Some test groups may need or support special command line options, or require special care when used on certain systems.

Memory allocation stress tests

Memory allocation stress tests exercise out-of-memory conditions by repeatedly allocating certain resources until the driver reports an out-of-memory error.

On certain platforms, such as Android and most Linux variants, the following can occur: The operating system may kill the test process instead of allowing a driver to handle or otherwise provide an out-of-memory error. On such platforms, tests that are designed to cause out-of-memory errors are disabled by default, and must be enabled using the --deqp-test-oom=enable command line argument. It is recommended that you run such tests manually to check if the system behaves correctly under resource pressure. However, in such a situation, a test process crash should be interpreted as a pass.

Test groups


Long-running rendering stress tests

Rendering stress tests are designed to reveal robustness issues under sustained rendering load. By default the tests will execute only a few iterations, but they can be configured to run indefinitely by supplying the --deqp-test-iteration-count=-1 command line argument. The test watchdog should be disabled (--deqp-watchdog=disable) when running these tests for a long period of time.

Test groups
