BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainImport google/uuid v1.3.0Dan Willemsen15 months
masterImport google/uuid v1.3.0Dan Willemsen15 months
upstream-masterfix: incorrect timestamp in uuid v6 (#161)Youngjae Lee5 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
5 daysfix: incorrect timestamp in uuid v6 (#161)upstream-masterYoungjae Lee
2024-02-22fix: use MustParse("xxx") instead of Must(Parse("xxxx")) (#106)kotaro.yamazaki
2024-02-12docs: fixing typos (#156)Andreas Deininger
2024-01-23chore(master): release 1.6.0 (#151)release-please[bot]
2024-01-16chore(tests): add strict monotonicity test case for uuid v7. (#154)MikeWang
2024-01-12fix: fix typo in version 7 uuid documentation (#153)David Kaufman
2024-01-11ci: set token permissions to github workflows (#143)Joyce
2024-01-11fix: Monotonicity in UUIDv7 (#150)MikeWang
2024-01-09feat: add Max UUID constant (#149)MikeWang
2023-12-12chore(master): release 1.5.0 (#145)release-please[bot]