Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml {% include "_versions.html" %} # Design an Android Device Being open source, Android offers a near-infinite combination of hardware and software for you to develop devices undreamt by even the operating system's creators. Still, for your users to have a coherent experience as they adopt additional Android devices, consider following established standards while designing and customizing your implementation. 1. Review the fundamental principles of Android platform development within [Architecture](/devices/architecture/), particularly the [HIDL](/devices/architecture/hidl/) format introduced in Android 8.0. 1. Ensure your devices meet requirements to be deemed [compatible](/compatibility/overview) with Android’s core specification, the [Android Compatibility Definition Document](/compatibility/cdd). 1. See the [Display](/devices/tech/display/) features and [Settings](/devices/tech/settings/settings-guidelines) guidelines for help with the user interface. 1. Take advantage of all of the [tests](/compatibility/tests) available to debug and improve your Android devices. 1. Familiarize yourself with [App Design]({: .external} principles and [Material Design]({: .external} techniques when developing user-facing applications.