# CMakeLists for libyuv # Originally created for "roxlu build system" to compile libyuv on windows # Run with -DTEST=ON to build unit tests PROJECT ( YUV C CXX ) # "C" is required even for C++ projects CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED( VERSION 2.8.12 ) OPTION( UNIT_TEST "Built unit tests" OFF ) SET ( ly_base_dir ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ) SET ( ly_src_dir ${ly_base_dir}/source ) SET ( ly_inc_dir ${ly_base_dir}/include ) SET ( ly_tst_dir ${ly_base_dir}/unit_test ) SET ( ly_lib_name yuv ) SET ( ly_lib_static ${ly_lib_name} ) SET ( ly_lib_shared ${ly_lib_name}_shared ) FILE ( GLOB_RECURSE ly_source_files ${ly_src_dir}/*.cc ) LIST ( SORT ly_source_files ) FILE ( GLOB_RECURSE ly_unittest_sources ${ly_tst_dir}/*.cc ) LIST ( SORT ly_unittest_sources ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( BEFORE ${ly_inc_dir} ) if(MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS ( -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS ) endif() # this creates the static library (.a) ADD_LIBRARY ( ${ly_lib_static} STATIC ${ly_source_files} ) target_compile_options(${ly_lib_static} PRIVATE -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-function -Wunused-variable -Wuninitialized) # this creates the shared library (.so) ADD_LIBRARY ( ${ly_lib_shared} SHARED ${ly_source_files} ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES ( ${ly_lib_shared} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "${ly_lib_name}" ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES ( ${ly_lib_shared} PROPERTIES PREFIX "lib" ) if(WIN32) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES ( ${ly_lib_shared} PROPERTIES IMPORT_PREFIX "lib" ) endif() # this creates the conversion tool ADD_EXECUTABLE ( yuvconvert ${ly_base_dir}/util/yuvconvert.cc ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( yuvconvert ${ly_lib_static} ) # this creates the yuvconstants tool ADD_EXECUTABLE ( yuvconstants ${ly_base_dir}/util/yuvconstants.c ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( yuvconstants ${ly_lib_static} ) find_package ( JPEG ) if (JPEG_FOUND) include_directories( ${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR} ) target_link_libraries( ${ly_lib_shared} ${JPEG_LIBRARY} ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_JPEG ) endif() if(UNIT_TEST) find_library(GTEST_LIBRARY gtest) if(GTEST_LIBRARY STREQUAL "GTEST_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND") set(GTEST_SRC_DIR /usr/src/gtest CACHE STRING "Location of gtest sources") if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(GTEST_SRC_DIR third_party/googletest/src/googletest) endif() if(EXISTS ${GTEST_SRC_DIR}/src/gtest-all.cc) message(STATUS "building gtest from sources in ${GTEST_SRC_DIR}") set(gtest_sources ${GTEST_SRC_DIR}/src/gtest-all.cc) add_library(gtest STATIC ${gtest_sources}) include_directories(${GTEST_SRC_DIR}) include_directories(${GTEST_SRC_DIR}/include) set(GTEST_LIBRARY gtest) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "UNIT_TEST is set but unable to find gtest library") endif() endif() add_executable(libyuv_unittest ${ly_unittest_sources}) target_link_libraries(libyuv_unittest ${ly_lib_name} ${GTEST_LIBRARY}) find_library(PTHREAD_LIBRARY pthread) if(NOT PTHREAD_LIBRARY STREQUAL "PTHREAD_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND") target_link_libraries(libyuv_unittest pthread) endif() if (JPEG_FOUND) target_link_libraries(libyuv_unittest ${JPEG_LIBRARY}) endif() if(NACL AND NACL_LIBC STREQUAL "newlib") target_link_libraries(libyuv_unittest glibc-compat) endif() find_library(GFLAGS_LIBRARY gflags) if(NOT GFLAGS_LIBRARY STREQUAL "GFLAGS_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND") target_link_libraries(libyuv_unittest gflags) add_definitions(-DLIBYUV_USE_GFLAGS) endif() endif() # install the conversion tool, .so, .a, and all the header files INSTALL ( PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/yuvconvert DESTINATION bin ) INSTALL ( TARGETS ${ly_lib_static} DESTINATION lib ) INSTALL ( TARGETS ${ly_lib_shared} LIBRARY DESTINATION lib RUNTIME DESTINATION bin ) INSTALL ( DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ DESTINATION include ) # create the .deb and .rpm packages using cpack INCLUDE ( CM_linux_packages.cmake )