path: root/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp b/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f975a188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "SkSweepGradient.h"
+SkSweepGradient::SkSweepGradient(SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy,
+ const Descriptor& desc)
+ : SkGradientShaderBase(desc)
+ , fCenter(SkPoint::Make(cx, cy))
+ fPtsToUnit.setTranslate(-cx, -cy);
+ // overwrite the tilemode to a canonical value (since sweep ignores it)
+ fTileMode = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode;
+SkShader::BitmapType SkSweepGradient::asABitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap,
+ SkMatrix* matrix, SkShader::TileMode* xy) const {
+ if (bitmap) {
+ this->getGradientTableBitmap(bitmap);
+ }
+ if (matrix) {
+ *matrix = fPtsToUnit;
+ }
+ if (xy) {
+ xy[0] = fTileMode;
+ xy[1] = kClamp_TileMode;
+ }
+ return kSweep_BitmapType;
+SkShader::GradientType SkSweepGradient::asAGradient(GradientInfo* info) const {
+ if (info) {
+ commonAsAGradient(info);
+ info->fPoint[0] = fCenter;
+ }
+ return kSweep_GradientType;
+SkSweepGradient::SkSweepGradient(SkFlattenableReadBuffer& buffer)
+ : INHERITED(buffer),
+ fCenter(buffer.readPoint()) {
+void SkSweepGradient::flatten(SkFlattenableWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
+ this->INHERITED::flatten(buffer);
+ buffer.writePoint(fCenter);
+#define PI 3.14159265
+static bool gSweepTableReady;
+static uint8_t gSweepTable[65];
+/* Our table stores precomputed values for atan: [0...1] -> [0..PI/4]
+ We scale the results to [0..32]
+static const uint8_t* build_sweep_table() {
+ if (!gSweepTableReady) {
+ const int N = 65;
+ const double DENOM = N - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ {
+ double arg = i / DENOM;
+ double v = atan(arg);
+ int iv = (int)round(v * DENOM * 2 / PI);
+// printf("[%d] atan(%g) = %g %d\n", i, arg, v, iv);
+ printf("%d, ", iv);
+ gSweepTable[i] = iv;
+ }
+ gSweepTableReady = true;
+ }
+ return gSweepTable;
+static const uint8_t gSweepTable[] = {
+ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9,
+ 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18,
+ 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 26,
+ 26, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 31, 32,
+ 32
+static const uint8_t* build_sweep_table() { return gSweepTable; }
+// divide numer/denom, with a bias of 6bits. Assumes numer <= denom
+// and denom != 0. Since our table is 6bits big (+1), this is a nice fit.
+// Same as (but faster than) SkFixedDiv(numer, denom) >> 10
+//unsigned div_64(int numer, int denom);
+static unsigned div_64(int numer, int denom) {
+ SkASSERT(numer <= denom);
+ SkASSERT(numer > 0);
+ SkASSERT(denom > 0);
+ int nbits = SkCLZ(numer);
+ int dbits = SkCLZ(denom);
+ int bits = 6 - nbits + dbits;
+ SkASSERT(bits <= 6);
+ if (bits < 0) { // detect underflow
+ return 0;
+ }
+ denom <<= dbits - 1;
+ numer <<= nbits - 1;
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ // do the first one
+ if ((numer -= denom) >= 0) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else {
+ numer += denom;
+ }
+ // Now fall into our switch statement if there are more bits to compute
+ if (bits > 0) {
+ // make room for the rest of the answer bits
+ result <<= bits;
+ switch (bits) {
+ case 6:
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 32;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ case 5:
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 16;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ case 4:
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 8;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ case 3:
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 4;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ case 2:
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 2;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ case 1:
+ default: // not strictly need, but makes GCC make better ARM code
+ if ((numer = (numer << 1) - denom) >= 0)
+ result |= 1;
+ else
+ numer += denom;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+// Given x,y in the first quadrant, return 0..63 for the angle [0..90]
+static unsigned atan_0_90(SkFixed y, SkFixed x) {
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ {
+ static bool gOnce;
+ if (!gOnce) {
+ gOnce = true;
+ SkASSERT(div_64(55, 55) == 64);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(128, 256) == 32);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(2326528, 4685824) == 31);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(753664, 5210112) == 9);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(229376, 4882432) == 3);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(2, 64) == 2);
+ SkASSERT(div_64(1, 64) == 1);
+ // test that we handle underflow correctly
+ SkASSERT(div_64(12345, 0x54321234) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ SkASSERT(y > 0 && x > 0);
+ const uint8_t* table = build_sweep_table();
+ unsigned result;
+ bool swap = (x < y);
+ if (swap) {
+ // first part of the atan(v) = PI/2 - atan(1/v) identity
+ // since our div_64 and table want v <= 1, where v = y/x
+ SkTSwap<SkFixed>(x, y);
+ }
+ result = div_64(y, x);
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ {
+ unsigned result2 = SkDivBits(y, x, 6);
+ SkASSERT(result2 == result ||
+ (result == 1 && result2 == 0));
+ }
+ SkASSERT(result < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gSweepTable));
+ result = table[result];
+ if (swap) {
+ // complete the atan(v) = PI/2 - atan(1/v) identity
+ result = 64 - result;
+ // pin to 63
+ result -= result >> 6;
+ }
+ SkASSERT(result <= 63);
+ return result;
+// returns angle in a circle [0..2PI) -> [0..255]
+static unsigned SkATan2_255(float y, float x) {
+ // static const float g255Over2PI = 255 / (2 * SK_ScalarPI);
+ static const float g255Over2PI = 40.584510488433314f;
+ float result = sk_float_atan2(y, x);
+ if (result < 0) {
+ result += 2 * SK_ScalarPI;
+ }
+ SkASSERT(result >= 0);
+ // since our value is always >= 0, we can cast to int, which is faster than
+ // calling floorf()
+ int ir = (int)(result * g255Over2PI);
+ SkASSERT(ir >= 0 && ir <= 255);
+ return ir;
+static unsigned SkATan2_255(SkFixed y, SkFixed x) {
+ if (x == 0) {
+ if (y == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return y < 0 ? 192 : 64;
+ }
+ if (y == 0) {
+ return x < 0 ? 128 : 0;
+ }
+ /* Find the right quadrant for x,y
+ Since atan_0_90 only handles the first quadrant, we rotate x,y
+ appropriately before calling it, and then add the right amount
+ to account for the real quadrant.
+ quadrant 0 : add 0 | x > 0 && y > 0
+ quadrant 1 : add 64 (90 degrees) | x < 0 && y > 0
+ quadrant 2 : add 128 (180 degrees) | x < 0 && y < 0
+ quadrant 3 : add 192 (270 degrees) | x > 0 && y < 0
+ map x<0 to (1 << 6)
+ map y<0 to (3 << 6)
+ add = map_x ^ map_y
+ */
+ int xsign = x >> 31;
+ int ysign = y >> 31;
+ int add = ((-xsign) ^ (ysign & 3)) << 6;
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ if (0 == add)
+ SkASSERT(x > 0 && y > 0);
+ else if (64 == add)
+ SkASSERT(x < 0 && y > 0);
+ else if (128 == add)
+ SkASSERT(x < 0 && y < 0);
+ else if (192 == add)
+ SkASSERT(x > 0 && y < 0);
+ else
+ SkDEBUGFAIL("bad value for add");
+ /* This ^ trick makes x, y positive, and the swap<> handles quadrants
+ where we need to rotate x,y by 90 or -90
+ */
+ x = (x ^ xsign) - xsign;
+ y = (y ^ ysign) - ysign;
+ if (add & 64) { // quads 1 or 3 need to swap x,y
+ SkTSwap<SkFixed>(x, y);
+ }
+ unsigned result = add + atan_0_90(y, x);
+ SkASSERT(result < 256);
+ return result;
+void SkSweepGradient::shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dstC,
+ int count) {
+ SkMatrix::MapXYProc proc = fDstToIndexProc;
+ const SkMatrix& matrix = fDstToIndex;
+ const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT cache = this->getCache32();
+ int toggle = init_dither_toggle(x, y);
+ SkPoint srcPt;
+ if (fDstToIndexClass != kPerspective_MatrixClass) {
+ proc(matrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &srcPt);
+ SkScalar dx, fx = srcPt.fX;
+ SkScalar dy, fy = srcPt.fY;
+ if (fDstToIndexClass == kFixedStepInX_MatrixClass) {
+ SkFixed storage[2];
+ (void)matrix.fixedStepInX(SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ &storage[0], &storage[1]);
+ dx = SkFixedToScalar(storage[0]);
+ dy = SkFixedToScalar(storage[1]);
+ } else {
+ SkASSERT(fDstToIndexClass == kLinear_MatrixClass);
+ dx = matrix.getScaleX();
+ dy = matrix.getSkewY();
+ }
+ for (; count > 0; --count) {
+ *dstC++ = cache[toggle + SkATan2_255(fy, fx)];
+ fx += dx;
+ fy += dy;
+ toggle = next_dither_toggle(toggle);
+ }
+ } else { // perspective case
+ for (int stop = x + count; x < stop; x++) {
+ proc(matrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &srcPt);
+ *dstC++ = cache[toggle + SkATan2_255(srcPt.fY, srcPt.fX)];
+ toggle = next_dither_toggle(toggle);
+ }
+ }
+void SkSweepGradient::shadeSpan16(int x, int y, uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dstC,
+ int count) {
+ SkMatrix::MapXYProc proc = fDstToIndexProc;
+ const SkMatrix& matrix = fDstToIndex;
+ const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT cache = this->getCache16();
+ int toggle = init_dither_toggle16(x, y);
+ SkPoint srcPt;
+ if (fDstToIndexClass != kPerspective_MatrixClass) {
+ proc(matrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &srcPt);
+ SkScalar dx, fx = srcPt.fX;
+ SkScalar dy, fy = srcPt.fY;
+ if (fDstToIndexClass == kFixedStepInX_MatrixClass) {
+ SkFixed storage[2];
+ (void)matrix.fixedStepInX(SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ &storage[0], &storage[1]);
+ dx = SkFixedToScalar(storage[0]);
+ dy = SkFixedToScalar(storage[1]);
+ } else {
+ SkASSERT(fDstToIndexClass == kLinear_MatrixClass);
+ dx = matrix.getScaleX();
+ dy = matrix.getSkewY();
+ }
+ for (; count > 0; --count) {
+ int index = SkATan2_255(fy, fx) >> (8 - kCache16Bits);
+ *dstC++ = cache[toggle + index];
+ toggle = next_dither_toggle16(toggle);
+ fx += dx;
+ fy += dy;
+ }
+ } else { // perspective case
+ for (int stop = x + count; x < stop; x++) {
