path: root/analysis/R/decode.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'analysis/R/decode.R')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/R/decode.R b/analysis/R/decode.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d83f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/R/decode.R
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This library implements the RAPPOR marginal decoding algorithms using LASSO.
+# So we don't have to change pwd
+source.rappor <- function(rel_path) {
+ abs_path <- paste0(Sys.getenv("RAPPOR_REPO", ""), rel_path)
+ source(abs_path)
+EstimateBloomCounts <- function(params, obs_counts) {
+ # Estimates the number of times each bit in each cohort was set in original
+ # Bloom filters.
+ #
+ # Input:
+ # params: a list of RAPPOR parameters:
+ # k - size of a Bloom filter
+ # h - number of hash functions
+ # m - number of cohorts
+ # p - P(IRR = 1 | PRR = 0)
+ # q - P(IRR = 1 | PRR = 1)
+ # f - Proportion of bits in the Bloom filter that are set randomly
+ # to 0 or 1 regardless of the underlying true bit value
+ # obs_counts: a matrix of size m by (k + 1). Column one contains sample
+ # sizes for each cohort. Other counts indicated how many times
+ # each bit was set in each cohort.
+ #
+ # Output:
+ # ests: a matrix of size m by k with estimated counts for the probability
+ # of each bit set to 1 in the true Bloom filter.
+ # stds: standard deviation of the estimates.
+ p <- params$p
+ q <- params$q
+ f <- params$f
+ m <- params$m
+ k <- params$k
+ stopifnot(m == nrow(obs_counts), k + 1 == ncol(obs_counts))
+ p11 <- q * (1 - f/2) + p * f / 2 # probability of a true 1 reported as 1
+ p01 <- p * (1 - f/2) + q * f / 2 # probability of a true 0 reported as 1
+ p2 <- p11 - p01 # == (1 - f) * (q - p)
+ # When m = 1, obs_counts does not have the right dimensions. Fixing this.
+ dim(obs_counts) <- c(m, k + 1)
+ ests <- apply(obs_counts, 1, function(cohort_row) {
+ N <- cohort_row[1] # sample size for the cohort -- first column is total
+ v <- cohort_row[-1] # counts for individual bits
+ (v - p01 * N) / p2 # unbiased estimator for individual bits'
+ # true counts. It can be negative or
+ # exceed the total.
+ })
+ # NOTE: When k == 1, rows of obs_counts have 2 entries. Then cohort_row[-1]
+ # is a singleton vector, and apply() returns a *vector*. When rows have 3
+ # entries, cohort_row[-1] is a vector of length 2 and apply() returns a
+ # *matrix*.
+ #
+ # Fix this by explicitly setting dimensions. NOTE: It's k x m, not m x k.
+ dim(ests) <- c(k, m)
+ total <- sum(obs_counts[,1])
+ variances <- apply(obs_counts, 1, function(cohort_row) {
+ N <- cohort_row[1]
+ v <- cohort_row[-1]
+ p_hats <- (v - p01 * N) / (N * p2) # expectation of a true 1
+ p_hats <- pmax(0, pmin(1, p_hats)) # clamp to [0,1]
+ r <- p_hats * p11 + (1 - p_hats) * p01 # expectation of a reported 1
+ N * r * (1 - r) / p2^2 # variance of the binomial
+ })
+ dim(variances) <- c(k, m)
+ # Transform counts from absolute values to fractional, removing bias due to
+ # variability of reporting between cohorts.
+ ests <- apply(ests, 1, function(x) x / obs_counts[,1])
+ stds <- apply(variances^.5, 1, function(x) x / obs_counts[,1])
+ # Some estimates may be set to infinity, e.g. if f=1. We want to account for
+ # this possibility, and set the corresponding counts to 0.
+ ests[abs(ests) == Inf] <- 0
+ list(estimates = ests, stds = stds)
+FitLasso <- function(X, Y, intercept = TRUE) {
+ # Fits a Lasso model to select a subset of columns of X.
