/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Douglas Gilbert. * All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the BSD_LICENSE file. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * The utility can send six variants of the SCSI WRITE command: (normal) * WRITE(16 or 32), WRITE ATOMIC(16 or 32), ORWRITE(16 or 32), * WRITE SAME(16 or 32), WRITE SCATTERED (16 or 32) or WRITE * STREAM(16 or 32). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* needed for lseek() */ #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1 #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "sg_lib.h" #include "sg_pt.h" #include "sg_cmds_basic.h" #include "sg_cmds_extra.h" #include "sg_unaligned.h" #include "sg_pr2serr.h" static const char * version_str = "1.29 20211114"; /* Protection Information refers to 8 bytes of extra information usually * associated with each logical block and is often abbreviated to PI while * its fields: reference-tag (4 bytes), application-tag (2 bytes) and * tag-mask (2 bytes) are often abbreviated to RT, AT and TM respectively. * And the LBA Range Descriptor associated with the WRITE SCATTERED command * is abbreviated to RD. A degenerate RD is one where length components, ( and perhaps the LBA, are zero; it is not illegal according to T10 but are * a little tricky to handle when scanning and little extra information * is provided. */ #define ORWRITE16_OP 0x8b #define WRITE_16_OP 0x8a #define WRITE_ATOMIC16_OP 0x9c #define WRITE_SAME16_OP 0x93 #define SERVICE_ACTION_OUT_16_OP 0x9f /* WRITE SCATTERED (16) uses this */ #define WRITE_SCATTERED16_SA 0x12 #define WRITE_STREAM16_OP 0x9a #define VARIABLE_LEN_OP 0x7f #define ORWRITE32_SA 0xe #define WRITE_32_SA 0xb #define WRITE_ATOMIC32_SA 0xf #define WRITE_SAME_SA 0xd #define WRITE_SCATTERED32_SA 0x11 #define WRITE_STREAM32_SA 0x10 #define WRITE_X_16_LEN 16 #define WRITE_X_32_LEN 32 #define WRITE_X_32_ADD 0x18 #define RCAP10_RESP_LEN 8 #define RCAP16_RESP_LEN 32 #define SENSE_BUFF_LEN 64 /* Arbitrary, could be larger */ #define DEF_TIMEOUT_SECS 120 /* might need more for large NUM */ #define DEF_WR_NUMBLOCKS 0 /* do nothing; for safety */ #define DEF_RT 0xffffffff #define DEF_AT 0xffff #define DEF_TM 0xffff #define EBUFF_SZ 256 #define MAX_NUM_ADDR 128 #ifndef UINT32_MAX #define UINT32_MAX ((uint32_t)-1) #endif #ifndef UINT16_MAX #define UINT16_MAX ((uint16_t)-1) #endif static struct option long_options[] = { {"32", no_argument, 0, '3'}, {"16", no_argument, 0, '6'}, {"app-tag", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"app_tag", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"atomic", required_argument, 0, 'A'}, {"bmop", required_argument, 0, 'B'}, {"bs", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"combined", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"dld", required_argument, 0, 'D'}, {"dpo", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"dry-run", no_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"dry_run", no_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"fua", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"grpnum", required_argument, 0, 'g'}, {"generation", required_argument, 0, 'G'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"in", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"lba", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"normal", no_argument, 0, 'N'}, {"num", required_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"offset", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"or", no_argument, 0, 'O'}, {"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'Q'}, {"ref-tag", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"ref_tag", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"same", required_argument, 0, 'M'}, {"scat-file", required_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"scat_file", required_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"scat-raw", no_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"scat_raw", no_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"scattered", required_argument, 0, 'S'}, {"stream", required_argument, 0, 'T'}, {"strict", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"tag-mask", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"tag_mask", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"timeout", required_argument, 0, 'I'}, {"unmap", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"wrprotect", required_argument, 0, 'w'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; struct opts_t { bool do_16; /* default when --32 not given */ bool do_32; bool do_anchor; /* from --unmap=U_A , bit 1; WRITE SAME */ bool do_atomic; /* selects WRITE ATOMIC(16 or 32) */ /* --atomic=AB AB --> .atomic_boundary */ bool do_combined; /* -c DOF --> .scat_lbdof */ bool do_or; /* -O ORWRITE(16 or 32) */ bool do_quiet; /* -Q suppress some messages */ bool do_scat_raw; bool do_same; /* -M WRITE SAME(16 or 32) */ /* --same=NDOB NDOB --> .ndob */ bool do_scattered; /* -S WRITE SCATTERED(16 or 32) */ /* --scattered=RD RD --> .scat_num_lbard */ bool do_stream; /* -T WRITE STREAM(16 or 32) */ /* --stream=ID ID --> .str_id */ bool do_unmap; /* from --unmap=U_A , bit 0; WRITE SAME */ bool do_write_normal; /* -N WRITE (16 or 32) */ bool expect_pi_do; /* expect protection information (PI) which * is 8 bytes long following each logical * block in the data out buffer. */ bool dpo; /* "Disable Page Out" bit field */ bool fua; /* "Force Unit Access" bit field */ bool ndob; /* "No Data-Out Buffer" from --same=NDOB */ bool verbose_given; bool version_given; int dld; /* "Duration Limit Descriptor" bit mask; bit 0 --> * DLD0, bit 1 --> DLD1, bit 2 --> DLD2 * only WRITE(16) and WRITE SCATTERED(16) */ int dry_run; /* temporary write when used more than once */ int grpnum; /* "Group Number", 0 to 0x3f */ int help; int pi_type; /* -1: unknown: 0: type 0 (none): 1: type 1 */ int strict; /* > 0, report then exit on questionable meta data */ int timeout; /* timeout (in seconds) to abort SCSI commands */ int verbose; /* incremented for each -v */ int wrprotect; /* is ORPROTECT field for ORWRITE */ uint8_t bmop; /* bit mask operators for ORWRITE(32) */ uint8_t pgp; /* previous generation processing for ORWRITE(32) */ uint16_t app_tag; /* part of protection information (def: 0xffff) */ uint16_t atomic_boundary; /* when 0 atomic write spans given length */ uint16_t scat_lbdof; /* by construction this must be >= 1 */ uint16_t scat_num_lbard; /* RD from --scattered=RD, number of LBA * Range Descriptors */ uint16_t str_id; /* (stream ID) is for WRITE STREAM */ uint16_t tag_mask; /* part of protection information (def: 0xffff) */ uint32_t bs; /* logical block size (def: 0). 0 implies use READ * CAPACITY(10 or 16) to determine */ uint32_t bs_pi_do; /* logical block size plus PI, if any. This value is * used as the actual block size */ uint32_t if_dlen; /* bytes to read after .if_offset from .if_name, * if 0 given, read rest of .if_name */ uint32_t numblocks; /* defaults to 0, number of blocks (of user data) to * write */ uint32_t orw_eog; /* from --generation=EOG,NOG (first argument) */ uint32_t orw_nog; /* from --generation=EOG,NOG (for ORWRITE) */ uint32_t ref_tag; /* part of protection information (def: 0xffffffff) */ uint64_t lba; /* "Logical Block Address", for non-scattered use */ uint64_t if_offset; /* byte offset in .if_name to start reading */ uint64_t tot_lbs; /* from READ CAPACITY */ ssize_t xfer_bytes; /* derived value: bs_pi_do * numblocks */ /* for WRITE SCATTERED .xfer_bytes < do_len */ const char * device_name; const char * if_name; /* from --in=IF */ const char * scat_filename; /* from --scat-file=SF */ const char * cmd_name; /* e.g. 'Write atomic' */ char cdb_name[24]; /* e.g. 'Write atomic(16)' */ }; static const char * xx_wr_fname = "sg_write_x.bin"; static const uint32_t lbard_sz = 32; static const char * lbard_str = "LBA range descriptor"; static void usage(int do_help) { if (do_help < 2) { pr2serr("Usage:\n" "sg_write_x [--16] [--32] [--app-tag=AT] [--atomic=AB] " "[--bmop=OP,PGP]\n" " [--bs=BS] [--combined=DOF] [--dld=DLD] [--dpo] " "[--dry-run]\n" " [--fua] [--generation=EOG,NOG] [--grpnum=GN] " "[--help] --in=IF\n" " [--lba=LBA,LBA...] [--normal] [--num=NUM,NUM...]\n" " [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--or] [--quiet] " "[--ref-tag=RT]\n" " [--same=NDOB] [--scat-file=SF] [--scat-raw] " "[--scattered=RD]\n" " [--stream=ID] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] " "[--timeout=TO]\n" " [--unmap=U_A] [--verbose] [--version] " "[--wrprotect=WRP]\n" " DEVICE\n"); if (1 != do_help) { pr2serr("\nOr the corresponding short option usage:\n" "sg_write_x [-6] [-3] [-a AT] [-A AB] [-B OP,PGP] [-b BS] " "[-c DOF] [-D DLD]\n" " [-d] [-x] [-f] [-G EOG,NOG] [-g GN] [-h] -i IF " "[-l LBA,LBA...]\n" " [-N] [-n NUM,NUM...] [-o OFF[,DLEN]] [-O] [-Q] " "[-r RT] [-M NDOB]\n" " [-q SF] [-R] [-S RD] [-T ID] [-s] [-t TM] [-I TO] " "[-u U_A] [-v]\n" " [-V] [-w WPR] DEVICE\n" ); pr2serr("\nUse '-h' or '--help' for more help\n"); return; } pr2serr(" where:\n" " --16|-6 send 16 byte cdb variant (this is " "default action)\n" " --32|-3 send 32 byte cdb variant of command " "(def: 16 byte)\n" " --app-tag=AT|-a AT expected application tag field " "(def: 0xffff)\n" " --atomic=AB|-A AB send WRITE ATOMIC command with AB " "being its\n" " Atomic Boundary field (0 to 0xffff)\n" " --bmop=OP,PGP|-p OP,PGP set BMOP field to OP and " " Previous\n" " Generation Processing field " "to PGP\n" " --bs=BS|-b BS block size (def: use READ CAPACITY), " "if power of\n" " 2: logical block size, otherwise: " "actual block size\n" " --combined=DOF|-c DOF scatter list and data combined " "for WRITE\n" " SCATTERED, data starting at " "offset DOF which\n" " has units of sizeof(LB+PI); " "sizeof(PI)=8n or 0\n" " --dld=DLD|-D DLD set duration limit descriptor (dld) " "bits (def: 0)\n" " --dpo|-d set DPO (disable page out) field " "(def: clear)\n" " --dry-run|-x exit just before sending SCSI write " "command\n" " --fua|-f set FUA (force unit access) field " "(def: clear)\n" " --generation=EOG,NOG set Expected ORWgeneration field " "to EOG\n" " |-G EOG,NOG and New ORWgeneration field to " "NOG\n" ); pr2serr( " --grpnum=GN|-g GN GN is group number field (def: 0, " "range: 0 to 31)\n" " --help|-h use multiple times for different " "usage messages\n" " --in=IF|-i IF IF is file to fetch NUM blocks of " "data from.