path: root/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/targets/KotlinModuleBuildTarget.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/targets/KotlinModuleBuildTarget.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/targets/KotlinModuleBuildTarget.kt b/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/targets/KotlinModuleBuildTarget.kt
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index 905eabf285a9..000000000000
--- a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/targets/KotlinModuleBuildTarget.kt
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.targets
-import org.jetbrains.jps.ModuleChunk
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.CompileContext
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleBuildTarget
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleLevelBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ProjectBuildException
-import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule
-import org.jetbrains.jps.util.JpsPathUtil
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.CommonCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.JpsCompilerEnvironment
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.ApiVersion
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersion
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.Services
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ChangesCollector
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ExpectActualTrackerImpl
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.ExpectActualTracker
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.InlineConstTracker
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupTracker
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.KotlinJpsBundle
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.CacheAttributesDiff
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.JpsIncrementalCache
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.loadDiff
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.localCacheVersionManager
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.model.productionOutputFilePath
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.model.testOutputFilePath
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.modules.TargetId
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.progress.CompilationCanceledException
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.progress.CompilationCanceledStatus
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addIfNotNull
- * Properties and actions for Kotlin test / production module build target.
- */
-abstract class KotlinModuleBuildTarget<BuildMetaInfoType : BuildMetaInfo> internal constructor(
- val kotlinContext: KotlinCompileContext,
- val jpsModuleBuildTarget: ModuleBuildTarget
-) {
- /**
- * Note: beware of using this context for getting compilation round dependent data:
- * for example groovy can provide temp source roots with stubs, and it will be visible
- * only in round local compile context.
- *
- * TODO(1.2.80): got rid of jpsGlobalContext and replace it with kotlinContext
- */
- val jpsGlobalContext: CompileContext
- get() = kotlinContext.jpsContext
- // Initialized in KotlinCompileContext.loadTargets
- lateinit var chunk: KotlinChunk
- abstract val globalLookupCacheId: String
- abstract val isIncrementalCompilationEnabled: Boolean
- open fun isEnabled(chunkCompilerArguments: CommonCompilerArguments): Boolean = true
- @Suppress("LeakingThis")
- val localCacheVersionManager = localCacheVersionManager(
- kotlinContext.dataPaths.getTargetDataRoot(jpsModuleBuildTarget).toPath(),
- isIncrementalCompilationEnabled
- )
- val initialLocalCacheAttributesDiff: CacheAttributesDiff<*> = localCacheVersionManager.loadDiff()
- val module: JpsModule
- get() = jpsModuleBuildTarget.module
- val isTests: Boolean
- get() = jpsModuleBuildTarget.isTests
- open val targetId: TargetId
- get() {
- // Since IDEA 2016 each gradle source root is imported as a separate module.
- // One gradle module X is imported as two JPS modules:
- // 1. X-production with one production target;
- // 2. X-test with one test target.
- // This breaks kotlin code since internal members' names are mangled using module name.
- // For example, a declaration of a function 'f' in 'X-production' becomes 'fXProduction', but a call 'f' in 'X-test' becomes 'fXTest()'.
- // The workaround is to replace a name of such test target with the name of corresponding production module.
- // See KT-11993.
- val name = relatedProductionModule?.name ?:
- return TargetId(name, jpsModuleBuildTarget.targetType.typeId)
- }
- val outputDir by lazy {
- val explicitOutputPath = if (isTests) module.testOutputFilePath else module.productionOutputFilePath
- val explicitOutputDir = explicitOutputPath?.let { File(it).absoluteFile.parentFile }
- return@lazy explicitOutputDir
- ?: jpsModuleBuildTarget.outputDir
- ?: throw ProjectBuildException(KotlinJpsBundle.message("", this))
- }
- val friendBuildTargets: List<KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>>
- get() {
- val result = mutableListOf<KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>>()
- if (isTests) {
- result.addIfNotNull(kotlinContext.targetsBinding[module.productionBuildTarget])
- result.addIfNotNull(kotlinContext.targetsBinding[relatedProductionModule?.productionBuildTarget])
- }
- return result.filter { it.sources.isNotEmpty() }
- }
- val friendOutputDirs: List<File>
- get() = friendBuildTargets.mapNotNull {
- JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance().getOutputDirectory(it.module, false)
- }
- private val relatedProductionModule: JpsModule?
