path: root/linux-x86/share/swig/d/std_vector.i
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Diffstat (limited to 'linux-x86/share/swig/d/std_vector.i')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linux-x86/share/swig/d/std_vector.i b/linux-x86/share/swig/d/std_vector.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb8f7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86/share/swig/d/std_vector.i
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_vector.i
+ *
+ * SWIG typemaps for std::vector<T>, D implementation.
+ *
+ * The D wrapper is made to loosely resemble a tango.util.container.more.Vector
+ * and to provide built-in array-like access.
+ *
+ * If T does define an operator==, then use the SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED
+ * macro to obtain enhanced functionality (none yet), for example:
+ *
+ * SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(SomeNamespace::Klass)
+ * %template(VectKlass) std::vector<SomeNamespace::Klass>;
+ *
+ * Warning: heavy macro usage in this file. Use swig -E to get a sane view on
+ * the real file contents!
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Warning: Use the typemaps here in the expectation that the macros they are in will change name.
+%include <std_common.i>
+// MACRO for use within the std::vector class body
+#if (SWIG_D_VERSION == 1)
+%typemap(dimports) std::vector< CTYPE > "static import tango.core.Exception;"
+%proxycode %{
+public this($typemap(dtype, CTYPE)[] values) {
+ this();
+ append(values);
+alias push_back add;
+alias push_back push;
+alias push_back opCatAssign;
+alias size length;
+alias opSlice slice;
+public $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) opIndexAssign($typemap(dtype, CTYPE) value, size_t index) {
+ if (index >= size()) {
+ throw new tango.core.Exception.NoSuchElementException("Tried to assign to element out of vector bounds.");
+ }
+ setElement(index, value);
+ return value;
+public $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) opIndex(size_t index) {
+ if (index >= size()) {
+ throw new tango.core.Exception.NoSuchElementException("Tried to read from element out of vector bounds.");
+ }
+ return getElement(index);
+public void append($typemap(dtype, CTYPE)[] value...) {
+ foreach (v; value) {
+ add(v);
+ }
+public $typemap(dtype, CTYPE)[] opSlice() {
+ $typemap(dtype, CTYPE)[] array = new $typemap(dtype, CTYPE)[size()];
+ foreach (i, ref value; array) {
+ value = getElement(i);
+ }
+ return array;
+public int opApply(int delegate(ref $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) value) dg) {
+ int result;
+ size_t currentSize = size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) {
+ auto value = getElement(i);
+ result = dg(value);
+ setElement(i, value);
+ }
+ return result;
+public int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t index, ref $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) value) dg) {
+ int result;
+ size_t currentSize = size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) {
+ auto value = getElement(i);
+ // Workaround for
+ auto index = i;
+ result = dg(index, value);
+ setElement(i, value);
+ }
+ return result;
+public void capacity(size_t value) {
+ if (value < size()) {
+ throw new tango.core.Exception.IllegalArgumentException("Tried to make the capacity of a vector smaller than its size.");
+ }
+ reserve(value);
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef CTYPE value_type;
+ typedef value_type* pointer;
+ typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
+ typedef value_type& reference;
+ typedef CONST_REFERENCE const_reference;
+ void clear();
+ void push_back(CTYPE const& x);
+ size_type size() const;
+ size_type capacity() const;
+ void reserve(size_type n) throw (std::length_error);
+ vector();
+ vector(const vector &other);
+ %extend {
+ vector(size_type capacity) throw (std::length_error) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >* pv = 0;
+ pv = new std::vector< CTYPE >();
+ // Might throw std::length_error.
+ pv->reserve(capacity);
+ return pv;
+ }
+ size_type unused() const {
+ return $self->capacity() - $self->size();
+ }
+ const_reference remove() throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ($self->empty()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to remove last element from empty vector.");
+ }
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::const_reference value = $self->back();
+ $self->pop_back();
+ return value;
+ }
+ const_reference remove(size_type index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index >= $self->size()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to remove element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator it = $self->begin() + index;
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::const_reference value = *it;
+ $self->erase(it);
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wrappers for setting/getting items with the possibly thrown exception
+ // specified (important for SWIG wrapper generation).
+ %extend {
+ const_reference getElement(size_type index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ((index < 0) || ($self->size() <= index)) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to get value of element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ return (*$self)[index];
+ }
+ }
+ // Use CTYPE const& instead of const_reference to work around SWIG code
+ // generation issue when using const pointers as vector elements (like
+ // std::vector< const int* >).