\n" " Blocks written to DEVICE. 1 or no " "blocks read\n" " in the case of WRITE SAME\n" " --lba=LBA,LBA... list of LBAs (Logical Block Addresses) " "to start\n" " |-l LBA,LBA... writes (def: --lba=0). Alternative is " "--scat-file=SF\n" " --normal|-N send 'normal' WRITE command (default " "when no other\n" " command option given)\n" " --num=NUM,NUM... NUM is number of logical blocks to " "write (def:\n" " |-n NUM,NUM... --num=0). Number of block sent is " "sum of NUMs\n" " --offset=OFF[,DLEN] OFF is byte offset in IF to start " "reading from\n" " |-o OFF[,DLEN] (def: 0), then read DLEN bytes(def: " "rest of IF)\n" " --or|-O send ORWRITE command\n" " --quiet|-Q suppress some informational messages\n" " --ref-tag=RT|-r RT expected reference tag field (def: " "0xffffffff)\n" " --same=NDOB|-M NDOB send WRITE SAME command. NDOB (no " "data out buffer)\n" " can be either 0 (do send buffer) or " "1 (don't)\n" " --scat-file=SF|-q SF file containing LBA, NUM pairs, " "see manpage\n" " --scat-raw|-R read --scat_file=SF as binary (def: " "ASCII hex)\n" " --scattered=RD|-S RD send WRITE SCATTERED command with " "RD range\n" " descriptors (RD can be 0 when " "--combined= given)\n" " --stream=ID|-T ID send WRITE STREAM command with its " "STR_ID\n" " field set to ID\n" " --strict|-s exit if read less than requested from " "IF ;\n" " require variety of WRITE to be given " "as option\n" " --tag-mask=TM|-t TM tag mask field (def: 0xffff)\n" " --timeout=TO|-I TO command timeout (unit: seconds) " "(def: 120)\n" " --unmap=U_A|-u U_A 0 clears both UNMAP and ANCHOR bits " "(default),\n" " 1 sets UNMAP, 2 sets ANCHOR, 3 sets " "both\n" " --verbose|-v increase verbosity\n" " --version|-V print version string then exit\n" " --wrprotect=WPR|-w WPR WPR is the WRPROTECT field " "value (def: 0)\n\n" "Performs a SCSI WRITE (normal), ORWRITE, WRITE ATOMIC, WRITE " "SAME, WRITE\nSCATTERED, or WRITE STREAM command. A 16 or 32 " "byte cdb variant can be\nselected. The --in=IF option (data to " "be written) is required apart from\nwhen --same=1 (i.e. when " "NDOB is set). If no WRITE variant option is given\nthen, in " "the absence of --strict, a (normal) WRITE is performed. Only " "WRITE\nSCATTERED uses multiple LBAs and NUMs, or a SF file " "with multiple pairs.\nThe --num=NUM field defaults to 0 (do " "nothing) for safety. Using '-h'\nmultiple times shows the " "applicable options for each command variant.\n" ); } else if (2 == do_help) { printf("WRITE ATOMIC (16 or 32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --atomic=AB --in=IF [--16] [--32] [--app-tag=AT] " "[--bs=BS]\n" " [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] " "[--num=NUM]\n" " [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] " "[--tag-mask=TM]\n" " [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE\n" "\n" "normal WRITE (32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --normal --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] " "[--dpo] [--fua]\n" " [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] " "[--offset=OFF[,DLEN]]\n" " [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] " "[--timeout=TO]\n" " [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE\n" "\n" "normal WRITE (16) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --normal --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dld=DLD] " "[--dpo] [--fua]\n" " [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] " "[--offset=OFF[,DLEN]]\n" " [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--verbose] " "[--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE\n" "\n" "ORWRITE (32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --or --in=IF --32 [--bmop=OP,PGP] [--bs=BS] " "[--dpo] [--fua]\n" " [--generation=EOG,NOG] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] " "[--num=NUM]\n" " [--offset=OFF{,DLEN]] [--strict] [--timeout=TO]\n" " [--wrprotect=ORP] DEVICE\n" "\n" "ORWRITE (16) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --or --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] " "[--grpnum=GN]\n" " [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] " "[--strict]\n" " [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=ORP] DEVICE\n" "\n" ); } else if (3 == do_help) { printf("WRITE SAME (32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --same=NDOB --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] " "[--grpnum=GN]\n" " [--in=IF] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] " "[--offset=OFF[,DLEN]]\n" " [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] " "[--timeout=TO]\n" " [--unmap=U_A] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE\n" "\n" "WRITE SCATTERED (32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --scattered --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] " "[--bs=BS]\n" " [--combined=DOF] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN]\n" " [--lba=LBA,LBA...] [--num=NUM,NUM...] " "[--offset=OFF[,DLEN]]\n" " [--ref-tag=RT] [--scat-file=SF] [--scat-raw] " "[--strict]\n" " [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] " "DEVICE\n" "\n" "WRITE SCATTERED (16) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --scattered --in=IF [--bs=BS] [--combined=DOF] " "[--dld=DLD]\n" " [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA,LBA...]\n" " [--num=NUM,NUM...] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] " "[--scat-raw]\n" " [--scat-file=SF] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] " "[--wrprotect=WRP]\n" " DEVICE\n" "\n" "WRITE STREAM (32) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --stream=ID --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] " "[--bs=BS] [--dpo]\n" " [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM]\n" " [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] " "[--tag-mask=TM]\n" " [--timeout=TO] [--verbose] [--wrprotect=WRP] " "DEVICE\n" "\n" "WRITE STREAM (16) applicable options:\n" " sg_write_x --stream=ID --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] " "[--fua]\n" " [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] " "[--offset=OFF[,DLEN]]\n" " [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] " "DEVICE\n" "\n" ); } else { printf("Notes:\n" " - all 32 byte cdb variants, apart from ORWRITE(32), need type " "1, 2, or 3\n" " protection information active on the DEVICE\n" " - all commands can take one or more --verbose (-v) options " "and/or the\n" " --dry-run option\n" " - all WRITE X commands will accept --scat-file=SF and " "optionally --scat-raw\n" " options but only the first lba,num pair is used (any " "more are ignored)\n" " - when '--rscat-aw --scat-file=SF' are used then the binary " "format expected in\n" " SF is as defined for the WRITE SCATTERED commands. " "That is 32 bytes\n" " of zeros followed by the first LBA range descriptor " "followed by the\n" " second LBA range descriptor, etc. Each LBA range " "descriptor is 32 bytes\n" " long with an 8 byte LBA at offset 0 and a 4 byte " "number_of_logical_\n" " blocks at offset 8 (both big endian). The 'pad' following " "the last LBA\n" " range descriptor does not need to be given\n" " - WRITE SCATTERED(32) additionally has expected initial " "LB reference tag,\n" " application tag and LB application tag mask fields in the " "LBA range\n" " descriptor. If --strict is given then all reserved fields " "are checked\n" " for zeros, an error is generated for non zero bytes.\n" " - when '--lba=LBA,LBA...' is used on commands other than " "WRITE SCATTERED\n" " then only the first LBA value is used.\n" " - when '--num=NUM,NUM...' is used on commands other than " "WRITE SCATTERED\n" " then only the first NUM value is used.\n" " - whenever '--lba=LBA,LBA...' is used then " "'--num=NUM,NUM...' should\n" " also be used. Also they should have the same number of " "elements.\n" ); } } /* Returns 0 if successful, else sg3_utils error code. */ static int bin_read(int fd, uint8_t * up, uint32_t len, const char * fname) { int res, err; res = read(fd, up, len); if (res < 0) { err = errno; pr2serr("Error doing read of %s file: %s\n", fname, safe_strerror(err)); return sg_convert_errno(err); } if ((uint32_t)res < len) { pr2serr("Short (%u) read of %s file, wanted %u\n", (unsigned int)res, fname, len); return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } return 0; } /* Returns true if num_of_f_chars of ASCII 'f' or 'F' characters are found * in sequence. Any leading "0x" or "0X" is ignored; otherwise false is * returned (and the comparison stops when the first mismatch is found). * For example a sequence of 'f' characters in a null terminated C string * that is two characters shorter than the requested num_of_f_chars will * compare the null character in the string with 'f', find them unequal, * stop comparing and return false. */ static bool all_ascii_f_s(const char * cp, int num_of_f_chars) { if ((NULL == cp) || (num_of_f_chars < 1)) return false; /* define degenerate cases */ if (('0' == cp[0]) && (('x' == cp[1]) || ('X' == cp[1]))) cp += 2; for ( ; num_of_f_chars >= 0 ; --num_of_f_chars, ++cp) { if ('F' != toupper((uint8_t)*cp)) return false; } return true; } /* Read numbers (up to 64 bits in size) from command line (comma (or * (single) space) separated list). Assumed decimal unless prefixed * by '0x', '0X' or contains trailing 'h' or 'H' (which indicate hex). * Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error. */ static int build_lba_arr(const char * inp, uint64_t * lba_arr, uint32_t * lba_arr_len, int max_arr_len) { int in_len, k; int64_t ll; const char * lcp; char * cp; char * c2p; if ((NULL == inp) || (NULL == lba_arr) || (NULL == lba_arr_len)) return 1; lcp = inp; in_len = strlen(inp); if (0 == in_len) *lba_arr_len = 0; if ('-' == inp[0]) { /* read from stdin */ pr2serr("'--lba' cannot