- get() = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance().getTestModuleProperties(module)?.productionModule
- data class Dependency(
- val src: KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>,
- val target: KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>,
- val exported: Boolean
- )
- // TODO(1.2.80): try replace allDependencies with KotlinChunk.collectDependentChunksRecursivelyExportedOnly
- @Deprecated("Consider using precalculated KotlinChunk.collectDependentChunksRecursivelyExportedOnly")
- val allDependencies by lazy {
- JpsJavaExtensionService.dependencies(module).recursively().exportedOnly()
- .includedIn(JpsJavaClasspathKind.compile(isTests))
- }
- /**
- * All sources of this target (including non dirty).
- *
- * Lazy initialization is required since value is required only in rare cases.
- *
- * Before first round initialized lazily based on global context.
- * This is required for friend build targets, when friends are not compiled in this build run.
- *
- * Lazy value will be invalidated on each round (should be recalculated based on round local context).
- * Update required since source roots can be changed, for example groovy can provide new temporary source roots with stubs.
- *
- * Ugly delegation to lazy is used to capture local compile context and reset calculated value.
- */
- val sources: Map<File, Source>
- get() = _sources.value
- @Volatile
- private var _sources: Lazy<Map<File, Source>> = lazy { computeSourcesList(jpsGlobalContext) }
- fun nextRound(localContext: CompileContext) {
- _sources = lazy { computeSourcesList(localContext) }
- }
- private fun computeSourcesList(localContext: CompileContext): Map<File, Source> {
- val result = mutableMapOf<File, Source>()
- val moduleExcludes = module.excludeRootsList.urls.mapTo(java.util.HashSet(), JpsPathUtil::urlToFile)
- val compilerExcludes = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance()
- .getOrCreateCompilerConfiguration(module.project)
- .compilerExcludes
- val buildRootIndex = localContext.projectDescriptor.buildRootIndex
- val roots = buildRootIndex.getTargetRoots(jpsModuleBuildTarget, localContext)
- roots.forEach { rootDescriptor ->
- val isCrossCompiled = rootDescriptor is KotlinIncludedModuleSourceRoot
- rootDescriptor.root.walkTopDown()
- .onEnter { file -> file !in moduleExcludes }
- .forEach { file ->
- if (!compilerExcludes.isExcluded(file) && file.isFile && file.isKotlinSourceFile) {
- result[file] = Source(file, isCrossCompiled)
- }
- }
- }
- return result
- }
- /**
- * @property isCrossCompiled sources that are cross-compiled to multiple targets
- */
- class Source(
- val file: File,
- val isCrossCompiled: Boolean
- )
- fun isFromIncludedSourceRoot(file: File): Boolean = sources[file]?.isCrossCompiled == true
- val sourceFiles: Collection<File>
- get() = sources.keys
- override fun toString() = jpsModuleBuildTarget.toString()
- /**
- * Called for `ModuleChunk.representativeTarget`
- */
- abstract fun compileModuleChunk(
- commonArguments: CommonCompilerArguments,
- dirtyFilesHolder: KotlinDirtySourceFilesHolder,
- environment: JpsCompilerEnvironment
- ): Boolean
- open fun registerOutputItems(outputConsumer: ModuleLevelBuilder.OutputConsumer, outputItems: List<GeneratedFile>) {
- for (output in outputItems) {
- outputConsumer.registerOutputFile(jpsModuleBuildTarget, output.outputFile, { it.path })
- }
- }
- protected fun reportAndSkipCircular(environment: JpsCompilerEnvironment): Boolean {
- if (chunk.targets.size > 1) {
- // We do not support circular dependencies, but if they are present, we do our best should not break the build,
- // so we simply yield a warning and report NOTHING_DONE
- CompilerMessageSeverity.STRONG_WARNING,
- "Circular dependencies are not supported. The following modules depend on each other: "
- + chunk.presentableShortName + " "
- + "Kotlin is not compiled for these modules"
- )
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- open fun doAfterBuild() {
- }
- open val hasCaches: Boolean = true
- abstract fun createCacheStorage(paths: BuildDataPaths): JpsIncrementalCache
- /**
- * Called for `ModuleChunk.representativeTarget`
- */
- open fun updateChunkMappings(
- localContext: CompileContext,
- chunk: ModuleChunk,
- dirtyFilesHolder: KotlinDirtySourceFilesHolder,
- outputItems: Map<ModuleBuildTarget, Iterable<GeneratedFile>>,
- incrementalCaches: Map<KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>, JpsIncrementalCache>,
- environment: JpsCompilerEnvironment
- ) {
- // by default do nothing
- }
- open fun updateCaches(
- dirtyFilesHolder: KotlinDirtySourceFilesHolder,
- jpsIncrementalCache: JpsIncrementalCache,
- files: List<GeneratedFile>,
- changesCollector: ChangesCollector,
- environment: JpsCompilerEnvironment
- ) {
- val changedAndRemovedFiles = dirtyFilesHolder.getDirtyFiles(jpsModuleBuildTarget).keys +
- dirtyFilesHolder.getRemovedFiles(jpsModuleBuildTarget)
- val expectActualTracker =[] as ExpectActualTrackerImpl
- jpsIncrementalCache.updateComplementaryFiles(changedAndRemovedFiles, expectActualTracker)
- }
- open fun makeServices(
- builder: Services.Builder,
- incrementalCaches: Map<KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>, JpsIncrementalCache>,
- lookupTracker: LookupTracker,
- exceptActualTracer: ExpectActualTracker,
- inlineConstTracker: InlineConstTracker
- ) {
- with(builder) {
- register(, lookupTracker)
- register(, exceptActualTracer)
- register(, object : CompilationCanceledStatus {
- override fun checkCanceled() {
- if (jpsGlobalContext.cancelStatus.isCanceled) throw CompilationCanceledException()
- }
- })
- register(, inlineConstTracker)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Should be used only for particular target in chunk (jvm)
- *
- * Should not be cached since may be vary in different rounds.
