path: root/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/AbstractLookupTrackerTest.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/AbstractLookupTrackerTest.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/AbstractLookupTrackerTest.kt b/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/AbstractLookupTrackerTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 449345f46ffe..000000000000
--- a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/AbstractLookupTrackerTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import com.intellij.testFramework.UsefulTestCase
-import com.intellij.util.ThrowableRunnable
-import com.intellij.util.containers.StringInterner
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.TestWithWorkingDir
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.ExitCode
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JSCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JVMCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.*
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.Services
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.artifacts.KotlinArtifacts
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.test.runAll
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupInfo
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupTracker
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.Position
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.ScopeKind
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.isKotlinFile
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.js.*
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.makeModuleFile
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.testingUtils.TouchPolicy
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.testingUtils.copyTestSources
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.testingUtils.getModificationsToPerform
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.utils.TestMessageCollector
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.createTestingCompilerEnvironment
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.runJSCompiler
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.test.KotlinTestUtils
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.JsMetadataVersion
-import java.util.*
-abstract class AbstractJvmLookupTrackerTest : AbstractLookupTrackerTest() {
- private val sourceToOutputMapping = hashMapOf<File, MutableSet<File>>()
- override fun setUp() {
- super.setUp()
- sourceToOutputMapping.clear()
- }
- override fun markDirty(removedAndModifiedSources: Iterable<File>) {
- for (sourceFile in removedAndModifiedSources) {
- val outputs = sourceToOutputMapping.remove(sourceFile) ?: continue
- for (output in outputs) {
- output.delete()
- }
- }
- }
- override fun processCompilationResults(outputItemsCollector: OutputItemsCollectorImpl, services: Services) {
- for ((sourceFiles, outputFile) in outputItemsCollector.outputs) {
- if (outputFile.extension == "kotlin_module") continue
- for (sourceFile in sourceFiles) {
- val outputsForSource = sourceToOutputMapping.getOrPut(sourceFile) { hashSetOf() }
- outputsForSource.add(outputFile)
- }
- }
- }
- override fun runCompiler(filesToCompile: Iterable<File>, env: JpsCompilerEnvironment): Any? {
- val moduleFile = makeModuleFile(
- name = "test",
- isTest = true,
- outputDir = outDir,
- sourcesToCompile = filesToCompile.toList(),
- commonSources = emptyList(),
- javaSourceRoots = listOf(JvmSourceRoot(srcDir, null)),
- classpath = listOf(outDir, KotlinArtifacts.instance.kotlinStdlib).filter { it.exists() },
- friendDirs = emptyList()
- )
- val args = K2JVMCompilerArguments().apply {
- disableDefaultScriptingPlugin = true
- buildFile = moduleFile.canonicalPath
- reportOutputFiles = true
- }
- val argsArray = ArgumentUtils.convertArgumentsToStringList(args).toTypedArray()
- try {
- val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
- val out = PrintStream(stream)
- val exitCode = CompilerRunnerUtil.invokeExecMethod(, argsArray, env, out)
- val reader = BufferedReader(StringReader(stream.toString()))
- CompilerOutputParser.parseCompilerMessagesFromReader(env.messageCollector, reader, env.outputItemsCollector)
- return exitCode
- }
- finally {
- moduleFile.delete()
- }
- }
-abstract class AbstractJsKlibLookupTrackerTest : AbstractJsLookupTrackerTest() {
- override val jsStdlibFile: File
