path: root/test_conformance/workgroups/test_wg_scan_reduce.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test_conformance/workgroups/test_wg_scan_reduce.cpp')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test_conformance/workgroups/test_wg_scan_reduce.cpp b/test_conformance/workgroups/test_wg_scan_reduce.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf4dc89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_conformance/workgroups/test_wg_scan_reduce.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "harness/compat.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "procs.h"
+static std::string make_kernel_string(const std::string &type,
+ const std::string &kernelName,
+ const std::string &func)
+ // Build a kernel string of the form:
+ // __kernel void KERNEL_NAME(global TYPE *input, global TYPE *output) {
+ // int tid = get_global_id(0);
+ // output[tid] = FUNC(input[tid]);
+ // }
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "__kernel void " << kernelName << "(global " << type
+ << " *input, global " << type << " *output) {\n";
+ os << " int tid = get_global_id(0);\n";
+ os << " output[tid] = " << func << "(input[tid]);\n";
+ os << "}\n";
+ return os.str();
+template <typename T> struct TestTypeInfo
+template <> struct TestTypeInfo<cl_int>
+ static constexpr const char *deviceName = "int";
+template <> struct TestTypeInfo<cl_uint>
+ static constexpr const char *deviceName = "uint";
+template <> struct TestTypeInfo<cl_long>
+ static constexpr const char *deviceName = "long";
+template <> struct TestTypeInfo<cl_ulong>
+ static constexpr const char *deviceName = "ulong";
+template <typename T> struct Add
+ using Type = T;
+ static constexpr const char *opName = "add";
+ static constexpr T identityValue = 0;
+ static T combine(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
+template <typename T> struct Max
+ using Type = T;
+ static constexpr const char *opName = "max";
+ static constexpr T identityValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
+ static T combine(T a, T b) { return std::max(a, b); }
+template <typename T> struct Min
+ using Type = T;
+ static constexpr const char *opName = "min";
+ static constexpr T identityValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ static T combine(T a, T b) { return std::min(a, b); }
+template <typename C> struct Reduce
+ using Type = typename C::Type;
+ static constexpr const char *testName = "work_group_reduce";
+ static constexpr const char *testOpName = C::opName;
+ static constexpr const char *deviceTypeName =
+ TestTypeInfo<Type>::deviceName;
+ static constexpr const char *kernelName = "test_wg_reduce";
+ static int verify(Type *inptr, Type *outptr, size_t n_elems,
+ size_t max_wg_size)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elems; i += max_wg_size)
+ {
+ size_t wg_size = std::min(max_wg_size, n_elems - i);
+ Type result = C::identityValue;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < wg_size; j++)
+ {
+ result = C::combine(result, inptr[i + j]);
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < wg_size; j++)
+ {
+ if (result != outptr[i + j])
+ {
+ log_info("%s_%s: Error at %zu\n", testName, testOpName,
+ i + j);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename C> struct ScanInclusive
+ using Type = typename C::Type;
+ static constexpr const char *testName = "work_group_scan_inclusive";
+ static constexpr const char *testOpName = C::opName;
+ static constexpr const char *deviceTypeName =
+ TestTypeInfo<Type>::deviceName;
+ static constexpr const char *kernelName = "test_wg_scan_inclusive";
+ static int verify(Type *inptr, Type *outptr, size_t n_elems,
+ size_t max_wg_size)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elems; i += max_wg_size)
+ {
+ size_t wg_size = std::min(max_wg_size, n_elems - i);
+ Type result = C::identityValue;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < wg_size; ++j)
+ {
+ result = C::combine(result, inptr[i + j]);
+ if (result != outptr[i + j])
+ {
+ log_info("%s_%s: Error at %zu\n", testName, testOpName,
+ i + j);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename C> struct ScanExclusive
+ using Type = typename C::Type;
+ static constexpr const char *testName = "work_group_scan_exclusive";
+ static constexpr const char *testOpName = C::opName;
+ static constexpr const char *deviceTypeName =
+ TestTypeInfo<Type>::deviceName;
+ static constexpr const char *kernelName = "test_wg_scan_exclusive";
+ static int verify(Type *inptr, Type *outptr, size_t n_elems,
+ size_t max_wg_size)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elems; i += max_wg_size)
+ {
+ size_t wg_size = std::min(max_wg_size, n_elems - i);
+ Type result = C::identityValue;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < wg_size; ++j)
+ {
+ if (result != outptr[i + j])
+ {
+ log_info("%s_%s: Error at %zu\n", testName, testOpName,
+ i + j);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ result = C::combine(result, inptr[i + j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+template <typename TestInfo>
+static int run_test(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ using T = typename TestInfo::Type;
+ cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+ clProgramWrapper program;
+ clKernelWrapper kernel;
+ std::string funcName = TestInfo::testName;
+ funcName += "_";
+ funcName += TestInfo::testOpName;
+ std::string kernelName = TestInfo::kernelName;
+ kernelName += "_";
+ kernelName += TestInfo::testOpName;
+ kernelName += "_";
