path: root/icing/join/qualified-id-join-index-impl-v1.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'icing/join/qualified-id-join-index-impl-v1.h')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icing/join/qualified-id-join-index-impl-v1.h b/icing/join/qualified-id-join-index-impl-v1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9314602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icing/join/qualified-id-join-index-impl-v1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h"
+#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
+#include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h"
+#include "icing/file/file-backed-vector.h"
+#include "icing/file/filesystem.h"
+#include "icing/file/persistent-storage.h"
+#include "icing/join/doc-join-info.h"
+#include "icing/join/qualified-id-join-index.h"
+#include "icing/schema/joinable-property.h"
+#include "icing/store/document-filter-data.h"
+#include "icing/store/document-id.h"
+#include "icing/store/key-mapper.h"
+#include "icing/store/namespace-fingerprint-identifier.h"
+#include "icing/store/namespace-id.h"
+#include "icing/util/crc32.h"
+namespace icing {
+namespace lib {
+// QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1: a class to maintain data mapping DocJoinInfo to
+// joinable qualified ids and delete propagation info.
+class QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1 : public QualifiedIdJoinIndex {
+ public:
+ struct Info {
+ static constexpr int32_t kMagic = 0x48cabdc6;
+ int32_t magic;
+ DocumentId last_added_document_id;
+ Crc32 ComputeChecksum() const {
+ return Crc32(
+ std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this), sizeof(Info)));
+ }
+ } __attribute__((packed));
+ static_assert(sizeof(Info) == 8, "");
+ // Metadata file layout: <Crcs><Info>
+ static constexpr int32_t kCrcsMetadataBufferOffset = 0;
+ static constexpr int32_t kInfoMetadataBufferOffset =
+ static_cast<int32_t>(sizeof(Crcs));
+ static constexpr int32_t kMetadataFileSize = sizeof(Crcs) + sizeof(Info);
+ static_assert(kMetadataFileSize == 20, "");
+ // Creates a QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1 instance to store qualified ids for
+ // future joining search. If any of the underlying file is missing, then
+ // delete the whole working_path and (re)initialize with new ones. Otherwise
+ // initialize and create the instance by existing files.
+ //
+ // filesystem: Object to make system level calls
+ // working_path: Specifies the working path for PersistentStorage.
+ // QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1 uses working path as working
+ // directory and all related files will be stored under this
+ // directory. It takes full ownership and of working_path_,
+ // including creation/deletion. It is the caller's
+ // responsibility to specify correct working path and avoid
+ // mixing different persistent storages together under the same
+ // path. Also the caller has the ownership for the parent
+ // directory of working_path_, and it is responsible for parent
+ // directory creation/deletion. See PersistentStorage for more
+ // details about the concept of working_path.
+ // pre_mapping_fbv: flag indicating whether memory map max possible file size
+ // for underlying FileBackedVector before growing the actual
+ // file size.
+ // use_persistent_hash_map: flag indicating whether use persistent hash map as
+ // the key mapper (if false, then fall back to
+ // dynamic trie key mapper).
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - FAILED_PRECONDITION_ERROR if the file checksum doesn't match the stored
+ // checksum
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O errors
+ // - Any KeyMapper errors
+ static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<
+ std::unique_ptr<QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1>>
+ Create(const Filesystem& filesystem, std::string working_path,
+ bool pre_mapping_fbv, bool use_persistent_hash_map);
+ // Delete copy and move constructor/assignment operator.
+ QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1(const QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1&) = delete;
+ QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1& operator=(const QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1&) =
+ delete;
+ QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1(QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1&&) = delete;
+ QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1& operator=(QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1&&) = delete;
+ ~QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1() override;
+ // v2 only API. Returns UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR.
+ libtextclassifier3::Status Put(SchemaTypeId schema_type_id,
+ JoinablePropertyId joinable_property_id,
+ DocumentId document_id,
+ std::vector<NamespaceFingerprintIdentifier>&&
+ ref_namespace_fingerprint_ids) override {
+ return absl_ports::UnimplementedError("This API is not supported in V2");
+ }
+ // v2 only API. Returns UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR.
+ libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<JoinDataIteratorBase>>
+ GetIterator(SchemaTypeId schema_type_id,
+ JoinablePropertyId joinable_property_id) const override {
+ return absl_ports::UnimplementedError("This API is not supported in V2");
+ }
+ // Puts a new data into index: DocJoinInfo (DocumentId, JoinablePropertyId)
+ // references to ref_qualified_id_str (the identifier of another document).
+ //
+ // REQUIRES: ref_qualified_id_str contains no '\0'.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR if doc_join_info is invalid
+ // - Any KeyMapper errors
+ libtextclassifier3::Status Put(
+ const DocJoinInfo& doc_join_info,
+ std::string_view ref_qualified_id_str) override;
+ // Gets the referenced document's qualified id string by DocJoinInfo.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - A qualified id string referenced by the given DocJoinInfo (DocumentId,
+ // JoinablePropertyId) on success
+ // - INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR if doc_join_info is invalid
+ // - NOT_FOUND_ERROR if doc_join_info doesn't exist
+ // - Any KeyMapper errors
+ libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<std::string_view> Get(
+ const DocJoinInfo& doc_join_info) const override;
+ // Reduces internal file sizes by reclaiming space and ids of deleted
+ // documents. Qualified id type joinable index will convert all entries to the
+ // new document ids.
+ //
+ // - document_id_old_to_new: a map for converting old document id to new
+ // document id.
