path: root/ink_stroke_modeler/params.h
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1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ink_stroke_modeler/params.h b/ink_stroke_modeler/params.h
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index 0000000..102edba
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+++ b/ink_stroke_modeler/params.h
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+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "absl/status/status.h"
+#include "absl/types/variant.h"
+#include "ink_stroke_modeler/types.h"
+namespace ink {
+namespace stroke_model {
+// These structs contain parameters for tuning the behavior of the stroke
+// modeler.
+// The stroke modeler is unit-agnostic, in both time and space. That is, the
+// stroke modeler does not know or care whether the inputs and parameters are
+// specified in feet and minutes, meters and seconds, or millimeters and years.
+// As such, instead of referring to specific units, we refer to "unit distance"
+// and "unit time".
+// These parameters will need to be "tuned" to your use case. Because of this,
+// and because of the modeler's unit-agnosticism, it's impossible to define
+// "reasonable" default values for many of the parameters -- these parameters
+// instead default to -1, which will cause the validation functions to return an
+// error.
+// Where possible, we've indicated what a good starting point for tuning might
+// be, but you'll likely need to adjust these for best results.
+// These parameters are used for modeling the position of the pen.
+struct PositionModelerParams {
+ // The mass of the "weight" being pulled along the path, multiplied by the
+ // spring constant.
+ float spring_mass_constant = 11.f / 32400;
+ // The ratio of the pen's velocity that is subtracted from the pen's
+ // acceleration, to simulate drag.
+ float drag_constant = 72.f;
+// These parameters are used for sampling.
+struct SamplingParams {
+ // The minimum number of modeled inputs to output per unit time. If inputs are
+ // received at a lower rate, they will be upsampled to produce output of at
+ // least min_output_rate. If inputs are received at a higher rate, the
+ // output rate will match the input rate.
+ double min_output_rate = -1;
+ // This determines stop condition for end-of-stroke modeling; if the position
+ // is within this distance of the final raw input, or if the last update
+ // iteration moved less than this distance, it stop iterating.
+ //
+ // This should be a small distance; a good starting point is 2-3 orders of
+ // magnitude smaller than the expected distance between input points.
+ float end_of_stroke_stopping_distance = -1;
+ // The maximum number of iterations to perform at the end of the stroke, if it
+ // does not stop due to the constraints of end_of_stroke_stopping_distance.
+ int end_of_stroke_max_iterations = 20;
+// These parameters are used modeling the state of the stylus once the position
+// has been modeled.
+struct StylusStateModelerParams {
+ // The maximum number of raw inputs to look at when finding the nearest states
+ // for interpolation.
+ int max_input_samples = 10;
+// These parameters are used for applying smoothing to the input to reduce
+// wobble in the prediction.
+struct WobbleSmootherParams {
+ // The length of the window over which the moving average of speed and
+ // position are calculated.
+ //
+ // A good starting point is 2.5 divided by the expected number of inputs per
+ // unit time.
+ Duration timeout{-1};
+ // The range of speeds considered for wobble smoothing. At speed_floor, the
+ // maximum amount of smoothing is applied. At speed_ceiling, no smoothing is
+ // applied.
+ //
+ // Good starting points are 2% and 3% of the expected speed of the inputs.
+ float speed_floor = -1;
+ float speed_ceiling = -1;
+// This struct indicates the "stroke end" prediction strategy should be used,
+// which models a prediction as though the last seen input was the
+// end-of-stroke. There aren't actually any tunable parameters for this; it uses
+// the same PositionModelerParams and SamplingParams as the overall model. Note
+// that this "prediction" doesn't actually predict substantially into the
+// future, it only allows for very quickly "catching up" to the position of the
+// raw input.
+struct StrokeEndPredictorParams {};
+// This struct indicates that the Kalman filter-based prediction strategy should
+// be used, and provides the parameters for tuning it.
+// Unlike the "stroke end" predictor, this strategy can predict an extension
+// of the stroke beyond the last Input position, in addition to the "catch up"
+// step.
+struct KalmanPredictorParams {
+ // The variance of the noise inherent to the stroke itself.
+ double process_noise = -1;
+ // The variance of the noise that rises from errors in measurement of the
+ // stroke.
