Hearing aid devices (HA) can have improved accessibility on Android-powered mobile devices by using connection-oriented L2CAP channels (CoC) over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). CoC uses an elastic buffer of several audio packets to maintain a steady flow of audio, even in the presence of packet loss. This buffer provides audio quality for hearing aid devices at the expense of latency.

The design of CoC references the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5 (BT). To stay aligned with the core specifications, all multi-byte values on this page should be read as little-endian.


Network topology and system architecture

When using CoC for hearing aids, the network topology assumes a single central and two peripherals, one left and one right, as seen in Figure 1. The Bluetooth audio system views the left and right peripherals as a single audio sink. If a peripheral is missing, due to a monaural fit or a loss of connection, then the central mixes the left and right audio channel and transmits the audio to the remaining peripheral. If the central loses connection to both peripherals, then the central considers the link to the audio sink lost. In those cases, the central routes audio to another output.

Figure 1. Topology for pairing hearing aids with Android mobile devices using CoC over BLE

When the central is not streaming audio data to the peripheral and can maintain a BLE connection, the central should not disconnect from the peripheral. Maintaining the connection allows the data communication to the GATT server residing on the peripheral.

When pairing and connecting hearing devices, the central should:

In the cases above, pairing refers to the action of registering a set of hearing aids with a given UUID and left/right designators in the OS, not the Bluetooth pairing process.

System requirements

To properly implement CoC for a good user experience, the Bluetooth systems in the central and peripheral devices should:

The peripheral and central may implement 2 Mbit PHY as specified in BT 5. The central should support audio links up to 64 kbit/s on both 1 Mbit and 2 Mbit PHY but can choose to limit support for links requiring more than 64 kbit/s to the 2 Mbit PHY in order to improve coexistence with other 2.4 GHz devices. The BLE long range PHY should not be used.

CoC uses the standard Bluetooth mechanisms for link layer encryption and frequency hopping.

ASHA GATT services

A peripheral should implement the Audio Streaming for Hearing Aid (ASHA) GATT server service described below. The peripheral should advertise this service when in general discoverable mode to let the central recognize an audio sink. Any LE audio streaming operations shall require encryption. The BLE audio streaming consists of the following characteristics:

Characteristic Properties Description
ReadOnlyProperties Read See ReadOnlyProperties.
AudioControlPoint Write without Response Control point for audio stream. See AudioControlPoint.
AudioStatusPoint Read/Notify Status report field for the audio control point. Opcodes are:
  • 0 - Status OK
  • -1 - Unknown command
  • -2 - Illegal parameters
Volume Write without Response Byte between -128 and 0 indicating volume in dB. -128 should be interpreted as mute. 0 dB with a rail-to-rail sine tone streamed should represent a 100 dBSPL input equivalent on the hearing instrument. The central should stream in nominal full scale and use this variable to set the desired presentation level in the peripheral.
LE_PSM Read PSM to use for connecting the audio channel. To be picked from the dynamic range [BT Vol 3, Part A, Sec 4.22]

The UUIDs assigned to the service and characteristics:

Service UUID: {0xFDF0}

Characteristic UUID
ReadOnlyProperties {6333651e-c481-4a3e-9169-7c902aad37bb}
AudioControlPoint {f0d4de7e-4a88-476c-9d9f-1937b0996cc0}
AudioStatus {38663f1a-e711-4cac-b641-326b56404837}
Volume {00e4ca9e-ab14-41e4-8823-f9e70c7e91df}
LE_PSM {2d410339-82b6-42aa-b34e-e2e01df8cc1a}

In addition to the ASHA GATT service, the peripheral should also implement the Device Information Service to let the central detect the manufacturer names and device names of the peripheral.


ReadOnlyProperties have the following values:

Byte Description
0 Version - must be 0x01
1 See DeviceCapabilities.
2-9 See HiSyncId.
10 See FeatureMap.
11-12 RenderDelay. This is the time, in milliseconds, from when the peripheral receives an audio frame until the peripheral renders the output. These bytes can be used to delay a video to synchronize with the audio.
13-14 PreparationDelay. This is the time, in milliseconds, the peripheral needs in order to render audio after the start command has been issued,such as for loading codecs. The PreparationDelay can be used by the central to delay audio playback of short messages.
15-16 Supported Codec IDs. This is a bitmask of supported codec IDs. A 1 in a bit location corresponds to a supported codec. All other bits should be set to 0.


Bit Description
0 Device side (Left: 0, Right: 1).
1 Monaural (0) / Binaural (1). Indicates whether the device is stand-alone and receives mono data, or if the device is part of a set.
2-7 Reserved (set to 0).


Byte Description
0-1 ID of the manufacturer.
2-7 Unique ID identifying the hearing aid set. This ID must be set to the same on both the left and the right peripheral.


Bit Description
0 LE CoC audio streaming supported (Yes/No).
1-7 Reserved (set to 0).

Codec IDs

If the bit is set, then that particular codec is support.

