/* This code is does a SCSI READ CAPACITY command on the given device * and outputs the result. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2020 D. Gilbert * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * * This program was originally written with Linux 2.4 kernel series. * It now builds for the Linux 2.6, 3 and 4 kernel series and various other * operating systems. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1 #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "sg_lib.h" #include "sg_cmds_basic.h" #include "sg_unaligned.h" #include "sg_pr2serr.h" static const char * version_str = "4.05 20200122"; #define ME "sg_readcap: " #define RCAP_REPLY_LEN 8 #define RCAP16_REPLY_LEN 32 static struct option long_options[] = { {"brief", no_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"hex", no_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"lba", required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"long", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"16", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"new", no_argument, 0, 'N'}, {"old", no_argument, 0, 'O'}, {"pmi", no_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"raw", no_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"readonly", no_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"zbc", no_argument, 0, 'z'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; struct opts_t { bool do_brief; bool do_long; bool do_pmi; bool do_raw; bool o_readonly; bool do_zbc; bool opt_new; bool verbose_given; bool version_given; int do_help; int do_hex; int do_lba; int verbose; uint64_t llba; const char * device_name; }; static void usage() { pr2serr("Usage: sg_readcap [--16] [--brief] [--help] [--hex] " "[--lba=LBA] [--long]\n" " [--pmi] [--raw] [--readonly] [--verbose] " "[--version]\n" " [--zbc] DEVICE\n" " where:\n" " --16 use READ CAPACITY (16) cdb (same as " "--long)\n" " --brief|-b brief, two hex numbers: number of blocks " "and block size\n" " --help|-h print this usage message and exit\n" " --hex|-H output response in hexadecimal to stdout\n" " --lba=LBA|-L LBA yields the last block prior to (head " "movement) delay\n" " after LBA [in decimal (def: 0) " "valid with '--pmi']\n" " --long|-l use READ CAPACITY (16) cdb (def: use " "10 byte cdb)\n" " --pmi|-p partial medium indicator (without this " "option shows\n" " total disk capacity) [made obsolete in " "sbc3r26]\n" " --raw|-r output response in binary to stdout\n" " --readonly|-R open DEVICE read-only (def: RCAP(16) " "read-write)\n" " --verbose|-v increase verbosity\n" " --version|-V print version string and exit\n" " --old|-O use old interface (use as first option)\n" " --zbc|-z show rc_basis ZBC field (implies --16)\n\n" "Perform a SCSI READ CAPACITY (10 or 16) command\n"); } static void usage_old() { pr2serr("Usage: sg_readcap [-16] [-b] [-h] [-H] [-lba=LBA] " "[-pmi] [-r] [-R]\n" " [-v] [-V] [-z] DEVICE\n" " where:\n" " -16 use READ CAPACITY (16) cdb (def: use " "10 byte cdb)\n" " -b brief, two hex numbers: number of blocks " "and block size\n" " -h print this usage message and exit\n" " -H output response in hexadecimal to stdout\n" " -lba=LBA yields the last block prior to (head " "movement) delay\n" " after LBA [in hex (def: 0) " "valid with -pmi]\n" " -pmi partial medium indicator (without this option " "shows total\n" " disk capacity)\n" " -r output response in binary to stdout\n" " -R open DEVICE read-only (def: RCAP(16) read-write)\n" " -v increase verbosity\n" " -V print version string and exit\n" " -N|--new use new interface\n" " -z show rc_basis ZBC field (implies -16)\n\n" "Perform a SCSI READ CAPACITY (10 or 16) command\n"); } static void usage_for(const struct opts_t * op) { if (op->opt_new) usage(); else usage_old(); } static int new_parse_cmd_line(struct opts_t * op, int argc, char * argv[]) { int c; int a_one = 0; int64_t nn; while (1) { int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "16bhHlL:NOprRvVz", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case '1': ++a_one; break; case '6': if (a_one) op->do_long = true; break; case 'b': op->do_brief = true; break; case 'h': case '?': ++op->do_help; break; case 'H': ++op->do_hex; break; case 'l': op->do_long = true; break; case 'L': nn = sg_get_llnum(optarg); if (-1 == nn) { pr2serr("bad argument to '--lba='\n"); usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } op->llba = nn; /* force READ_CAPACITY16 for large lbas */ if (op->llba > 0xfffffffeULL) op->do_long = true; ++op->do_lba; break; case 'N': break; /* ignore */ case 'O': op->opt_new = false; return 0; case 'p': op->do_pmi = true; break; case 'r': op->do_raw = true; break; case 'R': op->o_readonly = true; break; case 'v': op->verbose_given = true; ++op->verbose; break; case 'V': op->version_given = true; break; case 'z': op->do_zbc = true; break; default: pr2serr("unrecognised option code %c [0x%x]\n", c, c); if (op->do_help) break; usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } if (optind < argc) { if (NULL == op->device_name) { op->device_name = argv[optind]; ++optind; } if (optind < argc) { for (; optind < argc; ++optind) pr2serr("Unexpected extra argument: %s\n", argv[optind]); usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } return 0; } static int old_parse_cmd_line(struct opts_t * op, int argc, char * argv[]) { bool jmp_out; int k, plen, num; const char * cp; uint64_t uu; for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k) { cp = argv[k]; plen = strlen(cp); if (plen <= 0) continue; if ('-' == *cp) { for (--plen, ++cp, jmp_out = false; plen > 0; --plen, ++cp) { switch (*cp) { case '1': if ('6' == *(cp + 1)) { op->do_long = true; ++cp; --plen; } else jmp_out = true; break; case 'b': op->do_brief = true; break; case 'h': case '?': ++op->do_help; break; case 'H': ++op->do_hex; break; case 'N': op->opt_new = true; return 0; case 'O': break; case 'p': if (0 == strncmp("pmi", cp, 3)) { op->do_pmi = true; cp += 2; plen -= 2; } else jmp_out = true; break; case 'r': op->do_raw = true; break; case 'R': op->o_readonly = true; break; case 'v': op->verbose_given = true; ++op->verbose; break; case 'V': op->version_given = true; break; case 'z': op->do_zbc = true; break; default: jmp_out = true; break; } if (jmp_out) break; } if (plen <= 0) continue; if (0 == strncmp("lba=", cp, 4)) { num = sscanf(cp + 4, "%" SCNx64 "", &uu); if (1 != num) { printf("Bad value after 'lba=' option\n"); usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } /* force READ_CAPACITY16 for large lbas */ if (uu > 0xfffffffeULL) op->do_long = true; op->llba = uu; ++op->do_lba; } else if (0 == strncmp("-old", cp, 4)) ; else if (jmp_out) { pr2serr("Unrecognized option: %s\n", cp); usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } else if (0 == op->device_name) op->device_name = cp; else { pr2serr("too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s\n", op->device_name, cp); usage(); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_line(struct opts_t * op, int argc, char * argv[]) { int res; char * cp; cp = getenv("SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS"); if (cp) { op->opt_new = false; res = old_parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv); if ((0 == res) && op->opt_new) res = new_parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv); } else { op->opt_new = true; res = new_parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv); if ((0 == res) && (! op->opt_new)) res = old_parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv); } return res; } static void dStrRaw(const uint8_t * str, int len) { int k; for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) printf("%c", str[k]); } static const char * rc_basis_str(int rc_basis, char * b, int blen) { switch (rc_basis) { case 0: snprintf(b, blen, "last contiguous that's not seq write required"); break; case 1: snprintf(b, blen, "last LBA on logical