path: root/analysis/R/association.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'analysis/R/association.R')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/R/association.R b/analysis/R/association.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1c7b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/R/association.R
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+library(parallel) # mclapply
+source.rappor <- function(rel_path) {
+ abs_path <- paste0(Sys.getenv("RAPPOR_REPO", ""), rel_path)
+ source(abs_path)
+source.rappor("analysis/R/util.R") # for Log
+source.rappor("analysis/R/decode.R") # for ComputeCounts
+# Tools used to estimate variable distributions of up to three variables
+# in RAPPOR. This contains the functions relevant to estimating joint
+# distributions.
+GetOtherProbs <- function(counts, map_by_cohort, marginal, params, pstar,
+ qstar) {
+ # Computes the marginal for the "other" category.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # counts: m x (k+1) matrix with counts of each bit for each
+ # cohort (m=#cohorts total, k=# bits in bloom filter), first column
+ # stores the total counts
+ # map_by_cohort: list of matrices encoding locations of hashes for each
+ # string "other" category)
+ # marginal: object containing the estimated frequencies of known strings
+ # as well as the strings themselves, variance, etc.
+ # params: RAPPOR encoding parameters
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # List of vectors of probabilities that each bit was set by the "other"
+ # category. The list is indexed by cohort.
+ N <- sum(counts[, 1])
+ # Counts of known strings to remove from each cohort.
+ known_counts <- ceiling(marginal$proportion * N / params$m)
+ sum_known <- sum(known_counts)
+ # Select only the strings we care about from each cohort.
+ # NOTE: drop = FALSE necessary if there is one candidate
+ candidate_map <- lapply(map_by_cohort, function(map_for_cohort) {
+ map_for_cohort[, marginal$string, drop = FALSE]
+ })
+ # If no strings were found, all nonzero counts were set by "other"
+ if (length(marginal) == 0) {
+ probs_other <- apply(counts, 1, function(cohort_row) {
+ cohort_row[-1] / cohort_row[1]
+ })
+ return(as.list(as.data.frame(probs_other)))
+ }
+ # Counts set by known strings without noise considerations.
+ known_counts_by_cohort <- sapply(candidate_map, function(map_for_cohort) {
+ as.vector(as.matrix(map_for_cohort) %*% known_counts)
+ })
+ # Protect against R's matrix/vector confusion. This ensures
+ # known_counts_by_cohort is a matrix in the k=1 case.
+ dim(known_counts_by_cohort) <- c(params$m, params$k)
+ # Counts set by known vals zero bits adjusting by p plus true bits
+ # adjusting by q.
+ known_counts_by_cohort <- (sum_known - known_counts_by_cohort) * pstar +
+ known_counts_by_cohort * qstar
+ # Add the left hand sums to make it a m x (k+1) "counts" matrix
+ known_counts_by_cohort <- cbind(sum_known, known_counts_by_cohort)
+ # Counts set by the "other" category.
+ reduced_counts <- counts - known_counts_by_cohort
+ reduced_counts[reduced_counts < 0] <- 0
+ probs_other <- apply(reduced_counts, 1, function(cohort_row) {
+ cohort_row[-1] / cohort_row[1]
+ })
+ # Protect against R's matrix/vector confusion.
+ dim(probs_other) <- c(params$k, params$m)
+ probs_other[probs_other > 1] <- 1
+ probs_other[is.nan(probs_other)] <- 0
+ probs_other[is.infinite(probs_other)] <- 0
+ # Convert it from a k x m matrix to a list indexed by m cohorts.
+ # as.data.frame makes each cohort a column, which can be indexed by
+ # probs_other[[cohort]].
