser(option_list = option_list)
+ opts <- parse_args(parser)
+ if (opts$metric_name == "") {
+ UsageError("--metric-name is required.")
+ }
+ if (opts$reports== "") {
+ UsageError("--reports is required.")
+ }
+ if (opts$schema == "") {
+ UsageError("--schema is required.")
+ }
+ if (opts$params_dir == "") {
+ UsageError("--params-dir is required.")
+ }
+ if (opts$var1 == "") {
+ UsageError("--var1 is required.")
+ }
+ if (opts$var2 == "") {
+ UsageError("--var2 is required.")
+ }
+ return(opts)
+if (!interactive()) {
+ opts <- ParseOptions()
+# Load libraries and source our own code.
+library(RJSONIO) # toJSON()
+# So we don't have to change pwd
+source.rappor <- function(rel_path) {
+ abs_path <- paste0(Sys.getenv("RAPPOR_REPO", ""), rel_path)
+ source(abs_path)
+options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+options(max.print = 100) # So our structure() debug calls look better
+CreateAssocStringMap <- function(all_cohorts_map, params) {
+ # Processes the maps loaded using ReadMapFile and turns it into something
+ # that association.R can use. Namely, we want a map per cohort.
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # all_cohorts_map: map matrix, as for single variable analysis
+ # params: encoding parameters
+ if (nrow(all_cohorts_map) != (params$m * params$k)) {
+ stop(sprintf(
+ "Map matrix has invalid dimensions: m * k = %d, nrow(map) = %d",
+ params$m * params$k, nrow(all_cohorts_map)))
+ }
+ k <- params$k
+ map_by_cohort <- lapply(0 : (params$m-1), function(cohort) {
+ begin <- cohort * k
+ end <- (cohort + 1) * k
+ all_cohorts_map[(begin+1) : end, ]
+ })
+ list(all_cohorts_map = all_cohorts_map, map_by_cohort = map_by_cohort)
+# Hack to create a map for booleans. We should use closed-form formulas instead.
+CreateAssocBoolMap <- function(params) {
+ names <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
+ map_by_cohort <- lapply(1:params$m, function(unused_cohort) {
+ # The (1,1) cell is false and the (1,2) cell is true.
+ m <- sparseMatrix(c(1), c(2), dims = c(1, 2))
+ colnames(m) <- names
+ m
+ })
+ all_cohorts_map <- sparseMatrix(1:params$m, rep(2, params$m))
+ colnames(all_cohorts_map) <- names
+ list(map_by_cohort = map_by_cohort, all_cohorts_map = all_cohorts_map)
+ResultMatrixToDataFrame <- function(m, string_var_name, bool_var_name) {
+ # Args:
+ # m: A 2D matrix as output by ComputeDistributionEM, e.g.
+ # bing.com yahoo.com google.com Other
+ # TRUE 0.2718526 0.1873424 0.19637704 0.003208933
+ # Other 0.1404581 0.1091826 0.08958427 0.001994163
+ # Returns:
+ # A flattened data frame, e.g.
+ # Name the dimensions of the matrix.
+ dim_names <- list()
+ # TODO: generalize this. Right now we're assuming the first dimension is
+ # boolean.
+ dim_names[[bool_var_name]] <- c('TRUE', 'FALSE')
+ dim_names[[string_var_name]] <- dimnames(m)[[2]]
+ dimnames(m) <- dim_names
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15885111/create-data-frame-from-a-matrix-in-r
+ fit_df <- as.data.frame(as.table(m))
+ # The as.table conversion gives you a Freq column. Call it "proportion" to
+ # be consistent with single variable analysis.
