Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml {% include "_versions.html" %} # Motion Tracking In Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }}, camera devices can advertise [motion tracking capability]({: .external}. Cameras that support this feature do not produce motion tracking data itself, but instead are used by ARCore or an image-stabilization algorithm along with other sensors for scene analysis. To support this feature, devices must support [`CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_MOTION_TRACKING`]({: .external}. If this intent is part of the capture request, the camera must limit the exposure time to a maximum of 20 milliseconds to reduce motion blur. ## Examples and source A reference motion tracking implementation on the HAL side is available as part of the [Camera HAL]({: .external}. ## Implementation To enable motion tracking on a camera device, make sure: + The [`ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_MOTION_TRACKING`]({: .external} capability is enabled. + The [`ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_MOTION_TRACKING`]({: .external} intent is supported and when included in a capture request limits the camera exposure time to a maximum of 20 milliseconds. + Lens calibration data from the following list is accurately reported in the static information and dynamic metadata fields: + [`ANDROID_LENS_POSE_ROTATION`]({: .external} + [`ANDROID_LENS_POSE_TRANSLATION`]({: .external} + [`ANDROID_LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION`]({: .external} + [`ANDROID_LENS_RADIAL_DISTORTION`]({: .external} + [`ANDROID_LENS_POSE_REFERENCE`]({: .external} ## Validation Camera devices supporting the motion tracking feature must pass the [camera CTS tests](/compatibility/cts/camera-hal#cts_tests).