+ result <- as.list(as.data.frame(probs_other))
+ result
+GetCondProbBooleanReports <- function(reports, pstar, qstar, num_cores) {
+ # Compute conditional probabilities given a set of Boolean reports.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # reports: RAPPOR reports as a list of bit arrays (of length 1, because
+ # this is a boolean report)
+ # pstar, qstar: standard params computed from from rappor parameters
+ # num_cores: number of cores to pass to mclapply to parallelize apply
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Conditional probability of all boolean reports corresponding to
+ # candidates (TRUE, FALSE)
+ # The values below are p(report=1|value=TRUE), p(report=1|value=FALSE)
+ cond_probs_for_1 <- c(qstar, pstar)
+ # The values below are p(report=0|value=TRUE), p(report=0|value=FALSE)
+ cond_probs_for_0 <- c(1 - qstar, 1 - pstar)
+ cond_report_dist <- mclapply(reports, function(report) {
+ if (report[[1]] == 1) {
+ cond_probs_for_1
+ } else {
+ cond_probs_for_0
+ }
+ }, mc.cores = num_cores)
+ cond_report_dist
+GetCondProbStringReports <- function(reports, cohorts, map, m, pstar, qstar,
+ marginal, prob_other = NULL, num_cores) {
+ # Wrapper around GetCondProb. Given a set of reports, cohorts, map and
+ # parameters m, p*, and q*, it first computes bit indices by cohort, and
+ # then applies GetCondProb individually to each report.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # reports: RAPPOR reports as a list of bit arrays
+ # cohorts: cohorts corresponding to these reports as a list
+ # map: map file
+ # m, pstar, qstar: standard params computed from from rappor parameters
+ # marginal: list containing marginal estimates (output of Decode)
+ # prob_other: vector of length k, indicating how often each bit in the
+ # Bloom filter was set by a string in the "other" category.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Conditional probability of all reports given each of the strings in
+ # marginal$string
+ # Get bit indices that are set per candidate per cohort
+ bit_indices_by_cohort <- lapply(1:m, function(cohort) {
+ map_for_cohort <- map$map_by_cohort[[cohort]]
+ # Find the bits set by the candidate strings
+ bit_indices <- lapply(marginal$string, function(x) {
+ which(map_for_cohort[, x])
+ })
+ bit_indices
+ })
+ # Apply GetCondProb over all reports
+ cond_report_dist <- mclapply(seq(length(reports)), function(i) {
+ cohort <- cohorts[i]
+ #Log('Report %d, cohort %d', i, cohort)
+ bit_indices <- bit_indices_by_cohort[[cohort]]
+ GetCondProb(reports[[i]], pstar, qstar, bit_indices,
+ prob_other = prob_other[[cohort]])
+ }, mc.cores = num_cores)
+ cond_report_dist
+GetCondProb <- function(report, pstar, qstar, bit_indices, prob_other = NULL) {
+ # Given the observed bit array, estimate P(report | true value).
+ # Probabilities are estimated for all truth values.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # report: A single observed RAPPOR report (binary vector of length k).
+ # params: RAPPOR parameters.
+ # bit_indices: list with one entry for each candidate. Each entry is an
+ # integer vector of length h, specifying which bits are set for the
+ # candidate in the report's cohort.
+ # prob_other: vector of length k, indicating how often each bit in the
+ # Bloom filter was set by a string in the "other" category.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Conditional probability of report given each of the strings in
+ # candidate_strings
+ ones <- sum(report)
+ zeros <- length(report) - ones
+ probs <- ifelse(report == 1, pstar, 1 - pstar)
+ # Find the likelihood of report given each candidate string
+ prob_obs_vals <- sapply(bit_indices, function(x) {
+ prod(c(probs[-x], ifelse(report[x] == 1, qstar, 1 - qstar)))
+ })
+ # Account for the "other" category
+ if (!is.null(prob_other)) {
+ prob_other <- prod(c(prob_other[which(report == 1)],
+ (1 - prob_other)[which(report == 0)]))
+ c(prob_obs_vals, prob_other)
+ } else {
+ prob_obs_vals
+ }
+UpdatePij <- function(pij, cond_prob) {
+ # Update the probability matrix based on the EM algorithm.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # pij: conditional distribution of x (vector)
+ # cond_prob: conditional distribution computed previously
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Updated pijs from em algorithm (maximization)
+ # NOTE: Not using mclapply here because we have a faster C++ implementation.
+ # mclapply spawns multiple processes, and each process can take up 3 GB+ or 5
+ # GB+ of memory.
