Before you download and build the Android source, ensure your system meets the following requirements. Then see Establishing a Build Environment for installation instructions by operating system.

Hardware requirements

Your development workstation should meet or exceed these hardware requirements:

Software requirements

The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) master branch is traditionally developed and tested on Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) releases, but other distributions may be used. See the list below for recommended versions.

You workstation must have the software listed below. See Establishing a Build Environment for additional required packages and the commands to install them.

OS and JDK

If you are developing against the AOSP master branch, use one of these operating systems: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) or Mac OS v10.10 (Yosemite) or later with Xcode 4.5.2 and Command Line Tools.

For the Java Development Kit (JDK), note the master branch of Android in AOSP comes with a prebuilt version of OpenJDK; so no additional installation is required. Older versions require a separate install.

See Packages for older versions.

Key packages

Device binaries

Download previews, factory images, drivers, over-the-air (OTA) updates, and other blobs below. See Obtaining proprietary binaries for additional details.

Build toolchain

Android 8.0 and later support only Clang/LLVM for building the Android platform. Join the android-llvm group to pose questions and get help. Report NDK/compiler issues at the NDK GitHub.

For the Native Development Kit (NDK) and legacy kernels, GCC 4.9 included in the AOSP master branch (under prebuilts/) may also be used.

Packages for older versions

The sections below provide relevant operating systems and JDK packages for older versions of Android.

Operating system

Android is typically built with a GNU/Linux or Mac OS operating system. It is also possible to build Android in a virtual machine on unsupported systems such as Windows.

Mac OS (Intel/x86)


See Installing the JDK for the prebuilt path and installation instructions for older versions.


Android 4.0.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) and earlier will need to revert from make 3.82 to avoid build errors