+ #
+ # Input:
+ # X: a design matrix of size km by M (the number of candidate strings).
+ # Y: a vector of size km with estimated counts from EstimateBloomCounts().
+ # intercept: whether to fit with intercept or not.
+ #
+ # Output:
+ # a vector of size ncol(X) of coefficients.
+ # TODO(mironov): Test cv.glmnet instead of glmnet
+ mod <- try(glmnet(X, Y, standardize = FALSE, intercept = intercept,
+ lower.limits = 0, # outputs are non-negative
+ # Cap the number of non-zero coefficients to 500 or
+ # 80% of the length of Y, whichever is less. The 500 cap
+ # is for performance reasons, 80% is to avoid overfitting.
+ pmax = min(500, length(Y) * .8)),
+ silent = TRUE)
+ # If fitting fails, return an empty data.frame.
+ if (class(mod)[1] == "try-error") {
+ coefs <- setNames(rep(0, ncol(X)), colnames(X))
+ } else {
+ coefs <- coef(mod)
+ coefs <- coefs[-1, ncol(coefs), drop = FALSE] # coefs[1] is the intercept
+ }
+ coefs
+PerformInference <- function(X, Y, N, mod, params, alpha, correction) {
+ m <- params$m
+ p <- params$p
+ q <- params$q
+ f <- params$f
+ h <- params$h
+ q2 <- .5 * f * (p + q) + (1 - f) * q
+ p2 <- .5 * f * (p + q) + (1 - f) * p
+ resid_var <- p2 * (1 - p2) * (N / m) / (q2 - p2)^2
+ # Total Sum of Squares (SS).
+ TSS <- sum((Y - mean(Y))^2)
+ # Error Sum of Squares (ESS).
+ ESS <- resid_var * nrow(X)
+ betas <- matrix(mod$coefs, ncol = 1)
+# mod_var <- summary(mod$fit)$sigma^2
+# betas_sd <- rep(sqrt(max(resid_var, mod_var) / (m * h)), length(betas))
+# z_values <- betas / betas_sd
+# # 1-sided t-test.
+# p_values <- pnorm(z_values, lower = FALSE)
+ fit <- data.frame(string = colnames(X), Estimate = betas,
+ SD = mod$stds, # z_stat = z_values, pvalue = p_values,
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+# if (correction == "FDR") {
+# fit <- fit[order(fit$pvalue, decreasing = FALSE), ]
+# ind <- which(fit$pvalue < (1:nrow(fit)) * alpha / nrow(fit))
+# if (length(ind) > 0) {
+# fit <- fit[1:max(ind), ]
+# } else {
+# fit <- fit[numeric(0), ]
+# }
+# } else {
+# fit <- fit[fit$p < alpha, ]
+# }
+ fit <- fit[order(fit$Estimate, decreasing = TRUE), ]
+ if (nrow(fit) > 0) {
+ str_names <- fit$string
+ str_names <- str_names[!is.na(str_names)]
+ if (length(str_names) > 0 && length(str_names) < nrow(X)) {
+ this_data <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(X[, str_names]))
+ Y_hat <- predict(lm(Y ~ ., data = this_data))
+ RSS <- sum((Y_hat - mean(Y))^2)
+ } else {
+ RSS <- NA
+ }
+ } else {
+ RSS <- 0
+ }
+ USS <- TSS - ESS - RSS
+ SS <- c(RSS, USS, ESS) / TSS
+ list(fit = fit, SS = SS, resid_sigma = sqrt(resid_var))
+ComputePrivacyGuarantees <- function(params, alpha, N) {
+ # Compute privacy parameters and guarantees.