+ wcp <- lapply(cond_prob, function(x) {
+ z <- x * pij
+ z <- z / sum(z)
+ z[is.nan(z)] <- 0
+ z
+ })
+ Reduce("+", wcp) / length(wcp)
+ComputeVar <- function(cond_prob, est) {
+ # Computes the variance of the estimated pij's.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # cond_prob: conditional distribution computed previously
+ # est: estimated pij's
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Variance of the estimated pij's
+ inform <- Reduce("+", lapply(cond_prob, function(x) {
+ (outer(as.vector(x), as.vector(x))) / (sum(x * est))^2
+ }))
+ var_cov <- solve(inform)
+ sd <- matrix(sqrt(diag(var_cov)), dim(cond_prob[[1]]))
+ list(var_cov = var_cov, sd = sd, inform = inform)
+EM <- function(cond_prob, starting_pij = NULL, estimate_var = FALSE,
+ max_em_iters = 1000, epsilon = 10^-6, verbose = FALSE) {
+ # Performs estimation.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # cond_prob: conditional distribution computed previously
+ # starting_pij: estimated pij's
+ # estimate_var: flags whether we should estimate the variance
+ # of our computed distribution
+ # max_em_iters: maximum number of EM iterations
+ # epsilon: convergence parameter
+ # verbose: flags whether to display error data
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Estimated pij's, variance, error params
+ pij <- list()
+ state_space <- dim(cond_prob[[1]])
+ if (is.null(starting_pij)) {
+ pij[[1]] <- array(1 / prod(state_space), state_space)
+ } else {
+ pij[[1]] <- starting_pij
+ }
+ i <- 0 # visible outside loop
+ if (nrow(pij[[1]]) > 0) {
+ # Run EM
+ for (i in 1:max_em_iters) {
+ pij[[i + 1]] <- UpdatePij(pij[[i]], cond_prob)
+ dif <- max(abs(pij[[i + 1]] - pij[[i]]))
+ if (dif < epsilon) {
+ break
+ }
+ Log('EM iteration %d, dif = %e', i, dif)
+ }
+ }
+ # Compute the variance of the estimate.
+ est <- pij[[length(pij)]]
+ if (estimate_var) {
+ var_cov <- ComputeVar(cond_prob, est)
+ sd <- var_cov$sd
+ inform <- var_cov$inform
+ var_cov <- var_cov$var_cov
+ } else {
+ var_cov <- NULL
+ inform <- NULL
+ sd <- NULL
+ }
+ list(est = est, sd = sd, var_cov = var_cov, hist = pij, num_em_iters = i)
+TestIndependence <- function(est, inform) {
+ # Tests the degree of independence between variables.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # est: esimated pij values
+ # inform: information matrix
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Chi-squared statistic for whether two variables are independent
+ expec <- outer(apply(est, 1, sum), apply(est, 2, sum))
+ diffs <- matrix(est - expec, ncol = 1)
+ stat <- t(diffs) %*% inform %*% diffs
+ df <- (nrow(est) - 1) * (ncol(est) - 1)
+ list(stat = stat, pval = pchisq(stat, df, lower = FALSE))
+UpdateJointConditional <- function(cond_report_dist, joint_conditional = NULL) {
+ # Updates the joint conditional distribution of d variables, where
+ # num_variables is chosen by the client. Since variables are conditionally
+ # independent of one another, this is basically an outer product.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # joint_conditional: The current state of the joint conditional
+ # distribution. This is a list with as many elements as there
+ # are reports.
+ # cond_report_dist: The conditional distribution of variable x, which will
+ # be outer-producted with the current joint conditional.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # A list of same length as joint_conditional containing the joint
+ # conditional distribution of all variables. If I want
+ # P(X'=x',Y=y'|X=x,Y=y), I will look at
+ # joint_conditional[x,x',y,y'].
+ if (is.null(joint_conditional)) {
+ lapply(cond_report_dist, function(x) array(x))
+ } else {
+ mapply("outer", joint_conditional, cond_report_dist,
+ }
+ComputeDistributionEM <- function(reports, report_cohorts, maps,
+ ignore_other = FALSE,
+ params = NULL,
+ params_list = NULL,
+ marginals = NULL,
+ estimate_var = FALSE,
+ num_cores = 10,
+ em_iter_func = EM,
+ max_em_iters = 1000) {
+ # Computes the distribution of num_variables variables, where
+ # num_variables is chosen by the client, using the EM algorithm.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # reports: A list of num_variables elements, each a 2-dimensional array
+ # containing the counts of each bin for each report
+ # report_cohorts: A num_variables-element list; the ith element is an array
+ # containing the cohort of jth report for ith variable.
+ # maps: A num_variables-element list containing the map for each variable
+ # ignore_other: A boolean describing whether to compute the "other" category
+ # params: RAPPOR encoding parameters. If set, all variables are assumed to
+ # be encoded with these parameters.
+ # params_list: A list of num_variables elements, each of which is the
+ # RAPPOR encoding parameters for a variable (a list itself). If set,
+ # it must be the same length as 'reports'.
+ # marginals: List of estimated marginals for each variable
+ # estimate_var: A flag telling whether to estimate the variance.