+ colnames(fit_df)[colnames(fit_df) == "Freq"] <- "proportion"
+ fit_df
+main <- function(opts) {
+ Log("decode-assoc")
+ Log("argv:")
+ print(commandArgs(TRUE))
+ schema <- read.csv(opts$schema)
+ Log("Read %d vars from schema", nrow(schema))
+ schema1 <- schema[schema$metric == opts$metric_name &
+ schema$var == opts$var1, ]
+ if (nrow(schema1) == 0) {
+ UsageError("Couldn't find metric '%s', field '%s' in schema",
+ opts$metric_name, opts$var1)
+ }
+ schema2 <- schema[schema$metric == opts$metric_name &
+ schema$var== opts$var2, ]
+ if (nrow(schema2) == 0) {
+ UsageError("Couldn't find metric '%s', field '%s' in schema",
+ opts$metric_name, opts$var2)
+ }
+ if (schema1$params != schema2$params) {
+ UsageError('var1 and var2 should have the same params (%s != %s)',
+ schema1$params, schema2$params)
+ }
+ params_name <- schema1$params
+ params_path <- file.path(opts$params_dir, paste0(params_name, '.csv'))
+ params <- ReadParameterFile(params_path)
+ var1_type <- schema1$var_type
+ var2_type <- schema2$var_type
+ # Right now we're assuming that --var1 is a string and --var2 is a boolean.
+ # TODO: Remove these limitations.
+ if (var1_type != "string") {
+ UsageError("Variable 1 should be a string (%s is of type %s)", opts$var1,
+ var1_type)
+ }
+ if (var2_type != "boolean") {
+ UsageError("Variable 2 should be a boolean (%s is of type %s)", opts$var2,
+ var2_type)
+ }
+ if (opts$map1 == "") {
+ UsageError("--map1 must be provided when --var1 is a string (var = %s)",
+ opts$var1)
+ }
+ # Example cache speedup for 100k map file: 31 seconds to load map and write
+ # cache; vs 2.2 seconds to read cache.
+ string_params <- params
+ map <- LoadMapFile(opts$map1, string_params)
+ # Important: first column is cohort (integer); the rest are variables, which
+ # are ASCII bit strings.
+ reports <- read.csv(opts$reports, colClasses=c("character"), as.is = TRUE)
+ Log("Read %d reports. Preview:", nrow(reports))
+ print(head(reports))
+ cat('\n')
+ # Filter bad reports first
+ is_empty1 <- reports[[opts$var1]] == ""
+ is_empty2 <- reports[[opts$var2]] == ""
+ Log('Found %d blank values in %s', sum(is_empty1), opts$var1)
+ Log('Found %d blank values in %s', sum(is_empty2), opts$var2)
+ is_empty <- is_empty1 | is_empty2 # boolean vectors
+ Log('%d bad rows', sum(is_empty))
+ if (sum(is_empty) > 0) {
+ if (opts$remove_bad_rows) {
+ reports <- reports[!is_empty, ]
+ Log('Removed %d rows, giving %d rows', sum(is_empty), nrow(reports))
+ } else {
+ stop("Found bad rows and --remove-bad-rows wasn't passed")
+ }
+ }
+ N <- nrow(reports)
+ if (N == 0) {
+ # Use an arbitrary error code when there is nothing to analyze, so we can
+ # distinguish this from more serious failures.
+ Log("No reports to analyze. Exiting with code 9.")
+ quit(status = 9)
+ }
+ # Sample reports if specified.
+ if (opts$reports_sample_size != -1) {
+ if (N > opts$reports_sample_size) {
+ indices <- sample(1:N, opts$reports_sample_size)
+ reports <- reports[indices, ]
+ Log("Created a sample of %d reports", nrow(reports))
+ } else {
+ Log("Got less than %d reports, not sampling", opts$reports_sample_size)
+ }
+ }
+ num_vars <- 2 # hard-coded for now, since there is --var1 and --var2.
+ # Convert strings to integers
+ cohorts <- as.integer(reports$cohort)
+ # Hack for Chrome: like AdjustCounts in decode_dist.R.
+ cohorts <- cohorts %% params$m
+ # Assume the input has 0-based cohorts, and change to 1-based cohorts.
+ cohorts <- cohorts + 1
+ # i.e. create a list of length 2, with identical cohorts.
+ # NOTE: Basic RAPPOR doesn't need cohorts.
