Hex data for various sg3_utils utilities ======================================== The files in this folder contain hexadecimal data (in ASCII) and associated comments (prefixed with the hash mark symbol ('#')). The utility that each hex file is associated with can be determined by prepending "sg_" to these filenames then going to the 'src' folder (a sibling folder to this one) and look for a match or partial match on the name. For example: vpd_dev_id.hex after prepending 'sg_' becomes: sg_vpd_dev_id.hex which is a partial match on the sg_vpd utility. The remaining 'dev_id.hex' is meant to suggest the 'device identifier' VPD page which is a mandatory VPD page. Assuming sg3_utils is installed, it can be tested like this: sg_vpd --inhex=/inhex/vpd_dev_id.hex And should output this: Device Identification VPD page: Addressed logical unit: designator type: NAA, code set: Binary 0x5000c5003011cb2b Target port: designator type: NAA, code set: Binary transport: Serial Attached SCSI Protocol (SPL-4) 0x5000c5003011cb29 designator type: Relative target port, code set: Binary transport: Serial Attached SCSI Protocol (SPL-4) Relative target port: 0x1 Target device that contains addressed lu: designator type: NAA, code set: Binary transport: Serial Attached SCSI Protocol (SPL-4) 0x5000c5003011cb28 designator type: SCSI name string, code set: UTF-8 SCSI name string: naa.5000C5003011CB28 Users are encouraged to send the author any ASCII hex files for utilities that support --inhex and don't have hex data already. Special cases are also welcome. They help the author test this code. Douglas Gilbert 28th August 2019