path: root/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/dependeciestxt/ModulesTxt.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/dependeciestxt/ModulesTxt.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/dependeciestxt/ModulesTxt.kt b/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/dependeciestxt/ModulesTxt.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2bc717f210..000000000000
--- a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/dependeciestxt/ModulesTxt.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JSCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JVMCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2MetadataCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerSettings
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.KotlinFacetSettings
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.KotlinModuleKind.COMPILATION_AND_SOURCE_SET_HOLDER
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.KotlinModuleKind.SOURCE_SET_HOLDER
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.CommonPlatforms
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.impl.FakeK2NativeCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.isCommon
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.js.JsPlatforms
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.jvm.JvmPlatforms
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.jvm.isJvm
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.konan.NativePlatforms
-import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty1
-import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation
-import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
- * Modules description file.
- * See [] for more details.
- */
-data class ModulesTxt(
- val muted: Boolean,
- val file: File,
- val fileName: String,
- val modules: List<Module>,
- val dependencies: List<Dependency>
-) {
- override fun toString() = fileName
- data class Module(val name: String) {
- var index: Int = -1
- val indexedName
- get() = "${index.toString().padStart(2, '0')}_$name"
- /**
- * Facet should not be created for old tests
- */
- var kotlinFacetSettings: KotlinFacetSettings? = null
- val dependencies = mutableListOf<Dependency>()
- val usages = mutableListOf<Dependency>()
- val isCommonModule
- get() =
- kotlinFacetSettings?.targetPlatform.isCommon() ||
- kotlinFacetSettings?.kind == SOURCE_SET_HOLDER
- val isJvmModule
- get() = kotlinFacetSettings?.targetPlatform.isJvm()
- val expectedBy
- get() = dependencies.filter {
- it.kind == EXPECTED_BY ||
- it.kind == INCLUDE
- }
- @Flag
- var edit: Boolean = false
- @Flag
- var editJvm: Boolean = false
- @Flag
- var editExpectActual: Boolean = false
- lateinit var jpsModule: JpsModule
- companion object {
- val flags: Map<String, KMutableProperty1<Module, Boolean>> = Module::class.memberProperties
- .filter { it.findAnnotation<Flag>() != null }
- .filterIsInstance<KMutableProperty1<Module, Boolean>>()
- .associateBy { }
- }
- }
- annotation class Flag
- data class Dependency(
- val from: Module,
- val to: Module,
- val scope: JpsJavaDependencyScope,
- val kind: Kind,
- val exported: Boolean
- ) {
- val effectivelyExported
- get() = kind == EXPECTED_BY || exported
- init {
- from.dependencies.add(this)
- to.usages.add(this)
- }
- enum class Kind {
- }
- }
-class ModulesTxtBuilder {
- var muted = false
- val modules = mutableMapOf<String, ModuleRef>()
- private val dependencies = mutableListOf<DependencyBuilder>()
- /**
- * Reference to module which can be defined later
- */
- class ModuleRef(name: String) {
- var defined: Boolean = false
- var actual: ModulesTxt.Module = ModulesTxt.Module(name)
- override fun toString() =
- fun build(index: Int): ModulesTxt.Module {
- val result = actual
- result.index = index
- val kotlinFacetSettings = result.kotlinFacetSettings
- if (kotlinFacetSettings != null) {
- kotlinFacetSettings.implementedModuleNames =
- result.dependencies.asSequence()
- .filter { it.kind == EXPECTED_BY }
- .map { }
- .toList()
- kotlinFacetSettings.sourceSetNames =
- result.dependencies.asSequence()
- .filter { it.kind == INCLUDE }
- .map { }
- .toList()
- }
- return result
- }
- }
- /**
- * Temporary object for resolving references to modules.