- get() = KotlinArtifacts.instance.kotlinStdlibJs
- override fun configureAdditionalArgs(args: K2JSCompilerArguments) {
- args.irProduceKlibDir = true
- args.irOnly = true
- args.outputFile = outDir.resolve("out.klib").absolutePath
- }
-abstract class AbstractJsLookupTrackerTest : AbstractLookupTrackerTest() {
- private var header: ByteArray? = null
- private val packageParts: MutableMap<File, TranslationResultValue> = hashMapOf()
- private val serializedIrFiles: MutableMap<File, IrTranslationResultValue> = hashMapOf()
- override fun setUp() {
- super.setUp()
- header = null
- packageParts.clear()
- serializedIrFiles.clear()
- }
- override fun Services.Builder.registerAdditionalServices() {
- if (header != null) {
- register(
- IncrementalDataProviderImpl(
- headerMetadata = header!!,
- compiledPackageParts = packageParts,
- metadataVersion = JsMetadataVersion.INSTANCE.toArray(),
- packageMetadata = emptyMap(), // TODO pass correct metadata
- serializedIrFiles = serializedIrFiles
- )
- )
- }
- register(, IncrementalResultsConsumerImpl())
- }
- override fun markDirty(removedAndModifiedSources: Iterable<File>) {
- removedAndModifiedSources.forEach {
- packageParts.remove(it)
- serializedIrFiles.remove(it)
- }
- }
- override fun processCompilationResults(outputItemsCollector: OutputItemsCollectorImpl, services: Services) {
- val incrementalResults = services.get( as IncrementalResultsConsumerImpl
- header = incrementalResults.headerMetadata
- packageParts.putAll(incrementalResults.packageParts)
- serializedIrFiles.putAll(incrementalResults.irFileData)
- }
- protected open val jsStdlibFile: File
- get() = KotlinArtifacts.instance.kotlinStdlibJs
- protected open fun configureAdditionalArgs(args: K2JSCompilerArguments) {
- args.outputFile = File(outDir, "out.js").canonicalPath
- }
- override fun runCompiler(filesToCompile: Iterable<File>, env: JpsCompilerEnvironment): Any? {
- val args = K2JSCompilerArguments().apply {
- val libPaths = arrayListOf(jsStdlibFile.absolutePath) + (libraries ?: "").split(File.pathSeparator)
- libraries = libPaths.joinToString(File.pathSeparator)
- reportOutputFiles = true
- freeArgs = { it.canonicalPath }
- }
- configureAdditionalArgs(args)
- return runJSCompiler(args, env)
- }
-abstract class AbstractLookupTrackerTest : TestWithWorkingDir() {
- private val DECLARATION_KEYWORDS = listOf("interface", "class", "enum class", "object", "fun", "operator fun", "val", "var")
- private val DECLARATION_STARTS_WITH = { it + " " }
- // ignore KDoc like comments which starts with `/**`, example: /** text */
- private val COMMENT_WITH_LOOKUP_INFO = "/\\*[^*]+\\*/".toRegex()
- protected lateinit var srcDir: File
- protected lateinit var outDir: File
- private val enableICFixture = EnableICFixture()
- override fun setUp() {
- super.setUp()
- srcDir = File(workingDir, "src").apply { mkdirs() }
- outDir = File(workingDir, "out")
- enableICFixture.setUp()
- }
- override fun tearDown() {
- runAll(
- ThrowableRunnable { enableICFixture.tearDown() },
- ThrowableRunnable { super.tearDown() }
- )
- }
- protected abstract fun markDirty(removedAndModifiedSources: Iterable<File>)
- protected abstract fun processCompilationResults(outputItemsCollector: OutputItemsCollectorImpl, services: Services)
- protected abstract fun runCompiler(filesToCompile: Iterable<File>, env: JpsCompilerEnvironment): Any?
- fun doTest(path: String) {
- val sb = StringBuilder()
- fun StringBuilder.indentln(string: String) {
- appendLine(" $string")
- }
- fun CompilerOutput.logOutput(stepName: String) {
- sb.appendLine("==== $stepName ====")
- sb.appendLine("Compiling files:")
- for (compiledFile in compiledFiles.sortedBy { it.canonicalPath }) {
- val lookupsFromFile = lookups[compiledFile]
- val lookupStatus = when {
- lookupsFromFile == null -> "(unknown)"
- lookupsFromFile.isEmpty() -> "(no lookups)"
- else -> ""
- }
- val relativePath = compiledFile.toRelativeString(workingDir).replace("\\", "/")
- sb.indentln("$relativePath$lookupStatus")
- }
- sb.appendLine("Exit code: $exitCode")
- errors.forEach(sb::indentln)
- sb.appendLine()
- }
- val testDir = File(path)
- val workToOriginalFileMap = HashMap(copyTestSources(testDir, srcDir, filePrefix = ""))
- var dirtyFiles = srcDir.walk().filterTo(HashSet()) { it.isKotlinFile(listOf("kt", "kts")) }
- val steps = getModificationsToPerform(testDir, moduleNames = null, allowNoFilesWithSuffixInTestData = true, touchPolicy = TouchPolicy.CHECKSUM)