be read from stdin\n"); return 1; } else { /* list of numbers (default decimal) on command line */ k = strspn(inp, "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxXiIkKmMgGtTpP, "); if (in_len != k) { pr2serr("build_lba_arr: error at pos %d\n", k + 1); return 1; } for (k = 0; k < max_arr_len; ++k) { ll = sg_get_llnum(lcp); if (-1 != ll) { lba_arr[k] = (uint64_t)ll; cp = (char *)strchr(lcp, ','); c2p = (char *)strchr(lcp, ' '); if (NULL == cp) cp = c2p; if (NULL == cp) break; if (c2p && (c2p < cp)) cp = c2p; lcp = cp + 1; } else { pr2serr("build_lba_arr: error at pos %d\n", (int)(lcp - inp + 1)); return 1; } } *lba_arr_len = (uint32_t)(k + 1); if (k == max_arr_len) { pr2serr("build_lba_arr: array length exceeded\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } /* Read numbers (up to 32 bits in size) from command line (comma (or * (single) space) separated list). Assumed decimal unless prefixed * by '0x', '0X' or contains trailing 'h' or 'H' (which indicate hex). * Returns 0 if ok, else a sg3_utils error code is returned. */ static int build_num_arr(const char * inp, uint32_t * num_arr, uint32_t * num_arr_len, int max_arr_len) { int in_len, k; const char * lcp; int64_t ll; char * cp; char * c2p; if ((NULL == inp) || (NULL == num_arr) || (NULL == num_arr_len)) return SG_LIB_LOGIC_ERROR; lcp = inp; in_len = strlen(inp); if (0 == in_len) *num_arr_len = 0; if ('-' == inp[0]) { /* read from stdin */ pr2serr("'--len' cannot be read from stdin\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } else { /* list of numbers (default decimal) on command line */ k = strspn(inp, "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxXiIkKmMgGtTpP, "); if (in_len != k) { pr2serr("%s: error at pos %d\n", __func__, k + 1); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } for (k = 0; k < max_arr_len; ++k) { ll = sg_get_llnum(lcp); if (-1 != ll) { if (ll > UINT32_MAX) { pr2serr("%s: number exceeds 32 bits at pos %d\n", __func__, (int)(lcp - inp + 1)); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } num_arr[k] = (uint32_t)ll; cp = (char *)strchr(lcp, ','); c2p = (char *)strchr(lcp, ' '); if (NULL == cp) cp = c2p; if (NULL == cp) break; if (c2p && (c2p < cp)) cp = c2p; lcp = cp + 1; } else { pr2serr("%s: error at pos %d\n", __func__, (int)(lcp - inp + 1)); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } *num_arr_len = (uint32_t)(k + 1); if (k == max_arr_len) { pr2serr("%s: array length exceeded\n", __func__); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } return 0; } /* Tries to parse LBA,NUM[,RT,AP,TM] on one line, comma separated. Returns * 0 if parsed ok, else 999 if nothing parsed, else error (currently always * SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR). If protection information fields not given, then * default values are given (i.e. all 0xff bytes). Ignores all spaces and * tabs and everything after '#' on lcp (assumed to be an ASCII line that * is null terminated). If successful and 'up' is non NULL then writes a * LBA range descriptor starting at 'up'. */ static int parse_scat_pi_line(const char * lcp, uint8_t * up, uint32_t * sum_num) { bool ok; int k; int64_t ll; const char * cp; const char * bp; char c[1024]; bp = c; cp = strchr(lcp, '#'); lcp += strspn(lcp, " \t"); if (('\0' == *lcp) || (cp && (lcp >= cp))) return 999; /* blank line or blank prior to first '#' */ if (cp) { /* copy from first non whitespace ... */ memcpy(c, lcp, cp - lcp); /* ... to just prior to first '#' */ c[cp - lcp] = '\0'; } else { /* ... to end of line, including null */ snprintf(c, sizeof(c), "%s", lcp); } ll = sg_get_llnum(bp); ok = ((-1 != ll) || all_ascii_f_s(bp, 16)); if (! ok) { pr2serr("%s: error reading LBA (first) item on ", __func__); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be64((uint64_t)ll, up + 0); ok = false; cp = strchr(bp, ','); if (cp) { bp = cp + 1; if (*bp) { ll = sg_get_llnum(bp); if (-1 != ll) ok = true; } } if ((! ok) || (ll > UINT32_MAX)) { pr2serr("%s: error reading NUM (second) item on ", __func__); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be32((uint32_t)ll, up + 8); if (sum_num) *sum_num += (uint32_t)ll; /* now for 3 PI items */ for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { ok = true; cp = strchr(bp, ','); if (NULL == cp) break; bp = cp + 1; if (*bp) { cp += strspn(bp, " \t"); if ('\0' == *cp) break; else if (',' == *cp) { if (0 == k) ll = DEF_RT; else ll = DEF_AT; /* DEF_AT and DEF_TM have same value */ } else { ll = sg_get_llnum(bp); if (-1 == ll) ok = false; } } if (! ok) { pr2serr("%s: error reading item %d NUM item on ", __func__, k + 3); break; } switch (k) { case 0: if (ll > UINT32_MAX) { pr2serr("%s: error with item 3, >0xffffffff; on ", __func__); ok = false; } else if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be32((uint32_t)ll, up + 12); break; case 1: if (ll > UINT16_MAX) { pr2serr("%s: error with item 4, >0xffff; on ", __func__); ok = false; } else if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)ll, up + 16); break; case 2: if (ll > UINT16_MAX) { pr2serr("%s: error with item 5, >0xffff; on ", __func__); ok = false; } else if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)ll, up + 18); break; } if (! ok) break; } if (! ok) return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; for ( ; k < 3; ++k) { switch (k) { case 0: if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be32((uint32_t)DEF_RT, up + 12); break; case 1: if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)DEF_AT, up + 16); break; case 2: if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)DEF_TM, up + 18); break; } } return 0; } /* Read pairs or quintets from a scat_file and places them in a T10 scatter * list array is built starting at at t10_scat_list_out (i.e. as per T10 the * first 32 bytes are zeros followed by the first LBA range descriptor (also * 32 bytes long) then the second LBA range descriptor, etc. The pointer * t10_scat_list_out may be NULL in which case the T10 list array is not * built but all other operations take place; this can be useful for sizing * how large the area holding that list needs to be. The max_list_blen may * also be 0. If do_16 is true then only LBA,NUM pairs are expected, * loosely formatted with numbers found alternating between LBA and NUM, with * an even number of elements required overall. If do_16 is false then a * stricter format for quintets is expected: each non comment line should * contain: LBA,NUM[,RT,AT,TM] . If RT,AT,TM are not given then they assume * their defaults (i.e. 0xffffffff, 0xffff, 0xffff). Each number (64 bits for * the LBA, 32 bits for NUM and RT, 16 bit for AT and TM) may be a comma, * space or tab separated list. Assumed decimal unless prefixed by '0x', '0X' * or contains trailing 'h' or 'H' (which indicate hex). Returns 0 if ok, * else error number. If ok also yields the number of LBA range descriptors * written in num_scat_elems and the sum of NUM elements found. Note that * sum_num is not initialized to 0. If parse_one is true then exits * after one LBA range descriptor is decoded. */ static int build_t10_scat(const char * scat_fname, bool do_16, bool parse_one, uint8_t * t10_scat_list_out, uint16_t * num_scat_elems, uint32_t * sum_num, uint32_t max_list_blen) { bool have_stdin = false; bool del_fp = false; bool bit0, ok; int off = 0; int in_len, k, j, m, n, res, err; int64_t ll; char * lcp; uint8_t * up = t10_scat_list_out; FILE * fp = NULL; char line[1024]; if (up) { if (max_list_blen < 64) { pr2serr("%s: t10_scat_list_out is too short\n", __func__); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } memset(up, 0, max_list_blen); } n = lbard_sz; have_stdin = ((1 == strlen(scat_fname)) && ('-' == scat_fname[0])); if (have_stdin) { fp = stdin; scat_fname = ""; } else { fp = fopen(scat_fname, "r"); if (NULL == fp) { err = errno; pr2serr("%s: unable to open %s: %s\n", __func__, scat_fname, safe_strerror(err)); return sg_convert_errno(err); } del_fp = true; } for (j = 0; j < 1024; ++j) {/* loop over lines in file */ if ((max_list_blen > 0) && ((n + lbard_sz) > max_list_blen)) goto fini; if (NULL == fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) break; // could improve with carry_over logic if sizeof(line) too small in_len = strlen(line); if (in_len > 0) { if ('\n' == line[in_len - 1]) { --in_len; line[in_len] = '\0'; } } if (in_len < 1) continue; lcp = line; m = strspn(lcp, " \t"); if (m == in_len) continue; lcp += m; in_len -= m; if ('#' == *lcp) /* Comment? If so skip rest of line */ continue; k = strspn(lcp, "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxXiIkKmMgGtTpP ,\t"); if ((k < in_len) && ('#' != lcp[k])) { pr2serr("%s: syntax error in %s at line %d, pos %d\n", __func__, scat_fname, j + 1, m + k + 1); goto bad_exit; } if (! do_16) { res = parse_scat_pi_line(lcp, up ? (up + n) : up, sum_num); if (999 == res) ; else if (0 == res) { n += lbard_sz; if (parse_one) goto fini; } else { if (SG_LIB_CAT_NOT_READY == res) goto bad_mem_exit; pr2serr("line %d in %s\n", j + 1, scat_fname); goto bad_exit; } continue; } for (k = 0; k < 1024; ++k) { ll = sg_get_llnum(lcp); ok = ((-1 != ll) || all_ascii_f_s(lcp, 16)); if (ok) { bit0 = !! (0x1 & (off + k)); if (bit0) { if (ll > UINT32_MAX) { pr2serr("%s: number exceeds 32 bits in line %d, at " "pos %d of %s\n", __func__, j + 1, (int)(lcp - line + 1), scat_fname); goto bad_exit; } if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be32((uint32_t)ll, up + n + 8); if (sum_num) *sum_num += (uint32_t)ll; n += lbard_sz; /* skip to next LBA range descriptor */ if (parse_one) goto fini; } else { if (up) sg_put_unaligned_be64((uint64_t)ll, up + n + 0); } lcp = strpbrk(lcp, " ,\t"); if (NULL == lcp) break; lcp += strspn(lcp, " ,\t"); if ('\0' == *lcp) break; } else { /* no valid number found */ if ('#' == *lcp) { --k; break; } pr2serr("%s: error on line %d, at pos %d\n", __func__, j + 1, (int)(lcp - line + 1)); goto bad_exit; } } /* inner for loop(k) over line elements */ off += (k + 1); } /* outer for loop(j) over lines */ if (do_16 && (0x1 & off)) { pr2serr("%s: expect LBA,NUM pairs but decoded