Android supports multiple users on a single Android device by separating user accounts and application data. For instance, parents may allow their children to use the family tablet, or a critical response team might share a mobile device for on-call duty.


Android uses the following terms when describing Android users and accounts.


Android device administration uses the following general terms.

User types

Android device administration uses the following user types.

Profile types

Android device administration uses the following profile types.

Enabling multi-user

As of Android 5.0, the multi-user feature is disabled by default. To enable it, device manufacturers must define a resource overlay that replaces the following values in frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:

<!--  Maximum number of supported users -->
<integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">1</integer>
<!--  Whether Multiuser UI should be shown -->
<bool name="config_enableMultiUserUI">false</bool>

To apply this overlay and enable guest and secondary users on the device, use the DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS feature of the Android build system to:

Device manufacturers may decide upon the maximum number of users. If device manufacturers or others have modified settings, they must ensure SMS and telephony work as defined in the Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD).

Managing multiple users

Management of users and profiles (with the exception of restricted profiles) is performed by applications that programmatically invoke API in the DevicePolicyManager class to restrict use.

Schools and enterprises may employ users and profiles to manage the lifetime and scope of apps and data on devices, using the types outlined above in conjunction with the UserManager API to build unique solutions tailored to their use cases.

Multi-user system behavior

When users are added to a device, some functionality is curtailed when another user is in the foreground. Since app data is separated by user, the state of those apps differs by user. For example, email destined for an account of a user not currently in focus won’t be available until that user and account are active on the device.

By default, only the primary user has full access to phone calls and texts. The secondary user may receive inbound calls but cannot send or receive texts. The primary user must enable these functions for others.

Note: To enable or disable the phone and SMS functions for a secondary user, go to Settings > Users, select the user, and switch the Allow phone calls and SMS setting to off.

Some restrictions exist when a secondary user is in background. For instance, the background secondary user cannot display the user interface or make Bluetooth services active. In addition, the system process will halt background secondary users if the device needs additional memory for operations in the foreground user.

When employing multiple users on an Android device, keep the following behavior in mind:

Android 7.0 includes several enhancements, including:

For more details on Android 7.0 device administration features, refer to Android for Work.