// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later package parser2v2 import ( "reflect" "testing" gordfParser "github.com/spdx/gordf/rdfloader/parser" "github.com/spdx/tools-golang/spdx/common" ) func Test_getLastPartOfURI(t *testing.T) { // uri of type baseFragment#fragment input := "baseFragment#fragment" expectedOutput := "fragment" output := getLastPartOfURI(input) if output != expectedOutput { t.Errorf("expected %s, found %s", expectedOutput, output) } // uri of type baseFragment/subFragment input = "baseFragment/subFragment" expectedOutput = "subFragment" output = getLastPartOfURI(input) if output != expectedOutput { t.Errorf("expected %s, found %s", expectedOutput, output) } // neither of the case mustn't raise any error. input = "www.github.com" expectedOutput = input output = getLastPartOfURI(input) if output != expectedOutput { t.Errorf("expected %s, found %s", expectedOutput, output) } } func Test_isUriValid(t *testing.T) { // TestCase 1: Valid Input URI input := "https://www.github.com" isValid := isUriValid(input) if !isValid { t.Errorf("valid input(%s) detected as invalid.", input) } // TestCase 2: Invalid Input URI input = `http\:www.github.com` isValid = isUriValid(input) if isValid { t.Errorf("invalid input(%s) detected as valid", input) } } func Test_rdfParser2_2_nodeToTriples(t *testing.T) { var parser *rdfParser2_2 var output, expectedOutput []*gordfParser.Triple // TestCase 1: a nil node shouldn't raise any error or panic. parser, _ = parserFromBodyContent(``) output = parser.nodeToTriples(nil) if output == nil { t.Errorf("nil input should return an empty slice and not nil") } expectedOutput = []*gordfParser.Triple{} if !reflect.DeepEqual(output, expectedOutput) { t.Errorf("expected %+v, got %+v", expectedOutput, output) } // TestCase 2: node should be addressable based on the node content and not the pointer. // It should allow new nodes same as the older ones to retrieve the associated triples. parser, _ = parserFromBodyContent(` 75068c26abbed3ad3980685bae21d7202d288317 `) newNode := &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: "http://spdx.org/spdxdocs/spdx-example-444504E0-4F89-41D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301#checksum", } output = parser.nodeToTriples(newNode) // The output must have 3 triples: // 1. newNode rdf:type Checksum // 2. newNode spdx:algorithm http://spdx.org/rdf/terms#checksumAlgorithm_sha1 // 3. newNode spdx:checksumValue 75068c26abbed3ad3980685bae21d7202d288317 if len(output) != 3 { t.Errorf("expected output to have 3 triples, got %d", len(output)) } } func Test_boolFromString(t *testing.T) { // TestCase 1: Valid Input: "true" // mustn't raise any error input := "true" val, err := boolFromString(input) if err != nil { t.Errorf("function raised an error for a valid input(%s): %s", input, err) } if val != true { t.Errorf("invalid output. Expected %v, found %v", true, val) } // TestCase 2: Valid Input: "true" // mustn't raise any error input = "false" val, err = boolFromString(input) if err != nil { t.Errorf("function raised an error for a valid input(%s): %s", input, err) } if val != false { t.Errorf("invalid output. Expected %v, found %v", false, val) } // TestCase 3: invalid input: "" // it must raise an error input = "" val, err = boolFromString(input) if err == nil { t.Errorf("invalid input should've raised an error") } } func Test_getNodeTypeFromTriples(t *testing.T) { var err error var node *gordfParser.Node var triples []*gordfParser.Triple var nodeType, expectedNodeType string // TestCase 1: nil node must raise an error because, // nil nodes cannot be associated with any rdf:type attribute. _, err = getNodeTypeFromTriples(triples, nil) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected an error due to nil node, got %v", err) } // TestCase 2: none of the triples give information about the rdf:type of a node. node = &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: "N0", } _, err = getNodeTypeFromTriples(triples, node) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected an error saying no rdf:type found, got %v", err) } // TestCase 3: node is associated with exactly one rdf:type triples typeTriple := &gordfParser.Triple{ Subject: node, Predicate: &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: RDF_TYPE, }, Object: &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: "http://spdx.org/rdf/terms#Checksum", }, } triples = append(triples, typeTriple) expectedNodeType = "http://spdx.org/rdf/terms#Checksum" nodeType, err = getNodeTypeFromTriples(triples, node) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } if nodeType != expectedNodeType { t.Errorf("expected: %v, got: %v", nodeType, expectedNodeType) } // TestCase 4: node associated with more than one rdf:type triples must raise an error. typeTriple = &gordfParser.Triple{ Subject: node, Predicate: &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: RDF_TYPE, }, Object: &gordfParser.Node{ NodeType: gordfParser.IRI, ID: "http://spdx.org/rdf/terms#Snippet", }, } triples = append(triples, typeTriple) _, err = getNodeTypeFromTriples(triples, node) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected an error saying more than one rdf:type found, got %v", err) } } // following tests are copy pasted from tvloader/parser2v2/util_test.go func TestCanExtractDocumentAndElementRefsFromID(t *testing.T) { // test with valid ID in this document helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "SPDXRef-file1", false, "", "file1") // test with valid ID in another document helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:SPDXRef-file2", false, "doc2", "file2") // test with invalid ID in this document helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "a:SPDXRef-file1", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "file1", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "SPDXRef-", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "SPDXRef-file1:", true, "", "") // test with invalid ID in another document helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:SPDXRef-", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:a", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-:", true, "", "") helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-:SPDXRef-file1", true, "", "") // test with invalid formats helperForExtractDocElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:SPDXRef-file1:file2", true, "", "") } func helperForExtractDocElementID(t *testing.T, tst string, wantErr bool, wantDoc string, wantElt string) { deID, err := ExtractDocElementID(tst) if err != nil && wantErr == false { t.Errorf("testing %v: expected nil error, got %v", tst, err) } if err == nil && wantErr == true { t.Errorf("testing %v: expected non-nil error, got nil", tst) } if deID.DocumentRefID != wantDoc { if wantDoc == "" { t.Errorf("testing %v: want empty string for DocumentRefID, got %v", tst, deID.DocumentRefID) } else { t.Errorf("testing %v: want %v for DocumentRefID, got %v", tst, wantDoc, deID.DocumentRefID) } } if deID.ElementRefID != common.ElementID(wantElt) { if wantElt == "" { t.Errorf("testing %v: want emptyString for ElementRefID, got %v", tst, deID.ElementRefID) } else { t.Errorf("testing %v: want %v for ElementRefID, got %v", tst, wantElt, deID.ElementRefID) } } } func TestCanExtractElementRefsOnlyFromID(t *testing.T) { // test with valid ID in this document helperForExtractElementID(t, "SPDXRef-file1", false, "file1") // test with valid ID in another document helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:SPDXRef-file2", true, "") // test with invalid ID in this document helperForExtractElementID(t, "a:SPDXRef-file1", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "file1", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "SPDXRef-", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "SPDXRef-file1:", true, "") // test with invalid ID in another document helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:SPDXRef-", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-doc2:a", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-:", true, "") helperForExtractElementID(t, "DocumentRef-:SPDXRef-file1", true, "") } func helperForExtractElementID(t *testing.T, tst string, wantErr bool, wantElt string) { eID, err := ExtractElementID(tst) if err != nil && wantErr == false { t.Errorf("testing %v: expected nil error, got %v", tst, err) } if err == nil && wantErr == true { t.Errorf("testing %v: expected non-nil error, got nil", tst) } if eID != common.ElementID(wantElt) { if wantElt == "" { t.Errorf("testing %v: want emptyString for ElementRefID, got %v", tst, eID) } else { t.Errorf("testing %v: want %v for ElementRefID, got %v", tst, wantElt, eID) } } } func TestCanExtractSubvalues(t *testing.T) { subkey, subvalue, err := ExtractSubs("SHA1: abc123", ":") if err != nil { t.Errorf("got error when calling extractSubs: %v", err) } if subkey != "SHA1" { t.Errorf("got %v for subkey", subkey) } if subvalue != "abc123" { t.Errorf("got %v for subvalue", subvalue) } } func TestReturnsErrorForInvalidSubvalueFormat(t *testing.T) { _, _, err := ExtractSubs("blah", ":") if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error when calling extractSubs for invalid format (0 colons), got nil") } }