make make install Unless overridden or edited in the Makefile, INSTDIR places the executables in the /usr/local/bin directory, LIBDIR places libraries in the /usr/local/lib directory, MANDIR places the man pages in the /usr/local/man directory and INCLUDEDIR places header files in the /usr/local/include/scsi directory. Other Makefile targets that might be useful: make clean # remove .o, executables, core and .depend file make depend # generate dependency hierarchy in .depend file make dep # same as 'make depend' make sg_inq # build a specific executable (e.g. 'sg_inq') make uninstall # removes executables, libraries and build remnants Note that the main Makefile does _not_ call the Makefiles in the subdirectories (i.e. archive, examples and utils directories). By default, this package now builds a shared library called and the corresponding static library: libsgutils.a . The 'make' will build those libraries and executables and put them in the ".libs" subdirectory (as GNU's libtool requires/enforces). The 'make' puts scripts in the main directory with the same names as the utilities (e.g. sg_dd, sg_inq etc) which set up an appropriate environment and call the "real" executable "hiding" in the ".libs" subdirectory. The "make install" will install the libraries in the /usr/local/lib directory. If an executable cannot find the libsgutils shared library (check with 'ldd sg_inq' for example) then the addition of "/usr/local/lib" to the /etc/ file may be required in some distributions. A "spec" file is included for building rpm packages. To build binary and source rpms place a copy of the gzipped tarball in the "SOURCES" directory and place a copy of sg3_utils.spec in the "SPEC" directory. This directories are found under /usr/src/redhat on redhat distributions. Then from the "SPEC" directory execute "rpmbuild -ba sg3_utils.spec". If all goes well a source rpm should be found in the SRPMS directory and a binary rpm in the RPMS/i386 directory (for i386 architecture). Note the spec file will only build those utilities in the main directory. When the binary rpm is installed the executables and their associated man pages should be placed in appropriate places. The sg3_utils.spec file also builds an sg3-utils-devel rpm that contains the libsgutils static library and the sg_lib.h and sg_cmds.h header files. Binary rpms (at least in the RedHat distribution) tend to install executables in /usr/bin and libraries in /usr/lib . If the shared library is troublesome or unwanted then "no_lib" versions of the Makefile and the sg3_utils.spec file can be found in the "lib_no_lib" subdirectory. 21st October 2004