path: root/src/com/sun/org/apache/xpath/internal/domapi/XPathResultImpl.java
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- * reserved comment block
- */
- * Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id: XPathResultImpl.java,v 2005/09/10 04:18:54 jeffsuttor Exp $
- */
-package com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.domapi;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.XPath;
-import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.objects.XObject;
-import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.res.XPATHErrorResources;
-import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.res.XPATHMessages;
-import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-import org.w3c.dom.events.Event;
-import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
-import org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget;
-import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
-import org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException;
-import org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult;
- *
- * The class provides an implementation XPathResult according
- * to the DOM L3 XPath Specification, Working Group Note 26 February 2004.
- *
- * <p>See also the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-DOM-Level-3-XPath-20040226'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 XPath Specification</a>.</p>
- *
- * <p>The <code>XPathResult</code> interface represents the result of the
- * evaluation of an XPath expression within the context of a particular
- * node. Since evaluation of an XPath expression can result in various
- * result types, this object makes it possible to discover and manipulate
- * the type and value of the result.</p>
- *
- * <p>This implementation wraps an <code>XObject</code>.
- *
- * @see com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.objects.XObject
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult
- *
- * @xsl.usage internal
- */
-class XPathResultImpl implements XPathResult, EventListener {
- /**
- * The wrapped XObject
- */
- final private XObject m_resultObj;
- /**
- * The xpath object that wraps the expression used for this result.
- */
- final private XPath m_xpath;
- /**
- * This the type specified by the user during construction. Typically
- * the constructor will be called by com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.XPath.evaluate().
- */
- final private short m_resultType;
- private boolean m_isInvalidIteratorState = false;
- /**
- * Only used to attach a mutation event handler when specified
- * type is an iterator type.
- */
- final private Node m_contextNode;
- /**
- * The iterator, if this is an iterator type.
- */
- private NodeIterator m_iterator = null;;
- /**
- * The list, if this is a snapshot type.
- */
- private NodeList m_list = null;
- /**
- * Constructor for XPathResultImpl.
- *
- * For internal use only.
- */
- XPathResultImpl(short type, XObject result, Node contextNode, XPath xpath) {
- // Check that the type is valid
- if (!isValidType(type)) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_INVALID_XPATH_TYPE, new Object[] {new Integer(type)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg); // Invalid XPath type argument: {0}
- }
- // Result object should never be null!
- if (null == result) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_EMPTY_XPATH_RESULT, null);
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR,fmsg); // Empty XPath result object
- }
- this.m_resultObj = result;
- this.m_contextNode = contextNode;
- this.m_xpath = xpath;
- // If specified result was ANY_TYPE, determine XObject type
- if (type == ANY_TYPE) {
- this.m_resultType = getTypeFromXObject(result);
- } else {
- this.m_resultType = type;
- }
- // If the context node supports DOM Events and the type is one of the iterator
- // types register this result as an event listener
- if (((m_resultType == XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE) ||
- (m_resultType == XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE))) {
- addEventListener();
- }// else can we handle iterator types if contextNode doesn't support EventTarget??
- // If this is an iterator type get the iterator
- if ((m_resultType == ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE) ||
- (m_resultType == ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE) ||
- (m_resultType == FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE)) {
- try {
- m_iterator = m_resultObj.nodeset();
- } catch (TransformerException te) {
- // probably not a node type
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(getTypeFromXObject(m_resultObj)),getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR, fmsg); // "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be coerced into the specified XPathResultType of {2}."},
- }
- // If user requested ordered nodeset and result is unordered
- // need to sort...TODO
- // if ((m_resultType == ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE) &&
- // (!(((DTMNodeIterator)m_iterator).getDTMIterator().isDocOrdered()))) {
- //
- // }
- // If it's a snapshot type, get the nodelist
- } else if ((m_resultType == UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) ||
- (m_resultType == ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE)) {
- try {
- m_list = m_resultObj.nodelist();
- } catch (TransformerException te) {
- // probably not a node type
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(getTypeFromXObject(m_resultObj)),getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR, fmsg); // "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be coerced into the specified XPathResultType of {2}."},
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getResultType()
- */
- public short getResultType() {
- return m_resultType;
- }
- /**
- * The value of this number result.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- * <code>NUMBER_TYPE</code>.