- */
- data class DependencyBuilder(
- val from: ModuleRef,
- val to: ModuleRef,
- val scope: JpsJavaDependencyScope,
- val kind: ModulesTxt.Dependency.Kind,
- val exported: Boolean
- ) {
- fun build(): ModulesTxt.Dependency {
- when (kind) {
- EXPECTED_BY -> check(to.actual.isCommonModule) {
- "$this: ${to.actual} is not common module"
- }
- INCLUDE -> check(to.actual.kotlinFacetSettings?.kind == SOURCE_SET_HOLDER) {
- "$this: ${to.actual} is not source set holder"
- }
- }
- return ModulesTxt.Dependency(from.actual, to.actual, scope, kind, exported)
- }
- }
- fun readFile(file: File, fileTitle: String = file.toString()): ModulesTxt {
- try {
- file.forEachLine { line ->
- parseDeclaration(line)
- }
- // dependencies need to be build first: requires it
- val dependencies = { }
- val modules = modules.values.mapIndexed { index, moduleRef -> }
- return ModulesTxt(muted, file, fileTitle, modules, dependencies)
- } catch (t: Throwable) {
- throw Error("Error while reading $file: ${t.message}", t)
- }
- }
- private fun parseDeclaration(line: String) = doParseDeclaration(removeComments(line))
- private fun removeComments(line: String) = line.split("//", limit = 2)[0].trim()
- private fun doParseDeclaration(line: String) {
- when {
- line.isEmpty() -> Unit // skip empty lines
- line == "MUTED" -> {
- muted = true
- }
- line.contains("->") -> {
- val (from, rest) = line.split("->", limit = 2)
- if (rest.isBlank()) {
- // `name -> ` - module
- newModule(ValueWithFlags(from))
- } else {
- val (to, flags) = parseValueWithFlags(rest.trim())
- newDependency(from.trim(), to.trim(), flags) // `from -> to [flag1, flag2, ...]` - dependency
- }
- }
- else -> newModule(parseValueWithFlags(line)) // `name [flag1, flag2, ...]` - module
- }
- }
- /**
- * `value [flag1, flag2, ...]`
- */
- private fun parseValueWithFlags(str: String): ValueWithFlags {
- val parts = str.split("[", limit = 2)
- return if (parts.size > 1) {
- val (value, flags) = parts
- ValueWithFlags(
- value = value.trim(),
- flags = flags.trim()
- .removeSuffix("]")
- .split(",")
- .map { it.trim() }
- .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
- .toSet()
- )
- } else ValueWithFlags(str)
- }
- data class ValueWithFlags(val value: String, val flags: Set<String> = setOf())
- private fun moduleRef(name: String) =
- modules.getOrPut(name) { ModuleRef(name) }
- private fun newModule(def: ValueWithFlags): ModulesTxt.Module {
- val name = def.value.trim()
- val module = ModulesTxt.Module(name)
- val settings = KotlinFacetSettings()
- module.kotlinFacetSettings = settings
- settings.useProjectSettings = false
- settings.compilerSettings = CompilerSettings().also {
- it.additionalArguments = "-version -Xmulti-platform"
- }
- val moduleRef = moduleRef(name)
- check(!moduleRef.defined) { "Module `$name` already defined" }
- moduleRef.defined = true
- moduleRef.actual = module
- def.flags.forEach { flag ->
- when (flag) {
- "sourceSetHolder" -> settings.kind = SOURCE_SET_HOLDER
- "compilationAndSourceSetHolder" -> settings.kind = COMPILATION_AND_SOURCE_SET_HOLDER
- "common" -> settings.compilerArguments =
- K2MetadataCompilerArguments().also { settings.targetPlatform = CommonPlatforms.defaultCommonPlatform }
- "jvm" -> settings.compilerArguments =
- K2JVMCompilerArguments().also { settings.targetPlatform = JvmPlatforms.defaultJvmPlatform }
- "js" -> settings.compilerArguments =
- K2JSCompilerArguments().also { settings.targetPlatform = JsPlatforms.defaultJsPlatform }
- "native" -> settings.compilerArguments =
- FakeK2NativeCompilerArguments().also { settings.targetPlatform = NativePlatforms.unspecifiedNativePlatform }
- else -> {
- val flagProperty = ModulesTxt.Module.flags[flag]
- if (flagProperty != null) flagProperty.set(module, true)
- else error("Unknown module flag `$flag`")
- }
- }
- }
- return module
- }
- private fun newDependency(from: String, to: String, flags: Set<String>): DependencyBuilder? {
- if (to.isEmpty()) {
- // `x -> ` should just create undefined module `x`
- moduleRef(from)
- check(flags.isEmpty()) {
- "`name -> [flag1, flag2, ...]` - not allowed due to the ambiguity of belonging to modules/dependencies. " +
- "Please use `x [attrs...]` syntax for module attributes."
- }
- return null
- } else {
- var exported = false
- var scope: JpsJavaDependencyScope? = null
- var kind: ModulesTxt.Dependency.Kind = DEPENDENCY
- fun setScope(newScope: JpsJavaDependencyScope) {
- check(scope == null) { "`$this: $from -> $to` dependency is already flagged as $scope" }
- scope = newScope
- }
- fun setKind(newKind: ModulesTxt.Dependency.Kind) {
- check(kind == DEPENDENCY) { "`$this: $from -> $to` dependency is already flagged as $kind" }
- kind = newKind
- }
- flags.forEach { flag ->
- when (flag) {
- "exported" -> exported = true
- "compile" -> setScope(JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE)
- "test" -> setScope(JpsJavaDependencyScope.TEST)
- "runtime" -> setScope(JpsJavaDependencyScope.RUNTIME)
- "provided" -> setScope(JpsJavaDependencyScope.PROVIDED)
- "expectedBy" -> setKind(EXPECTED_BY)
- "include" -> setKind(INCLUDE)
- else -> error("Unknown dependency flag `$flag`")
- }
- }
- return DependencyBuilder(
- from = moduleRef(from),
- to = moduleRef(to),
- scope = scope ?: JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE,
- kind = kind,
- exported = exported
- ).also {
- dependencies.add(it)
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file