+ %extend {
+ void setElement(size_type index, CTYPE const& val) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ((index < 0) || ($self->size() <= index)) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to set value of element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ (*$self)[index] = val;
+ }
+ }
+%dmethodmodifiers std::vector::getElement "private"
+%dmethodmodifiers std::vector::setElement "private"
+%dmethodmodifiers std::vector::reserve "private"
+%typemap(dimports) std::vector< CTYPE > %{
+static import std.algorithm;
+static import std.exception;
+static import std.range;
+static import std.traits;
+%proxycode %{
+alias size_t KeyType;
+alias $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) ValueType;
+this(ValueType[] values...) {
+ this();
+ reserve(values.length);
+ foreach (e; values) {
+ this ~= e;
+ }
+struct Range {
+ private $typemap(dtype, std::vector< CTYPE >) _outer;
+ private size_t _a, _b;
+ this($typemap(dtype, std::vector< CTYPE >) data, size_t a, size_t b) {
+ _outer = data;
+ _a = a;
+ _b = b;
+ }
+ @property bool empty() const {
+ assert((cast($typemap(dtype, std::vector< CTYPE >))_outer).length >= _b);
+ return _a >= _b;
+ }
+ @property Range save() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ @property ValueType front() {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ return _outer[_a];
+ }
+ @property void front(ValueType value) {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ _outer[_a] = std.algorithm.move(value);
+ }
+ void popFront() {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ ++_a;
+ }
+ void opIndexAssign(ValueType value, size_t i) {
+ i += _a;
+ std.exception.enforce(i < _b && _b <= _outer.length);
+ _outer[i] = value;
+ }
+ void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(ValueType value, size_t i) {
+ std.exception.enforce(_outer && _a + i < _b && _b <= _outer.length);
+ auto element = _outer[i];
+ mixin("element "~op~"= value;");
+ _outer[i] = element;
+ }
+// TODO: dup?
+Range opSlice() {
+ return Range(this, 0, length);
+Range opSlice(size_t a, size_t b) {
+ std.exception.enforce(a <= b && b <= length);
+ return Range(this, a, b);
+size_t opDollar() const {
+ return length;
+@property ValueType front() {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ return getElement(0);
+@property void front(ValueType value) {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ setElement(0, value);
+@property ValueType back() {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ return getElement(length - 1);
+@property void back(ValueType value) {
+ std.exception.enforce(!empty);
+ setElement(length - 1, value);
+ValueType opIndex(size_t i) {
+ return getElement(i);
+void opIndexAssign(ValueType value, size_t i) {
+ setElement(i, value);
+void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(ValueType value, size_t i) {
+ auto element = this[i];
+ mixin("element "~op~"= value;");
+ this[i] = element;
+ValueType[] opBinary(string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff) if (op == "~") {
+ ValueType[] result;
+ result ~= this[];
+ assert(result.length == length);
+ result ~= stuff[];
+ return result;
+void opOpAssign(string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff) if (op == "~") {
+ static if (is(typeof(insertBack(stuff)))) {
+ insertBack(stuff);
+ } else if (is(typeof(insertBack(stuff[])))) {
+ insertBack(stuff[]);
+ } else {
+ static assert(false, "Cannot append " ~ Stuff.stringof ~ " to " ~ typeof(this).stringof);
+ }
+alias size length;
+alias remove removeAny;
+alias removeAny stableRemoveAny;
+size_t insertBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
+if (std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, ValueType)){
+ push_back(stuff);
+ return 1;
+size_t insertBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
+if (std.range.isInputRange!Stuff &&
+ std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(std.range.ElementType!Stuff, ValueType)) {
+ size_t itemCount;
+ foreach(item; stuff) {
+ insertBack(item);
+ ++itemCount;
+ }
+ return itemCount;
+alias insertBack insert;
+alias pop_back removeBack;
+alias pop_back stableRemoveBack;
+size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
+if (std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, ValueType)) {
+ std.exception.enforce(r._outer.swigCPtr == swigCPtr && r._a < length);
+ insertAt(r._a, stuff);
+ return 1;
+size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
+if (std.range.isInputRange!Stuff && std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, ValueType)) {
+ std.exception.enforce(r._outer.swigCPtr == swigCPtr && r._a <= length);
+ size_t insertCount;
+ foreach(i, item; stuff) {
+ insertAt(r._a + i, item);
+ ++insertCount;
+ }
+ return insertCount;
+size_t insertAfter(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff) {
+ // TODO: optimize
+ immutable offset = r._a + r.length;
+ std.exception.enforce(offset <= length);
+ auto result = insertBack(stuff);
+ std.algorithm.bringToFront(this[offset .. length - result],
+ this[length - result .. length]);
+ return result;
+size_t replace(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
+if (std.range.isInputRange!Stuff &&
+ std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, ValueType)) {
+ immutable offset = r._a;
+ std.exception.enforce(offset <= length);
+ size_t result;
+ for (; !stuff.empty; stuff.popFront()) {
+ if (r.empty) {
+ // append the rest
+ return result + insertBack(stuff);
+ }
+ r.front = stuff.front;
+ r.popFront();
+ ++result;
+ }
+ // Remove remaining stuff in r
+ remove(r);