+ // - namespace_id_old_to_new: a map for converting old namespace id to new
+ // namespace id. It is unused in this implementation since we store raw
+ // qualified id string (which contains raw namespace string).
+ // - new_last_added_document_id: will be used to update the last added
+ // document id in the qualified id type joinable
+ // index.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O error. This could potentially leave the index in
+ // an invalid state and the caller should handle it properly (e.g. discard
+ // and rebuild)
+ libtextclassifier3::Status Optimize(
+ const std::vector<DocumentId>& document_id_old_to_new,
+ const std::vector<NamespaceId>& namespace_id_old_to_new,
+ DocumentId new_last_added_document_id) override;
+ // Clears all data and set last_added_document_id to kInvalidDocumentId.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O error
+ libtextclassifier3::Status Clear() override;
+ bool is_v2() const override { return false; }
+ int32_t size() const override { return doc_join_info_mapper_->num_keys(); }
+ bool empty() const override { return size() == 0; }
+ DocumentId last_added_document_id() const override {
+ return info().last_added_document_id;
+ }
+ void set_last_added_document_id(DocumentId document_id) override {
+ SetInfoDirty();
+ Info& info_ref = info();
+ if (info_ref.last_added_document_id == kInvalidDocumentId ||
+ document_id > info_ref.last_added_document_id) {
+ info_ref.last_added_document_id = document_id;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1(
+ const Filesystem& filesystem, std::string&& working_path,
+ std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> metadata_buffer,
+ std::unique_ptr<KeyMapper<int32_t>> doc_join_info_mapper,
+ std::unique_ptr<FileBackedVector<char>> qualified_id_storage,
+ bool pre_mapping_fbv, bool use_persistent_hash_map)
+ : QualifiedIdJoinIndex(filesystem, std::move(working_path)),
+ metadata_buffer_(std::move(metadata_buffer)),
+ doc_join_info_mapper_(std::move(doc_join_info_mapper)),
+ qualified_id_storage_(std::move(qualified_id_storage)),
+ pre_mapping_fbv_(pre_mapping_fbv),
+ use_persistent_hash_map_(use_persistent_hash_map),
+ is_info_dirty_(false),
+ is_storage_dirty_(false) {}
+ static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<
+ std::unique_ptr<QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1>>
+ InitializeNewFiles(const Filesystem& filesystem, std::string&& working_path,
+ bool pre_mapping_fbv, bool use_persistent_hash_map);
+ static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<
+ std::unique_ptr<QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1>>
+ InitializeExistingFiles(const Filesystem& filesystem,
+ std::string&& working_path, bool pre_mapping_fbv,
+ bool use_persistent_hash_map);
+ // Transfers qualified id join index data from the current to new_index and
+ // convert to new document id according to document_id_old_to_new. It is a
+ // helper function for Optimize.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O error
+ libtextclassifier3::Status TransferIndex(
+ const std::vector<DocumentId>& document_id_old_to_new,
+ QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV1* new_index) const;
+ // Flushes contents of metadata file.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O error
+ libtextclassifier3::Status PersistMetadataToDisk(bool force) override;
+ // Flushes contents of all storages to underlying files.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - OK on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR on I/O error
+ libtextclassifier3::Status PersistStoragesToDisk(bool force) override;
+ // Computes and returns Info checksum.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - Crc of the Info on success
+ libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<Crc32> ComputeInfoChecksum(bool force) override;
+ // Computes and returns all storages checksum.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // - Crc of all storages on success
+ // - INTERNAL_ERROR if any data inconsistency
+ libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<Crc32> ComputeStoragesChecksum(
+ bool force) override;
+ Crcs& crcs() override {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<Crcs*>(metadata_buffer_.get() +
+ kCrcsMetadataBufferOffset);
+ }
+ const Crcs& crcs() const override {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const Crcs*>(metadata_buffer_.get() +
+ kCrcsMetadataBufferOffset);
+ }
+ Info& info() {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<Info*>(metadata_buffer_.get() +
+ kInfoMetadataBufferOffset);
+ }
+ const Info& info() const {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const Info*>(metadata_buffer_.get() +
+ kInfoMetadataBufferOffset);
+ }
+ void SetInfoDirty() { is_info_dirty_ = true; }
+ // When storage is dirty, we have to set info dirty as well. So just expose
+ // SetDirty to set both.
+ void SetDirty() {
+ is_info_dirty_ = true;
+ is_storage_dirty_ = true;
+ }
+ bool is_info_dirty() const { return is_info_dirty_; }
+ bool is_storage_dirty() const { return is_storage_dirty_; }
+ // Metadata buffer
+ std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> metadata_buffer_;
+ // Persistent KeyMapper for mapping (encoded) DocJoinInfo (DocumentId,
+ // JoinablePropertyId) to another referenced document's qualified id string
+ // index in qualified_id_storage_.
+ std::unique_ptr<KeyMapper<int32_t>> doc_join_info_mapper_;
+ // Storage for qualified id strings.
+ std::unique_ptr<FileBackedVector<char>> qualified_id_storage_;
+ // TODO(b/268521214): add delete propagation storage
+ // Flag indicating whether memory map max possible file size for underlying
+ // FileBackedVector before growing the actual file size.
+ bool pre_mapping_fbv_;
+ // Flag indicating whether use persistent hash map as the key mapper (if
+ // false, then fall back to dynamic trie key mapper).
+ bool use_persistent_hash_map_;
+ bool is_info_dirty_;
+ bool is_storage_dirty_;
+} // namespace lib
+} // namespace icing