# Welcome to Android #
## News ## ### Source Code Available for Android 4.1 ### The source code for the Android 4.1 platform and software stack has been released! This release allows OEMs to begin preparing Android 4.1 for installation on new and existing devices, and allows hobbyists, enthusiasts, and researchers to develop custom builds. For information on how to obtain the software, visit our [Getting the Source](source/downloading.html) page. ### Compatibility Definition for Android 4.0 ### The Compatibility Definition Document for Android 4.0 has been published. Android 4.0 allows device manufacturers to use the Android source code to ship a significantly wider variety of devices including phones and tablets. For more information, visit the [Compatibility](compatibility/index.html) page.
Android Mascot
Here you can find the information and source code you need to build an Android-compatible device. Android is an open-source software stack for mobile devices, and a corresponding open-source project led by Google. We created Android in response to our own experiences launching mobile apps. We wanted to make sure that there was no central point of failure, so that no industry player can restrict or control the innovations of any other. That's why we created Android, and made its source code open. [Learn more ยป](about/index.html)


If you're interested in contributing to the Android source code or helping out with the open-source project, our Source pages have the information you need.

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If you're an organization building an Android device, you'll want to check out our Compatibility pages to find out how to take advantage of the benefits of compatibility.

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