unit"); break; default: snprintf(b, blen, "reserved (0x%x)", rc_basis); break; } return b; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { bool rw_0_flag; int res, prot_en, p_type, lbppbe; int sg_fd = -1; int ret = 0; uint32_t last_blk_addr, block_size; uint64_t llast_blk_addr; uint8_t * resp_buff; uint8_t * free_resp_buff; const int resp_buff_sz = RCAP16_REPLY_LEN; char b[80]; struct opts_t opts; struct opts_t * op; op = &opts; memset(op, 0, sizeof(opts)); res = parse_cmd_line(op, argc, argv); if (res) return res; if (op->do_help) { usage_for(op); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG pr2serr("In DEBUG mode, "); if (op->verbose_given && op->version_given) { pr2serr("but override: '-vV' given, zero verbose and continue\n"); op->verbose_given = false; op->version_given = false; op->verbose = 0; } else if (! op->verbose_given) { pr2serr("set '-vv'\n"); op->verbose = 2; } else pr2serr("keep verbose=%d\n", op->verbose); #else if (op->verbose_given && op->version_given) pr2serr("Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action\n"); #endif if (op->version_given) { pr2serr("Version string: %s\n", version_str); return 0; } if (NULL == op->device_name) { pr2serr("No DEVICE argument given\n\n"); usage_for(op); return SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR; } if (op->do_raw) { if (sg_set_binary_mode(STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) { perror("sg_set_binary_mode"); return SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR; } } if (op->do_zbc) { if (! op->do_long) op->do_long = true; } resp_buff = sg_memalign(resp_buff_sz, 0, &free_resp_buff, false); if (NULL == resp_buff) { pr2serr("Unable to allocate %d bytes on heap\n", resp_buff_sz); return sg_convert_errno(ENOMEM); } if ((! op->do_pmi) && (op->llba > 0)) { pr2serr(ME "lba can only be non-zero when '--pmi' is set\n"); usage_for(op); ret = SG_LIB_CONTRADICT; goto fini; } if (op->do_long) rw_0_flag = op->o_readonly; else rw_0_flag = true; /* RCAP(10) has opened RO in past, so leave */ if ((sg_fd = sg_cmds_open_device(op->device_name, rw_0_flag, op->verbose)) < 0) { pr2serr(ME "error opening file: %s: %s\n", op->device_name, safe_strerror(-sg_fd)); ret = sg_convert_errno(-sg_fd); goto fini; } if (! op->do_long) { res = sg_ll_readcap_10(sg_fd, op->do_pmi, (unsigned int)op->llba, resp_buff, RCAP_REPLY_LEN, true, op->verbose); ret = res; if (0 == res) { if (op->do_hex || op->do_raw) { if (op->do_raw) dStrRaw(resp_buff, RCAP_REPLY_LEN); else if (op->do_hex > 2) hex2stdout(resp_buff, RCAP_REPLY_LEN, -1); else hex2stdout(resp_buff, RCAP_REPLY_LEN, 1); goto fini; } last_blk_addr = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 0); if (0xffffffff != last_blk_addr) { block_size = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 4); if (op->do_brief) { printf("0x%" PRIx32 " 0x%" PRIx32 "\n", last_blk_addr + 1, block_size); goto fini; } printf("Read Capacity results:\n"); if (op->do_pmi) printf(" PMI mode: given lba=0x%" PRIx64 ", last lba " "before delay=0x%" PRIx32 "\n", op->llba, last_blk_addr); else printf(" Last LBA=%" PRIu32 " (0x%" PRIx32 "), Number " "of logical blocks=%" PRIu32 "\n", last_blk_addr, last_blk_addr, last_blk_addr + 1); printf(" Logical block length=%u bytes\n", block_size); if (! op->do_pmi) { uint64_t total_sz = last_blk_addr + 1; double sz_mb, sz_gb; total_sz *= block_size; sz_mb = ((double)(last_blk_addr + 1) * block_size) / (double)(1048576); sz_gb = ((double)(last_blk_addr + 1) * block_size) / (double)(1000000000L); printf("Hence:\n"); #ifdef SG_LIB_MINGW printf(" Device size: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %g MiB, %g " "GB", total_sz, sz_mb, sz_gb); #else printf(" Device size: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %.1f MiB, " "%.2f GB", total_sz, sz_mb, sz_gb); #endif if (sz_gb > 2000) { #ifdef SG_LIB_MINGW printf(", %g TB", sz_gb / 1000); #else printf(", %.2f TB", sz_gb / 1000); #endif } printf("\n"); } goto