path: root/analysis/R/association_test.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'analysis/R/association_test.R')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/R/association_test.R b/analysis/R/association_test.R
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index 0000000..0cd24ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/R/association_test.R
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+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Authors: vpihur@google.com (Vasyl Pihur), fanti@google.com (Giulia Fanti)
+SamplePopulations <- function(N, num_variables = 1, params,
+ variable_opts) {
+ # Samples a number of variables. User specifies the number of variables
+ # and some desired properties of those variables.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # N: Number of reports to generate.
+ # params: RAPPOR parameters, like Bloom filter size, number of
+ # hash bits, etc.
+ # variable_opts: List of options for generating the ground truth:
+ # independent = whether distinct variables should be independently drawn
+ # deterministic = whether the variables should be drawn from a
+ # Poisson distribution or uniformly assigned across the range
+ # of 1:num_strings
+ # num_strings: Only does something if deterministic == TRUE, and
+ # specifies how many strings to use in the uniform assignment
+ # of ground truth strings.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # RAPPOR simulated ground truth for each piece of data.
+ m <- params$m
+ num_strings <- variable_opts$num_strings
+ if (variable_opts$deterministic) {
+ # If a deterministic assignment is desired, evenly distribute
+ # strings across all cohorts.
+ reps <- ceiling(N / num_strings)
+ variables <- lapply(1:num_variables,
+ function(i)
+ as.vector(sapply(1:num_strings, function(x)
+ rep(x, reps)))[1:N])
+ cohorts <- lapply(1:num_variables,
+ function(i) rep(1:m, ceiling(N / m))[1:N])
+ } else {
+ # Otherwise, draw from a Poisson random variable
+ variables <- lapply(1:num_variables, function(i) rpois(N, 1) + 1)
+ # Randomly assign cohorts in each dimension
+ cohorts <- lapply(1:num_variables,
+ function(i) sample(1:params$m, N, replace = TRUE))
+ if (!variable_opts$independent) {
+ # If user wants dependent RVs, subsequent variables are closely correlated
+ # with the first variable in the foll. manner:
+ # variable_i ~ variable_1 + (i-1) Bernoulli(0.5)
+ bernoulli_corr <- function(x) {
+ variables[[1]] + (x - 1) * sample(c(0, 1), N, replace = TRUE)}
+ variables[2:num_variables] <- lapply(2:num_variables,
+ function(x) bernoulli_corr(x))
+ }
+ }
+ list(variables = variables, cohorts = cohorts)
+Simulate <- function(N, num_variables, params, variable_opts = NULL,
+ truth = NULL, basic = FALSE) {
+ if (is.null(truth)) {
+ truth <- SamplePopulations(N, num_variables, params,
+ variable_opts)
+ }
+ strs <- lapply(truth$variables, function(x) sort(seq(max(x))))
+ # strs <- lapply(truth$variables, function(x) sort(unique(x)))
+ # strs <- lapply(truth$variables, function(x) 1:length(unique(x)))
+ # Construct lists of maps and reports
+ if (variable_opts$deterministic) {
+ # Build the maps
+ map <- CreateMap(strs[[1]], params, FALSE, basic = basic)
+ maps <- lapply(1:num_variables, function(x) map)
+ # Build the reports
+ report <- EncodeAll(truth$variables[[1]], truth$cohorts[[1]],
+ map$map_by_cohort, params)
+ reports <- lapply(1:num_variables, function(x) report)
+ } else {
+ # Build the maps
+ maps <- lapply(1:num_variables, function(x)
+ CreateMap(strs[[x]], params, FALSE,
+ basic = basic))
+ # Build the reports
+ reports <- lapply(1:num_variables, function(x)
+ EncodeAll(truth$variables[[x]], truth$cohorts[[x]],
+ maps[[x]]$map_by_cohort, params))
+ }
+ list(reports = reports, cohorts = truth$cohorts,
+ truth = truth$variables, maps = maps, strs = strs)
+# ----------------Actual testing starts here--------------- #
+TestComputeDistributionEM <- function() {
+ # Test various aspects of ComputeDistributionEM in association.R.