odd number\n from " "%s\n", __func__, scat_fname); goto bad_exit; } fini: *num_scat_elems = (n / lbard_sz) - 1; if (del_fp) fclose(fp); return 0; bad_exit: if (del_fp) fclose(fp); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; bad_mem_exit: if (del_fp) fclose(fp); return SG_LIB_CAT_NOT_READY; /* flag output buffer too small */ } static bool is_pi_default(const struct opts_t * op) { return ((DEF_AT == op->app_tag) && (DEF_RT == op->ref_tag) && (DEF_TM == op->tag_mask)); } /* Given a t10 parameter list header (32 zero bytes) for WRITE SCATTERED * (16 or 32) followed by n RDs with a total length of at least * max_lbrds_blen bytes, find "n" and increment where num_lbard points * n times. Further get the LBA length component from each RD and add each * length into where sum_num points. Note: the caller probably wants to zero * where num_lbard and sum_num point before invoking this function. If all * goes well return true, else false. If a degenerate RD is detected then * if 'RD' (from --scattered=RD) is 0 then stop looking for further RDs; * otherwise keep going. Currently overlapping LBA range descriptors are no * checked for. If op->strict > 0 then the first 32 bytes are checked for * zeros; any non-zero bytes will report to stderr, stop the check and * return false. If op->strict > 0 then the trailing 20 or 12 bytes (only * 12 if RT, AT and TM fields (for PI) are present) are checked for zeros; * any non-zero bytes cause the same action as the previous check. If * the number of RDs (when 'RD' from --scattered=RD > 0) is greater than * the number of RDs found then a report is sent to stderr and if op->strict * > 0 then returns false, else returns true. */ static bool check_lbrds(const uint8_t * up, uint32_t max_lbrds_blen, const struct opts_t * op, uint16_t * num_lbard, uint32_t * sum_num) { bool ok; int k, j, n; const int max_lbrd_start = max_lbrds_blen - lbard_sz; int vb = op->verbose; if (op->strict) { if (max_lbrds_blen < lbard_sz) { pr2serr("%s: %ss too short (%d < 32)\n", __func__, lbard_str, max_lbrds_blen); return false; } if (! sg_all_zeros(up, lbard_sz)) { pr2serr("%s: first 32 bytes of WRITE SCATTERED data-out buffer " "should be zero.\nFound non-zero byte.\n", __func__); return false; } } if (max_lbrds_blen < (2 * lbard_sz)) { *num_lbard = 0; return true; } n = op->scat_num_lbard ? (int)op->scat_num_lbard : -1; for (k = lbard_sz, j = 0; k < max_lbrd_start; k += lbard_sz, ++j) { if ((n < 0) && sg_all_zeros(up + k + 0, 12)) { /* degenerate LBA */ if (vb) /* ... range descriptor terminator if --scattered=0 */ pr2serr("%s: degenerate %s stops scan at k=%d (num_rds=%d)\n", __func__, lbard_str, k, j); break; } *sum_num += sg_get_unaligned_be32(up + k + 8); *num_lbard += 1; if (op->strict) { ok = true; if (op->wrprotect) { if (! sg_all_zeros(up + k + 20, 12)) ok = false; } else if (! sg_all_zeros(up + k + 12, 20)) ok = false; if (! ok) { pr2serr("%s: %s %d non zero in reserved fields\n", __func__, lbard_str, (k / lbard_sz) - 1); return false; } } if (n >= 0) { if (--n <= 0) break; } } if ((k < max_lbrd_start) && op->strict) { /* check pad all zeros */ k += lbard_sz; j = max_lbrds_blen - k; if (! sg_all_zeros(up + k, j)) { pr2serr("%s: pad (%d bytes) following %ss is non zero\n", __func__, j, lbard_str); return false; } } if (vb > 2) pr2serr("%s: about to return true, num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u " "[k=%d, n=%d]\n", __func__, *num_lbard, *sum_num, k, n); return true; } static int sum_num_lbards(const uint8_t * up, int num_lbards) { int sum = 0; int k, n; for (k = 0, n = lbard_sz; k < num_lbards; ++k, n += lbard_sz) sum += sg_get_unaligned_be32(up + n + 8); return sum; } /* Returns 0 if successful, else sg3_utils error code. */ static int do_write_x(int sg_fd, const void * dataoutp, int dout_len, const struct opts_t * op) { int k, ret, res, sense_cat, cdb_len, vb, err; uint8_t x_cdb[WRITE_X_32_LEN]; /* use for both lengths */ uint8_t sense_b[SENSE_BUFF_LEN] = {0}; struct sg_pt_base * ptvp; memset(x_cdb, 0, sizeof(x_cdb)); vb = op->verbose; cdb_len = op->do_16 ? WRITE_X_16_LEN : WRITE_X_32_LEN; if (16 == cdb_len) { if (! op->do_scattered) sg_put_unaligned_be64(op->lba, x_cdb + 2); x_cdb[14] = (op->grpnum & 0x1f); } else { x_cdb[0] = VARIABLE_LEN_OP; x_cdb[6] = (op->grpnum & 0x1f); x_cdb[7] = WRITE_X_32_ADD; if (! op->do_scattered) sg_put_unaligned_be64(op->lba, x_cdb + 12); } if (op->do_write_normal) { if (16 == cdb_len) { x_cdb[0] = WRITE_16_OP; x_cdb[1] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[1] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[1] |= 0x8; if (op->dld) { if (op->dld & 1) x_cdb[14] |= 0x40; if (op->dld & 2) x_cdb[14] |= 0x80; if (op->dld & 4) x_cdb[1] |= 0x1; } sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 10); } else { /* 32 byte WRITE */ sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)WRITE_32_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; if (op->dld) { /* added in sbc4r19 */ if (op->dld & 1) x_cdb[11] |= 0x1; if (op->dld & 2) x_cdb[11] |= 0x2; if (op->dld & 4) x_cdb[11] |= 0x4; } sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->ref_tag, x_cdb + 20); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->app_tag, x_cdb + 24); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->tag_mask, x_cdb + 26); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); } } else if (op->do_atomic) { if (16 == cdb_len) { if (op->numblocks > UINT16_MAX) { pr2serr("Need WRITE ATOMIC(32) since blocks exceed 65535\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } x_cdb[0] = WRITE_ATOMIC16_OP; x_cdb[1] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[1] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[1] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->atomic_boundary, x_cdb + 10); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)op->numblocks, x_cdb + 12); } else { /* 32 byte WRITE ATOMIC */ sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->atomic_boundary, x_cdb + 4); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)WRITE_ATOMIC32_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->ref_tag, x_cdb + 20); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->app_tag, x_cdb + 24); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->tag_mask, x_cdb + 26); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); } } else if (op->do_or) { /* ORWRITE(16 or 32) */ if (16 == cdb_len) { x_cdb[0] = ORWRITE16_OP; x_cdb[1] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); /* actually ORPROTECT */ if (op->dpo) x_cdb[1] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[1] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 10); } else { x_cdb[2] = op->bmop; x_cdb[3] = op->pgp; sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)ORWRITE32_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->orw_eog, x_cdb + 20); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->orw_nog, x_cdb + 24); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); } } else if (op->do_same) { if (16 == cdb_len) { x_cdb[0] = WRITE_SAME16_OP; x_cdb[1] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->do_anchor) x_cdb[1] |= 0x10; if (op->do_unmap) x_cdb[1] |= 0x8; if (op->ndob) x_cdb[1] |= 0x1; sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 10); } else { sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)WRITE_SAME_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->do_anchor) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->do_unmap) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; if (op->ndob) x_cdb[10] |= 0x1; /* Expected initial logical block reference tag */ sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->ref_tag, x_cdb + 20); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->app_tag, x_cdb + 24); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->tag_mask, x_cdb + 26); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); } } else if (op->do_scattered) { if (16 == cdb_len) { x_cdb[0] = SERVICE_ACTION_OUT_16_OP; x_cdb[1] = WRITE_SCATTERED16_SA; x_cdb[2] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[2] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[2] |= 0x8; if (op->dld) { if (op->dld & 1) x_cdb[14] |= 0x40; if (op->dld & 2) x_cdb[14] |= 0x80; if (op->dld & 4) x_cdb[2] |= 0x1; } sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->scat_lbdof, x_cdb + 4); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->scat_num_lbard, x_cdb + 8); /* Spec says Buffer Transfer Length field (BTL) is the number * of (user) Logical Blocks in the data-out buffer and that BTL * may be 0. So the total data-out buffer length in bytes is: * (scat_lbdof + numblocks) * actual_block_size */ sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 10); } else { sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)WRITE_SCATTERED32_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->scat_lbdof, x_cdb + 12); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->scat_num_lbard, x_cdb + 16); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); /* ref_tag, app_tag and tag_mask placed in scatter list */ } } else if (op->do_stream) { if (16 == cdb_len) { x_cdb[0] = WRITE_STREAM16_OP; x_cdb[1] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[1] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[1] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->str_id, x_cdb + 10); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)op->numblocks, x_cdb + 12); } else { sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->str_id, x_cdb + 4); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)WRITE_STREAM32_SA, x_cdb + 8); x_cdb[10] = ((op->wrprotect & 0x7) << 5); if (op->dpo) x_cdb[10] |= 0x10; if (op->fua) x_cdb[10] |= 0x8; sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->ref_tag, x_cdb + 20); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->app_tag, x_cdb + 24); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->tag_mask, x_cdb + 26); sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->numblocks, x_cdb + 28); } } else { pr2serr("%s: bad cdb name or length (%d)\n", __func__, cdb_len); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (vb > 1) { char b[128]; pr2serr(" %s cdb: %s\n", op->cdb_name, sg_get_command_str(x_cdb, cdb_len, false, sizeof(b), b)); } if (op->do_scattered && (vb > 2) && (dout_len > 31)) { uint32_t sod_off = op->bs_pi_do * op->scat_lbdof; const uint8_t * up = (const uint8_t *)dataoutp; pr2serr(" %s scatter list, number of %ss: %u\n", op->cdb_name, lbard_str, op->scat_num_lbard); pr2serr(" byte offset of data_to_write: %u, dout_len: %d\n", sod_off, dout_len); up += lbard_sz; /* step over parameter list header */ for (k = 0; k < (int)op->scat_num_lbard; ++k, up += lbard_sz) { pr2serr(" desc %d: LBA=0x%" PRIx64 " numblocks=%" PRIu32 "%s", k, sg_get_unaligned_be64(up + 0), sg_get_unaligned_be32(up + 8), (op->do_16 ? "\n" : " ")); if (op->do_32) pr2serr("rt=0x%x at=0x%x tm=0x%x\n", sg_get_unaligned_be32(up + 12), sg_get_unaligned_be16(up + 16), sg_get_unaligned_be16(up + 18)); if ((uint32_t)(((k + 2) * lbard_sz) + 20) > sod_off) { pr2serr("Warning: possible clash of descriptor %u with " "data_to_write\n", k); if (op->strict > 1) return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } } if ((vb > 3) && (dout_len > 0)) { if ((dout_len > 1024) && (vb < 7)) { pr2serr(" Data-out buffer contents (first 1024 of %u " "bytes):\n", dout_len); hex2stdout((const uint8_t *)dataoutp, 1024, 1); pr2serr(" Above: dout's first 1024 of %u bytes [%s]\n", dout_len, op->cdb_name); } else { pr2serr(" Data-out buffer contents (length=%u):\n", dout_len); hex2stderr((const uint8_t *)dataoutp, (int)dout_len, 1); } } if (op->dry_run) { if (vb) pr2serr("Exit just before sending %s due to --dry-run\n", op->cdb_name); if (op->dry_run > 1) { int w_fd; w_fd = open(xx_wr_fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (w_fd < 0) { err = errno; perror(xx_wr_fname); return sg_convert_errno(err); } res = write(w_fd, dataoutp, dout_len); if (res < 0) { err = errno; perror(xx_wr_fname); close(w_fd); return sg_convert_errno(err); } close(w_fd); printf("Wrote %u bytes to %s", dout_len, xx_wr_fname); if (op->do_scattered) printf(", LB data offset: %u\nNumber of %ss: %u\n", op->scat_lbdof, lbard_str, op->scat_num_lbard); else printf("\n"); } return 0; } ptvp = construct_scsi_pt_obj(); if (NULL == ptvp) { pr2serr("%s: out of memory\n", op->cdb_name); return sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); } set_scsi_pt_cdb(ptvp, x_cdb, cdb_len); set_scsi_pt_sense(ptvp, sense_b, sizeof(sense_b)); if (dout_len > 0) set_scsi_pt_data_out(ptvp, (uint8_t *)dataoutp, dout_len); else if (vb && (! op->ndob)) pr2serr("%s: dout_len==0, so empty dout buffer\n", op->cdb_name); res = do_scsi_pt(ptvp, sg_fd, op->timeout, vb); ret = sg_cmds_process_resp(ptvp, op->cdb_name, res, true /*noisy */, vb, &sense_cat); if (-1 == ret) { if (get_scsi_pt_transport_err(ptvp)) ret = SG_LIB_TRANSPORT_ERROR; else ret = sg_convert_errno(get_scsi_pt_os_err(ptvp)); } else if (-2 == ret) { switch (sense_cat) { case SG_LIB_CAT_RECOVERED: case SG_LIB_CAT_NO_SENSE: ret = 0; break; case SG_LIB_CAT_MEDIUM_HARD: { bool valid; int slen; uint64_t ull = 0; slen = get_scsi_pt_sense_len(ptvp); valid = sg_get_sense_info_fld(sense_b, slen, &ull); if (valid) { pr2serr("Medium or hardware error starting at "); if (op->do_scattered) { if (0 == ull) pr2serr("%s=\n", lbard_str); else pr2serr("%s=%" PRIu64 " (origin 0)\n", lbard_str, ull - 1); if (sg_get_sense_cmd_spec_fld(sense_b, slen, &ull)) { if (0 == ull) pr2serr(" Number of successfully written " "%ss is 0 or not reported\n", lbard_str); else pr2serr(" Number of successfully written " "%ss is %u\n", lbard_str, (uint32_t)ull); } } else pr2serr("lba=%" PRIu64 " [0x%" PRIx64 "]\n", ull, ull); } } ret = sense_cat; break; case SG_LIB_CAT_ILLEGAL_REQ: if (vb) sg_print_command_len(x_cdb, cdb_len); ret = sense_cat; break; default: ret = sense_cat; break; } } else ret = 0; destruct_scsi_pt_obj(ptvp); return ret; } /* Returns 0 if successful, else sg3_utils error code. */ static int do_read_capacity(int sg_fd, struct opts_t *op) { bool prot_en = false; int res; int vb = op->verbose; char b[80]; uint8_t resp_buff[RCAP16_RESP_LEN]; res = sg_ll_readcap_16(sg_fd, false /* pmi */, 0 /* llba */, resp_buff, RCAP16_RESP_LEN, true, (vb ? (vb - 1): 0)); if (SG_LIB_CAT_UNIT_ATTENTION == res) { pr2serr("Read capacity(16) unit attention, try again\n"); res = sg_ll_readcap_16(sg_fd, false, 0, resp_buff, RCAP16_RESP_LEN, true, (vb ? (vb - 1): 0)); } if (0 == res) { uint32_t pi_len = 0; if (vb > 3) { pr2serr("Read capacity(16) response:\n"); hex2stderr(resp_buff, RCAP16_RESP_LEN, 1); } op->bs = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 8); op->tot_lbs = sg_get_unaligned_be64(resp_buff + 0) + 1; prot_en = !!(resp_buff[12] & 0x1); if (prot_en) { uint32_t pi_exp; op->pi_type = ((resp_buff[12] >> 1) & 0x7) + 1; pi_exp = 0xf & (resp_buff[13] >> 4); pi_len = 8 * (1 << pi_exp); if (op->wrprotect > 0) { op->bs_pi_do = op->bs + pi_len; if (vb > 1) pr2serr(" For data out buffer purposes the effective " "block size is %u (lb size\n is %u) because " "PROT_EN=1, PI_EXP=%u and WRPROTECT>0\n", op->bs, pi_exp, op->bs_pi_do); } } else { /* device formatted to PI type 0 (i.e. none) */ op->pi_type = 0; if (op->wrprotect > 0) { if (vb) pr2serr("--wrprotect (%d) expects PI but %s says it " "has none\n", op->wrprotect, op->device_name); if (op->strict) return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; else if (vb) pr2serr(" ... continue but could be dangerous\n"); } } if (vb) { uint8_t d[2]; pr2serr("Read capacity(16) response fields:\n"); pr2serr(" Last_LBA=0x%" PRIx64 " LB size: %u (with PI: " "%u) bytes p_type=%u\n", op->tot_lbs - 1, op->bs, op->bs + (prot_en ? pi_len : 0), ((resp_buff[12] >> 1) & 0x7)); pr2serr(" prot_en=%u [PI type=%u] p_i_exp=%u lbppb_exp=%u " "lbpme,rz=%u,", prot_en, op->pi_type, ((resp_buff[13] >> 4) & 0xf), (resp_buff[13] & 0xf), !!(resp_buff[14] & 0x80)); memcpy(d, resp_buff + 14, 2); d[0] &= 0x3f; pr2serr("%u low_ali_lba=%u\n", !!(resp_buff[14] & 0x40), sg_get_unaligned_be16(d)); } } else if ((SG_LIB_CAT_INVALID_OP == res) || (SG_LIB_CAT_ILLEGAL_REQ == res)) { if (vb) pr2serr("Read capacity(16) not supported, try Read " "capacity(10)\n"); res = sg_ll_readcap_10(sg_fd, false /* pmi */, 0 /* lba */, resp_buff, RCAP10_RESP_LEN, true, (vb ? (vb - 1): 0)); if (0 == res) { if (vb > 3) { pr2serr("Read capacity(10) response:\n"); hex2stderr(resp_buff, RCAP10_RESP_LEN, 1); } op->tot_lbs = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 0) + 1; op->bs = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 4); } else { strcpy(b,"OS error"); if (res > 0) sg_get_category_sense_str(res, sizeof(b), b, vb); else snprintf(b, sizeof(b), "error: %d", res); pr2serr("Read capacity(10): %s\n", b); pr2serr("Unable to calculate block size\n"); return (res > 0) ? res : SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } else { if (vb) { strcpy(b,"OS error"); if (res > 0) sg_get_category_sense_str(res, sizeof(b), b, vb); pr2serr("Read capacity(16): %s\n", b); pr2serr("Unable to calculate block size\n"); } return (res > 0) ? res : SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } op->bs_pi_do = op->expect_pi_do ? (op->bs + 8) : op->bs; return 0; } #define WANT_ZERO_EXIT 9999 static const char * const opt_long_ctl_str = "36a:A:b:B:c:dD:Efg:G:hi:I:l:M:n:No:Oq:Qr:RsS:t:T:u:vVw:x"; /* command line processing, options and arguments. Returns 0 if ok, * returns WANT_ZERO_EXIT so upper level yields an exist status of zero. * Other return values (mainly SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR) indicate errors. */ static int parse_cmd_line(struct opts_t *op, int argc, char *argv[], const char ** lba_opp, const char ** num_opp) { bool fail_if_strict = false; int c, j; int64_t ll; const char * cp; while (1) { int opt_ind = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, opt_long_ctl_str, long_options, &opt_ind); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case '3': /* same as --32 */ op->do_32 = true; break; case '6': /* same as --16 */ op->do_16 = true; break; case 'a': j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > (int)UINT16_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--app-tag='. Expect 0 to 0xffff " "inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->app_tag = (uint16_t)j; break; case 'A': j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > (int)UINT16_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--atomic='. Expect 0 to 0xffff " "inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->atomic_boundary = (uint16_t)j; op->do_atomic = true; op->cmd_name = "Write atomic"; break; case 'b': /* logical block size in bytes */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); /* 0 -> look up with READ CAPACITY */ if ((j < 0) || (j > (1 << 28))) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--bs='. Expect 0 or greater\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (j > 0) { int k; int m = j; int highest_ind; if (j < 512) { pr2serr("warning: --bs=BS value is < 512 which seems too " "small, continue\n"); fail_if_strict = true; } if (0 != (j % 8)) { pr2serr("warning: --bs=BS value is not a multiple of 8, " "unexpected, continue\n"); fail_if_strict = true; } for (k = 0, highest_ind = 0; k < 28; ++ k, m >>= 1) { if (1 & m) highest_ind = k; } /* loop should get log_base2(j) */ k = 1 << highest_ind; if (j == k) { /* j is a power of two; actual and logical * block size is assumed to be the same */ op->bs = (uint32_t)j; op->bs_pi_do = op->bs; } else { /* j is not power_of_two, use as actual LB size */ op->bs = (uint32_t)k; /* power_of_two less than j */ op->bs_pi_do = (uint32_t)j; } } else { /* j==0, let READCAP sort this out */ op->bs = 0; op->bs_pi_do = 0; } break; case 'B': /* --bmop=OP,PGP (for ORWRITE(32)) */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > 7)) { pr2serr("bad first argument to '--bmop='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->bmop = (uint8_t)j; if ((cp = strchr(optarg, ','))) { j = sg_get_num(cp + 1); if ((j < 0) || (j > 15)) { pr2serr("bad second argument to '--bmop='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->pgp = (uint8_t)j; } break; case 'c': /* --combined=DOF for W SCATTERED, DOF: data offset */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if (j < 0) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--combined='. Expect 0 to " "0x7fffffff\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->scat_lbdof = (uint16_t)j; op->do_combined = true; break; case 'd': op->dpo = true; break; case 'D': op->dld = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((op->dld < 0) || (op->dld > 7)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--dld=', expect 0 to 7 " "inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } break; case 'f': op->fua = true; break; case 'g': op->grpnum = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((op->grpnum < 0) || (op->grpnum > 63)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--grpnum'\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } break; case 'G': /* --generation=EOG,NOG */ ll = sg_get_llnum(optarg); if ((ll < 0) || (ll > UINT32_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad first argument to '--generation='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->orw_eog = (uint32_t)ll; if ((cp = strchr(optarg, ','))) { ll = sg_get_llnum(cp + 1); if ((ll < 0) || (ll > UINT32_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad second argument to '--generation='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->orw_nog = (uint32_t)ll; } else { pr2serr("need two arguments with --generation=EOG,NOG and " "they must be comma separated\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } break; case 'h': ++op->help; break; case '?': pr2serr("\n"); usage((op->help > 0) ? op->help : 0); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; case 'i': op->if_name = optarg; break; case 'I': op->timeout = sg_get_num(optarg); if (op->timeout < 0) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--timeout='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } break; case 'l': if (*lba_opp) { pr2serr("only expect '--lba=' option once\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } *lba_opp = optarg; break; case 'M': /* WRITE SAME */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > 1)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--same', expect 0 or 1\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->ndob = (bool)j; op->do_same = true; op->cmd_name = "Write same"; break; case 'n': if (*num_opp) { pr2serr("only expect '--num=' option once\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } *num_opp = optarg; break; case 'N': op->do_write_normal = true; op->cmd_name = "Write"; break; case 'o': ll = sg_get_llnum(optarg); if (-1 == ll) { pr2serr("bad first argument to '--offset='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->if_offset = (uint64_t)ll; if ((cp = strchr(optarg, ','))) { ll = sg_get_llnum(cp + 1); if (-1 == ll) { pr2serr("bad second argument to '--offset='\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (ll > UINT32_MAX) { pr2serr("bad second argument to '--offset=', cannot " "exceed 32 bits\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->if_dlen = (uint32_t)ll; } break; case 'O': op->do_or = true; op->cmd_name = "Orwrite"; break; case 'q': op->scat_filename = optarg; break; case 'Q': op->do_quiet = true; break; case 'R': op->do_scat_raw = true; break; case 'r': /* same as --ref-tag= */ ll = sg_get_llnum(optarg); if ((ll < 0) || (ll > UINT32_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--ref-tag='. Expect 0 to " "0xffffffff inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->ref_tag = (uint32_t)ll; break; case 's': ++op->strict; break; case 'S': j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > (int)UINT16_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--scattered='. Expect 0 to 0xffff " "inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->scat_num_lbard = (uint16_t)j; op->do_scattered = true; op->cmd_name = "Write scattered"; break; case 't': /* same as --tag-mask= */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > (int)UINT16_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--tag-mask='. Expect 0 to 0xffff " "inclusive\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->tag_mask = (uint16_t)j; break; case 'T': /* WRITE STREAM */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > (int)UINT16_MAX)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--stream=', expect 0 to 65535\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->str_id = (uint16_t)j; op->do_stream = true; op->cmd_name = "Write stream"; break; case 'u': /* WRITE SAME, UNMAP and ANCHOR bit */ j = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((j < 0) || (j > 3)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--unmap=', expect 0 to " "3\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->do_unmap = !!(1 & j); op->do_anchor = !!(2 & j); break; case 'v': op->verbose_given = true; ++op->verbose; break; case 'V': op->version_given = true; break; case 'w': /* WRPROTECT field (or ORPROTECT for ORWRITE) */ op->wrprotect = sg_get_num(optarg); if ((op->wrprotect < 0) || (op->wrprotect > 7)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--wrprotect'\n"); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->expect_pi_do = (op->wrprotect > 0); break; case 'x': ++op->dry_run; break; default: pr2serr("unrecognised option code 0x%x ??\n", c); usage((op->help > 0) ? op->help : 0); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } if (optind < argc) { if (NULL == op->device_name) { op->device_name = argv[optind]; ++optind; } if (optind < argc) { for (; optind < argc; ++optind) pr2serr("Unexpected extra argument: %s\n", argv[optind]); usage((op->help > 0) ? op->help : 0); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } if (op->strict && fail_if_strict) return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; return 0; } static int process_scattered(int sg_fd, int infd, uint32_t if_len, uint32_t if_rlen, int sfr_fd, uint32_t sf_len, uint64_t * addr_arr, uint32_t addr_arr_len, uint32_t * num_arr, uint16_t num_lbard, uint32_t sum_num, struct opts_t * op) { int k, n, ret; int vb = op->verbose; uint32_t d, dd, nn, do_len; uint8_t * up = NULL; uint8_t * free_up = NULL; char b[80]; if (op->do_combined) { /* --combined=DOF (.scat_lbdof) */ if (op->scat_lbdof > 0) d = op->scat_lbdof * op->bs_pi_do; else if (op->scat_num_lbard > 0) { d = lbard_sz * (1 + op->scat_num_lbard); if (0 != (d % op->bs_pi_do)) d = ((d / op->bs_pi_do) + 1) * op->bs_pi_do; } else if (if_len > 0) { d = if_len; if (0 != (d % op->bs_pi_do)) d = ((d / op->bs_pi_do) + 1) * op->bs_pi_do; } else { pr2serr("With --combined= if DOF, RD are 0 and IF has an " "unknown length\nthen give up\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } up = sg_memalign(d, 0, &free_up, false); if (NULL == up) { pr2serr("unable to allocate aligned memory for " "scatterlist+data\n"); return sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); } ret = bin_read(infd, up, ((if_len < d) ? if_len : d), "IF c1"); if (ret) goto finii; if (! check_lbrds(up, d, op, &num_lbard, &sum_num)) goto file_err_outt; if ((op->scat_num_lbard > 0) && (op->scat_num_lbard != num_lbard)) { bool rd_gt = (op->scat_num_lbard > num_lbard); if (rd_gt || op->strict || vb) { pr2serr("RD (%u) %s number of %ss (%u) found in IF\n", op->scat_num_lbard, (rd_gt ? ">" : "<"), lbard_str, num_lbard); if (rd_gt) goto file_err_outt; else if (op->strict) goto file_err_outt; } num_lbard = op->scat_num_lbard; sum_num = sum_num_lbards(up, op->scat_num_lbard); } else op->scat_num_lbard = num_lbard; dd = lbard_sz * (num_lbard + 1); if (0 != (dd % op->bs_pi_do)) dd = ((dd / op->bs_pi_do) + 1) * op->bs_pi_do; /* round up */ nn = op->scat_lbdof * op->bs_pi_do; if (dd != nn) { bool dd_gt = (dd > nn); if (dd_gt) { pr2serr("%s: Cannot fit %ss (%u) in given LB data offset " "(%u)\n", __func__, lbard_str, num_lbard, op->scat_lbdof); goto file_err_outt; } if (vb || op->strict) pr2serr("%s: empty blocks before LB data offset (%u), could " "be okay\n", __func__, op->scat_lbdof); if (op->strict) { pr2serr("Exiting due to --strict; perhaps try again with " "--combined=%u\n", dd / op->bs_pi_do); goto file_err_outt; } dd = nn; } dd += (sum_num * op->bs_pi_do); if (dd > d) { uint8_t * u2p; uint8_t * free_u2p; if (dd != if_len) { bool dd_gt = (dd > if_len); if (dd_gt || op->strict || vb) { pr2serr("Calculated dout length (%u) %s bytes available " "in IF (%u)\n", dd, (dd_gt ? ">" : "<"), if_len); if (dd_gt) goto file_err_outt; else if (op->strict) goto file_err_outt; } } u2p = sg_memalign(dd, 0, &free_u2p, false); if (NULL == u2p) { pr2serr("unable to allocate memory for final " "scatterlist+data\n"); ret = sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); goto finii; } memcpy(u2p, up, d); free(free_up); up = u2p; free_up = free_u2p; ret = bin_read(infd, up + d, dd - d, "IF c2"); if (ret) goto finii; } do_len = dd; op->numblocks = sum_num; op->xfer_bytes = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; goto do_io; } /* other than do_combined, so --scat-file= or --lba= */ if (addr_arr_len > 0) num_lbard = addr_arr_len; if (op->scat_filename && (! op->do_scat_raw)) { d = lbard_sz * (num_lbard + 1); nn = d; op->scat_lbdof = d / op->bs_pi_do; if (0 != (d % op->bs_pi_do)) /* if not multiple, round up */ op->scat_lbdof += 1; dd = op->scat_lbdof * op->bs_pi_do; d = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; do_len = dd + d; /* zeroed data-out buffer for SL+DATA */ up = sg_memalign(do_len, 0, &free_up, false); if (NULL == up) { pr2serr("unable to allocate aligned memory for " "scatterlist+data\n"); return sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); } num_lbard = 0; sum_num = 0; nn = (nn > lbard_sz) ? nn : (op->scat_lbdof * op->bs_pi_do); ret = build_t10_scat(op->scat_filename, op->do_16, ! op->do_scattered, up, &num_lbard, &sum_num, nn); if (ret) goto finii; /* Calculate number of bytes to read from IF (place in 'd') */ d = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; if (op->if_dlen > d) { if (op->strict || vb) { pr2serr("DLEN > than bytes implied by sum of scatter " "list NUMs (%u)\n", d); if (vb > 1) pr2serr(" num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u actual_bs=%u", num_lbard, sum_num, op->bs_pi_do); if (op->strict) goto file_err_outt; } } else if ((op->if_dlen > 0) && (op->if_dlen < d)) d = op->if_dlen; if ((if_rlen > 0) && (if_rlen != d)) { bool readable_lt = (if_rlen < d); if (vb) pr2serr("readable length (%u) of IF %s bytes implied by " "sum of\nscatter list NUMs (%u) and DLEN\n", (uint32_t)if_rlen, readable_lt ? "<" : ">", d); if (op->strict) { if ((op->strict > 1) || (! readable_lt)) goto file_err_outt; } if (readable_lt) d = if_rlen; } if (0 != (d % op->bs_pi_do)) { if (vb || (op->strict > 1)) { pr2serr("Calculated data-out length (0x%x) not a " "multiple of BS (%u", d, op->bs); if (op->bs != op->bs_pi_do) pr2serr(" + %d(PI)", (int)op->bs_pi_do - (int)op->bs); if (op->strict > 1) { pr2serr(")\nexiting ...