+ kernelName += TestInfo::deviceTypeName;
+ std::string kernelString =
+ make_kernel_string(TestInfo::deviceTypeName, kernelName, funcName);
+ const char *kernel_source = kernelString.c_str();
+ err = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1,
+ &kernel_source, kernelName.c_str());
+ test_error(err, "Unable to create test kernel");
+ size_t wg_size[1];
+ err = get_max_allowed_1d_work_group_size_on_device(device, kernel, wg_size);
+ test_error(err, "get_max_allowed_1d_work_group_size_on_device failed");
+ clMemWrapper src = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ sizeof(T) * n_elems, NULL, &err);
+ test_error(err, "Unable to create source buffer");
+ clMemWrapper dst = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ sizeof(T) * n_elems, NULL, &err);
+ test_error(err, "Unable to create destination buffer");
+ std::vector<T> input_ptr(n_elems);
+ MTdataHolder d(gRandomSeed);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_elems; i++)
+ {
+ input_ptr[i] = (T)genrand_int64(d);
+ }
+ err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, src, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(T) * n_elems,
+ input_ptr.data(), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ test_error(err, "clWriteBuffer to initialize src buffer failed");
+ err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(src), &src);
+ test_error(err, "Unable to set src buffer kernel arg");
+ err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(dst), &dst);
+ test_error(err, "Unable to set dst buffer kernel arg");
+ size_t global_work_size[] = { (size_t)n_elems };
+ err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size,
+ wg_size, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ test_error(err, "Unable to enqueue test kernel");
+ std::vector<T> output_ptr(n_elems);
+ cl_uint dead = 0xdeaddead;
+ memset_pattern4(output_ptr.data(), &dead, sizeof(T) * n_elems);
+ err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, dst, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(T) * n_elems,
+ output_ptr.data(), 0, NULL, NULL);
+ test_error(err, "clEnqueueReadBuffer to read read dst buffer failed");
+ if (TestInfo::verify(input_ptr.data(), output_ptr.data(), n_elems,
+ wg_size[0]))
+ {
+ log_error("%s_%s %s failed\n", TestInfo::testName, TestInfo::testOpName,
+ TestInfo::deviceTypeName);
+ return TEST_FAIL;
+ }
+ log_info("%s_%s %s passed\n", TestInfo::testName, TestInfo::testOpName,
+ TestInfo::deviceTypeName);
+ return TEST_PASS;
+int test_work_group_reduce_add(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Add<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Add<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Add<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Add<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_reduce_max(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Max<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Max<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Max<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Max<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_reduce_min(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Min<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<Reduce<Min<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Min<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<Reduce<Min<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_inclusive_add(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Add<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Add<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Add<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Add<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_inclusive_max(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Max<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Max<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Max<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Max<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_inclusive_min(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Min<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanInclusive<Min<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Min<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanInclusive<Min<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_exclusive_add(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Add<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Add<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Add<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Add<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_exclusive_max(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Max<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Max<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Max<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Max<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;
+int test_work_group_scan_exclusive_min(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
+ cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
+ int result = TEST_PASS;
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Min<cl_int>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ result |=
+ run_test<ScanExclusive<Min<cl_uint>>>(device, context, queue, n_elems);
+ if (gHasLong)
+ {
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Min<cl_long>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ result |= run_test<ScanExclusive<Min<cl_ulong>>>(device, context, queue,
+ n_elems);
+ }
+ return result;