The following resources provide details on code locations, tools, testing, licensing, and caveats.

Queryable code location

The code for the queryable vendor interface object goes to system/libvintf (see the queryable API).

Handwriting manifest files and compatibility matrices can be tough. Use the following tools to generate a boilerplate manifest/compatibility matrix to start from.


LSHAL is a device-side tool that lists all registered HALs to hwservicemanager and all available passthrough implementations (e.g. on the device. It can also generate a device manifest file based on the list:

adb shell su 0 /system/bin/lshal --init-vintf

Note the following:

  1. If a package is both registered to hwservicemanager and found as a passthrough HAL, <transport> is set to hwbinder.
  2. A dummy <sepolicy>0.0</sepolicy> element exists at the end of the manifest. It is suggested that the element is deleted and injected via assemble_vintf as explained below.
  3. The generated HAL manifest file may be inaccurate. Human attention is required to fix inconsistencies between the device manifest and what vendor.img actually provides.


assemble_vintf is a host-side tool that:

  1. Verifies a compatibility matrix or manifest file is valid.
  2. Injects variables to manifests/compatibility matrices available at build time and generates a new file that should be installed to the device.
  3. Checks compatibility between the generated file and its dual.
  4. If a manifest file is given, optionally generates a boilerplate compatibility matrix that is compatible with the manifest file.

Example: Generate device compatibility matrix from a framework manifest file

assemble_vintf -m \
    -i system/libhidl/manifest.xml \
    -o device/manufacturer/device_name/compatibility_matrix.xml

Note the following:

Example: Generate a skeleton framework compatibility matrix from a device manifest file

BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS=10000.0 assemble_vintf -m \
    -i device/foo/bar/manifest.xml
    -o path/to/place/output/compatibility_matrix.xml

Note the following:

Example: Generate XML files from variables

At build time, if the following variables are defined in device/manufacturer/device_name/


Then the following commands (modified to omit implementation details) are executed to generate all XML files:

# device manifest; only when DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE is set
BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS=10000.0 assemble_vintf \
    -i device/manufacturer/device_name/manifest.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/manifest.xml

# device compatibility matrix; only when DEVICE_MATRIX_FILE is set
assemble_vintf \
    -i device/manufacturer/device_name/compatibility_matrix.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/compatibility_matrix.xml

# framework manifest
    -i system/libhidl/manifest.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT)/manifest.xml \
    -c $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/compatibility_matrix.xml

# framework compatibility matrix
assemble_vintf \
    -i hardware/interfaces/compatibility_matrix.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT)/compatibility_matrix.xml \
    -c $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/manifest.xml \

Example: Generate device manifest from fragments

Multiple device manifest fragments can be bundled at build time. For example:

<!-- device/manufacturer/device_name/manifest_common.xml -->
<manifest version="1.0" type="device">
    <!-- common HALs here -->
<!-- device/manufacturer/device_name/ir.xml -->
<manifest version="1.0" type="device">
        <!-- other fields -->
# device/manufacturer/device_name/
DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE := device/manufacturer/device_name/manifest_common.xml
    DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE += device/manufacturer/device_name/ir.xml

Then, assemble_vintf adds Ir HAL to device manifest if BOARD_ENABLE_IR is defined, and omits it if BOARD_ENABLE_IR is not defined. The following commands (modified to omit implementation details) are executed to generate the device manifest:

# if BOARD_ENABLE_IR is defined
BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS=10000.0 assemble_vintf \
    -i device/manufacturer/device_name/manifest_common.xml:device/manufacturer/device_name/ir.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/manifest.xml

# if BOARD_ENABLE_IR is not defined
BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS=10000.0 assemble_vintf \
    -i device/manufacturer/device_name/manifest_common.xml \
    -o $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/manifest.xml

For details, see:

assemble_vintf --help


The platform/system/libvintf project uses GTest for the serialization, deserialization, and compatibility checking.



It is also possible to determine the HALs at runtime by querying hwservicemanager (as lshal does). However:

In recovery mode, the API to retrieve the vendor interface object must still be available to allow the device to check the vendor interface against the compatibility matrix again.