diff options
3 files changed, 38 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 77cabac5c..4a64e3005 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ subprojects {
ext {
def exeSuffix = osdetector.os == 'windows' ? ".exe" : ""
protocPluginBaseName = 'protoc-gen-grpc-java'
- javaPluginPath = "$rootDir/compiler/build/binaries/java_pluginExecutable/$protocPluginBaseName$exeSuffix"
+ javaPluginPath = "$rootDir/compiler/build/exe/java_plugin/$protocPluginBaseName$exeSuffix"
protobufVersion = '3.0.0-beta-1'
protobufNanoVersion = '3.0.0-alpha-4'
diff --git a/compiler/build.gradle b/compiler/build.gradle
index 462529255..fa77d346a 100644
--- a/compiler/build.gradle
+++ b/compiler/build.gradle
@@ -71,6 +71,41 @@ model {
baseName "$protocPluginBaseName"
+ binaries {
+ all {
+ if (toolChain in Gcc || toolChain in Clang) {
+ cppCompiler.args "--std=c++0x"
+ addEnvArgs("CXXFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
+ addEnvArgs("CPPFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
+ if (osdetector.os == "osx") {
+ cppCompiler.args "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7", "-stdlib=libc++"
+ addLibraryIfNotLinked('protoc', linker.args)
+ addLibraryIfNotLinked('protobuf', linker.args)
+ } else if (osdetector.os == "windows") {
+ linker.args "-static", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++",
+ "-s"
+ } else {
+ // Link protoc, protobuf, libgcc and libstdc++ statically.
+ // Link other (system) libraries dynamically.
+ // Clang under OSX doesn't support these options.
+ linker.args "-Wl,-Bstatic", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc",
+ "-static-libstdc++",
+ "-Wl,-Bdynamic", "-lpthread", "-s"
+ }
+ addEnvArgs("LDFLAGS", linker.args)
+ } else if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
+ cppCompiler.args "/EHsc", "/MT"
+ if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufInclude')) {
+ cppCompiler.args "/I${rootProject.vcProtobufInclude}"
+ }
+ linker.args "libprotobuf.lib", "libprotoc.lib"
+ if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufLibs')) {
+ linker.args "/LIBPATH:${rootProject.vcProtobufLibs}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
configurations {
@@ -133,37 +168,6 @@ checkstyleTestNano {
println "*** Building codegen requires Protobuf version ${protobufVersion}"
println "*** Please refer to https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/master/COMPILING.md#how-to-build-code-generation-plugin"
-binaries.all {
- if (toolChain in Gcc || toolChain in Clang) {
- cppCompiler.args "--std=c++0x"
- addEnvArgs("CXXFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
- addEnvArgs("CPPFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
- if (osdetector.os == "osx") {
- cppCompiler.args "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7", "-stdlib=libc++"
- addLibraryIfNotLinked('protoc', linker.args)
- addLibraryIfNotLinked('protobuf', linker.args)
- } else if (osdetector.os == "windows") {
- linker.args "-static", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++", "-s"
- } else {
- // Link protoc, protobuf, libgcc and libstdc++ statically.
- // Link other (system) libraries dynamically.
- // Clang under OSX doesn't support these options.
- linker.args "-Wl,-Bstatic", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++",
- "-Wl,-Bdynamic", "-lpthread", "-s"
- }
- addEnvArgs("LDFLAGS", linker.args)
- } else if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
- cppCompiler.args "/EHsc", "/MT"
- if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufInclude')) {
- cppCompiler.args "/I${rootProject.vcProtobufInclude}"
- }
- linker.args "libprotobuf.lib", "libprotoc.lib"
- if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufLibs')) {
- linker.args "/LIBPATH:${rootProject.vcProtobufLibs}"
- }
- }
task buildArtifacts(type: Copy) {
dependsOn 'java_pluginExecutable'
from("$buildDir/binaries") {
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
index 5aecc6c17..a63c629dc 100644
--- a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
+++ b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#Fri Oct 23 10:41:33 PDT 2015
+#Tue Jan 26 12:09:52 PST 2016