Bit number Codec and sample rate Required bitrate Frame time Mandatory on central (C) or peripheral (P)
0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
1 G.722 @ 16 kHz 64 kbit/s Variable C and P
2 G.722 @ 24 kHz 96 kbit/s Variable C
3-15 are reserved.
0 is also reserved.


This control point cannot be used when the LE CoC is closed. See Starting and stopping an audio stream for the procedure description.

Opcode Arguments Description
1 «Start»
  • uint8_t codec
  • uint8_t audiotype
  • int8_t volume
Instructs the peripheral to reset the codec and start the playback of frame 0. The codec field indicates the bit number of the Codec ID to use for this playback.

The audio type bit field indicates the audio type(s) present in the stream:
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - Ringtone
  • 2 - Phonecall
  • 3 - Media
The peripheral should not request connection updates before a «Stop» opcode has been received.
2 «Stop» None Instructs the peripheral to stop rendering audio. A new audio setup sequence should be initiated following this stop in order to render audio again. The peripheral may request a connection update following this command.

Advertisements for ASHA GATT Service

The service UUID must be in the advertisement packet. In either the advertisement or the scan response frame, the peripherals must have a Service Data:

Byte offset Name Description
0 AD Length >= 0x09
1 AD Type 0x16 (Service Data - 16-bits UUID)
2-3 Service UUID 0xFDF0 (little-endian)

Note: This is a temporary ID.
4 Protocol Version 0x01
5 Capability
  • 0 - left (0) or right (1) side
  • 1 - single (0) or dual (1) devices.
  • 2-7 - reserved. These bits must be zero.
6-9 Truncated HiSyncID Four least significant bytes of the HiSyncId.

The peripherals must have a Complete Local Name data type that indicates the name of the hearing aid. This name will be used on the mobile device's user interface so the user can select the right device. The name should not indicate the left or right channel since this information is provided in DeviceCapabilities.

If the peripherals put the name and ASHA service data types in the same frame type (ADV or SCAN RESP), then the two data types should appear in the same frame. This lets the mobile device scanner get both data in the same scan result.

During the initial pairing, it is important that the peripherals advertise at a rate fast enough to let the mobile device quickly discover the peripherals and bond to them.

Synchronizing left and right peripheral devices

To work with Bluetooth on Android mobile devices, peripheral devices are responsible for ensuring that they are synchronized. The playback on the left and right peripheral devices needs to be synchronized in time. Both peripheral devices must play back audio samples from the source at the same time.

Peripheral devices can synchronize their time by using a sequence number prepended to each packet of the audio payload. The central will guarantee that audio packets that are meant to be played at the same time on each peripheral have the same sequence number. The sequence number is incremented by one after each audio packet. Each sequence number is 8-bit long, so the sequence numbers will repeat after 256 audio packets. Since each audio packet size and sample rate is fixed for each connection, the two peripherals can deduce the relative playing time. For more information about the audio packet, see Audio packet format and timing.

Audio packet format and timing

Packing audio frames (blocks of samples) into packets lets the hearing instrument derive timing from the link layer timing anchors. To simplify the implementation:

To give the central some flexibility, the G.722 packet length is not specified. The G.722 packet length can change based on the connection interval that the central sets.

For all the codecs that a peripheral supports, the peripheral should support the connection parameters below. This is a non-exhaustive list of configurations that the central can implement.

Codec Bitrate Connection interval CE Length (1/2 Mbit) Audio payload size
G.722 @ 16 kHz 64 kbit/s 10 ms 2500 / 2500 us 80 bytes
G.722 @ 16 kHz 64 kbit/s 20 ms 5000/3750 us 160 bytes
G.722 @ 24 kHz 96 kbit/s 10 ms 3750 / 2500 us 120 bytes
G.722 @ 24 kHz 96 kbit/s 20 ms 5000 / 3750 us 240 bytes

Starting and stopping an audio stream

Before starting an audio stream, the central queries the peripherals and establishes the best quality common denominator codec. The stream setup then proceeds through sequence:

  1. PSM, and optionally, PreparationDelay is read.
  2. CoC L2CAP channel is opened – the peripheral should grant 8 credits initially.
  3. A connection update is issued to switch the link to the parameters required for the chosen codec.
  4. Both the central and the peripheral host wait for the update complete event.
  5. Restart the audio encoder, and reset the packet sequence count to 0. A «Start» command with the relevant parameters is issued on the AudioControlPoint. During audio streaming, the replica should be available at every connection event even though the current replica latency may be non-zero.
  6. The peripheral takes the first audio packet from its internal queue (sequence number 0) and plays it.

The central issues the «Stop» command to close the audio stream. Once the audio stream is closed, the peripheral may ask for more relaxed connection parameters. Go through the sequence above again to restart the audio streaming. When the central is not streaming audio, it should still maintain a LE connection for GATT services.

The peripheral should not issue a connection update to the central. To save power, the central may issue a connection update to the peripheral when it is not streaming audio.