- .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
- val filesToLookups = arrayListOf<Map<File, List<LookupInfo>>>()
- fun CompilerOutput.originalFilesToLookups() =
- compiledFiles.associateBy({ workToOriginalFileMap[it]!! }, { lookups[it] ?: emptyList() })
- make(dirtyFiles).apply {
- logOutput("INITIAL BUILD")
- filesToLookups.add(originalFilesToLookups())
- }
- for ((i, modifications) in steps.withIndex()) {
- dirtyFiles = modifications.mapNotNullTo(HashSet()) { it.perform(workingDir, workToOriginalFileMap) }
- make(dirtyFiles).apply {
- logOutput("STEP ${i + 1}")
- filesToLookups.add(originalFilesToLookups())
- }
- }
- val expectedBuildLog = File(testDir, "build.log")
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameLinesWithFile(expectedBuildLog.canonicalPath, sb.toString())
- assertEquals(steps.size + 1, filesToLookups.size)
- for ((i, lookupsAtStepI) in filesToLookups.withIndex()) {
- val step = if (i == 0) "INITIAL BUILD" else "STEP $i"
- for ((file, lookups) in lookupsAtStepI) {
- checkLookupsInFile(step, file, lookups)
- }
- }
- }
- private class CompilerOutput(
- val exitCode: String,
- val errors: List<String>,
- val compiledFiles: Iterable<File>,
- val lookups: Map<File, List<LookupInfo>>
- )
- private fun make(filesToCompile: Iterable<File>): CompilerOutput {
- filesToCompile.forEach {
- it.writeText(it.readText().replace(COMMENT_WITH_LOOKUP_INFO, ""))
- }
- markDirty(filesToCompile)
- val lookupTracker = TestLookupTracker()
- val messageCollector = TestMessageCollector()
- val outputItemsCollector = OutputItemsCollectorImpl()
- val services = Services.Builder().run {
- register(, lookupTracker)
- registerAdditionalServices()
- build()
- }
- val environment = createTestingCompilerEnvironment(messageCollector, outputItemsCollector, services)
- val exitCode = runCompiler(filesToCompile, environment) as? ExitCode
- if (exitCode == ExitCode.OK) {
- processCompilationResults(outputItemsCollector,
- }
- val lookups = lookupTracker.lookups.groupBy { File(it.filePath) }
- val lookupsFromCompiledFiles = filesToCompile.associate { it to (lookups[it] ?: emptyList()) }
- return CompilerOutput(exitCode.toString(), messageCollector.errors, filesToCompile, lookupsFromCompiledFiles)
- }
- protected open fun Services.Builder.registerAdditionalServices() {}
- private fun checkLookupsInFile(step: String, expectedFile: File, lookupsFromFile: List<LookupInfo>) {
- val text = expectedFile.readText().replace(COMMENT_WITH_LOOKUP_INFO, "")
- val lines = text.lines().toMutableList()
- for ((line, lookupsFromLine) in lookupsFromFile.groupBy { it.position.line }) {
- val columnToLookups = lookupsFromLine.groupBy { it.position.column }.toList().sortedBy { it.first }
- val lineContent = lines[line - 1]
- val parts = ArrayList<CharSequence>(columnToLookups.size * 2)
- var start = 0
- for ((column, lookupsFromColumn) in columnToLookups) {
- val end = column - 1
- parts.add(lineContent.subSequence(start, end))
- val lookups = lookupsFromColumn.mapTo(sortedSetOf()) {
- val rest = lineContent.substring(end)
- val name =
- when {
- rest.startsWith( || // same name
- rest.startsWith("$" + || // backing field
- DECLARATION_STARTS_WITH.any { rest.startsWith(it) } // it's declaration
- -> ""
- else -> "(" + + ")"
- }
- it.scopeKind.toString()[0].toLowerCase()
- .toString() + ":" + it.scopeFqName.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) it else "<root>" } + name
- }.joinToString(separator = " ", prefix = "/*", postfix = "*/")
- parts.add(lookups)
- start = end
- }
- lines[line - 1] = parts.joinToString("") + lineContent.subSequence(start, lineContent.length)
- }
- val actual = lines.joinToString("\n")
- KotlinTestUtils.assertEqualsToFile("Lookups do not match after $step", expectedFile, actual)
- }
-class TestLookupTracker : LookupTracker {
- val lookups = arrayListOf<LookupInfo>()
- private val interner = StringInterner()
- override val requiresPosition: Boolean
- get() = true
- override fun record(filePath: String, position: Position, scopeFqName: String, scopeKind: ScopeKind, name: String) {
- val internedFilePath = interner.intern(filePath)
- val internedScopeFqName = interner.intern(scopeFqName)
- val internedName = interner.intern(name)
- lookups.add(LookupInfo(internedFilePath, position, internedScopeFqName, scopeKind, internedName))
- }