path: root/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinCompileContext.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinCompileContext.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinCompileContext.kt b/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinCompileContext.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d8687aabcb3..000000000000
--- a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinCompileContext.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import org.jetbrains.jps.ModuleChunk
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.CompileContext
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.FSOperations
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.GlobalContextKey
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.fs.CompilationRound
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.BuildMessage
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.CompilerMessage
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerRunnerConstants.KOTLIN_COMPILER_NAME
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.LookupSymbol
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.KotlinJpsBundle
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.*
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.targets.KotlinTargetsIndex
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.targets.KotlinTargetsIndexBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.targets.KotlinUnsupportedModuleBuildTarget
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
- * KotlinCompileContext is shared between all threads (i.e. it is [GlobalContextKey]).
- *
- * It is initialized lazily, and only before building of first chunk with kotlin code,
- * and will be disposed on build finish.
- */
-/*internal */val CompileContext.kotlin: KotlinCompileContext
- get() {
- val userData = getUserData(kotlinCompileContextKey)
- if (userData != null) return userData
- // here is error (KotlinCompilation available only at build phase)
- // let's also check for concurrent initialization
- val errorMessage = "KotlinCompileContext available only at build phase " +
- "(between first KotlinBuilder.chunkBuildStarted and KotlinBuilder.buildFinished)"
- synchronized(kotlinCompileContextKey) {
- val newUsedData = getUserData(kotlinCompileContextKey)
- if (newUsedData != null) {
- error("Concurrent CompileContext.kotlin getter call and KotlinCompileContext initialization detected: $errorMessage")
- }
- }
- error(errorMessage)
- }
-internal val kotlinCompileContextKey = GlobalContextKey<KotlinCompileContext>("kotlin")
-class KotlinCompileContext(val jpsContext: CompileContext) {
- val dataManager = jpsContext.projectDescriptor.dataManager
- val dataPaths = dataManager.dataPaths
- val testingLogger: TestingBuildLogger?
- get() = jpsContext.testingContext?.buildLogger
- val targetsIndex: KotlinTargetsIndex = KotlinTargetsIndexBuilder(this).build()
- val targetsBinding
- get() = targetsIndex.byJpsTarget
- val lookupsCacheAttributesManager: CompositeLookupsCacheAttributesManager = makeLookupsCacheAttributesManager()
- val shouldCheckCacheVersions = System.getProperty(KotlinBuilder.SKIP_CACHE_VERSION_CHECK_PROPERTY) == null
- val hasKotlinMarker = HasKotlinMarker(dataManager)
- val isInstrumentationEnabled: Boolean by lazy {
- val value = System.getProperty("kotlin.jps.instrument.bytecode")?.toBoolean() ?: false
- if (value) {
- val message = KotlinJpsBundle.message("")
- jpsContext.processMessage(CompilerMessage(KOTLIN_COMPILER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, message))
- }
- value
- }
- val fileToPathConverter: FileToPathConverter =
- JpsFileToPathConverter(jpsContext.projectDescriptor.project)
- val lookupStorageManager = JpsLookupStorageManager(dataManager, fileToPathConverter)
- /**
- * Flag to prevent rebuilding twice.
- *
- * TODO: looks like it is not required since cache version checking are refactored
- */
- val rebuildAfterCacheVersionChanged = RebuildAfterCacheVersionChangeMarker(dataManager)
- var rebuildingAllKotlin = false
- /**
- * Note, [loadLookupsCacheStateDiff] should be initialized last as it requires initialized
- * [targetsIndex], [hasKotlinMarker] and [rebuildAfterCacheVersionChanged] (see [markChunkForRebuildBeforeBuild])
- */
- private val initialLookupsCacheStateDiff: CacheAttributesDiff<*> = loadLookupsCacheStateDiff()
- private fun makeLookupsCacheAttributesManager(): CompositeLookupsCacheAttributesManager {
- val expectedLookupsCacheComponents = mutableSetOf<String>()
- targetsIndex.chunks.forEach { chunk ->
- chunk.targets.forEach { target ->
- if (target.isIncrementalCompilationEnabled) {
- expectedLookupsCacheComponents.add(target.globalLookupCacheId)
- }
- }
- }
- val lookupsCacheRootPath = dataPaths.getTargetDataRoot(KotlinDataContainerTarget)
- return CompositeLookupsCacheAttributesManager(lookupsCacheRootPath.toPath(), expectedLookupsCacheComponents)
- }
- private fun loadLookupsCacheStateDiff(): CacheAttributesDiff<CompositeLookupsCacheAttributes> {
- val diff = lookupsCacheAttributesManager.loadDiff()
- if (diff.status == CacheStatus.VALID) {
- // try to perform a lookup
- // request rebuild if storage is corrupted
- try {
- lookupStorageManager.withLookupStorage {
- it.get(LookupSymbol("<#NAME#>", "<#SCOPE#>"))
- }