- */
- protected fun collectSourcesToCompile(
- dirtyFilesHolder: KotlinDirtySourceFilesHolder
- ) = SourcesToCompile(
- sources = when {
- chunk.representativeTarget.isIncrementalCompilationEnabled ->
- dirtyFilesHolder.getDirtyFiles(jpsModuleBuildTarget).values
- else -> sources.values
- },
- removedFiles = dirtyFilesHolder.getRemovedFiles(jpsModuleBuildTarget)
- )
- inner class SourcesToCompile(
- sources: Collection<KotlinModuleBuildTarget.Source>,
- val removedFiles: Collection<File>
- ) {
- val allFiles = { it.file }
- val crossCompiledFiles = sources.filter { it.isCrossCompiled }.map { it.file }
- /**
- * @return true, if there are removed files or files to compile
- */
- fun logFiles(): Boolean {
- val hasRemovedSources = removedFiles.isNotEmpty()
- val hasDirtyOrRemovedSources = allFiles.isNotEmpty() || hasRemovedSources
- if (hasDirtyOrRemovedSources) {
- val logger = jpsGlobalContext.loggingManager.projectBuilderLogger
- if (logger.isEnabled) {
- logger.logCompiledFiles(allFiles, KotlinBuilder.KOTLIN_BUILDER_NAME, "Compiling files:")
- }
- }
- return hasDirtyOrRemovedSources
- }
- }
- abstract val buildMetaInfoFactory: BuildMetaInfoFactory<BuildMetaInfoType>
- abstract val buildMetaInfoFileName: String
- fun isVersionChanged(chunk: KotlinChunk, buildMetaInfo: BuildMetaInfo): Boolean {
- val file = chunk.buildMetaInfoFile(jpsModuleBuildTarget)
- if (file.notExists()) return false
- val prevBuildMetaInfo =
- try {
- buildMetaInfoFactory.deserializeFromString(file.readText()) ?: return false
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- KotlinBuilder.LOG.error("Could not deserialize build meta info", e)
- return false
- }
- val prevLangVersion = LanguageVersion.fromVersionString(prevBuildMetaInfo.languageVersionString)
- val prevApiVersion = ApiVersion.parse(prevBuildMetaInfo.apiVersionString)
- val reasonToRebuild = when {
- chunk.langVersion != prevLangVersion -> "Language version was changed ($prevLangVersion -> ${chunk.langVersion})"
- chunk.apiVersion != prevApiVersion -> "Api version was changed ($prevApiVersion -> ${chunk.apiVersion})"
- prevLangVersion != LanguageVersion.KOTLIN_1_0 && prevBuildMetaInfo.isEAP && !buildMetaInfo.isEAP -> {
- // If EAP->Non-EAP build with IC, then rebuild all kotlin
- "Last build was compiled with EAP-plugin"
- }
- else -> null
- }
- if (reasonToRebuild != null) {
-"$reasonToRebuild. Performing non-incremental rebuild (kotlin only)")
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- private fun checkRepresentativeTarget(chunk: KotlinChunk) {
- check(chunk.representativeTarget == this)
- }
- private fun checkRepresentativeTarget(chunk: ModuleChunk) {
- check(chunk.representativeTarget() == jpsModuleBuildTarget)
- }
- private fun checkRepresentativeTarget(chunk: List<KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>>) {
- check(chunk.first() == this)
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file