AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-22optee: fix uninitialized symbol 'parg' [1/1]android-tv-10.0.0_r0.1android-tv-deadpool-4.9-android10Jens Wiklander
2019-07-24build: fix uninitialized-use when build with prebuilt toolchain [1/1]Chia-hung Duan
2019-07-24log: kernel4.19 compile error [1/1]Liqiang Jin
2019-07-15log: output TEE Errors to KMSG for debugging [2/2]Liqiang Jin
2019-06-16tee: integrate tee module build to android build system [1/2]Shuide Chen
2019-06-10linuxdriver: update kernel4.9(4.9.113 -> 4.9.180) compile error [1/1]Liqiang Jin
2019-05-16linuxdriver: check supplicant status before send message [1/1]Pengguang Zhu
2019-05-14tee: optee: avoid possible double list_del() [1/1]Zhizhou Zhang
2019-05-05linuxdriver: check supplicant status before send message [1/1]Pengguang Zhu
2019-01-21linuxdriver: kernel4.19 "struct dma_buf_ops" have changed [1/1]Liqiang Jin
2018-11-20linuxdriver: Change the compiled output directory [1/1]Chao Liu
2018-10-25linuxdriver: revert g12b binding a53 [1/1]Chao Liu
2018-10-08update code to the latest commit of the tdk-v2.4 branch of tdkChao Liu
2018-09-21Initial empty repositoryLei Qian