In Android 7.0 and later, users can have multiple apps simultaneously displayed on their device screen with the platform feature multi-window. The default mode is split-screen, which provides two activity panes for users to place apps.

Android 8.0 improves split-screen by refining the feature and adding more functionality to it. In the default implementation, if a user taps Home after entering split-screen, the top pane compresses and the launcher resizes. This shows users that the top app is still open while maintaining their launcher layout so they can find and launch apps from their home screen.

Examples and source

There is a reference implementation of this new functionality in the Launcher3 code in /platform/packages/apps/Launcher3/

These Change IDs are related to implementing split-screen in Launcher3, and can act as a reference for device manufacturers who want to make similar updates to their launchers.

Example UX

Here are example screens that show the user experience for the default implementation of this feature.

Example screens for launcher resizing behavior

Figure 1. Example screens for launcher resizing in split-screen mode.


While Android 8.0 provides a reference implementation for this update to split-screen, it's up to device manufacturers to determine their implementations in their launchers. To support this feature:


Use manual testing to ensure your implementation is working correctly.

  1. Enter split-screen.
  2. Press Home.
  3. Observe resizable launcher.

Ensure that the launcher resizes correctly in all device orientations that it supports.