+ # Tests include:
+ # Test 1: Compute a joint distribution of uniformly distributed,
+ # perfectly correlated strings
+ # Test 2: Compute a marginal distribution of uniformly distributed strings
+ # Test 3: Check the "other" category estimation works by removing
+ # a string from the known map.
+ # Test 4: Test that the variance from EM algorithm is 1/N when there
+ # is no noise in the system.
+ # Test 5: Check that the right answer is still obtained when f = 0.2.
+ num_variables <- 3
+ N <- 100
+ # Initialize the parameters
+ params <- list(k = 12, h = 2, m = 4, p = 0, q = 1, f = 0)
+ variable_opts <- list(deterministic = TRUE, num_strings = 2,
+ independent = FALSE)
+ sim <- Simulate(N, num_variables, params, variable_opts)
+ # Test 1: Delta function pmf
+ joint_dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(sim$reports,
+ sim$cohorts, sim$maps,
+ ignore_other = TRUE,
+ params = params,
+ marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE)
+ # The recovered distribution should be close to the delta function.
+ checkTrue(abs(joint_dist$fit["1", "1", "1"] - 0.5) < 0.01)
+ checkTrue(abs(joint_dist$fit["2", "2", "2"] - 0.5) < 0.01)
+ # Test 2: Now compute a marginal using EM
+ dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(list(sim$reports[[1]]),
+ list(sim$cohorts[[1]]),
+ list(sim$maps[[1]]),
+ ignore_other = TRUE,
+ params = params,
+ marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE)
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["1"] - 0.5) < 0.01)
+ # Test 3: Check that the "other" category is correctly computed
+ # Build a modified map with no column 2 (i.e. we only know that string
+ # "1" is a valid string
+ map <- sim$maps[[1]]
+ small_map <- map
+ for (i in 1:params$m) {
+ locs <- which(map$map_by_cohort[[i]][, 1])
+ small_map$map_by_cohort[[i]] <- sparseMatrix(locs, rep(1, length(locs)),
+ dims = c(params$k, 1))
+ locs <- which(map$all_cohorts_map[, 1])
+ colnames(small_map$map_by_cohort[[i]]) <- sim$strs[1]
+ }
+ small_map$all_cohorts_map <- do.call("rBind", small_map$map_by_cohort)
+ dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(list(sim$reports[[1]]),
+ list(sim$cohorts[[1]]),
+ list(small_map),
+ ignore_other = FALSE,
+ params = params,
+ marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE)
+ # The recovered distribution should be uniform over 2 strings.
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit[1] - 0.5) < 0.1)
+ # Test 4: Test the variance is 1/N
+ variable_opts <- list(deterministic = TRUE, num_strings = 1)
+ sim <- Simulate(N, num_variables = 1, params, variable_opts)
+ dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(sim$reports, sim$cohorts,
+ sim$maps, ignore_other = TRUE,
+ params = params, marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = TRUE)
+ checkEqualsNumeric(dist$em$var_cov[1, 1], 1 / N)
+ # Test 5: Check that when f=0.2, we still get a good estimate
+ params <- list(k = 12, h = 2, m = 2, p = 0, q = 1, f = 0.2)
+ variable_opts <- list(deterministic = TRUE, num_strings = 2)
+ sim <- Simulate(N, num_variables = 2, params, variable_opts)
+ dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(sim$reports, sim$cohorts,
+ sim$maps, ignore_other = TRUE,
+ params = params, marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE)
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["1", "1"] - 0.5) < 0.15)
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["2", "2"] - 0.5) < 0.15)
+ # Test 6: Check the computed joint distribution with randomized