+ # em_iter_func: Function that implements the iterative EM algorithm.
+ # Handle the case that the client wants to find the joint distribution of too
+ # many variables.
+ num_variables <- length(reports)
+ if (is.null(params) && is.null(params_list)) {
+ stop("Either params or params_list must be passed")
+ }
+ Log('Computing joint conditional')
+ # Compute the counts for each variable and then do conditionals.
+ joint_conditional = NULL
+ found_strings <- list()
+ for (j in (1:num_variables)) {
+ Log('Processing var %d', j)
+ var_report <- reports[[j]]
+ var_cohort <- report_cohorts[[j]]
+ var_map <- maps[[j]]
+ if (!is.null(params)) {
+ var_params <- params
+ } else {
+ var_params <- params_list[[j]]
+ }
+ var_counts <- NULL
+ if (is.null(marginals)) {
+ Log('\tSumming bits to gets observed counts')
+ var_counts <- ComputeCounts(var_report, var_cohort, var_params)
+ Log('\tDecoding marginal')
+ marginal <- Decode(var_counts, var_map$all_cohorts_map, var_params,
+ quiet = TRUE)$fit
+ Log('\tMarginal for var %d has %d values:', j, nrow(marginal))
+ print(marginal[, c('estimate', 'proportion')]) # rownames are the string
+ cat('\n')
+ if (nrow(marginal) == 0) {
+ Log('ERROR: Nothing decoded for variable %d', j)
+ return (NULL)
+ }
+ } else {
+ marginal <- marginals[[j]]
+ }
+ found_strings[[j]] <- marginal$string
+ p <- var_params$p
+ q <- var_params$q
+ f <- var_params$f
+ # pstar and qstar needed to compute other probabilities as well as for
+ # inputs to GetCondProb{Boolean, String}Reports subsequently
+ pstar <- (1 - f / 2) * p + (f / 2) * q
+ qstar <- (1 - f / 2) * q + (f / 2) * p
+ k <- var_params$k
+ # Ignore other probability if either ignore_other is set or k == 1
+ # (Boolean RAPPOR)
+ if (ignore_other || (k == 1)) {
+ prob_other <- vector(mode = "list", length = var_params$m)
+ } else {
+ # Compute the probability of the "other" category
+ if (is.null(var_counts)) {
+ var_counts <- ComputeCounts(var_report, var_cohort, var_params)
+ }
+ prob_other <- GetOtherProbs(var_counts, var_map$map_by_cohort, marginal,
+ var_params, pstar, qstar)
+ found_strings[[j]] <- c(found_strings[[j]], "Other")
+ }
+ # Get the joint conditional distribution
+ Log('\tGetCondProb for each report (%d cores)', num_cores)
+ # TODO(pseudorandom): check RAPPOR type more systematically instead of by
+ # checking if k == 1
+ if (k == 1) {
+ cond_report_dist <- GetCondProbBooleanReports(var_report, pstar, qstar,
+ num_cores)
+ } else {
+ cond_report_dist <- GetCondProbStringReports(var_report,
+ var_cohort, var_map, var_params$m, pstar, qstar,
+ marginal, prob_other, num_cores)
+ }
+ Log('\tUpdateJointConditional')
+ # Update the joint conditional distribution of all variables
+ joint_conditional <- UpdateJointConditional(cond_report_dist,
+ joint_conditional)
+ }
+ N <- length(joint_conditional)
+ dimensions <- dim(joint_conditional[[1]])
+ # e.g. 2 x 3
+ dimensions_str <- paste(dimensions, collapse = ' x ')
+ total_entries <- prod(c(N, dimensions))
+ Log('Starting EM with N = %d matrices of size %s (%d entries)',
+ N, dimensions_str, total_entries)
+ start_time <- proc.time()[['elapsed']]
+ # Run expectation maximization to find joint distribution
+ em <- em_iter_func(joint_conditional, max_em_iters=max_em_iters,
+ epsilon = 10 ^ -6, verbose = FALSE,
+ estimate_var = estimate_var)
+ em_elapsed_time <- proc.time()[['elapsed']] - start_time
+ dimnames(em$est) <- found_strings
+ # Return results in a usable format
+ list(fit = em$est,
+ sd = em$sd,
+ em_elapsed_time = em_elapsed_time,
+ num_em_iters = em$num_em_iters,
+ # This last field is implementation-specific; it can be used for
+ # interactive debugging.
+ em = em)