toc: - title: Overview path: /devices/tech/connect/ - title: Bluetooth and NFC section: - title: Overview path: /devices/bluetooth - title: Bluetooth Services path: /devices/bluetooth/services - title: Bluetooth Low Energy path: /devices/bluetooth/ble - title: Hearing Aids over BLE path: /devices/bluetooth/asha - title: BLE Advertising path: /devices/bluetooth/ble_advertising - title: Verifying and Debugging Bluetooth path: /devices/bluetooth/verifying_debugging - title: Bluetooth HCI Requirements path: /devices/bluetooth/hci_requirements - title: NFC Host Card Emulation of FeliCa path: /devices/tech/connect/felica - title: Calling and Messaging section: - title: Block Phone Numbers path: /devices/tech/connect/block-numbers - title: Call Notifications path: /devices/tech/connect/call-notification - title: Emergency Affordance path: /devices/tech/connect/emergency-affordance - title: IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) path: /devices/tech/connect/ims - title: Real-Time Text (RTT) path: /devices/tech/connect/rtt - title: Third-Party Calling Apps path: /devices/tech/connect/third-party-call-apps - title: Carrier section: - title: Overview path: /devices/tech/config/carrier - title: APN and CarrierConfig path: /devices/tech/config/update - title: Carrier Identification path: /devices/tech/config/carrierid - title: Data Plans path: /devices/tech/connect/data-plans - title: eSIM section: - title: Implementing eSIM path: /devices/tech/connect/esim-overview - title: Modem Requirements path: /devices/tech/connect/esim-modem-requirements - title: eUICC APIs path: /devices/tech/connect/esim-euicc-api - title: Out-of-Balance Users path: /devices/tech/connect/oob-users - title: Radio Interface Layer (RIL) path: /devices/tech/connect/ril - title: UICC path: /devices/tech/config/uicc - title: Wi-Fi section: - title: Overview path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-overview - title: Wi-Fi HAL path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-hal - title: Wi-Fi Infrastructure Features path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-infrastructure - title: STA/AP Concurrency path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-sta-ap-concurrency - title: MAC Randomization path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-mac-randomization - title: Passpoint R1 path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-passpoint - title: Carrier Wi-Fi path: /devices/tech/connect/carrier-wifi - title: Wi-Fi Aware path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-aware - title: Wi-Fi Round Trip Time (RTT) path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-rtt - title: Testing, Debugging, and Tuning Wi-Fi path: /devices/tech/connect/wifi-debug