+ return result;
+size_t replace(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
+if (std.traits.isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, ValueType))
+ if (r.empty)
+ {
+ insertBefore(r, stuff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r.front = stuff;
+ r.popFront();
+ remove(r);
+ }
+ return 1;
+Range linearRemove(Range r) {
+ std.exception.enforce(r._a <= r._b && r._b <= length);
+ immutable tailLength = length - r._b;
+ linearRemove(r._a, r._b);
+ return this[length - tailLength .. length];
+alias remove stableLinearRemove;
+int opApply(int delegate(ref $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) value) dg) {
+ int result;
+ size_t currentSize = size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) {
+ auto value = getElement(i);
+ result = dg(value);
+ setElement(i, value);
+ }
+ return result;
+int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t index, ref $typemap(dtype, CTYPE) value) dg) {
+ int result;
+ size_t currentSize = size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) {
+ auto value = getElement(i);
+ // Workaround for
+ auto index = i;
+ result = dg(index, value);
+ setElement(i, value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef CTYPE value_type;
+ typedef value_type* pointer;
+ typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
+ typedef value_type& reference;
+ typedef CONST_REFERENCE const_reference;
+ bool empty() const;
+ void clear();
+ void push_back(CTYPE const& x);
+ void pop_back();
+ size_type size() const;
+ size_type capacity() const;
+ void reserve(size_type n) throw (std::length_error);
+ vector();
+ vector(const vector &other);
+ %extend {
+ vector(size_type capacity) throw (std::length_error) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >* pv = 0;
+ pv = new std::vector< CTYPE >();
+ // Might throw std::length_error.
+ pv->reserve(capacity);
+ return pv;
+ }
+ const_reference remove() throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ($self->empty()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to remove last element from empty vector.");
+ }
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::const_reference value = $self->back();
+ $self->pop_back();
+ return value;
+ }
+ const_reference remove(size_type index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index >= $self->size()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to remove element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator it = $self->begin() + index;
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::const_reference value = *it;
+ $self->erase(it);
+ return value;
+ }
+ void removeBack(size_type how_many) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator end = $self->end();
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator start = end - how_many;
+ $self->erase(start, end);
+ }
+ void linearRemove(size_type start_index, size_type end_index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator start = $self->begin() + start_index;
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator end = $self->begin() + end_index;
+ $self->erase(start, end);
+ }
+ void insertAt(size_type index, CTYPE const& x) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator it = $self->begin() + index;
+ $self->insert(it, x);
+ }
+ }
+ // Wrappers for setting/getting items with the possibly thrown exception
+ // specified (important for SWIG wrapper generation).
+ %extend {
+ const_reference getElement(size_type index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ((index < 0) || ($self->size() <= index)) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to get value of element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ return (*$self)[index];
+ }
+ }
+ // Use CTYPE const& instead of const_reference to work around SWIG code
+ // generation issue when using const pointers as vector elements (like
+ // std::vector< const int* >).
+ %extend {
+ void setElement(size_type index, CTYPE const& val) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if ((index < 0) || ($self->size() <= index)) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("Tried to set value of element with invalid index.");
+ }
+ (*$self)[index] = val;
+ }
+ }
+%dmethodmodifiers std::vector::getElement "private"
+%dmethodmodifiers std::vector::setElement "private"
+// Extra methods added to the collection class if operator== is defined for the class being wrapped
+// The class will then implement IList<>, which adds extra functionality
+ %extend {
+ }
+// For vararg handling in macros, from swigmacros.swg
+#define %arg(X...) X
+// Macros for std::vector class specializations/enhancements
+namespace std {
+ template<> class vector<CTYPE > {
+ SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM_INTERNAL(const value_type&, %arg(CTYPE))
+ };
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace std {
+ // primary (unspecialized) class template for std::vector
+ // does not require operator== to be defined
+ template<class T> class vector {
+ };
+ // specializations for pointers
+ template<class T> class vector<T *> {
+ SWIG_STD_VECTOR_MINIMUM_INTERNAL(const value_type&, T *)
+ };
+ // bool is a bit different in the C++ standard - const_reference in particular
+ template<> class vector<bool> {
+ };
+// template specializations for std::vector
+// these provide extra collections methods as operator== is defined
+SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(unsigned long long)
+SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(std::string) // also requires a %include <std_string.i>