+ p <- params$p
+ q <- params$q
+ f <- params$f
+ h <- params$h
+ q2 <- .5 * f * (p + q) + (1 - f) * q
+ p2 <- .5 * f * (p + q) + (1 - f) * p
+ exp_e_one <- ((q2 * (1 - p2)) / (p2 * (1 - q2)))^h
+ if (exp_e_one < 1) {
+ exp_e_one <- 1 / exp_e_one
+ }
+ e_one <- log(exp_e_one)
+ exp_e_inf <- ((1 - .5 * f) / (.5 * f))^(2 * h)
+ e_inf <- log(exp_e_inf)
+ std_dev_counts <- sqrt(p2 * (1 - p2) * N) / (q2 - p2)
+ detection_freq <- qnorm(1 - alpha) * std_dev_counts / N
+ privacy_names <- c("Effective p", "Effective q", "exp(e_1)",
+ "e_1", "exp(e_inf)", "e_inf", "Detection frequency")
+ privacy_vals <- c(p2, q2, exp_e_one, e_one, exp_e_inf, e_inf, detection_freq)
+ privacy <- data.frame(parameters = privacy_names,
+ values = privacy_vals)
+ privacy
+FitDistribution <- function(estimates_stds, map, quiet = FALSE) {
+ # Find a distribution over rows of map that approximates estimates_stds best
+ #
+ # Input:
+ # estimates_stds: a list of two m x k matrices, one for estimates, another
+ # for standard errors
+ # map : an (m * k) x S boolean matrix
+ #
+ # Output:
+ # a float vector of length S, so that a distribution over map's rows sampled
+ # according to this vector approximates estimates
+ S <- ncol(map) # total number of candidates
+ support_coefs <- 1:S
+ if (S > length(estimates_stds$estimates) * .8) {
+ # the system is close to being underdetermined
+ lasso <- FitLasso(map, as.vector(t(estimates_stds$estimates)))
+ # Select non-zero coefficients.
+ support_coefs <- which(lasso > 0)
+ if(!quiet)
+ cat("LASSO selected ", length(support_coefs), " non-zero coefficients.\n")
+ }
+ coefs <- setNames(rep(0, S), colnames(map))
+ if(length(support_coefs) > 0) { # LASSO may return an empty list
+ constrained_coefs <- ConstrainedLinModel(map[, support_coefs, drop = FALSE],
+ estimates_stds)
+ coefs[support_coefs] <- constrained_coefs
+ }
+ coefs
+Resample <- function(e) {
+ # Simulate resampling of the Bloom filter estimates by adding Gaussian noise
+ # with estimated standard deviation.
+ estimates <- matrix(mapply(function(x, y) x + rnorm(1, 0, y),
+ e$estimates, e$stds),
+ nrow = nrow(e$estimates), ncol = ncol(e$estimates))
+ stds <- e$stds * 2^.5
+ list(estimates = estimates, stds = stds)
+# Private function
+# Decode for Boolean RAPPOR inputs
+# Returns a list with attribute fit only. (Inference and other aspects
+# currently not incorporated because they're unnecessary for association.)
+.DecodeBoolean <- function(counts, params, num_reports) {
+ # Boolean variables are reported without cohorts and to estimate counts,
+ # first sum up counts across all cohorts and then run EstimateBloomCounts
+ # with the number of cohorts set to 1.
+ params$m <- 1 # set number of cohorts to 1
+ summed_counts <- colSums(counts) # sum counts across cohorts
+ es <- EstimateBloomCounts(params, summed_counts) # estimate boolean counts
+ ests <- es$estimates[[1]]
+ std <- es$stds[[1]]
+ fit <- data.frame(
+ string = c("TRUE", "FALSE"),
+ estimate = c(ests * num_reports,
+ num_reports - ests * num_reports),
+ std_error = c(std * num_reports, std * num_reports),
+ proportion = c(ests, 1 - ests),
+ prop_std_error = c(std, std))
+ low_95 <- fit$proportion - 1.96 * fit$prop_std_error
+ high_95 <- fit$proportion + 1.96 * fit$prop_std_error
+ fit$prop_low_95 <- pmax(low_95, 0.0)
+ fit$prop_high_95 <- pmin(high_95, 1.0)
+ rownames(fit) <- fit$string
+ return(list(fit = fit))
+CheckDecodeInputs <- function(counts, map, params) {
+ # Returns an error message, or NULL if there is no error.
