Contributing ============ 1. **Please sign one of the contributor license agreements [below][6].** 1. [File an issue][9] to notify the maintainers about what you're working on. 1. [Fork the repo][10], develop and [test][11] your code changes, add docs. 1. Make sure that your commit messages clearly describe the changes. 1. [Send][12] a pull request. Here are some guidelines for hacking on `oauth2client`. Before writing code, file an issue ---------------------------------- Use the [issue tracker][7] to start the discussion. It is possible that someone else is already working on your idea, your approach is not quite right, or that the functionality exists already. The ticket you file in the issue tracker will be used to hash that all out. Fork `oauth2client` ------------------- We will use GitHub's mechanism for [forking][8] repositories and making pull requests. Fork the repository, and make your changes in the forked repository. Include tests ------------- Be sure to add the relevant tests before making the pull request. Docs will be updated automatically when we merge to `master`, but you should also build the docs yourself via `tox -e docs` and make sure they're readable. Make the pull request --------------------- Once you have made all your changes, tests, and updated the documentation, make a pull request to move everything back into the main `oauth2client` repository. Be sure to reference the original issue in the pull request. Expect some back-and-forth with regards to style and compliance of these rules. Using a Development Checkout ---------------------------- You’ll have to create a development environment to hack on `oauth2client`, using a Git checkout: - While logged into your GitHub account, navigate to the `oauth2client` [repo][1] on GitHub. - Fork and clone the `oauth2client` repository to your GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button. - Clone your fork of `oauth2client` from your GitHub account to your local computer, substituting your account username and specifying the destination as `hack-on-oauth2client`. For example: ```bash $ cd ${HOME} $ git clone hack-on-oauth2client $ cd hack-on-oauth2client $ # Configure remotes such that you can pull changes from the oauth2client $ # repository into your local repository. $ git remote add upstream $ # fetch and merge changes from upstream into master $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master ``` Now your local repo is set up such that you will push changes to your GitHub repo, from which you can submit a pull request. - Create a virtualenv in which to install `oauth2client`: ```bash $ cd ~/hack-on-oauth2client $ virtualenv -ppython2.7 env ``` Note that very old versions of virtualenv (virtualenv versions below, say, 1.10 or thereabouts) require you to pass a `--no-site-packages` flag to get a completely isolated environment. You can choose which Python version you want to use by passing a `-p` flag to `virtualenv`. For example, `virtualenv -ppython2.7` chooses the Python 2.7 interpreter to be installed. From here on in within these instructions, the `~/hack-on-oauth2client/env` virtual environment you created above will be referred to as `$VENV`. To use the instructions in the steps that follow literally, use the `export VENV=~/hack-on-oauth2client/env` command. - Install `oauth2client` from the checkout into the virtualenv using ` develop`. Running ` develop` **must** be done while the current working directory is the `oauth2client` checkout directory: ```bash $ cd ~/hack-on-oauth2client $ $VENV/bin/python develop ``` Running Tests -------------- - To run all tests for `oauth2client` on a single Python version, run `nosetests` from your development virtualenv (See **Using a Development Checkout** above). - To run the full set of `oauth2client` tests on all platforms, install [`tox`][2] into a system Python. The `tox` console script will be installed into the scripts location for that Python. While in the `oauth2client` checkout root directory (it contains `tox.ini`), invoke the `tox` console script. This will read the `tox.ini` file and execute the tests on multiple Python versions and platforms; while it runs, it creates a virtualenv for each version/platform combination. For example: ```bash $ sudo pip install tox $ cd ~/hack-on-oauth2client $ tox ``` - In order to run the `pypy` environment (in `tox`) you'll need at least version 2.6 of `pypy` installed. See the [docs][13] for more information. - **Note** that `django` related tests are turned off for Python 2.6 and 3.3. This is because `django` dropped support for [2.6 in `django==1.7`][14] and for [3.3 in `django==1.9`][15]. Running System Tests -------------------- - To run system tests you can execute: ```bash $ tox -e system-tests $ tox -e system-tests3 ``` This alone will not run the tests. You'll need to change some local auth settings and download some service account configuration files from your project to run all the tests. - System tests will be run against an actual project and so you'll need to provide some environment variables to facilitate this. - `OAUTH2CLIENT_TEST_JSON_KEY_PATH`: The path to a service account JSON key file; see `tests/data/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json` as an example. Such a file can be downloaded directly from the developer's console by clicking "Generate new JSON key". See private key [docs][3] for more details. - `OAUTH2CLIENT_TEST_P12_KEY_PATH`: The path to a service account P12/PKCS12 key file. You can download this in the same way as a JSON key, just select "P12 Key" as your "Key type" when downloading. - `OAUTH2CLIENT_TEST_P12_KEY_EMAIL`: The service account email corresponding to the P12/PKCS12 key file. - `OAUTH2CLIENT_TEST_USER_KEY_PATH`: The path to a JSON key file for a user. If this is not set, the file created by running `gcloud auth login` will be used. See `tests/data/gcloud/application_default_credentials_authorized_user.json` for an example. - `OAUTH2CLIENT_TEST_USER_KEY_EMAIL`: The user account email corresponding to the user JSON key file. - Examples of these can be found in `scripts/local_test_setup.sample`. We recommend copying this to `scripts/local_test_setup`, editing the values and sourcing them into your environment: ```bash $ source scripts/local_test_setup ``` Contributor License Agreements ------------------------------ Before we can accept your pull requests you'll need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA): - **If you are an individual writing original source code** and **you own the intellectual property**, then you'll need to sign an [individual CLA][4]. - **If you work for a company that wants to allow you to contribute your work**, then you'll need to sign a [corporate CLA][5]. You can sign these electronically (just scroll to the bottom). After that, we'll be able to accept your pull requests. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: #contributor-license-agreements [7]: [8]: [9]: #before-writing-code-file-an-issue [10]: #fork-oauth2client [11]: #include-tests [12]: #make-the-pull-request [13]: [14]: [15]: