path: root/kotlin/common/testing/unittest_suites.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'kotlin/common/testing/unittest_suites.bzl')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kotlin/common/testing/unittest_suites.bzl b/kotlin/common/testing/unittest_suites.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1895bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlin/common/testing/unittest_suites.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A framework for writing tests of Starlark code with minimal overhead.
+Test cases are written as Starlark functions that will eventually be executed as
+individual test targets. Two types of tests are supported: those including their
+own assertions, and those expected to call 'fail()'.
+Basic usage looks like:
+# unittests.bzl
+load("//kotlin/common/testing:unittest_suites.bzl", "kt_unittest_suites")
+load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "asserts")
+unittests = kt_unittest_suite.create() # Create a new suite in this file.
+def _some_test_case(ctx, env):
+ # Test logic here
+ asserts.true(env, 1 == 1)
+ return [] # Return any declared files
+unittests.expect_finish(_some_test_case) # Include the test case in the suite
+def _some_fail_case(ctx):
+ # No assertions are allowed in fail cases
+ _some_logic_that_should_call_fail(ctx)
+unittests.expect_fail(_some_fail_case, "fail message substring") # Expect this case to call fail
+# Generate a pair of rules that will be used for test targets
+_test, _fail = unittests.close() # @unused
+load(":unittests.bzl", "unittests")
+# Render each test case as a target in this package
+ name = "unittests"
+load("//:visibility.bzl", "RULES_KOTLIN")
+load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "unittest")
+load(":testing_rules.bzl", "kt_testing_rules")
+def _create():
+ """Create a new test suite.
+ Returns:
+ [kt_unittest_suite] An object representing the suite under construction
+ """
+ test_cases = dict()
+ rule_holder = [] # Use a list rather than separate vars becase captured vars are final
+ def expect_fail(test_case, msg_contains):
+ """Add a test case to the suite which is expected to call fail.
+ Args:
+ test_case: [function(ctx)]
+ msg_contains: [string] A substring expected in the failure message
+ """
+ if rule_holder:
+ fail("Test suite is closed")
+ test_case_name = _fn_name(test_case)
+ if not test_case_name.startswith("_"):
+ fail("Test cases must be private '%s'" % test_case_name)
+ if test_case_name in test_cases:
+ fail("Existing test case named '%s'" % test_case_name)
+ test_cases[test_case_name] = struct(
+ impl = test_case,
+ msg_contains = msg_contains,
+ )
+ def expect_finish(test_case):
+ """Add a test case to the suite.
+ Args:
+ test_case: [function(ctx,unittest.env):None|list[File]]
+ """
+ expect_fail(test_case, None)
+ def close():
+ """Close the suite from expect_finishing new tests.
+ The return value must be assigned to '_test, _fail' with an '# @unused' suppression.
+ Returns:
+ [(rule, rule)]
+ """
+ if rule_holder:
+ fail("Test suite is closed")
+ def test_impl(ctx):
+ env = unittest.begin(ctx)
+ output_files = test_cases[ctx.attr.case_name].impl(ctx, env) or []
+ if output_files:
+ ctx.actions.run_shell(
+ outputs = output_files,
+ command = "exit 1",
+ )
+ return unittest.end(env) + [OutputGroupInfo(_file_sink = depset(output_files))]
+ test_rule = unittest.make(
+ impl = test_impl,
+ attrs = dict(case_name = attr.string()),
+ )
+ rule_holder.append(test_rule)
+ def fail_impl(ctx):
+ test_cases[ctx.attr.case_name].impl(ctx)
+ return []
+ fail_rule = rule(
+ implementation = fail_impl,
+ attrs = dict(case_name = attr.string()),
+ )
+ rule_holder.append(fail_rule)
+ # Rules must be assigned to top-level Starlark vars before being called
+ return test_rule, fail_rule
+ def render(name, tags = [], **kwargs):
+ """Render the test suite into targets.
+ Args:
+ name: [string]
+ tags: [list[string]]
+ **kwargs: Generic rule kwargs
+ """
+ if not rule_holder:
+ fail("Test suite is not closed")
+ test_rule = rule_holder[0]
+ fail_rule = rule_holder[1]
+ test_targets = []
+ for test_case_name, test_case_data in test_cases.items():
+ target_name = test_case_name.removeprefix("_") + "_test"
+ test_targets.append(target_name)
+ if test_case_data.msg_contains == None:
+ test_rule(
+ name = target_name,
+ tags = tags,
+ case_name = test_case_name,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ else:
+ fail_rule(
+ name = test_case_name,
+ tags = tags + kt_testing_rules.ONLY_FOR_ANALYSIS_TAGS,
+ case_name = test_case_name,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ kt_testing_rules.assert_failure_test(
+ name = target_name,
+ target_under_test = test_case_name,
+ msg_contains = test_case_data.msg_contains,
+ )
+ native.test_suite(
+ name = name,
+ tests = test_targets,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ return struct(
+ expect_finish = expect_finish,
+ expect_fail = expect_fail,
+ close = close,
+ render = render,
+ )
+def _fn_name(rule_or_fn):
+ parts = str(rule_or_fn).removeprefix("<").removesuffix(">").split(" ")
+ return parts[0] if (len(parts) == 1) else parts[1]
+kt_unittest_suites = struct(
+ create = _create,