+ if (nrow(map) != (params$m * params$k)) {
+ return(sprintf(
+ "Map matrix has invalid dimensions: m * k = %d, nrow(map) = %d",
+ params$m * params$k, nrow(map)))
+ }
+ if ((ncol(counts) - 1) != params$k) {
+ return(sprintf(paste0(
+ "Dimensions of counts file do not match: m = %d, k = %d, ",
+ "nrow(counts) = %d, ncol(counts) = %d"), params$m, params$k,
+ nrow(counts), ncol(counts)))
+ }
+ # numerically correct comparison
+ if (isTRUE(all.equal((1 - params$f) * (params$p - params$q), 0))) {
+ return("Information is lost. Cannot decode.")
+ }
+ return(NULL) # no error
+Decode <- function(counts, map, params, alpha = 0.05,
+ correction = c("Bonferroni"), quiet = FALSE, ...) {
+ error_msg <- CheckDecodeInputs(counts, map, params)
+ if (!is.null(error_msg)) {
+ stop(error_msg)
+ }
+ k <- params$k
+ p <- params$p
+ q <- params$q
+ f <- params$f
+ h <- params$h
+ m <- params$m
+ S <- ncol(map) # total number of candidates
+ N <- sum(counts[, 1])
+ if (k == 1) {
+ return(.DecodeBoolean(counts, params, N))
+ }
+ filter_cohorts <- which(counts[, 1] != 0) # exclude cohorts with zero reports
+ # stretch cohorts to bits
+ filter_bits <- as.vector(matrix(1:nrow(map), ncol = m)[,filter_cohorts, drop = FALSE])
+ map_filtered <- map[filter_bits, , drop = FALSE]
+ es <- EstimateBloomCounts(params, counts)
+ estimates_stds_filtered <-
+ list(estimates = es$estimates[filter_cohorts, , drop = FALSE],
+ stds = es$stds[filter_cohorts, , drop = FALSE])
+ coefs_all <- vector()
+ # Run the fitting procedure several times (5 seems to be sufficient and not
+ # too many) to estimate standard deviation of the output.
+ for(r in 1:5) {
+ if(r > 1)
+ e <- Resample(estimates_stds_filtered)
+ else
+ e <- estimates_stds_filtered
+ coefs_all <- rbind(coefs_all,
+ FitDistribution(e, map_filtered, quiet))
+ }
+ coefs_ssd <- N * apply(coefs_all, 2, sd) # compute sample standard deviations
+ coefs_ave <- N * apply(coefs_all, 2, mean)
+ # Only select coefficients more than two standard deviations from 0. May
+ # inflate empirical SD of the estimates.
+ reported <- which(coefs_ave > 1E-6 + 2 * coefs_ssd)
+ mod <- list(coefs = coefs_ave[reported], stds = coefs_ssd[reported])
+ coefs_ave_zeroed <- coefs_ave
+ coefs_ave_zeroed[-reported] <- 0
+ residual <- as.vector(t(estimates_stds_filtered$estimates)) -
+ map_filtered %*% coefs_ave_zeroed / N
+ if (correction == "Bonferroni") {
+ alpha <- alpha / S
+ }
+ inf <- PerformInference(map_filtered[, reported, drop = FALSE],
+ as.vector(t(estimates_stds_filtered$estimates)),
+ N, mod, params, alpha,
+ correction)
+ fit <- inf$fit
+ # If this is a basic RAPPOR instance, just use the counts for the estimate
+ # (Check if the map is diagonal to tell if this is basic RAPPOR.)
+ if (sum(map) == sum(diag(map))) {
+ fit$Estimate <- colSums(counts)[-1]
+ }
+ # Estimates from the model are per instance so must be multipled by h.
+ # Standard errors are also adjusted.