\n"); goto file_err_outt; } else pr2serr(")\nzero pad and continue ...\n"); } } ret = bin_read(infd, up + (op->scat_lbdof * op->bs_pi_do), d, "IF 3"); if (ret) goto finii; do_len = ((op->scat_lbdof + sum_num) * op->bs_pi_do); op->numblocks = sum_num; op->xfer_bytes = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; /* dout for scattered write with ASCII scat_file ready */ } else if (op->do_scat_raw) { bool if_len_gt = false; /* guessing game for length of buffer */ if (op->scat_num_lbard > 0) { dd = (op->scat_num_lbard + 1) * lbard_sz; if (sf_len < dd) { pr2serr("SF not long enough (%u bytes) to provide RD " "(%u) %ss\n", sf_len, dd, lbard_str); goto file_err_outt; } nn = dd / op->bs_pi_do; if (0 != (dd % op->bs_pi_do)) nn +=1; dd = nn * op->bs_pi_do; } else dd = op->bs_pi_do; /* guess */ if (if_len > 0) { nn = if_len / op->bs_pi_do; if (0 != (if_len % op->bs_pi_do)) nn += 1; d = nn * op->bs_pi_do; } else d = op->bs_pi_do; /* guess one LB */ /* zero data-out buffer for SL+DATA */ nn = dd + d; up = sg_memalign(nn, 0, &free_up, false); if (NULL == up) { pr2serr("unable to allocate aligned memory for " "scatterlist+data\n"); ret = sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); goto finii; } ret = bin_read(sfr_fd, up, sf_len, "SF"); if (ret) goto finii; if (! check_lbrds(up, dd, op, &num_lbard, &sum_num)) goto file_err_outt; if (num_lbard != op->scat_num_lbard) { pr2serr("Try again with --scattered=%u\n", num_lbard); goto file_err_outt; } if ((sum_num * op->bs_pi_do) > d) { uint8_t * u2p; uint8_t * free_u2p; d = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; nn = dd + d; u2p = sg_memalign(nn, 0, &free_u2p, false); if (NULL == u2p) { pr2serr("unable to allocate memory for final " "scatterlist+data\n"); ret = sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); goto finii; } memcpy(u2p, up, dd); free(free_up); up = u2p; free_up = free_u2p; } if ((if_len != (nn - d)) && (op->strict || vb)) { if_len_gt = (if_len > (nn - d)); pr2serr("IF length (%u) %s 'sum_num' bytes (%u), ", if_len, (if_len_gt ? ">" : "<"), nn - d); if (op->strict > 1) { pr2serr("exiting (strict=%d)\n", op->strict); goto file_err_outt; } else pr2serr("continuing ...\n"); } ret = bin_read(infd, up + d, (if_len_gt ? nn - d : if_len), "IF 4"); if (ret) goto finii; do_len = (num_lbard + sum_num) * op->bs_pi_do; op->numblocks = sum_num; op->xfer_bytes = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; } else if (addr_arr_len > 0) { /* build RDs for --lba= --num= */ if ((op->scat_num_lbard > 0) && (op->scat_num_lbard > addr_arr_len)) { pr2serr("%s: number given to --scattered= (%u) exceeds number of " "--lba= elements (%u)\n", __func__, op->scat_num_lbard, addr_arr_len); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } d = lbard_sz * (num_lbard + 1); op->scat_lbdof = d / op->bs_pi_do; if (0 != (d % op->bs_pi_do)) /* if not multiple, round up */ op->scat_lbdof += 1; for (sum_num = 0, k = 0; k < (int)addr_arr_len; ++k) sum_num += num_arr[k]; do_len = ((op->scat_lbdof + sum_num) * op->bs_pi_do); up = sg_memalign(do_len, 0, &free_up, false); if (NULL == up) { pr2serr("unable to allocate aligned memory for " "scatterlist+data\n"); ret = sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); goto finii; } for (n = lbard_sz, k = 0; k < (int)addr_arr_len; ++k, n += lbard_sz) { sg_put_unaligned_be64(addr_arr[k], up + n + 0); sg_put_unaligned_be32(num_arr[k], up + n + 8); if (op->do_32) { if (0 == k) { sg_put_unaligned_be32(op->ref_tag, up + n + 12); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->app_tag, up + n + 16); sg_put_unaligned_be16(op->tag_mask, up + n + 18); } else { sg_put_unaligned_be32((uint32_t)DEF_RT, up + n + 12); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)DEF_AT, up + n + 16); sg_put_unaligned_be16((uint16_t)DEF_TM, up + n + 18); } } } op->numblocks = sum_num; } else { pr2serr("How did we get here??\n"); goto syntax_err_outt; } do_io: ret = do_write_x(sg_fd, up, do_len, op); if (ret) { strcpy(b,"OS error"); if (ret > 0) sg_get_category_sense_str(ret, sizeof(b), b, vb); pr2serr("%s: %s\n", op->cdb_name, b); } goto finii; syntax_err_outt: ret = SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; goto finii; file_err_outt: ret = SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; finii: if (free_up) free(free_up); return ret; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { bool got_stdin = false; bool got_stat = false; bool if_reg_file = false; int n, err, vb; int infd = -1; int sg_fd = -1; int sfr_fd = -1; int ret = -1; uint32_t nn, addr_arr_len, num_arr_len; /* --lba= */ uint32_t do_len = 0; uint16_t num_lbard = 0; uint32_t if_len = 0; /* after accounting for OFF,DLEN and moving file * file pointer to OFF, is bytes available in IF */ uint32_t sf_len = 0; uint32_t sum_num = 0; ssize_t res; off_t if_readable_len = 0; /* similar to if_len but doesn't take DLEN * into account */ struct opts_t * op; const char * lba_op = NULL; const char * num_op = NULL; uint8_t * up = NULL; uint8_t * free_up = NULL; char ebuff[EBUFF_SZ]; char b[80]; uint64_t addr_arr[MAX_NUM_ADDR]; uint32_t num_arr[MAX_NUM_ADDR]; struct stat if_stat, sf_stat; struct opts_t opts; op = &opts; memset(op, 0, sizeof(opts)); memset(&if_stat, 0, sizeof(if_stat)); memset(&sf_stat, 0, sizeof(sf_stat)); op->numblocks = DEF_WR_NUMBLOCKS; op->pi_type = -1; /* Protection information type unknown */ op->ref_tag = DEF_RT; /* first 4 bytes of 8 byte protection info */ op->app_tag = DEF_AT; /* 2 bytes of protection information */ op->tag_mask = DEF_TM; /* final 2 bytes of protection information */ op->timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT_SECS; /* Process command line */ ret = parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv, &lba_op, &num_op); if (ret) { if (WANT_ZERO_EXIT == ret) return 0; return ret; } if (op->help > 0) { usage(op->help); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG pr2serr("In DEBUG mode, "); if (op->verbose_given && op->version_given) { pr2serr("but override: '-vV' given, zero verbose and continue\n"); op->verbose_given = false; op->version_given = false; op->verbose = 0; } else if (! op->verbose_given) { pr2serr("set '-vv'\n"); op->verbose = 2; } else pr2serr("keep verbose=%d\n", op->verbose); #else if (op->verbose_given && op->version_given) pr2serr("Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action\n"); #endif if (op->version_given) { pr2serr("sg_write_x version: %s\n", version_str); return WANT_ZERO_EXIT; } vb = op->verbose; /* sanity checks */ if ((! op->do_16) && (! op->do_32)) { op->do_16 = true; if (vb > 1) pr2serr("Since neither --16 nor --32 given, choose --16\n"); } else if (op->do_16 && op->do_32) { op->do_16 = false; if (vb > 1) pr2serr("Since both --16 and --32 given, choose --32\n"); } n = (int)op->do_atomic + (int)op->do_write_normal + (int)op->do_or + (int)op->do_same + (int)op->do_scattered + (int)op->do_stream; if (n > 1) { pr2serr("Can only select one command; so only one of --atomic, " "--normal, --or,\n--same=, --scattered= or --stream=\n") ; return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } else if (n < 1) { if (op->strict) { pr2serr("With --strict won't default to a normal WRITE, add " "--normal\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } else { op->do_write_normal = true; op->cmd_name = "Write"; if (vb) pr2serr("No command selected so choose 'normal' WRITE\n"); } } snprintf(op->cdb_name, sizeof(op->cdb_name), "%s(%d)", op->cmd_name, (op->do_16 ? 16 : 32)); if (op->do_combined) { if (! op->do_scattered) { pr2serr("--combined=DOF only allowed with --scattered=RD (i.e. " "only with\nWRITE SCATTERED command)\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } if (op->scat_filename) { pr2serr("Ambiguous: got --combined=DOF and --scat-file=SF .\n" "Give one, the other or neither\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } if (lba_op || num_op) { pr2serr("--scattered=RD --combined=DOF does not use --lba= or " "--num=\nPlease remove.\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } if (op->do_scat_raw) { pr2serr("Ambiguous: don't expect --combined=DOF and --scat-raw\n" "Give one or the other\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } } if ((NULL == op->scat_filename) && op->do_scat_raw) { pr2serr("--scat-raw only applies to the --scat-file=SF option\n" "--scat-raw without the --scat-file=SF option is an " "error\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } n = (!! op->scat_filename) + (!! (lba_op || num_op)) + (!! op->do_combined); if (n > 1) { pr2serr("want one and only one of: (--lba=LBA and/or --num=NUM), or\n" "--scat-file=SF, or --combined=DOF\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } if (op->scat_filename && (1 == strlen(op->scat_filename)) && ('-' == op->scat_filename[0])) { pr2serr("don't accept '-' (implying stdin) as a filename in " "--scat-file=SF\n"); return SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; } if (vb && op->do_16 && (! is_pi_default(op))) pr2serr("--app-tag=, --ref-tag= and --tag-mask= options ignored " "with 16 byte commands\n"); /* examine .if_name . Open, move to .if_offset, calculate length that we * want to read. */ if (! op->ndob) { /* as long as --same=1 is not active */ if_len = op->if_dlen; /* from --offset=OFF,DLEN; defaults to 0 */ if (NULL == op->if_name) { pr2serr("Need --if=FN option to be given, exiting.