+ # correlated inputs from the Poisson distribution
+ # Expect to have correlation between strings n and n + 1
+ N <- 1000
+ params <- list(k = 16, h = 2, m = 4, p = 0.1, q = 0.9, f = 0.1)
+ variable_opts <- list(deterministic = FALSE, independent = FALSE)
+ sim <- Simulate(N, num_variables = 2, params, variable_opts)
+ dist <- ComputeDistributionEM(sim$reports, sim$cohorts,
+ sim$maps, ignore_other = TRUE,
+ params = params, marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE)
+ print_dist <- TRUE # to print joint distribution, set to TRUE
+ if (print_dist) {
+ # dist$fit[dist$fit<1e-4] <- 0
+ # Sort by row names and column names to visually see correlation
+ print(dist$fit[sort(rownames(dist$fit)), sort(colnames(dist$fit))])
+ }
+ # Check for correlations (constants chosen heuristically to get good
+ # test confidence with small # of samples)
+ # Should have mass roughly 1/2e and 1/2e each
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["1", "1"] - dist$fit["1", "2"]) < 0.1)
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["2", "2"] - dist$fit["2", "3"]) < 0.1)
+ # Should have mass roughly 1/4e and 1/4e each
+ checkTrue(abs(dist$fit["3", "3"] - dist$fit["3", "4"]) < 0.06)
+ # Check for lack of probability mass
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["1", "3"] < 0.02)
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["1", "4"] < 0.02)
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["2", "1"] < 0.02)
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["2", "4"] < 0.02)
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["3", "1"] < 0.02)
+ checkTrue(dist$fit["3", "2"] < 0.02)
+MakeCondProb <- function() {
+ d = matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3), nrow=3, ncol=2)
+ d = d / sum(d)
+ e = matrix(c(3,3,2,2,1,1), nrow=3, ncol=2)
+ e = e / sum(e)
+ list(d, e, d) # 3 reports
+# Test the slow version in R.
+RunEmFunction <- function(cond_prob, max_em_iters) {
+ cond_prob <- MakeCondProb()
+ # Mechanical test of 4 iterations. em$hist has 5 elements.
+ result <- EM(cond_prob, max_em_iters=max_em_iters)
+ result$est
+# Run a test of the EM executable
+RunEmExecutable <- function(em_executable, cond_prob, max_em_iters) {
+ print(cond_prob)
+ if (!file.exists(em_executable)) {
+ stop(sprintf("EM executable %s doesn't exist (build it?)", em_executable))
+ }
+ em_iter_func <- ConstructFastEM(em_executable, "/tmp")
+ result <- em_iter_func(cond_prob, max_em_iters=max_em_iters)
+ result$est
+TestCppImplementation <- function() {
+ cond_prob <- MakeCondProb()
+ max_em_iters <- 10
+ fit1 <- RunEmFunction(cond_prob, max_em_iters)
+ # Assume we're in the repo root
+ em_cpp <- file.path(getwd(), "analysis/cpp/_tmp/fast_em")
+ fit2 <- RunEmExecutable(em_cpp, cond_prob, max_em_iters)
+ cpp_diff <- abs(fit1 - fit2)
+ print(cpp_diff)
+ Log("C++ implementation difference after %d iterations: %e", max_em_iters,
+ sum(cpp_diff))
+ # After 10 iterations they should be almost indistinguishable.
+ checkTrue(sum(cpp_diff) < 1e-10)
+TestTensorFlowImplementation <- function() {
+ cond_prob <- MakeCondProb()
+ max_em_iters <- 10
+ fit1 <- RunEmFunction(cond_prob, max_em_iters)
+ em_tf <- file.path(getwd(), "analysis/tensorflow/fast_em.sh")
+ fit2 <- RunEmExecutable(em_tf, cond_prob, max_em_iters)
+ tf_diff <- abs(fit1 - fit2)
+ print(tf_diff)
+ Log("TensorFlow implementation difference after %d iterations: %e",
+ max_em_iters, sum(tf_diff))
+ checkTrue(sum(tf_diff) < 1e-10)