+ fit$estimate <- floor(fit$Estimate)
+ fit$proportion <- fit$estimate / N
+ fit$std_error <- floor(fit$SD)
+ fit$prop_std_error <- fit$std_error / N
+ # 1.96 standard deviations gives 95% confidence interval.
+ low_95 <- fit$proportion - 1.96 * fit$prop_std_error
+ high_95 <- fit$proportion + 1.96 * fit$prop_std_error
+ # Clamp estimated proportion. pmin/max: vectorized min and max
+ fit$prop_low_95 <- pmax(low_95, 0.0)
+ fit$prop_high_95 <- pmin(high_95, 1.0)
+ fit <- fit[, c("string", "estimate", "std_error", "proportion",
+ "prop_std_error", "prop_low_95", "prop_high_95")]
+ allocated_mass <- sum(fit$proportion)
+ num_detected <- nrow(fit)
+ ss <- round(inf$SS, digits = 3)
+ explained_var <- ss[[1]]
+ missing_var <- ss[[2]]
+ noise_var <- ss[[3]]
+ noise_std_dev <- round(inf$resid_sigma, digits = 3)
+ # Compute summary of the fit.
+ parameters <-
+ c("Candidate strings", "Detected strings",
+ "Sample size (N)", "Discovered Prop (out of N)",
+ "Explained Variance", "Missing Variance", "Noise Variance",
+ "Theoretical Noise Std. Dev.")
+ values <- c(S, num_detected, N, allocated_mass,
+ explained_var, missing_var, noise_var, noise_std_dev)
+ res_summary <- data.frame(parameters = parameters, values = values)
+ privacy <- ComputePrivacyGuarantees(params, alpha, N)
+ params <- data.frame(parameters =
+ c("k", "h", "m", "p", "q", "f", "N", "alpha"),
+ values = c(k, h, m, p, q, f, N, alpha))
+ # This is a list of decode stats in a better format than 'summary'.
+ metrics <- list(sample_size = N,
+ allocated_mass = allocated_mass,
+ num_detected = num_detected,
+ explained_var = explained_var,
+ missing_var = missing_var)
+ list(fit = fit, summary = res_summary, privacy = privacy, params = params,
+ lasso = NULL, residual = as.vector(residual),
+ counts = counts[, -1], resid = NULL, metrics = metrics,
+ ests = es$estimates # ests needed by Shiny rappor-sim app
+ )
+ComputeCounts <- function(reports, cohorts, params) {
+ # Counts the number of times each bit in the Bloom filters was set for
+ # each cohort.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # reports: A list of N elements, each containing the
+ # report for a given report
+ # cohorts: A list of N elements, each containing the
+ # cohort number for a given report
+ # params: A list of parameters for the problem
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # An mx(k+1) array containing the number of times each bit was set
+ # in each cohort.
+ # Check that the cohorts are evenly assigned. We assume that if there
+ # are m cohorts, each cohort should have approximately N/m reports.
+ # The constraint we impose here simply says that cohort bins should
+ # each have within N/m reports of one another. Since the most popular
+ # cohort is expected to have about O(logN/loglogN) reports (which we )
+ # approximate as O(logN) bins for practical values of N, a discrepancy of
+ # O(N) bins seems significant enough to alter expected behavior. This
+ # threshold can be changed to be more sensitive if desired.
+ N <- length(reports)
+ cohort_freqs <- table(factor(cohorts, levels = 1:params$m))
+ imbalance_threshold <- N / params$m
+ if ((max(cohort_freqs) - min(cohort_freqs)) > imbalance_threshold) {
+ cat("\nNote: You are using unbalanced cohort assignments, which can",
+ "significantly degrade estimation quality!\n\n")
+ }
+ # Count the times each bit was set, and add cohort counts to first column
+ counts <- lapply(1:params$m, function(i)
+ Reduce("+", reports[which(cohorts == i)]))
+ counts[which(cohort_freqs == 0)] <- data.frame(rep(0, params$k))
+ cbind(cohort_freqs, do.call("rbind", counts))