\n"); if (vb > 1) pr2serr("To write zeros use --in=/dev/zero\n"); pr2serr("\n"); usage((op->help > 0) ? op->help : 0); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if ((1 == strlen(op->if_name)) && ('-' == op->if_name[0])) { got_stdin = true; infd = STDIN_FILENO; if (sg_set_binary_mode(STDIN_FILENO) < 0) { perror("sg_set_binary_mode"); return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } else { if ((infd = open(op->if_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { err = errno; snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ, "could not open %s for reading", op->if_name); perror(ebuff); return sg_convert_errno(err); } if (sg_set_binary_mode(infd) < 0) { perror("sg_set_binary_mode"); return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } if (fstat(infd, &if_stat) < 0) { err = errno; snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ, "could not fstat %s", op->if_name); perror(ebuff); return sg_convert_errno(err); } got_stat = true; if (S_ISREG(if_stat.st_mode)) { if_reg_file = true; if_readable_len = if_stat.st_size; if (0 == if_len) if_len = if_readable_len; } } if (got_stat && if_readable_len && ((int64_t)op->if_offset >= (if_readable_len - 1))) { pr2serr("Offset (%" PRIu64 ") is at or beyond IF byte length (%" PRIu64 ")\n", op->if_offset, (uint64_t)if_readable_len); goto file_err_out; } if (op->if_offset > 0) { off_t off = op->if_offset; off_t h = if_readable_len; if (if_reg_file) { /* lseek() won't work with stdin, pipes or sockets, etc */ if (lseek(infd, off, SEEK_SET) < 0) { err = errno; snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ, "couldn't offset to required " "position on %s", op->if_name); perror(ebuff); ret = sg_convert_errno(err); goto err_out; } if_readable_len -= op->if_offset; if (if_readable_len <= 0) { pr2serr("--offset [0x%" PRIx64 "] at or beyond file " "length[0x%" PRIx64 "]\n", (uint64_t)op->if_offset, (uint64_t)h); goto file_err_out; } if (op->strict && ((off_t)op->if_dlen > if_readable_len)) { pr2serr("after accounting for OFF, DLEN exceeds %s " "remaining length (%u bytes)\n", op->if_name, (uint32_t)if_readable_len); goto file_err_out; } if_len = (uint32_t)((if_readable_len < (off_t)if_len) ? if_readable_len : (off_t)if_len); if (vb > 2) pr2serr("Moved IF byte pointer to %u, if_len=%u, " "if_readable_len=%u\n", (uint32_t)op->if_offset, if_len, (uint32_t)if_readable_len); } else { if (vb) pr2serr("--offset=OFF ignored when IF is stdin, pipe, " "socket, etc\nDLEN, if given, is used\n"); } } } /* Check device name has been given */ if (NULL == op->device_name) { pr2serr("missing device name!\n"); usage((op->help > 0) ? op->help : 0); goto syntax_err_out; } /* Open device file, do READ CAPACITY(16, maybe 10) if no BS */ sg_fd = sg_cmds_open_device(op->device_name, false /* rw */, vb); if (sg_fd < 0) { if (op->verbose) pr2serr("open error: %s: %s\n", op->device_name, safe_strerror(-sg_fd)); ret = sg_convert_errno(-sg_fd); goto fini; } if (0 == op->bs) { /* ask DEVICE about logical/actual block size */ ret = do_read_capacity(sg_fd, op); if (ret) goto err_out; } if ((0 == op->bs_pi_do) || (0 == op->bs)) { pr2serr("Logic error, need block size by now\n"); goto syntax_err_out; } if (! op->ndob) { if (0 != (if_len % op->bs_pi_do)) { if (op->strict > 1) { pr2serr("Error: number of bytes to read from IF [%u] is " "not a multiple\nblock size %u (including " "protection information)\n", (unsigned int)if_len, op->bs_pi_do); goto file_err_out; } if (op->strict || vb) pr2serr("Warning: number of bytes to read from IF [%u] is " "not a multiple\nof actual block size %u; pad with " "zeros\n", (unsigned int)if_len, op->bs_pi_do); } } /* decode --lba= and --num= options */ memset(addr_arr, 0, sizeof(addr_arr)); memset(num_arr, 0, sizeof(num_arr)); addr_arr_len = 0; num_arr_len = 0; if (lba_op) { if (0 != build_lba_arr(lba_op, addr_arr, &addr_arr_len, MAX_NUM_ADDR)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--lba'\n"); goto syntax_err_out; } } if (num_op) { if (0 != build_num_arr(num_op, num_arr, &num_arr_len, MAX_NUM_ADDR)) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--num'\n"); goto err_out; } } if (((addr_arr_len > 1) && (addr_arr_len != num_arr_len)) || ((0 == addr_arr_len) && (num_arr_len > 1))) { /* allow all combinations of 0 or 1 element --lba= with 0 or 1 * element --num=, otherwise this error ... */ pr2serr("need same number of arguments to '--lba=' and '--num=' " "options\n"); ret = SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; goto err_out; } if ((0 == addr_arr_len) && (1 == num_arr_len)) { if (num_arr[0] > 0) { pr2serr("won't write %u blocks without an explicit --lba= " "option\n", num_arr[0]); goto syntax_err_out; } addr_arr_len = 1; /* allow --num=0 without --lba= since it is safe */ } /* Everything can use a SF, except --same=1 (when op->ndob==true) */ if (op->scat_filename) { if (stat(op->scat_filename, &sf_stat) < 0) { err = errno; pr2serr("Unable to stat(%s) as SF: %s\n", op->scat_filename, safe_strerror(err)); ret = sg_convert_errno(err); goto err_out; } if (op->do_scat_raw) { if (! S_ISREG(sf_stat.st_mode)) { pr2serr("Expect scatter file to be a regular file\n"); goto file_err_out; } sf_len = sf_stat.st_size; sfr_fd = open(op->scat_filename, O_RDONLY); if (sfr_fd < 0) { err = errno; pr2serr("Failed to open %s for raw read: %s\n", op->scat_filename, safe_strerror(err)); ret = sg_convert_errno(err); goto err_out; } if (sg_set_binary_mode(sfr_fd) < 0) { perror("sg_set_binary_mode"); goto file_err_out; } } else { /* scat_file should contain ASCII hex, preliminary parse */ nn = (op->scat_num_lbard > 0) ? lbard_sz * (1 + op->scat_num_lbard) : 0; ret = build_t10_scat(op->scat_filename, op->do_16, ! op->do_scattered, NULL, &num_lbard, &sum_num, nn); if (ret) goto err_out; if ((op->scat_num_lbard > 0) && (num_lbard != op->scat_num_lbard)) { bool rd_gt = (op->scat_num_lbard > num_lbard); if (rd_gt || op->strict || vb) { pr2serr("RD (%u) %s number of %ss (%u) found in SF\n", op->scat_num_lbard, (rd_gt ? ">" : "<"), lbard_str, num_lbard); if (rd_gt) goto file_err_out; else if (op->strict) goto file_err_out; } } } } if (op->do_scattered) { ret = process_scattered(sg_fd, infd, if_len, if_readable_len, sfr_fd, sf_len, addr_arr, addr_arr_len, num_arr, num_lbard, sum_num, op); goto fini; } /* other than scattered */ if (addr_arr_len > 0) { op->lba = addr_arr[0]; op->numblocks = num_arr[0]; if (vb && (addr_arr_len > 1)) pr2serr("warning: %d LBA,number_of_blocks pairs found, only " "taking first\n", addr_arr_len); } else if (op->scat_filename && (! op->do_scat_raw)) { uint8_t upp[96]; sum_num = 0; ret = build_t10_scat(op->scat_filename, op->do_16, true /* parse one */, upp, &num_lbard, &sum_num, sizeof(upp)); if (ret) goto err_out; if (vb && (num_lbard > 1)) pr2serr("warning: %d LBA,number_of_blocks pairs found, only " "taking first\n", num_lbard); if (vb > 2) pr2serr("after build_t10_scat, num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u\n", num_lbard, sum_num); if (1 != num_lbard) { pr2serr("Unable to decode one LBA range descriptor from %s\n", op->scat_filename); goto file_err_out; } op->lba = sg_get_unaligned_be64(upp + 32 + 0); op->numblocks = sg_get_unaligned_be32(upp + 32 + 8); if (op->do_32) { op->ref_tag = sg_get_unaligned_be32(upp + 32 + 12); op->app_tag = sg_get_unaligned_be16(upp + 32 + 16); op->tag_mask = sg_get_unaligned_be16(upp + 32 + 18); } } else if (op->do_scat_raw) { uint8_t upp[64]; if (sf_len < (2 * lbard_sz)) { pr2serr("raw scatter file must be at least 64 bytes long " "(length: %u)\n", sf_len); goto file_err_out; } ret = bin_read(sfr_fd, upp, sizeof(upp), "SF"); if (ret) goto err_out; if (! check_lbrds(upp, sizeof(upp), op, &num_lbard, &sum_num)) goto file_err_out; if (1 != num_lbard) { pr2serr("No %ss found in SF (num=%u)\n", lbard_str, num_lbard); goto file_err_out; } op->lba = sg_get_unaligned_be64(upp + 16); op->numblocks = sg_get_unaligned_be32(upp + 16 + 8); do_len = sum_num * op->bs_pi_do; op->xfer_bytes = do_len; } else { pr2serr("No LBA or number_of_blocks given, try using --lba= and " "--num=\n"); goto syntax_err_out; } if (op->do_same) op->xfer_bytes = op->ndob ? 0 : op->bs_pi_do; else /* WRITE, ORWRITE, WRITE ATOMIC or WRITE STREAM */ op->xfer_bytes = op->numblocks * op->bs_pi_do; do_len = op->xfer_bytes; if (do_len > 0) { /* fill allocated buffer with zeros */ up = sg_memalign(do_len, 0, &free_up, false); if (NULL == up) { pr2serr("unable to allocate %u bytes of memory\n", do_len); ret = sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); goto err_out; } ret = bin_read(infd, up, ((if_len < do_len) ? if_len : do_len), "IF 5"); if (ret) goto fini; } else up = NULL; ret = do_write_x(sg_fd, up, do_len, op); if (ret && (! op->do_quiet)) { strcpy(b,"OS error"); if (ret > 0) sg_get_category_sense_str(ret, sizeof(b), b, vb); pr2serr("%s: %s\n", op->cdb_name, b); } goto fini; syntax_err_out: ret = SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; goto err_out; file_err_out: ret = SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; err_out: fini: if (free_up) free(free_up); if (sg_fd >= 0) { res = sg_cmds_close_device(sg_fd); if (res < 0) { if (! op->do_quiet) pr2serr("sg_fd close error: %s\n", safe_strerror(-res)); if (0 == ret) ret = SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } if (sfr_fd >= 0) { if (close(sfr_fd) < 0) { if (! op->do_quiet) perror("sfr_fd close error"); if (0 == ret) ret = SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } if ((! got_stdin) && (infd >= 0)) { if (close(infd) < 0) { if (! op->do_quiet) perror("infd close error"); if (0 == ret) ret = SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } if ((0 == op->verbose) && (! op->do_quiet)) { if (! sg_if_can2stderr("sg_write_x failed: ", ret)) pr2serr("Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for " "more information\n"); } return (ret >= 0) ? ret : SG_LIB_CAT_OTHER; }