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getNumberValue()
- */
- public double getNumberValue() throws XPathException {
- if (getResultType() != NUMBER_TYPE) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_CANT_CONVERT_XPATHRESULTTYPE_TO_NUMBER, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg);
-// "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be converted to a number"
- } else {
- try {
- return m_resultObj.num();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Type check above should prevent this exception from occurring.
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The value of this string result.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- * <code>STRING_TYPE</code>.
- *
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getStringValue()
- */
- public String getStringValue() throws XPathException {
- if (getResultType() != STRING_TYPE) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_STRING, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), m_resultObj.getTypeString()});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg);
-// "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be converted to a string."
- } else {
- try {
- return m_resultObj.str();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Type check above should prevent this exception from occurring.
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getBooleanValue()
- */
- public boolean getBooleanValue() throws XPathException {
- if (getResultType() != BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_BOOLEAN, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg);
-// "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be converted to a boolean."
- } else {
- try {
- return m_resultObj.bool();
- } catch (TransformerException e) {
- // Type check above should prevent this exception from occurring.
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The value of this single node result, which may be <code>null</code>.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- * <code>ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE</code> or
- * <code>FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE</code>.
- *
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getSingleNodeValue()
- */
- public Node getSingleNodeValue() throws XPathException {
- if ((m_resultType != ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE) &&
- (m_resultType != FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE)) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_SINGLENODE, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg);
-// "The XPathResult of XPath expression {0} has an XPathResultType of {1} which cannot be converted to a single node.
-// This method applies only to types ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE and FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE."
- }
- NodeIterator result = null;
- try {
- result = m_resultObj.nodeset();
- } catch (TransformerException te) {
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,te.getMessage());
- }
- if (null == result) return null;
- Node node = result.nextNode();
- // Wrap "namespace node" in an XPathNamespace
- if (isNamespaceNode(node)) {
- return new XPathNamespaceImpl(node);
- } else {
- return node;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getInvalidIteratorState()
- */
- public boolean getInvalidIteratorState() {
- return m_isInvalidIteratorState;
- }
- /**
- * The number of nodes in the result snapshot. Valid values for
- * snapshotItem indices are <code>0</code> to
- * <code>snapshotLength-1</code> inclusive.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- *
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#getSnapshotLength()
- */
- public int getSnapshotLength() throws XPathException {
- if ((m_resultType != UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) &&
- (m_resultType != ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE)) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_CANT_GET_SNAPSHOT_LENGTH, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,fmsg);
-// "The method getSnapshotLength cannot be called on the XPathResult of XPath expression {0} because its XPathResultType is {1}.
- }
- return m_list.getLength();
- }
- /**
- * Iterates and returns the next node from the node set or
- * <code>null</code>if there are no more nodes.
- * @return Returns the next node.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- * @exception DOMException
- * INVALID_STATE_ERR: The document has been mutated since the result was
- * returned.
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#iterateNext()
- */
- public Node iterateNext() throws XPathException, DOMException {
- if ((m_resultType != UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE) &&
- (m_resultType != ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE)) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_NON_ITERATOR_TYPE, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR, fmsg);
-// "The method iterateNext cannot be called on the XPathResult of XPath expression {0} because its XPathResultType is {1}.
-// This method applies only to types UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE and ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE."},
- }
- if (getInvalidIteratorState()) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_DOC_MUTATED, null);
- throw new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR,fmsg); // Document mutated since result was returned. Iterator is invalid.
- }
- Node node = m_iterator.nextNode();
- if(null == node)
- removeEventListener(); // JIRA 1673
- // Wrap "namespace node" in an XPathNamespace
- if (isNamespaceNode(node)) {
- return new XPathNamespaceImpl(node);
- } else {
- return node;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the <code>index</code>th item in the snapshot collection. If
- * <code>index</code> is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in
- * the list, this method returns <code>null</code>. Unlike the iterator
- * result, the snapshot does not become invalid, but may not correspond
- * to the current document if it is mutated.