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- // replace to jpsReportInternalBuilderError when IDEA-201297 will be implemented
- jpsContext.processMessage(
- CompilerMessage(
- "Kotlin", BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING,
- KotlinJpsBundle.message("")
- )
- )
-"Lookup storage is corrupted, probe failed: ${e.message}", e))
- markAllKotlinForRebuild("Lookup storage is corrupted")
- return diff.copy(actual = null)
- }
- }
- return diff
- }
- fun hasKotlin() = targetsIndex.chunks.any { chunk ->
- chunk.targets.any { target ->
- hasKotlinMarker[target] == true
- }
- }
- fun checkCacheVersions() {
- when (initialLookupsCacheStateDiff.status) {
- CacheStatus.INVALID -> {
- // global cache needs to be rebuilt
- testingLogger?.invalidOrUnusedCache(null, null, initialLookupsCacheStateDiff)
- if (initialLookupsCacheStateDiff.actual != null) {
- markAllKotlinForRebuild("Kotlin incremental cache settings or format was changed")
- clearLookupCache()
- } else {
- markAllKotlinForRebuild("Kotlin incremental cache is missed or corrupted")
- }
- }
- CacheStatus.VALID -> Unit
- CacheStatus.SHOULD_BE_CLEARED -> {
- jpsContext.testingContext?.buildLogger?.invalidOrUnusedCache(null, null, initialLookupsCacheStateDiff)
-"Removing global cache as it is not required anymore: $initialLookupsCacheStateDiff")
- clearAllCaches()
- }
- CacheStatus.CLEARED -> Unit
- }
- }
- private val lookupAttributesSaved = AtomicBoolean(false)
- /**
- * Called on every successful compilation
- */
- fun ensureLookupsCacheAttributesSaved() {
- if (lookupAttributesSaved.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
- initialLookupsCacheStateDiff.manager.writeVersion()
- }
- }
- fun checkChunkCacheVersion(chunk: KotlinChunk) {
- if (shouldCheckCacheVersions && !rebuildingAllKotlin) {
- if (chunk.shouldRebuild()) markChunkForRebuildBeforeBuild(chunk)
- }
- }
- private fun logMarkDirtyForTestingBeforeRound(file: File, shouldProcess: Boolean): Boolean {
- if (shouldProcess) {
- testingLogger?.markedAsDirtyBeforeRound(listOf(file))
- }
- return shouldProcess
- }
- private fun markAllKotlinForRebuild(reason: String) {
- if (rebuildingAllKotlin) return
- rebuildingAllKotlin = true
-"Rebuilding all Kotlin: $reason")
- targetsIndex.chunks.forEach {
- markChunkForRebuildBeforeBuild(it)
- }
- lookupStorageManager.cleanLookupStorage(KotlinBuilder.LOG)
- }
- private fun markChunkForRebuildBeforeBuild(chunk: KotlinChunk) {
- chunk.targets.forEach {
- FSOperations.markDirty(jpsContext, CompilationRound.NEXT, it.jpsModuleBuildTarget) { file ->
- logMarkDirtyForTestingBeforeRound(file, file.isKotlinSourceFile)
- }
- dataManager.getKotlinCache(it)?.clean()
- hasKotlinMarker.clean(it)
- rebuildAfterCacheVersionChanged[it] = true
- }
- }
- private fun clearAllCaches() {
- clearLookupCache()
-"Clearing caches for all targets")
- targetsIndex.chunks.forEach { chunk ->
- chunk.targets.forEach {
- dataManager.getKotlinCache(it)?.clean()
- }
- }
- }
- private fun clearLookupCache() {
-"Clearing lookup cache")
- lookupStorageManager.cleanLookupStorage(KotlinBuilder.LOG)
- initialLookupsCacheStateDiff.manager.writeVersion()
- }
- fun cleanupCaches() {
- // todo: remove lookups for targets with disabled IC (or split global lookups cache into several caches for each compiler)
- targetsIndex.chunks.forEach { chunk ->
- chunk.targets.forEach { target ->
- if (target.initialLocalCacheAttributesDiff.status == CacheStatus.SHOULD_BE_CLEARED) {
- "$target caches is cleared as not required anymore: ${target.initialLocalCacheAttributesDiff}"
- )
- testingLogger?.invalidOrUnusedCache(null, target, target.initialLocalCacheAttributesDiff)
- target.initialLocalCacheAttributesDiff.manager.writeVersion(null)
- dataManager.getKotlinCache(target)?.clean()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun dispose() {
- }
- fun getChunk(rawChunk: ModuleChunk): KotlinChunk? {
- val rawRepresentativeTarget = rawChunk.representativeTarget()
- if (rawRepresentativeTarget !in targetsBinding) return null
- return targetsIndex.chunksByJpsRepresentativeTarget[rawRepresentativeTarget]
- ?: error("Kotlin binding for chunk $this is not loaded at build start")
- }
- fun reportUnsupportedTargets() {
- // group all KotlinUnsupportedModuleBuildTarget by kind
- // only representativeTarget will be added
- val byKind = mutableMapOf<String?, MutableList<KotlinUnsupportedModuleBuildTarget>>()
- targetsIndex.chunks.forEach {
- val target = it.representativeTarget
- if (target is KotlinUnsupportedModuleBuildTarget) {
- if (target.sourceFiles.isNotEmpty()) {
- byKind.getOrPut(target.kind) { mutableListOf() }.add(target)
- }
- }
- }
- byKind.forEach { (kind, targets) ->
- targets.sortBy { }
- val chunkNames = { it.chunk.presentableShortName }
- val presentableChunksListString = chunkNames.joinToReadableString()
- val msg =
- if (kind == null) {
- KotlinJpsBundle.message("", presentableChunksListString)
- } else {
- KotlinJpsBundle.message("", kind, presentableChunksListString)
- }
- testingLogger?.addCustomMessage(msg)
- jpsContext.processMessage(
- CompilerMessage(
- BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING,
- msg
- )
- )
- }
- }
-fun List<String>.joinToReadableString(): String = when {
- size > 5 -> take(5).joinToString() + " and ${size - 5} more"
- size > 1 -> dropLast(1).joinToString() + " and ${last()}"
- size == 1 -> single()
- else -> ""
-} \ No newline at end of file