+ double measurement_noise = -1;
+ // The minimum number of inputs received before the Kalman predictor is
+ // considered stable enough to make a prediction.
+ int min_stable_iteration = 4;
+ // The Kalman filter assumes that input is received in uniform time steps, but
+ // this is not always the case. We hold on to the most recent input timestamps
+ // for use in calculating the correction for this. This determines the maximum
+ // number of timestamps to save.
+ int max_time_samples = 20;
+ // The minimum allowed velocity of the "catch up" portion of the prediction,
+ // which covers the distance between the last Result (the last corrected
+ // position) and the
+ //
+ // A good starting point is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the expected
+ // speed of the inputs.
+ float min_catchup_velocity = -1;
+ // These weights are applied to the acceleration (x²) and jerk (x³) terms of
+ // the cubic prediction polynomial. The closer they are to zero, the more
+ // linear the prediction will be.
+ float acceleration_weight = .5;
+ float jerk_weight = .1;
+ // This value is a hint to the predictor, indicating the desired duration of
+ // of the portion of the prediction extending beyond the position of the last
+ // input. The actual duration of that portion of the prediction may be less
+ // than this, based on the predictor's confidence, but it will never be
+ // greater.
+ Duration prediction_interval{-1};
+ // The Kalman predictor uses several heuristics to evaluate confidence in the
+ // prediction. Each heuristic produces a confidence value between 0 and 1, and
+ // then we take their product as the total confidence.
+ // These parameters may be used to tune those heuristics.
+ struct ConfidenceParams {
+ // The first heuristic simply increases confidence as we receive more sample
+ // (i.e. input points). It evaluates to 0 at no samples, and 1 at
+ // desired_number_of_samples.
+ int desired_number_of_samples = 20;
+ // The second heuristic is based on the distance between the last sample
+ // and the current estimate. If the distance is 0, it evaluates to 1, and if
+ // the distance is greater than or equal to max_estimation_distance, it
+ // evaluates to 0.
+ //
+ // A good starting point is 1.5 times measurement_noise.
+ float max_estimation_distance = -1;
+ // The third heuristic is based on the speed of the prediction, which is
+ // approximated by measuring the from the start of the prediction to the
+ // projected endpoint (if it were extended for the full
+ // prediction_interval). It evaluates to 0 at min_travel_speed, and 1
+ // at max_travel_speed.
+ //
+ // Good starting points are 5% and 25% of the expected speed of the inputs.
+ float min_travel_speed = -1;
+ float max_travel_speed = -1;
+ // The fourth heuristic is based on the linearity of the prediction, which
+ // is approximated by comparing the endpoint of the prediction with the
+ // endpoint of a linear prediction (again, extended for the full
+ // prediction_interval). It evaluates to 1 at zero distance, and
+ // baseline_linearity_confidence at a distance of max_linear_deviation.
+ //
+ // A good starting point is an 10 times the measurement_noise.
+ float max_linear_deviation = -1;
+ float baseline_linearity_confidence = .4;
+ };
+ ConfidenceParams confidence_params;
+using PredictionParams =
+ absl::variant<StrokeEndPredictorParams, KalmanPredictorParams>;
+// This convenience struct is a collection of the parameters for the individual
+// parameter structs.
+struct StrokeModelParams {
+ WobbleSmootherParams wobble_smoother_params;
+ PositionModelerParams position_modeler_params;
+ SamplingParams sampling_params;
+ StylusStateModelerParams stylus_state_modeler_params;
+ PredictionParams prediction_params = StrokeEndPredictorParams{};
+// These validation functions will return an error if the given parameters are
+// invalid.
+absl::Status ValidatePositionModelerParams(const PositionModelerParams& params);
+absl::Status ValidateSamplingParams(const SamplingParams& params);
+absl::Status ValidateStylusStateModelerParams(
+ const StylusStateModelerParams& params);
+absl::Status ValidateWobbleSmootherParams(const WobbleSmootherParams& params);
+absl::Status ValidatePredictionParams(const PredictionParams& params);
+absl::Status ValidateStrokeModelParams(const StrokeModelParams& params);
+} // namespace stroke_model
+} // namespace ink