#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sg_io_linux.h" /* Test code for D. Gilbert's extensions to the Linux OS SCSI generic ("sg") device driver. * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 D. Gilbert * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. This program send either device, bus or host resets to device, or bus or host associated with the given sg device. */ #define ME "sg_reset: " static char * version_str = "0.54 20051220"; #ifndef SG_SCSI_RESET #define SG_SCSI_RESET 0x2284 #endif #ifndef SG_SCSI_RESET_NOTHING #define SG_SCSI_RESET_NOTHING 0 #define SG_SCSI_RESET_DEVICE 1 #define SG_SCSI_RESET_BUS 2 #define SG_SCSI_RESET_HOST 3 #endif int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int sg_fd, res, k; int do_device_reset = 0; int do_bus_reset = 0; int do_host_reset = 0; char * file_name = 0; for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k) { if (0 == strcmp("-d", argv[k])) do_device_reset = 1; else if (0 == strcmp("-b", argv[k])) do_bus_reset = 1; else if (0 == strcmp("-h", argv[k])) do_host_reset = 1; else if (0 == strcmp("-V", argv[k])) { fprintf(stderr, "Version string: %s\n", version_str); exit(0); } else if (*argv[k] == '-') { printf("Unrecognized switch: %s\n", argv[k]); file_name = 0; break; } else file_name = argv[k]; } if (0 == file_name) { printf( "Usage: 'sg_reset [-b] [-d] [-h] [-V] '\n"); printf(" where: -b attempt a SCSI bus reset\n"); printf(" -d attempt a SCSI device reset\n"); printf(" -h attempt a host adapter reset\n"); printf(" -V print version string then exit"); printf(" {if no switch given then check if reset underway}\n"); printf("To reset use '-d' first, then '-b' then '-h'\n"); return 1; } sg_fd = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (sg_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, ME "open error: %s: ", file_name); perror(""); return 1; } k = SG_SCSI_RESET_NOTHING; if (do_device_reset) { printf(ME "starting device reset\n"); k = SG_SCSI_RESET_DEVICE; } else if (do_bus_reset) { printf(ME "starting bus reset\n"); k = SG_SCSI_RESET_BUS; } else if (do_host_reset) { printf(ME "starting host reset\n"); k = SG_SCSI_RESET_HOST; } res = ioctl(sg_fd, SG_SCSI_RESET, &k); if (res < 0) { if (EBUSY == errno) printf(ME "BUSY, may be resetting now\n"); else if (EIO == errno) printf(ME "requested type of reset may not be available\n"); else if (EACCES == errno) printf(ME "reset requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN (root) " "permission\n"); else if (EINVAL == errno) printf(ME "SG_SCSI_RESET not supported\n"); else if (EIO == errno) printf(ME "scsi_reset_provider() call failed\n"); else perror(ME "SG_SCSI_RESET failed"); return 1; } if (SG_SCSI_RESET_NOTHING == k) printf(ME "did nothing, device is normal mode\n"); else if (SG_SCSI_RESET_DEVICE == k) printf(ME "completed device reset\n"); else if (SG_SCSI_RESET_BUS == k) printf(ME "completed bus reset\n"); else if (SG_SCSI_RESET_HOST == k) printf(ME "completed host reset\n"); if (close(sg_fd) < 0) { perror(ME "close error"); return 1; } return 0; }