toc: - title: Overview path: /devices/graphics/ - title: Architecture section: - title: Overview path: /devices/graphics/architecture - title: BufferQueue path: /devices/graphics/arch-bq-gralloc - title: SurfaceFlinger and HWC path: /devices/graphics/arch-sf-hwc - title: Surface and SurfaceHolder path: /devices/graphics/arch-sh - title: OpenGL ES path: /devices/graphics/arch-egl-opengl - title: OpenGLRenderer Configuration path: /devices/graphics/renderer - title: Vulkan path: /devices/graphics/arch-vulkan - title: SurfaceView path: /devices/graphics/arch-sv-glsv - title: SurfaceTexture path: /devices/graphics/arch-st - title: TextureView path: /devices/graphics/arch-tv - title: Game Loops path: /devices/graphics/arch-gameloops - title: Implementation section: - title: Overview path: /devices/graphics/implement - title: Hardware Composer HAL path: /devices/graphics/implement-hwc - title: VSYNC path: /devices/graphics/implement-vsync - title: Vulkan path: /devices/graphics/implement-vulkan - title: Virtual Displays path: /devices/graphics/implement-vdisplays - title: OpenGL ES Testing section: - title: Overview path: /devices/graphics/testing - title: Building Test Programs path: /devices/graphics/build-tests - title: Porting the Test Framework path: /devices/graphics/port-tests - title: Running the Tests path: /devices/graphics/run-tests - title: Automating the Tests path: /devices/graphics/automate-tests - title: Using Special Test Groups path: /devices/graphics/test-groups - title: Integrating with Android CTS path: /devices/graphics/cts-integration - title: Tracing Window Transitions path: /devices/graphics/tracing-win-transitions