Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml {% include "_versions.html" %} # Native Tests A native test for the platform typically accesses lower-level HALs or performs raw IPC against various system services. Therefore, the testing approach is usually tightly coupled with the service under test. Build native tests using the [gtest]({: .external} framework. This is a prerequisite for integration with continuous testing infrastructure. ## Examples Here are some examples of native tests in the platform source: * [frameworks/av/camera/tests]( * [frameworks/native/libs/gui/tests]( ## Summary of steps 1. See sample native test module setup at: [frameworks/base/libs/hwui/tests/unit/]( 1. Test module configuation should use the `BUILD_NATIVE_TEST` build rule so gtest dependencies are included automatically 1. Write a test configuration. See the [simple](/compatibility/tests/development/blueprints) and [complex](/compatibility/tests/development/test-config) options. 1. Build the test module with `mmm` or `mma` (depends on if it's an incremental or full build), e.g.: ```shell make hwui_unit_tests -j ``` 1. Use [Atest]( to run the test locally: ``` atest hwui_unit_tests ``` 1. Run the test with the Trade Federation test harness: ``` make tradefed-all -j run template/local_min --template:map test=hwui_unit_tests ``` 1. Manually install and run: 1. Push the generated test binary onto device: ```shell adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest/hwui_unit_tests/hwui_unit_tests \ /data/nativetest/hwui_unit_tests/hwui_unit_tests ``` 1. Execute the test by invoking test binary on device: ```shell adb shell /data/nativetest/hwui_unit_tests/hwui_unit_tests ``` This launches the native test. You can also add the `--help` parameter to your test binary to find out more about the different ways to customize test execution. Finally, see the [gtest advanced guide]( for more parameters and their use.