fini; } else { printf("READ CAPACITY (10) indicates device capacity too " "large\n now trying 16 byte cdb variant\n"); op->do_long = true; } } else if (SG_LIB_CAT_INVALID_OP == res) { op->do_long = true; sg_cmds_close_device(sg_fd); if ((sg_fd = sg_cmds_open_device(op->device_name, op->o_readonly, op->verbose)) < 0) { pr2serr(ME "error re-opening file: %s (rw): %s\n", op->device_name, safe_strerror(-sg_fd)); ret = sg_convert_errno(-sg_fd); goto fini; } if (op->verbose) pr2serr("READ CAPACITY (10) not supported, trying READ " "CAPACITY (16)\n"); } else if (res) { sg_get_category_sense_str(res, sizeof(b), b, op->verbose); pr2serr("READ CAPACITY (10) failed: %s\n", b); } } if (op->do_long) { res = sg_ll_readcap_16(sg_fd, op->do_pmi, op->llba, resp_buff, RCAP16_REPLY_LEN, true, op->verbose); ret = res; if (0 == res) { if (op->do_hex || op->do_raw) { if (op->do_raw) dStrRaw(resp_buff, RCAP16_REPLY_LEN); else if (op->do_hex > 2) hex2stdout(resp_buff, RCAP16_REPLY_LEN, -1); else hex2stdout(resp_buff, RCAP16_REPLY_LEN, 1); goto fini; } llast_blk_addr = sg_get_unaligned_be64(resp_buff + 0); block_size = sg_get_unaligned_be32(resp_buff + 8); if (op->do_brief) { printf("0x%" PRIx64 " 0x%" PRIx32 "\n", llast_blk_addr + 1, block_size); goto fini; } prot_en = !!(resp_buff[12] & 0x1); p_type = ((resp_buff[12] >> 1) & 0x7); printf("Read Capacity results:\n"); printf(" Protection: prot_en=%d, p_type=%d, p_i_exponent=%d", prot_en, p_type, ((resp_buff[13] >> 4) & 0xf)); if (prot_en) printf(" [type %d protection]\n", p_type + 1); else printf("\n"); if (op->do_zbc) { int rc_basis = (resp_buff[12] >> 4) & 0x3; printf(" ZBC's rc_basis=%d [%s]\n", rc_basis, rc_basis_str(rc_basis, b, sizeof(b))); } printf(" Logical block provisioning: lbpme=%d, lbprz=%d\n", !!(resp_buff[14] & 0x80), !!(resp_buff[14] & 0x40)); if (op->do_pmi) printf(" PMI mode: given lba=0x%" PRIx64 ", last lba " "before delay=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", op->llba, llast_blk_addr); else printf(" Last LBA=%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 "), Number of " "logical blocks=%" PRIu64 "\n", llast_blk_addr, llast_blk_addr, llast_blk_addr + 1); printf(" Logical block length=%" PRIu32 " bytes\n", block_size); lbppbe = resp_buff[13] & 0xf; printf(" Logical blocks per physical block exponent=%d", lbppbe); if (lbppbe > 0) printf(" [so physical block length=%u bytes]\n", block_size * (1 << lbppbe)); else printf("\n"); printf(" Lowest aligned LBA=%d\n", ((resp_buff[14] & 0x3f) << 8) + resp_buff[15]); if (! op->do_pmi) { uint64_t total_sz = llast_blk_addr + 1; double sz_mb, sz_gb; total_sz *= block_size; sz_mb = ((double)(llast_blk_addr + 1) * block_size) / (double)(1048576); sz_gb = ((double)(llast_blk_addr + 1) * block_size) / (double)(1000000000L); printf("Hence:\n"); #ifdef SG_LIB_MINGW printf(" Device size: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %g MiB, %g GB", total_sz, sz_mb, sz_gb); #else printf(" Device size: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %.1f MiB, %.2f " "GB", total_sz, sz_mb, sz_gb); #endif if (sz_gb > 2000) { #ifdef SG_LIB_MINGW printf(", %g TB", sz_gb / 1000); #else printf(", %.2f TB", sz_gb / 1000); #endif } printf("\n"); } goto fini; } else if (SG_LIB_CAT_ILLEGAL_REQ == res) pr2serr("bad field in READ CAPACITY (16) cdb including " "unsupported service action\n"); else if (res) { sg_get_category_sense_str(res, sizeof(b), b, op->verbose); pr2serr("READ CAPACITY (16) failed: %s\n", b); } } if (op->do_brief) printf("0x0 0x0\n"); fini: if (free_resp_buff) free(free_resp_buff); if (sg_fd >= 0) { res = sg_cmds_close_device(sg_fd); if (res < 0) { pr2serr("close error: %s\n", safe_strerror(-res)); if (0 == ret) ret = sg_convert_errno(-res); } } if (0 == op->verbose) { if (! sg_if_can2stderr("sg_readcap failed: ", ret)) pr2serr("Some error occurred, try again with '-v' " "or '-vv' for more information\n"); } return (ret >= 0) ? ret : SG_LIB_CAT_OTHER; }