- * @param index Index into the snapshot collection.
- * @return The node at the <code>index</code>th position in the
- * <code>NodeList</code>, or <code>null</code> if that is not a valid
- * index.
- * @exception XPathException
- * TYPE_ERR: raised if <code>resultType</code> is not
- *
- * @see org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult#snapshotItem(int)
- */
- public Node snapshotItem(int index) throws XPathException {
- if ((m_resultType != UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) &&
- (m_resultType != ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE)) {
- String fmsg = XPATHMessages.createXPATHMessage(XPATHErrorResources.ER_NON_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, new Object[] {m_xpath.getPatternString(), getTypeString(m_resultType)});
- throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR, fmsg);
-// "The method snapshotItem cannot be called on the XPathResult of XPath expression {0} because its XPathResultType is {1}.
-// This method applies only to types UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE and ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE."},
- }
- Node node = m_list.item(index);
- // Wrap "namespace node" in an XPathNamespace
- if (isNamespaceNode(node)) {
- return new XPathNamespaceImpl(node);
- } else {
- return node;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check if the specified type is one of the supported types.
- * @param type The specified type
- *
- * @return true If the specified type is supported; otherwise, returns false.
- */
- static boolean isValidType( short type ) {
- switch (type) {
- case ANY_TYPE:
- case FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE: return true;
- default: return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener#handleEvent(Event)
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (event.getType().equals("DOMSubtreeModified")) {
- // invalidate the iterator
- m_isInvalidIteratorState = true;
- // deregister as a listener to reduce computational load
- removeEventListener();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Given a request type, return the equivalent string.
- * For diagnostic purposes.
- *
- * @return type string
- */
- private String getTypeString(int type)
- {
- switch (type) {
- case ANY_TYPE: return "ANY_TYPE";
- case BOOLEAN_TYPE: return "BOOLEAN";
- case NUMBER_TYPE: return "NUMBER_TYPE";
- case STRING_TYPE: return "STRING_TYPE";
- default: return "#UNKNOWN";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Given an XObject, determine the corresponding DOM XPath type
- *
- * @return type string
- */
- private short getTypeFromXObject(XObject object) {
- switch (object.getType()) {
- case XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN: return BOOLEAN_TYPE;
- case XObject.CLASS_NUMBER: return NUMBER_TYPE;
- case XObject.CLASS_STRING: return STRING_TYPE;
- // XPath 2.0 types
-// case XObject.CLASS_DATE:
-// case XObject.CLASS_DATETIME:
-// case XObject.CLASS_DTDURATION:
-// case XObject.CLASS_GDAY:
-// case XObject.CLASS_GMONTH:
-// case XObject.CLASS_GMONTHDAY:
-// case XObject.CLASS_GYEAR:
-// case XObject.CLASS_GYEARMONTH:
-// case XObject.CLASS_TIME:
-// case XObject.CLASS_YMDURATION: return STRING_TYPE; // treat all date types as strings?
- case XObject.CLASS_NULL: return ANY_TYPE; // throw exception ?
- default: return ANY_TYPE; // throw exception ?
- }
- }
- * Given a node, determine if it is a namespace node.
- *
- * @param node
- *
- * @return boolean Returns true if this is a namespace node; otherwise, returns false.
- */
- private boolean isNamespaceNode(Node node) {
- if ((null != node) &&
- (node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) &&
- (node.getNodeName().startsWith("xmlns:") || node.getNodeName().equals("xmlns"))) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- * Add m_contextNode to Event Listner to listen for Mutations Events
- *
- */
- private void addEventListener(){
- if(m_contextNode instanceof EventTarget)
- ((EventTarget)m_contextNode).addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",this,true);
- }
- * Remove m_contextNode to Event Listner to listen for Mutations Events
- *
- */
-private void removeEventListener(){
- if(m_contextNode instanceof EventTarget)
- ((EventTarget)m_contextNode).removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",this,true);