+ proc(matrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
+ SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &srcPt);
+ int index = SkATan2_255(srcPt.fY, srcPt.fX);
+ index >>= (8 - kCache16Bits);
+ *dstC++ = cache[toggle + index];
+ toggle = next_dither_toggle16(toggle);
+ }
+ }
+#include "GrTBackendEffectFactory.h"
+class GrGLSweepGradient : public GrGLGradientEffect {
+ GrGLSweepGradient(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
+ const GrDrawEffect&) : INHERITED (factory) { }
+ virtual ~GrGLSweepGradient() { }
+ virtual void emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder*,
+ const GrDrawEffect&,
+ EffectKey,
+ const char* outputColor,
+ const char* inputColor,
+ const TextureSamplerArray&) SK_OVERRIDE;
+ static EffectKey GenKey(const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect, const GrGLCaps&) {
+ return GenMatrixKey(drawEffect);
+ }
+ typedef GrGLGradientEffect INHERITED;
+class GrSweepGradient : public GrGradientEffect {
+ static GrEffectRef* Create(GrContext* ctx,
+ const SkSweepGradient& shader,
+ const SkMatrix& matrix) {
+ AutoEffectUnref effect(SkNEW_ARGS(GrSweepGradient, (ctx, shader, matrix)));
+ return CreateEffectRef(effect);
+ }
+ virtual ~GrSweepGradient() { }
+ static const char* Name() { return "Sweep Gradient"; }
+ virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE {
+ return GrTBackendEffectFactory<GrSweepGradient>::getInstance();
+ }
+ typedef GrGLSweepGradient GLEffect;
+ GrSweepGradient(GrContext* ctx,
+ const SkSweepGradient& shader,
+ const SkMatrix& matrix)
+ : INHERITED(ctx, shader, matrix, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) { }
+ typedef GrGradientEffect INHERITED;
+GrEffectRef* GrSweepGradient::TestCreate(SkMWCRandom* random,
+ GrContext* context,
+ const GrDrawTargetCaps&,
+ GrTexture**) {
+ SkPoint center = {random->nextUScalar1(), random->nextUScalar1()};
+ SkColor colors[kMaxRandomGradientColors];
+ SkScalar stopsArray[kMaxRandomGradientColors];
+ SkScalar* stops = stopsArray;
+ SkShader::TileMode tmIgnored;
+ int colorCount = RandomGradientParams(random, colors, &stops, &tmIgnored);
+ SkAutoTUnref<SkShader> shader(SkGradientShader::CreateSweep(center.fX, center.fY,
+ colors, stops, colorCount));
+ SkPaint paint;
+ return shader->asNewEffect(context, paint);
+void GrGLSweepGradient::emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder,
+ const GrDrawEffect&,
+ EffectKey key,
+ const char* outputColor,
+ const char* inputColor,
+ const TextureSamplerArray& samplers) {
+ this->emitYCoordUniform(builder);
+ const char* coords;
+ this->setupMatrix(builder, key, &coords);
+ SkString t;
+ t.printf("atan(- %s.y, - %s.x) * 0.1591549430918 + 0.5", coords, coords);
+ this->emitColorLookup(builder, t.c_str(), outputColor, inputColor, samplers[0]);
+GrEffectRef* SkSweepGradient::asNewEffect(GrContext* context, const SkPaint&) const {
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ if (!this->getLocalMatrix().invert(&matrix)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ matrix.postConcat(fPtsToUnit);
+ return GrSweepGradient::Create(context, *this, matrix);
+GrEffectRef* SkSweepGradient::asNewEffect(GrContext*, const SkPaint&) const {
+ SkDEBUGFAIL("Should not call in GPU-less build");
+ return NULL;
+void SkSweepGradient::toString(SkString* str) const {
+ str->append("SkSweepGradient: (");
+ str->append("center: (");
+ str->appendScalar(fCenter.fX);
+ str->append(", ");
+ str->appendScalar(fCenter.fY);
+ str->append(") ");
+ this->INHERITED::toString(str);
+ str->append(")");