path: root/driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp b/driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp
index f2e8c66a..5aceadd4 100644
--- a/driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp
+++ b/driver/jvm_tooling_test.cpp
@@ -14,18 +14,15 @@
#include "jvm_tooling.h"
-#include "coverage_tracker.h"
-#include "fuzz_target_runner.h"
+#include <memory>
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define ARG_SEPARATOR ";"
@@ -35,27 +32,20 @@ DECLARE_string(instrumentation_excludes);
namespace jazzer {
-std::vector<std::string> splitOnSpace(const std::string &s);
-TEST(SpaceSplit, SpaceSplitSimple) {
- ASSERT_EQ((std::vector<std::string>{"first", "se\\ cond", "third"}),
- splitOnSpace("first se\\ cond third"));
class JvmToolingTest : public ::testing::Test {
// After DestroyJavaVM() no new JVM instance can be created in the same
// process, so we set up a single JVM instance for this test binary which gets
// destroyed after all tests in this test suite have finished.
static void SetUpTestCase() {
+ FLAGS_hooks = false;
FLAGS_jvm_args =
"-Denv1=va\\" ARG_SEPARATOR "l1\\\\" ARG_SEPARATOR "-Denv2=val2";
- FLAGS_instrumentation_excludes = "**";
using ::bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles;
Runfiles *runfiles = Runfiles::CreateForTest();
FLAGS_cp = runfiles->Rlocation(FLAGS_cp);
- jvm_ = std::make_unique<JVM>("test_executable");
+ jvm_ = std::unique_ptr<JVM>(new JVM("test_executable"));
static void TearDownTestCase() { jvm_.reset(nullptr); }
@@ -65,26 +55,15 @@ class JvmToolingTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::unique_ptr<JVM> JvmToolingTest::jvm_ = nullptr;
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, ClassNotFound) {
- ASSERT_THROW(jvm_->FindClass(""), std::runtime_error);
- ASSERT_THROW(jvm_->FindClass("test.NonExistingClass"), std::runtime_error);
- ASSERT_THROW(jvm_->FindClass("test/NonExistingClass"), std::runtime_error);
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, ClassInClassPath) {
- ASSERT_NE(nullptr, jvm_->FindClass("test.PropertyPrinter"));
- ASSERT_NE(nullptr, jvm_->FindClass("test/PropertyPrinter"));
TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, JniProperties) {
- auto property_printer_class = jvm_->FindClass("test.PropertyPrinter");
+ auto &env = jvm_->GetEnv();
+ auto property_printer_class = env.FindClass("test/PropertyPrinter");
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, property_printer_class);
auto method_id =
- jvm_->GetStaticMethodID(property_printer_class, "printProperty",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
+ env.GetStaticMethodID(property_printer_class, "printProperty",
+ "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, method_id);
- auto &env = jvm_->GetEnv();
for (const auto &el : std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>{
{"not set property", ""},
{"env1", "va" ARG_SEPARATOR "l1\\"},
@@ -98,102 +77,8 @@ TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, JniProperties) {
} else {
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ret);
jboolean is_copy;
- ASSERT_EQ(el.second, jvm_->GetEnv().GetStringUTFChars(ret, &is_copy));
+ ASSERT_EQ(el.second, env.GetStringUTFChars(ret, &is_copy));
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, SimpleFuzzTarget) {
- // see testdata/test/SimpleFuzzTarget.java for the implementation of the fuzz
- // target
- FLAGS_target_class = "test/SimpleFuzzTarget";
- FLAGS_target_args = "";
- FuzzTargetRunner fuzz_target_runner(*jvm_);
- // normal case: fuzzerTestOneInput returns false
- std::string input("random");
- ASSERT_EQ(RunResult::kOk, fuzz_target_runner.Run(
- (const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
- // exception is thrown in fuzzerTestOneInput
- input = "crash";
- RunResult::kException,
- fuzz_target_runner.Run((const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
-class ExceptionPrinterTest : public ExceptionPrinter {
- public:
- ExceptionPrinterTest(JVM &jvm) : ExceptionPrinter(jvm), jvm_(jvm) {}
- std::string TriggerJvmException() {
- jclass illegal_argument_exception =
- jvm_.FindClass("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException");
- jvm_.GetEnv().ThrowNew(illegal_argument_exception, "Test");
- jthrowable exception = jvm_.GetEnv().ExceptionOccurred();
- jvm_.GetEnv().ExceptionClear();
- return getStackTrace(exception);
- }
- private:
- const JVM &jvm_;
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, ExceptionPrinter) {
- ExceptionPrinterTest exception_printer(*jvm_);
- // a.k.a std::string.startsWith(java.lang...)
- ASSERT_TRUE(exception_printer.TriggerJvmException().rfind(
- "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", 0) == 0);
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, FuzzTargetWithInit) {
- // see testdata/test/FuzzTargetWithInit.java for the implementation of the
- // fuzz target. All string arguments provided in fuzzerInitialize(String[])
- // will cause a crash if input in fuzzerTestOneInput(byte[]).
- FLAGS_target_class = "test/FuzzTargetWithInit";
- FLAGS_target_args = "crash_now crash_harder";
- FuzzTargetRunner fuzz_target_runner(*jvm_);
- // normal case: fuzzerTestOneInput returns false
- std::string input("random");
- ASSERT_EQ(RunResult::kOk, fuzz_target_runner.Run(
- (const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
- input = "crash_now";
- RunResult::kException,
- fuzz_target_runner.Run((const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
- input = "this is harmless";
- ASSERT_EQ(RunResult::kOk, fuzz_target_runner.Run(
- (const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
- input = "crash_harder";
- RunResult::kException,
- fuzz_target_runner.Run((const uint8_t *)input.c_str(), input.size()));
-TEST_F(JvmToolingTest, TestCoverageMap) {
- CoverageTracker::Clear();
- // check that after the initial clear the first coverage counter is 0
- auto coverage_counters_array = CoverageTracker::GetCoverageCounters();
- ASSERT_EQ(0, coverage_counters_array[0]);
- FLAGS_target_class = "test/FuzzTargetWithCoverage";
- FLAGS_target_args = "";
- FuzzTargetRunner fuzz_target_runner(*jvm_);
- // run a fuzz target input which will cause the first coverage counter to
- // increase
- fuzz_target_runner.Run(nullptr, 0);
- ASSERT_EQ(1, coverage_counters_array[0]);
- CoverageTracker::Clear();
- // back to initial state
- ASSERT_EQ(0, coverage_counters_array[0]);
- // calling the fuzz target twice
- fuzz_target_runner.Run(nullptr, 0);
- fuzz_target_runner.Run(nullptr, 0);
- ASSERT_EQ(2, coverage_counters_array[0]);
} // namespace jazzer