+ cohorts_list <- rep(list(cohorts), num_vars)
+ # TODO: We should use the closed-form formulas rather than calling the
+ # solver, and not require this flag.
+ if (!opts$create_bool_map) {
+ stop("ERROR: pass --create-bool-map to analyze booleans.")
+ }
+ bool_params <- params
+ # HACK: Make this the boolean. The Decode() step uses k. (Note that R makes
+ # a copy here)
+ bool_params$k <- 1
+ params_list <- list(bool_params, string_params)
+ Log('CreateAssocStringMap')
+ string_map <- CreateAssocStringMap(map$map, params)
+ Log('CreateAssocBoolMap')
+ bool_map <- CreateAssocBoolMap(params)
+ map_list <- list(bool_map, string_map)
+ string_var <- reports[[opts$var1]]
+ bool_var <- reports[[opts$var2]]
+ Log('Preview of string var:')
+ print(head(table(string_var)))
+ cat('\n')
+ Log('Preview of bool var:')
+ print(head(table(bool_var)))
+ cat('\n')
+ # Split ASCII strings into array of numerics (as required by association.R)
+ Log('Splitting string reports (%d cores)', opts$num_cores)
+ string_reports <- mclapply(string_var, function(x) {
+ # function splits strings and converts them to numeric values
+ # rev needed for endianness
+ rev(as.integer(strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]]))
+ }, mc.cores = opts$num_cores)
+ Log('Splitting bool reports (%d cores)', opts$num_cores)
+ # Has to be an list of length 1 integer vectors
+ bool_reports <- mclapply(bool_var, function(x) {
+ as.integer(x)
+ }, mc.cores = opts$num_cores)
+ reports_list <- list(bool_reports, string_reports)
+ Log('Association for %d vars', length(reports_list))
+ if (opts$em_executable != "") {
+ Log('Will shell out to %s for native EM implementation', opts$em_executable)
+ em_iter_func <- ConstructFastEM(opts$em_executable, opts$tmp_dir)
+ } else {
+ Log('Will use R implementation of EM (slow)')
+ em_iter_func <- EM
+ }
+ assoc_result <- ComputeDistributionEM(reports_list, cohorts_list, map_list,
+ ignore_other = FALSE,
+ params_list = params_list,
+ marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE,
+ num_cores = opts$num_cores,
+ em_iter_func = em_iter_func,
+ max_em_iters = opts$max_em_iters)
+ # This happens if the marginal can't be decoded.
+ if (is.null(assoc_result)) {
+ stop("ComputeDistributionEM failed.")
+ }
+ # NOTE: It would be nicer if reports_list, cohorts_list, etc. were indexed by
+ # names like 'domain' rather than numbers, and the result assoc_result$fit
+ # matrix had corresponding named dimensions. Instead we call
+ # ResultMatrixToDataFrame to do this.
+ fit <- assoc_result$fit
+ fit_df <- ResultMatrixToDataFrame(fit, opts$var1, opts$var2)
+ Log("Association results:")
+ print(fit_df)
+ cat('\n')
+ results_csv_path <- file.path(opts$output_dir, 'assoc-results.csv')
+ write.csv(fit_df, file = results_csv_path, row.names = FALSE)
+ Log("Wrote %s", results_csv_path)
+ # Measure elapsed time as close to the end as possible
+ total_elapsed_time <- proc.time()[['elapsed']]
+ metrics <- list(num_reports = N,
+ reports_sample_size = opts$reports_sample_size,
+ # fit is a matrix
+ estimate_dimensions = dim(fit),
+ # should sum to near 1.0
+ sum_estimates = sum(fit),
+ total_elapsed_time = total_elapsed_time,
+ em_elapsed_time = assoc_result$em_elapsed_time,
+ num_em_iters = assoc_result$num_em_iters)
+ metrics_json_path <- file.path(opts$output_dir, 'assoc-metrics.json')
+ writeLines(toJSON(metrics), con = metrics_json_path)
+ Log("Wrote %s", metrics_json_path)
+ Log('DONE decode-assoc')
+if (!interactive()) {
+ main(opts)